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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 23 KB, 228x346, WayOfMen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7327157 No.7327157 [Reply] [Original]

Any other books like pic related?

I just ordered
-Fighting For The Essence
-A Handbook Of Traditional Living
-A Sky Without Eagles
-The Way Of Men

>> No.7327160

just read epictetus like a normal person

>> No.7327163

Already did. And Meditations. And Stoic stuff.

>> No.7327166
File: 28 KB, 426x635, USS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think of all the books I've read about men and manhood out of my need for some direction, this is the best one. Even if it is not particularly well known

>> No.7327168

I suppose you want 'manly' books? Skip the PUA and redd/fit/ trash and read Mishima, Conrad, and the Sagas.

>> No.7327171

Yeah, I suppose. I will check those out danke.

Cool, added to my order.

>> No.7327177

Read Storm of Steel by Ernst Junger as aswell fella

>> No.7327180


>> No.7327183

bear in mind it's not very long so if you're buying all these books and can only find it for a big cost just download online

>> No.7327188

Added. Thanks.

Eh, it's only $10 for the Penguin Classics Edition.

>> No.7327192

The new age movement has some of the best stuff on manhood desu and it pisses me off because these people leave to much to want in masculine character. They aren't anything like Jack Donovan and co. but Donovan and co. always seem to be producing mediocre work.


>> No.7327195

the discourses, not the gay handbook?
ride the tiger
manifesto for a european renaissance
bataille's erotisme
growing up absurd
revolt of the masses
reflections on violence

>> No.7327203
File: 18 KB, 357x499, AncientArtOfStoicJoy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, the discourses were great.

I read The Art Of Stoic Joy(Pic related) which was surprisingly good.

Thanks for the recommendations, I'll add them to my list.

>> No.7327207
File: 125 KB, 800x559, Édouard-Henri_Avril_(24).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is lots of good manly shit out there, why fall for the meme of self help for 30yr old latent angry balding workaday men with no direction but marginal education and a huge biological fallacy tendency?

Instead of just getting buttflustered about how feminism may or may not have decreased the average households ability to survive of a single income you could enrich a more primal sense of male and female virtues by starting with the greeks.

>> No.7327211

it's weird, he seems to have started with the greeks and yet he insists on reading jack donovan

>> No.7327212

That's where I want to start. Already did some Stoic reading, Epictetus, Meditations. But I feel like I can and have extracted some good pieces of advice/tips out of the books I've already read.

>> No.7327215

The problem with a lot of manly literature is that it's pretty superficial, not addressing the route of issues.

A lot of it is essentially how to be gracefully macho, half recognising that it's for the most part a front and routed in fear and faggotry

>> No.7327216

Refer to >>7327212

I just like see what else is out there. Many different sources for some good thoughts.

>> No.7327217

This desu-- there are many great, masculine works of literature out there. The Iliad and Odyssey are a must, as is the Saga of the Volsungs.

>> No.7327219

>Instead of just getting buttflustered about how feminism may or may not have decreased the average households ability to survive of a single income you could enrich a more primal sense of male and female virtues by starting with the greeks.
You seem to be suggesting that a man should set aside biological fallacies in exchange for your primal virtues, which are apparently totally different, and stop worrying about how to feed his children and satisfy his wife. Do your primal virtues not include providing for one's family?

>> No.7327227

what is your homeboard OP, i'm curious
a very polite /pol/tard? /sci/?

>> No.7327231

Did the Way of Men make a compelling argument? The PC narrative, feminists and the globalist structure as a means of men who are less masculine (biological and traditional)

I understand the author as a right wing sexist (literally says it in the book), gun nut and hints at the impending apocalyptic times to come

>> No.7327236 [DELETED] 

Did The Way of Men make a compelling argument? The PC narrative, feminists and the globalist structure as a means of detracting men from biological and traditional virtues.

I understand the author as a right wing sexist (literally says it in the book), gun nut and hints at the impending apocalyptic times to come

>> No.7327240
File: 703 KB, 2592x1944, 1421264565475.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/pol/, as of recent times. But I came here in 2007 on /k/, so I suppose that's my home board.

I'm very into the whole Warrior/Providing for your family/Leader of the pack type of thing. Very interesting stuff.

Have an F-18

>> No.7327241

Did The Way of Men make a compelling argument? The PC narrative, feminists and the globalist structure as a means of detracting men from biological and traditional virtues.

I understand the author as a right wing sexist (literally says it in the book), gun nut and hints at the impending apocalyptic times to come

>> No.7327246
File: 1020 KB, 3504x2336, 1421262529677.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, I haven't read it in it's entirety yet. A kind Germanbro transcribed a couple pages on /pol/, which got me interested in it.

Oh, I wish I could find them. But, from what I read it was very good, and put thoughts I had held for a long time into actual words.

>> No.7327254

Both of you fuck off from this board.

>> No.7327259

>le scary gatekeeper man

back to reddit family

>> No.7327263


>> No.7327272


I should clarify.

Manly being both a) combination of the natural drives to eat, sleep, fuck and gain power, b) the definition of all men through history, i.e. how each man lived out those drives.

Your manliness allows you to choose the virtuous act of caring for your wife and kids. But i think your manliness can also trick you into becoming a porn addict who wastes his life.

The biological fallacy i was talking about is when people try to assign one type of behavior to a "life drive".
fighting might be a manly dive. But beating women and fighting a just war might both fulfill that drive. Obviously one is good and one is not.

I think a primal virtue is worrying not about "what a man should be" or "what is manly" and more "how shall i direct the life energy inside me".

if that makes sense.

>> No.7327276

Very intriguing.

Is everyone on /lit/ pretty smart and helpful? I should come here more often

>> No.7327281

>mfw people actually have to read on how to be masculine

I just don't see the merit in it, if you're going to be a copy cut paste version of someone's ideal of something in the first place I'd have to say you're doing something wrong, it's just as bad as reading GQ.

>> No.7327287

The question of what a man should be or how shall i direct the life energy inside me are essentially the same question provided you're a man who's directing the question to himself

>> No.7327289

>Not reading the entirety of the thread

I take bits and pieces from many different sources. I also see how the authors questions themselves and other men and question myself in similar ways.

I don't look to mirror what these mean do or how they act, but I do wish to mirror the introspective manner of their work.

>> No.7327291

It's like any philosophy of life text just narrowed to men. It's just interpretations which you can decide are valid or not. Cut and pasting is the problem of a reader, not a text and can equally be done with any text which provides advice/interpretations on a good life

>> No.7327293


It doesn't matter where it's you or somebody else, the point being there are people who genuinely in large numbers read all this man-literature in hopes of achieving some falsified ideal of what they should be. It's pathetic.

>> No.7327296

do you read other philosophical texts as instructional works?

>> No.7327300

Oh, well then. As >>7327291 said, that is the problem of the reader, and frankly this whole modern generation of 'men' grasping at idiotic 'manly' sources like artofmanliness.

>> No.7327308


The difference is between this and other problems is, there is quite a high demand in today's society for this kind of content, atleast in my opinion, yes it comes down to the reader but you have thousands of men grasping at some of these books in an urge to reclaim something they never had or will be, readings never a bad thing i've just seen too much of it to not get ticked off by it.

>> No.7327309

People looking for advice in a world where the concept of masculinity and manliness is very unclear is completely normal bordering on mundane as it is such an obvious direction to go in

>> No.7327311


As long as you don't fall into the trap of thinking there is a manly essence beyond the life drive, then yes.

Reading these books while knowing that won't poison you, but people who don't know that might come away with the wrong impression.

There is no part in your that needs to go out and hunt and gather, but you do have a drive which once mad men go out and do that and you can ask yourself what that drive is doing now.
If its driving you to scour the internet for more pogs to buy then you are fucked and that needs to change.

>> No.7327316

pogs are dank desu

>> No.7327334

Did you hear that Alf is back?

>> No.7327354

-Meditations of a stop sign

>> No.7327481

>male empowerment


no, just fucking no

could you like maybe not?

>> No.7327501

Robert Bly. He's actually educated.

>> No.7327527

The Professor in the Cage by Jonathan Gottschall

>> No.7327583

get the fuck out sjw lefty kek bernie kek sanders fucking make america great again POO IN LOO WE WUZ KINGZ Dindu NUFFIN

>> No.7327595

is this satire?

>> No.7327608

Sheesh /lit/'s standard is in free fall today

>> No.7327610

guys its one of those mythical "jokes". no need for alarm.

>> No.7327705

I consider Robert Bly the foremost thinker of manhood among living writers but he falls squarely in the first camp of people who get it right on paper but are ultimately just poets and authors. Do you see what I'm looking for? It's a hybridization of Jack Donovan and Robert Bly but without getting something that's ultimately just a halfway compromise like Hemmingway or Malraux.

>> No.7329425

Stop writing like a teenage girl or go back to tumblr.

>> No.7329472

I've gotten halfway through the Way of Men before putting it down.

I remember the first half being no nonsense and to the point, rather interesting actually. Then it got weird.

It is established that Jack Donovan is gay himself, but he is a self-hating one. He goes out of his way in the book to bash queens and anyone with any kind of liberal alignment. He uses United States politics to persuade the reader that things like universal insurance and a safety net makes men effeminate.


I'm gay myself, and am probably farther rightwing than I would like to be, so I understand who Jack Donovan is - but it is a shame that he is just a caricature of a self-hating gay man trying to distance himself from effeminate men and the like, dismissing them too as caricatures.

>> No.7329476
File: 52 KB, 600x289, CP71mBsU8AAXHcx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a fag trying to tell people what masculinity is in anachronisms that would put Gibbon to shame
Why would you want more of that?

>> No.7329480

OP, are you looking for more "insecure about my masculinity"-core?

>> No.7329494

Yeah, basically.

>> No.7329504

The author of The Way of Men is a gay guy who used to be a go-go dancer, who eventually decided that he wanted to be macho-gay instead of femme-gay.

The "right wing gun nut" persona is just fetishism and cosplay on his part. You might as well read about manhood from one of the Village People.

>> No.7329612

Well memed

>> No.7329652

I don't know of many. To be honest, the subject doesn't really interest me. I really dislike this new fad of striving to become an ideal traditionalist alpha male that hunts, shoots guns and is dominant in every domain. Those things come naturally in humans. Reading books about being a more masculine male and mimicking them is only going to make you a caricature of what an "alpha male" really is.

>> No.7329736

Wow, no one seems to read threads anymore huh? Read >>7327289

>I don't look to mirror what these mean do or how they act, but I do wish to mirror the introspective manner of their work.

I enjoy the authors who critique their own and other male's behavior and characteristics. Being a man means something different to everyone and I am better able to find out my version of who I am supposed to be by observing the reflective process of these authors.

>> No.7330048 [DELETED] 

he considers himself an 'androphile' not a gay. I think he just doesn't like flamboyant fags, but who does really?

>> No.7330166


Yeah, every gay dude is on the spectrum of androphilia. I would like to call him a pioneer of this term for gay men that had an effect on the community, but I don't think he has that much influence, it feels like he had to make that up to shield himself from the public eye of being labeled "that one faggot writer."

> I think he just doesn't like flamboyant fags, but who does really?

Yeah sure, I'll bite. I used to be deeply disturbed by flamboyant gays until I did soul searching and figured out who I was sexually and what roles I wanted to play. I think people who are disturbed by flamers are just guys with extremely fragile insecurities - but really having that level of insecurity is the norm for males in the Western World.

>> No.7330219



Thanks for the chuckle. You're probable a good Guy and all, but I can't take any of this shit seriously. "Directing your primal drive?" C'mon man it's 2055.

>> No.7330242

I just
Like I just can't
Like omg

>> No.7330249

Modules For Manhood by Kenneth Royce.

It's not as troglodyte as Way Of Men, but is an excellent source for an apprehension of successful manhood as it uses many, many different sources & quotes.

>> No.7331614
File: 60 KB, 300x450, Iron_John.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7331809

He explains in the book why men hate flamboyant fags. He says that it's because it's an affront to masculinity. It's taking something that normal men value and making a mockery of it. It makes sense to me.

>> No.7331862

Then why don't women hate drag queens? That's an actual mockery of womanhood. Leather and biker is a parody of masculinity. Why are gays so much better at both genders than breeders?

>> No.7331880

I have no idea what goes on in women's heads and I think they're too stupid to figure it out themselves so it will likely remain a mystery.

>> No.7331888

>reading fag manliness LARPers

le mayo

>> No.7331905
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>> No.7331916

vy are ze heklmets kissing?

>> No.7332162

That's not what Jack was saying.

He thinks that masculinity comes from the mentality needed for a group to survive in the state of war of all against all.

That passage was in the chapter about Honor as an aspect of masculinity, which he defines as a reputation for strength, courage and mastery. He sees effeminate men as being flamboyantly dishonorable, so we naturally recoil from them, because this kind of man makes his group weaker by projecting weakness to competitors.

>> No.7332197

>Flamboyant dishonor is not a failure of strength or courage. Men who are flamboyantly dishonorable are flagrant in their disregard for the esteem of their male peers. What we call effeminacy is a theatrical rejection of the masculine hierarchy and manly virtues. Masculinity is religious, and flamboyantly dishonorable men are blaspehmers. Flamboyant dishonor is an insult to the core values of the male group.