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/lit/ - Literature

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7322451 No.7322451 [Reply] [Original]

>buy avant garde novel consisting of 500 blank pages
>read it

>> No.7322460

Order Phenomenology of Spirit, In Search of Lost Time online at premium prices.

>> No.7322466
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>print out lengthy strings of numbers from a random number generator
>read it

>> No.7322667

I am reading infinite jest for the 10th time.

I wish I was kidding.

Get on my fucking level plebs

>> No.7322678

>masturbate to literary depictions of metampsychosis

>> No.7322682

>I wish I was kidding
So you're not enjoyinng it? Not very patrish.

>> No.7322685

I don't even read, I just look at words until I feel what the author felt

honestly, it works

>> No.7322695

I don't actually read. I just come here to shitpost.


>> No.7322730

I buy books just to smell them.

>> No.7322742

Same desu, smells like love. But reading them is like hate.

>> No.7322775

>Got bored with genre fiction
>Got bored with literature
>Mostly read poetry and political philosophy
>Learning Mandarin to read even more esoteric shit

I don't know if this qualifies as patrician or just generally pretentious

>> No.7322780

I listen to printed books all the time

>> No.7322790

Read Les Chants de Maldoror in the original French. Fight me.

>> No.7322797
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>own hundreds of books
>all bought brand new
>all dead authors
I can't stop buying them... I buy 5-10 new books a week. Help.

>> No.7322798

>language with most native speakers

u wot m8

>> No.7322799

How learn did it take you to learn french?

BUT MORE IMPORTANTLY, how different was it in french?

>> No.7322800

Send them to me.

>> No.7322838
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I've read all of Timecube and wrote the author a letter.

State champion athlete in several sports in several states. I've made 1,000 lb combined powerlifting totals and placed top 20% in a major marathon in the same week.

I subscribe to several biology journals and frequently correspond with the authors.

STEM degree from an Ivy League university and publications in prestigious science journals.

MFA from a top program.


Published novelist and poet.

>> No.7322842

>I shitpost on 4chan

>> No.7322852

The only book I've ever read unironically is The Legend of the Ten Elemental Masters.

>> No.7322857

#1 prize

>> No.7322863

>not reading "The Subspace Emissary's Worlds Conquest" unironically

>> No.7322865

>he doesn't shitpost on 4chan

>> No.7322868

I unironically identify as a patrician in real life and mention it casually in conversation despite the fact that it's a dead giveaway that I have Aspergers.

>> No.7322873

i'm just sitting here

>> No.7322877
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I've trancended irony and create flowcharts detailing the literary merit of drugstore romance novels

>> No.7322885

I'm with you, bro. I made myself stop a while back. Amazon Prime is the devil.

>> No.7322890

I actually hope you do this, I'd get satisfaction out of reading that.

>> No.7322896
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I'd post some but I'm afraid they're all in cuneiform

>> No.7322902

Such a true patrician. If only I was patri enough to have gotten past level 3 in my cuneiform studies.

>> No.7322909
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I collect books in my basket and add new ones almost every time I browse /lit/. Whenever I end up needing to buy something off Amazon, all the books come with it because I don't want to remove them from the order. Fuck.

>> No.7322918

>projecting this hard

>> No.7322920

I drink and do do nothing all day but you take the cake here

>> No.7322936
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>1,000 lb combined powerlifting totals and placed top 20% in a major marathon in the same week.
If legit, that's pretty nuts.

>> No.7322969

无为如同肏 desu

>> No.7322990

speaking entirely in iambs for you

>> No.7322997


What sports besides powerlifting?

>> No.7323027

based iambic pentameter bro

>> No.7323108

Wrestling, rugby and Judo.

>> No.7323129
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>In Vietnamese Wong
>(Self-)Published novelist and poet.

>> No.7323146

so no real sports

>> No.7323212

>only football, baseball, basketball and NASCAR are real sports
Cletus git out

>> No.7323242


What style wrestling?

>> No.7323257

High school in the US

>> No.7323339


What style as in Greco or Freestyle?

>> No.7323345

Have you gotten to the part where you forget what books you've got and start ordering duplicates? That's something to look forward to.

>> No.7323352

American high schools and universities use their own rule set called collegiate or scholastic that's similar to freestyle but pretty much objectively better because it didn't evolve to suit television like freestyle.

>> No.7323354

this made me realise 'entirely' has 4, not 3, syllables in pretty much every accent

>> No.7323361

I've duplicates of about 5 or so books because they became damaged before I got around to reading them (Spilled drinks, became bent from carrying around in a bag etc). Haven't yet forgotten what I own. I'm sure that'll come soon.

>> No.7323380

>masturbate to ulysses

>> No.7323409

Being part of the aristocracy, I do not buy or sell goods like a sneaky merchant who travel in long ships. My household is mostly self sustaining, though it occasionally occasionally I have to go raiding so I can bring home more metal and women. I also have to make sure I have guest gifts on hand for all of the other aristocrats I entertain, though this isn't a problem because so often I am on the receiving end as well.

>> No.7323421

I have, like, a lot of friends.

>> No.7323599

it has three in that example. stress breaks down like this
speaKING enTIREly IN iAMBS for YOU

iambic pentameter is what shakespeare wrote in usually. it is five sets of (short syllable stress)(long syllable stress).

a set of (short syllable stress)(long syllable stress) is an iamb, a unit of poetic meter, and the pentameter part means 5 of the meter

so a line of shakespearean verse usually sounds like


but SOFT what LIGHT through YONder WINdow BREAKS

sometimes the long stress comes at the start of the word because the word before has ended on the start of an iamb and it needs the DAH of the next word to close that iamb.

>> No.7323692

I talk to random girls about their country's literature regardless of whether they're interested.

>> No.7323703

I have the barnes and noble editions of all the classics

>> No.7323877

Thank you anon

>> No.7323939

There aren't any enjoyable or interesting books. At all. I read the so-called greatest works ever written and hate and criticize them like YA novels.
That is the true secret of being a patrician.

>> No.7323968

Go read The House at Pooh Corner and hug your mom, anon. You're doing it wrong.

>> No.7324853

No, you are not actually. Not even close.

/u u/u u /u u / if entirely is 3 syllables, which it's not so /u u/uu u /u u / is probably what you wrote.


Please ignore this guy >>7323599

He has no clue what he's talking about. You don't pronounce speaking with the emphasis on the ing. While of course you arbitrarily could, it goes against all conventions of language. Same for iambs, you accent the i not the ambs.
When you say iambic, you accent the amb part, but when you say iamb you accent the i. Jeez, freaking lit board can't even do basic metrical analysis. And the in is definitely not accented. To prove my point, just read the line normally (except entirely as enTIREly). It should generate a three feel like BOO bah bah BOO bah bah BOO bah bah BOO. Of course, that pronunciation of entirely is stretching it also.

What should have been said:

I only speak in iambs grouped in fives.

In older literature, the ed of grouped would get its own syllable, but not in modern english.

>> No.7325160
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empty pages are decadent and passé as "artist without art"

>> No.7326578

enjoyment is plebian

>> No.7326587


>> No.7326607

.. why are you carrying books you aren't reading?

>> No.7326631
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In case I feel like reading.

>> No.7326689

and its not more reasonable to just carry the books you *are* reading instead of books you havent started?

>> No.7326707

Similar feel incoming. All I read these days is analytic philosophy or stuff regarding WW1. I'm also learning German for no particular reason.

>Hey, anon! I heard you read a lot. What are you currently reading?
>Insensitive Semantics: A Defense of Semantic Minimalism and Speech Act Pluralism
If you're like me, no one thinks you're patrician or pretentious; people just think you're a weird faggot.

>> No.7326831


That doesn't actually exist, but it actually does exist in music.


>> No.7326837

I eat my cum after fapping

>> No.7326842

Hahaha, you don't know how long or short vowels or syllables work. And you're trying to make other people as retarded as you. Back to hooked on phonics for you.
>You don't pronounce speaking with the emphasis on the ing.
you don't break the syllable at speak- ing. And if you did, you're probably someone who drops their gs. Get off my /lit/ hillbilly.

>> No.7326858

are you a native English speaker

>> No.7326863

Yup, and I've probably read more Shakespearean scholarship than you. We could talk about Stoppard's Dogg's Hamlet and Cahoot's Macbeth edits if you were too, but I think Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are dead are probably the best you've heard of from him.

>> No.7326881

Nope, no kid can hold this title. It's earned not taken or self realised.Stupid children.

>> No.7326888

>. It's earned not taken or self realised.Stupid children.
Daily reminder that Octavius was a plebeian horse boy who won over the patrician republicans, and became emperor without ever being able to "earn" patricianhood like everyone else who needed to marry to gain the status for their children.

>> No.7326892

sorry to hear that

>> No.7326895

I'm just really cute

>> No.7326901

Don't worry, it'll cut into the time you have to better yourself.

>> No.7326930

i actually haven't posted in this thread except to ask if you're a native speaker, and hoped for your sake that the answer was no. i teach poetry classes to creative writing students and stopped by the thread to tell you that you're actually very stupid. not sure what shakespeare scholarship has to do with this conversation; shakespeare wrote in iambs sure but then so did hundreds of other poets. i recommend you read some books, i wrote up a pastebin a while ago that might be able to help you out


hope it helps, the list of technical books in the first little section should be what you're looking for

>> No.7326932
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I'm currently writing a short-story based on Borges as a sort-of-but-not-really love confession. It's prolly going to fail tremendously, but it's a nice exersice, and I'm probably never going to see her again. C'est la vie.

>> No.7326935

Someone should tell Shakespeare to stop dividing his pronunciation of syllables as I did then, he's getting it wrong too. :(

>> No.7326938

are you saying speaking isn't SPEAKing as in two syllables?

>> No.7326940

Yes, so is IPA. It's speaKING

>> No.7326949

the stress is on the long E sound, which is a part of the first syllable. the word is divided into two syllables, the first being speak and the second being -ing. since the stress is on a vowel in the first syllable, the first syllable is the stressed one. I'm not sure why even if you think the second syllable is stressed you included the "K" with it in
because the K is attached to the first syllable. you don't arbitrarily choose where the stress goes, that's not how it works. Either the whole syllable is stressed or none of it is, and in this case the long e as in spēaking is stressed, therefore SPEAKing.
Saying the word "speaking" out loud, or google "define speaking" and click thr audio symbol to hear it pronounced: the emphasis is rising in the first syllable until it peaks at ēak, then falls back down as you pronounce -ing. Emphasis makes stress, so it's SPEAKing.
If you're emphasising the -ing half of the word, you're mispronouncing it and wrenching syllables.

>> No.7326956


Now, maybe IPA, Shakespeare, and everyone who works on language is getting it wrong and you're the only one dividing the syllables right. But I doubt that, anon. I really doubt that. And either way, Shakespearean experts and phonetics experts like the IPA are going to mark me down for using your idiosyncratic methods of pronunciation, which they consider wrong.
I don't think I'll be switching to your register any time soon.

>> No.7326967

please for your sake read a book on this. I know you haven't or else you wouldn't be embarrassing yourself.

here, I even copy and pasted it for you
>Poetic Meter and Poetic Form - Paul Fussell
>Western Wind: An Introduction to Poetry - David Mason & John Frederick Nims
>A Poetry Handbook - Mary Oliver
>Rhyme's Reason - John Hollander
>The Ode Less Traveled - Stephen Fry (it's useful and worth reading despite the author of it)

Poetic Meter and Poetic Form is usually the gold standard for this, although Fry's book is good for laymen.

>> No.7326972

>IPA proves him wrong
>Shakespeare proves him wrong
>tries to make out that entry level books will save him from being wrong
No, anon, you're wrong. It's spea-king, and you're dumb.

>> No.7326982

i hope you know phonetic division and actual syllable division aren't always the same thing

for example, phonetically the phrase "an aim" could be divided "a|naim" but an aim is obviously two separate words and therefore the N is not a separate syllable from the word AN. again, please read a book.

and shakespeare knew how to write an iamb, which you obviously do not

>> No.7326983

Consider killing yourself :D

>> No.7326984

IPA uses : to mark syllable division
Learn to read, Shakespeare uses the same division in his iambs. Stop being so butthurt about being wrong, it happens to the best of us, though usually not on matters that a six year old can get right.

>> No.7326992

okay this is my last attempt at showing you that you're wrong; if you still don't understand after I'm giving up on you lad

Show me, using uppercase letters, which syllables of the following two lines you think are stressed:

>'Tis hard to say, if greater want of skill
>Appear in writing or in judging ill;

>> No.7326995

also, the : is for PHONETICALLY divided syllables. i literally just pointed that out, try to keep up

>> No.7327002

This isn't me, but if this anon could read IPA, he'd have pointed out ' and , mark stresses of syllables, which can be altered in iambs.
How about I just let you continue to lecture people without basis because I find you hilarious, especially since you want an easier method of discerning stress than any of the methods like IPA which have been developed to show stress. I don't need to explain to you further why you're wrong, you're insistent on continuing to be wrong. Go with God, I'm not your third grade English teacher.

>> No.7327005

no, that anon is just wrong. i: is a long e sound, the : has nothing to do with syllabic division. Join him in the idiot pen, unless you're >>7326992 in which case you're already king of the idiot pen, so just keep doing your thing.

>> No.7327015

I don't think that's his point or relevant to it, he's right that IPA is phonetic and speak|ing is how the word is divided

>> No.7327020

IPA give syllable stresses and the word is divided spea|king.

>> No.7327023

m8, metrical stress and lexical stress aren't the same thing.


>> No.7327026


>> No.7327033

So mad he's wrong.
>m8, metrical stress and lexical stress aren't the same thing.
didn't >>7327002 just say that
>' and , mark stresses of syllables, which can be altered in iambs.
This thread is becoming hilarious, how many anons are arguing over something you can find just by looking at a dictionary?

>> No.7327044

>didn't >>7327002 # just say that
>' and , mark stresses of syllables, which can be altered in iambs.
yes, those mark lexical stress, not metrical stress. guess which one is used in English verse

>> No.7327046


>> No.7327048

Lexical, now fuck off

>> No.7327049

uh, the opposite stresses to the ones he gave for lexical stress. it doesn't make the syllable division different, it makes the metrical stress the opposite of the lexical stress because it's metered.

>> No.7327052

>poets write using different types of /meter/
>anon thinks poetry is written using lexical stress for some reason

how does it feel being wrong this whole time

>> No.7327055

kekekekeke >>7327049
How old are you? Please don't be out of uni.

>> No.7327059

You're wrong, they use lexical stress.
Alphabets have chagned since Shakespeare's time.

>> No.7327061

The alphabet hasn't changed m8, even Ythorns weren't as common in Elizabethan printing. Pronunciation has changed though, I'll give you that.

>> No.7327063

my friend phonetically yes speaking is spea king but the syllables are speak-ing

and in poetry the foot is speak-ing, and in am iambic line it's SPEAKing, in metrical stress it's SPEAKing, which is what we've been talking about this whole time but for some reason I only recently realized you all thought lexical and metrical stresses are the same thing

>> No.7327066

No, the IPA they used during that time was different.
It's actually speak-king

>> No.7327071

It's actually spooking because language is a construct senpai

>> No.7327075

no, you've got it backwards, kid. You also don't know what half the words you're using mean, but we'll get over that.
I'm trying to help you out by pointing out that IPA would give the stress and syllables as SPEA king. Jesus, I'm teaching a retard class with case changes, please destroy Earth Putting it in iambic meter would change the stress to spea KING.
>that website
God, that's worse than thesaurus rapists who write.

>> No.7327080

You're wrong, language is innate.

>> No.7327081

>No, the IPA they used during that time was different.
lolwut. The only contemporary system you could call close at the time was the one being used to write Native American languages. IPA didn't exist until there was enough exploring done to make an International Phonetic Alphabet.

>> No.7327085

This is me tbqh.

>> No.7327086

Are you retarded?
The alphabet obviously existed back then or else people couldn't write

>> No.7327103

I like your trollan have a bump and video with Thomas Harriot's alphabet in it. [starts at 46:00]

For anyone interested in phonetic changes, one of the most recent ones is that change between Where being pronounced Hwere, which only changed about the Edwardian era to our pronunciation being more common.

>> No.7327107

>Putting it in iambic meter would change the stress to spea KING.
Not that guy but that's not how iambs work. An iamb is unstressed stress yes but the entire point of this conversation is that it's stressed SPEAKing, or SPEA king whatever. It's a trochee. Meter doesn't change the stress of a word, that's called wrenching and it's frowned upon. The stress of a word is inherent. So the original line
>speaking entirely in iambs for you
Is not iambic, because SPEAKing/SPEA king enTIREly in Iambs for you is not even close to speaKING enTIREly IN iAMBS for YOU

This entire time you people were arguing over agreeing with each other. Except the first guy that replied to the namefag Feste guy, he's an autist.

>> No.7327112

>what is iambic shortening?
seriously how many incorrect autists can a thread contain?

>> No.7327113

Not written/spoken (as in words you semantic fuck) language

>> No.7327118


>> No.7327120


>> No.7327245

You're wrong

>> No.7328352

Haha haha what the fuck happened in this thread

>> No.7328370

I fucked yr dad

>> No.7328561

So what's the verdict on this debate about 'speaking'? I've always divided it spea-king myself.

>> No.7328628
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>> No.7328731
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I've never read a book in my entire life.

>> No.7330815

same tbqh

>> No.7330827

>know nothing about iambic pentameter except how to speak the first couple of lines of Ovid's Metamorphoses and that Shakespeare wrote in it
>witness crazy argument and shitflinging for hours with no idea who's right
I love this place

>> No.7331704

This is kind of funny