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File: 183 KB, 480x720, oldboy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7325578 No.7325578 [Reply] [Original]

I am talking about the korean version, not the lame hollywood remake. Lady Vengeance or Sympathy for Mr Vengeance are also good references.

>> No.7325604

So your looking for beautiful but edgy stories? Try mishima's patriotism, dostoevsky notes from the underground, camus the stranger, shakespeares hamlet and othello if you haven't read them already. I suppose rimbaud also fits this.
Have you read/watched american psycho?

>> No.7325685

Revenge stories?
If you don't mind a classic, Monte Cristo still holds up.
If you want to further the Oldboy comparison they're both about men imprisoned unjustly for many years.

>> No.7325712

admire from afar ,other peoples gift.. but it all comes down to one original thought ..Not can i or should i be like him ..

>> No.7325881

Books where the twist ending is incest? Oedipus the King is the classic one, but it's with his mother instead of his daughter, and he also kills his father.

>> No.7325895

OP take note that Oldboy was based off this story.

>> No.7326372
File: 126 KB, 1200x1024, thank_you_bomber_pepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oldboy is shit.
>woah literally the ending to a 2000 year old play but executed badly, what a twist
>let's just solve all the plot holes by making the villain ridiculous