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7327794 No.7327794[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

This thread is about the propaganda model described in Noam Chomsky's BOOK (mods), Manufacturing Consent.

Recently I have noticed a trend of more anti-establishment/anti-capitalist messages in the media.

According to Chomsky, all media must pass through several filters, one being government, another being those who own or have shares in the network. We can classify these people as the 1%. They ensure that messages that might conflict with their ideology do not get broadcast.

Now look at this picture. Amazon, a company who are well known for avoiding tax, for building a monopoly through cheap products and hard labour to quash all competition, are advertising the show Mr. Robot, which they have bought the rights to.

For those of you who don't know, Mr. Robot is a show which is highly critical of Capitalism and the necessary conditions in which Capitalism must function.

The irony of this image is obvious. Why, then, would a company like Amazon want to advertise a show critical of its practices if what Noam Chomsky says is true?

>> No.7327797

because the left voted themselves into impotence and are happy to get fucked in the arse as long as you whisper "I love you baby, really" in their ear as you do it

>> No.7327800

>Why, then, would a company like Amazon want to advertise a show which they have bought the rights to

Why indeed Anonymous?

>> No.7327804

"anti-establishment/anti-capitalist messages" serve a function in capitalist culture. While you're smoking pot and watching totally anti-establishment fiction, man, the real world keeps going on as usual.

>> No.7327818

This is the obvious answer. I'm suggesting there's a flaw in Chomsky's model, or that it is no longer applicable

>> No.7327823

>people still voting on basis of identity kek politics instead of economic freedom.

i hate this world

>> No.7327825

Because that book is old.

Where are all your other examples of capitalist critique apart from a show barely anyone will see that preaches to the choir.

>> No.7327826

I'm happy about it to be honest

>> No.7327828


>> No.7327838

>bla bla fuck the 1%
>buy a dvd

>> No.7327839

Haha, jokes on you. I just sent you a MALICIOUS FILE which is going to de-encrypt your ENTIRE NETWORK and make all money WORTHLESS

*taps keyboard very quickly*

I'm in.

>> No.7327840

the end of capitalism is now so far from—or rather, so deeply rooted in—the consumer's imagination that its possibility is pure escapism, on the same order of potential actualization as vampire fiction and high fantasy. capitalism's schizo-semioses have pushed the marxist teleology to the limit of fictionality, into the virtual field of impossibility, from which it no longer threatens the ideological architecture, but rather works toward its maintenance.

>> No.7327844

That type of anti-establishment media does nothing but make you feel better about being robbed and less likely to revolt. Here you go anon, yes you are right, that guy is indeed evil and a criminal! Yes anon you are so smart and so right to be angry, yes anon take some pot here, you're really smart, see you at work tomorrow.

>> No.7327846

spot on

>> No.7327856

A good example of this shit is the fate of Larry Lessig's presidential campaign. He was a one issue candidate. He wanted to get money out of American politics and then resign from the presidency. He was running in the democratic primaries.

The DNC were saying that he had to get 1% in three polls to get into the debates. He got 1% in one poll and then he was mystically removed from the polls. Pretty hard to get 1% if you aren't included. SO he didn't get to participate in the first debate.

Then after the first debate, he got 1% in two polls. The DNC then changed their rules so that Larry had to get 1% in three polls, three months before the debate. This made it absolutely impossible for him to qualify.

After this he got so beaten down that he rage quit his presidential campaign.

80% of Americans want money out of politics, yet this guy wasn't even able to get on stage in a debate.

>> No.7327860

feels bad

>> No.7327876
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gotchu famme

after this, move in to the integrated spectacle

>> No.7327881

The main idea behind this book makes me think of Infinite Jest

>> No.7327884

Anti establishment ideas are co-opted into the spectacle to give us a vicarious outlet for our frustrations so that we don't have to act upon them irl

>> No.7327896

this, and anti-oedipus

>> No.7327903


Easy answer. This is a classical example of concentrated benefit, and distributed harm. The benefit (profits) from the endeavor go to the parties involved. The detriments are absorbed by the whole. The individual effect on the quantity demanded of Amazon is negligible, compared to profits.

>> No.7327910

who are the situationists of the 21st century and where do i sign up?

>> No.7327924

It split into a million different small cells, but I suppose their biggest heir would be the autonomists, Agamben, post-left anarchism and people who were at some point part of the SI but are still producing (check Mario Pernioa out, he tries to reapropriate Baudrillard to a more debordian way, something which would've made both men pissed)

>> No.7327948

so what the fuck is there for us to do? i'm not satisfied with the status quo, i don't think anyone really is, but if every attempt to oppose it is recuperated and sold right back to us, where does that leave us?

>> No.7327954
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>> No.7327955

you ARE satisfied with status quo and most people are

>> No.7327960

so that we can have the exact same conditions plaguing us now but instead our neighbors are all white? what would that accomplish?

>> No.7327964


>> No.7327993

nothin personnell, kid

>> No.7327999

Vote Bernie?

>> No.7328026

>According to Chomsky, all media must pass through several filters, one being government, another being those who own or have shares in the network.

This isn't what he says

>> No.7328028

>so what the fuck is there for us to do?

>attend anarchist meetings
>create a community garden
>spearhead electric cars movement
>volunteer at red cross
>start a co-op business
>start a left blog

Or what you'll probably do:
>continue thinking about it occasionally, reading the odd thing, getting fired up but being as inactive and passive as someone who doesn't know what politics is.

>> No.7328029

Polish bro here.
Kek, black girl I was with once said I had the skin of a devil.
That really turned me on DESU

>> No.7328031

the point is none of that gay shit achieves anything

>> No.7328032

all of those are capitalist sponsored

>> No.7328036

>hur hur amazon is a news outlet

>> No.7328044

>starting a left blog will end capitalism
It's weird how many leftists think this. At a certain point they will have to admit they simply like hearing themselves speak

>> No.7328048

>voting for trump will give you a job

It's weird how many rightists think this will work

>> No.7328049

Oh so you're expecting someone here to tell you where there's a button to push that causes a revolution. Classic, you want a change from the status quo but don't want to have to do anything tedious or difficult. Tell us where you see yourself / your lifestyle on the other side of your utopia.

>> No.7328055

"The raw material of news must pass through successive filters, leaving only the cleansed residue fit to print"

1.1. Size, OWNERSHIP, and profit orientation of the mass media: the first filter
1.2. The ADVERTISING License to do business: the second filter
1.3. Sourcing mass media news: the third filter
1.4. Flak and the ENFORCERS (government): the fourth filter
1.5. ANTICOMMUNISM as a control mechanism

>> No.7328059
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>>start a left blog

>> No.7328060

no I'm not expecting that at all I'm just saying you're stupid

>> No.7328067

Any of those things is better than nothing, that's why you're stupid

>> No.7328068
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>mfw capitalism is invincible
Go ahead, kids, destroy capitalism with your blog, see how much I care.

>> No.7328069

Violent and organized uprising.

>> No.7328070

well I'm not a leftist so for me nothing is preferable to any of those

>> No.7328074

double downing there, /pol/ is your safe place

>> No.7328083

Their reign is not threatened by a 'divergent' show, overexposure to media has made us numb to all ideologies.
And the show sells good, that's what matters.

It may actually cause some harm to consumerist naivete though, I dont know how much itll last though.

>> No.7328087

why are you being so shitty honestly

>> No.7328096

There's a term for when capitalism takes radical things and commodifies them thus stripping it of its radical content but the terms slipped my mind.

>> No.7328101

What does this has to do with books or literature? So a company bought a TV show. And?

>> No.7328104


>> No.7328115

Chomsky's theory proposed in manufacturing consent considers news media not pop culture more broadly. So your criticism fails.

>> No.7328125

can't tell if serious

>> No.7328203

I like how Chomsky didn't see the role the academy plays in "manufacturing consent".

>> No.7328210

This desu

A movie saying "capitalism is bad" is impotent. Pretty much everyone can think of a 100 things shit about capitalism and the current economic/political system, that's not a revelation. It's actual, concrete movements and alternatives which dissolve systems, and that is what is lacking and systematically excluded from the public sphere.

>> No.7328215

The problem is that a lot of the alternatives are tempted; a return to the old style municipalism based local capitalism, for example, is tainted by association by the left with Imperalism and non-existent discrimination.

>> No.7328216

what role do they play?

>> No.7328226

Aren't safe spaces for thin-skinned tumblrite SJWs though?

>> No.7328230

>municipalism based local capitalism


capitalism has globalised and totalised the economy, such a project is impossible even if it were desirable

>> No.7328270

there can be no alternative within the architecture of the system. these are all differently decorated rooms within the same shit motel. the only solution is violent radicalism, mass rioting, car bombs, etc, in every major city at the same time. but that won't happen—people are lethargic both politico-ideologically from the diet of media like that in the op, and the diet of testosterone-diminishing dairies and corn syrups they consume daily.

>> No.7328274

Semantics. They all go through the same channels. Don't be so childish.

>> No.7328344

Exactly. And, as already displayed in this thread, the contradiction of anti-capitalist discourse utilized by capitalist business, who draws a profit from this anti-capitalist discourse, causes many that are conscious of the contradiction to descend into nihilism ("they control everything, they've already won, resistance really is futile"). Capitalists like Amazon's owners are aware of this effect. There is another option, of course: people learn from the message and the contradiction and ascend towards class consciousness and resistance. This is apparent in Europe and the U.S.: Leftward tendency, from rightist Reformist Liberalism to centrist Democratic Socialism to leftist Revolutionary Communism, is on the rise, despite capitalist new media's ignorance and propagandist approach to the fact.

The question is potential. The capitalist class is comfortable that they maintain enough information and class control that they can entertain the masses with the truth and redirect them towards the promise of "change" and future mobility. But the fissure is here, and it can't go away. The capitalists will then seek to consume the portions of the fissure that they are able to mold to their own ends and then turn this portion against the radical portion. They did with the Civil Rights Movements and they're doing it now: Obama and Carson (especially Carson) aren't accidents.

>> No.7328356
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>leftism on the rise in Europe

>> No.7328384

Strong rebuttal

>> No.7328386

how about you look at every single election result this year

>> No.7328388
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oops forgot about Greece
but yeah alright dude we're just moments away from a communist revolution (just like the last 150 years right?)

>> No.7328398

Except he does, he talks about it all the fucking time

Do people actually read Chomsky? I swear on me mum, it seems like he's always criticized out of ignorance