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File: 30 KB, 229x350, tmp_3182-CormacMcCarthy_BloodMeridian811661084.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7320714 No.7320714 [Reply] [Original]

>Night of your birth. Thirty-three. The Leonids they were called. God, how the stars did fall. I looked for blackness, holes in the heavens.

How do I wrote prose like this?
I've often heard it described as biblical. What exactly is biblical about it?

>> No.7320719

It's biblical because only Americans are dumb enough to like it

>> No.7320725


be a huge fan of paperback best-sellers, a handful of retail classics and esteemed literary talents like Orson Scott Card. Pipe in a loose reference system (include the tarot, some basic mythologies, &c) and a story that teases allegory into a word processor. Market as your 'darkest' work yet and wait for the paycheck and the call from Oprah

>> No.7320741


I'm guessing it's Biblical because it reminds Americans of Genesis or something, the whole opening line is about something coming into existence.

>> No.7321450

that is dialogue.

but in general mccarthy just spends a superhuman amount of time working on the style and rewrites/uses a lot of old source material: poets, greeks, milton, etc.

>> No.7321457

phrases and cadence that seem archaic

>> No.7323104

You never will. Partly because you spelled it "wrote" and partly because you made a thread like eight lines into that book.

>> No.7323116
File: 66 KB, 568x743, 1210_SBR_McCarthy2_ART.jpg.CROP.article568-large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Write a novel, then revise until it's good.

>> No.7323159

It's vaguely archaic?

>> No.7323476

Is there a relatively cheap copy of that edition somewhere?

>> No.7323484


Read the bible, paradise lost, and moby dick over and over until you understand.

>> No.7323493

incredible. it's a different story entirely from the final product. mccarthy's a legend.

>> No.7323510

damn BM really was pretty good
I read it like 5 years ago when first getting into serious lit. really ought to revisit it soon, I'm sure I have a lot of new context today.

>> No.7323526

Hack away you mean red nigger.

>> No.7323532

I'm sitting here right now about to start revising some of my work. This gives me inspiration. Thanks, McCarthy.

>> No.7323566

Not just any Bible, but KJV.

>> No.7324048

got a link for this?

>> No.7324053

based glanton

i always picture his face to be reminiscent of al swearingen

>> No.7324180

so is it like the previous draft or what?

And hell, all that stuff that's been cut, it's cringeworthy. Especially the teacher part

>> No.7324190

why don't you suck my cock

>> No.7324263

well thats true - it's counselor-tier

>> No.7324521
File: 273 KB, 450x450, 1444064248129.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw McMeme lurks /lit/

>> No.7324526

It's Better than anything you ever did.

>> No.7325350

God I hate this argument.

>> No.7325605

>an argument btfos him
gawd i hate that 1 desu

>> No.7325675

OP. Forget what everyone in this thread is saying. Dick, Paradise Lost are appropriate touchstones for content. The key to the style of this book is Go Down Moses. Read it aloud and compare the two, and you will see what I mean.

>> No.7325692

Holy fuck this is terrible and BM is my favorite book.

Editing is everything.

>> No.7325709
File: 96 KB, 474x348, genova.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7325720


fuck off, moron

>> No.7325751

>implying the Bible doesn't have literary merit

>> No.7325769

Wow, this is horrible. Really gives me faith in the magic of editing.

>> No.7325791

>reading translations

>> No.7325966

Muh sockfeet..

>> No.7326021

Why did he use minimal punctuation, yet use an immensely large vocabulary?

Was it oversight?

>> No.7326050
File: 134 KB, 690x754, 1446143679067.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That's clearly a rough draft but I find it oddly inspiring. It took McCarthy ten or fifteen years to write Blood Meridian, right?

>> No.7326057

punctuation is unnecessary

>> No.7326080


People call Blood Meridian's dialogue 'biblical' because it conveys a certain sense of scale and grandeur even though the language being used is terse and cryptic. The Bible does that too; it's the expression of big ideas and the portrayal of immense things happening through beige prose that lends it an 'epic' quality.

>> No.7326304

>all Americans are bible thumpers

Are you even allowed to mention America in your Sharia zone?