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7323671 No.7323671 [Reply] [Original]

I'm looking for a book/trilogy of books similar to Final Fantasy Tactics. Political intrigue, decent fantasy , and lots of world building.

From googling I could only find GoT recommendations (I want something with a more succinct story than that) and "Prince of Nothing", which i've never heard of

any recommendations?

>> No.7323678

start with the greeks

>> No.7323679

My diary to be honest

>> No.7325317


Since the central plot theme of the original game is that the world's (this game's world is mostly a fictionalized version of Renaissance-era Europe) central religion is a lie, you could just read some new atheist stuff.

Dune also comes to mind as a bildungsroman with battles, court intrigues, and suggestions of a false religion planted intentionally in order to placate the people (I've only read the original book though and they didn't develop this idea too far IIRC)

>> No.7325327
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Infinity Jest / Gravitar's Rainbow / Uselysse

>> No.7326460


>> No.7326553

game of thrones
now go back to /v/

>> No.7326575
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This may seem like a stretch but I love FFT and other games like it, and it reminds me a lot of epic poetry, especially pretty fantastical and heroes ones such as The Odyssey or Beowulf, as well to some extent early chivalric romances and such.

Disregarding whatever criticisms you may level at the characters and story writing in some JRPGs, I still think that the writers are pretty literate, even if it's in such ways as almost EVERY monster and boss to be taken from literature or mythology, there are lots of examples (in FFIV, the Malebranche, the 4 evil minibosses that are named after The Inferno, there are ahrimans, shiva, ifrit, etc). However much is a result of translation and a conscious effort of the translators, I'm not sure of, though.

Pic related, Gilgamesh is a recurring minor villain in a considerable amount of Final Fantasy games.

>> No.7326585

This senpai. Gotta read about the political intrigue of the iliad.

>> No.7326610
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Goblin Emperor fits your description well. I just finished it a couple weeks ago and enjoyed thoroughly.

>> No.7326618

>tfw discovered the beautiful word "whoreson" because of those games

>> No.7326632
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Haven;t read final fantasy tactics so not too sure exactly what you're looking for. Matthew Woodring Stover does a good series of Sci-fi/fantasy. The story is good and does world building very well. It's not the most deep or thought provoking, although there's definitely is some of that, it's just a good fantasy thriller with Sci-fi tossed in set in an interesting and well built world.

>> No.7326638

The Prince of Nothing Trilogy is great, but it's edgier and more grounded than Final Fantasy.

>> No.7326669
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The Mahabharata makes the Iliad look like Harry Potter desu.

>> No.7326748
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The Farseer Trilogy is pretty good. Bastard son of a prince gets raised as an assassin for the king. The king's princes all plot to get to the thrown. A war with another kingdom happens that starts to throw everything into chaos. There's also some fairly interesting magic that ends up becoming the main reason for most of the worlds history.

It's a bit on the edgy pulpy side of fantasy. Most everyone's names are biased off their personalities, the main character befriends a wolf and makes it his pet that he talks to through magic, etc. But you''re asking for stuff that's similar to FFT so there you go.

>> No.7326766



>Most everyone's names are biased off their personalities

U wot m8? Regal? Dutiful?

>> No.7326869

Aw, shit. I meant based.

But, yeah. Regal isn't a good person, he's just king like. Dutiful pretty much follows the same naming trend. "Fitz" the bastard child, is just a surname that means "son of." King Shrewd is very cunning.

Their names suggest their personalities but their not entirely one-dimensional characters. They all have goals that just go at different angles from Fitz's own goals. We just literally only get the story from Fitz's perspective.

>> No.7326981

I found the strongest part of the farseer trilogy to be the characters. The way the interactions between Fitz and his close companions play out is interesting.

I am also interested in Hobb's upbringing. From what I understand she was raised in Alaska and had a fairly rural childhood?

>> No.7326996

The Lies of Locke Lamora was pretty much Final Fantasy 9 meets Theif

>> No.7327097

Yeah the characters are arguably the best part. It makes it interesting even just following Fitz around. Pretty early on I was able to understand and empathize with Fitz. As I neared the end of the trilogy I was able to predict his thoughts and feel as if I almost was him, while I was reading. That I haven't had happen with any other book.

I've heard she was raised in Fairbanks. So a rural childhood sounds about right.

It seems like every time I find a fantasy author I like "rural childhood" is somewhere in their biography. I wonder if there is a connection between growing up in a place like that and and being inspired to write fantasy?