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/lit/ - Literature

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7318877 No.7318877[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hey guys(and girls :3), I'm new hear, but i just read over the /lit/ essentials guide, and I have all ready read a few of them(slaughter house 5 is one of my ALL TIME favorite books!), but I was kinda bummed when I realized that that almost ALL of the authors were cis white males :(

can somebody recommend me some good authors of color that have contributed significant ideas or works of literature that are considered great?

>> No.7318886

0/10 b8. report and sage friends, report and sage.

>> No.7318903
File: 103 KB, 633x758, feels_smug_man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>good authors
>of color
Pick one desu

>> No.7318911

racist much?


>You will not post any of the following outside of /b/: Trolls, flames, racism
Get back to >>>/pol/ reactionaries

>> No.7318917

Read James Baldwin's Going to Meet the Man. It's a short story, not long, but impactful and descriptive of black men's place in American literature. Heavily anthologized and kind of cliche but Baldwin frames what is honestly the only direct contribution of black writers to the 20th century in America. Black writers who made an impact on literature as a whole were mostly those writing violent, terrifying things that white men didn't have the background or mind to tackle.

>> No.7318925

>black author
>writes about being black/racism/slavery
erry time

>> No.7318951

It's their experience. Why do so many white guys from the 20th century write about paris and excess, generic farm settings, etc?

Meet the Man is a lot more thoughtful than most stuff white guys were writing at the time even if the topic is a bit cliche.

>> No.7318960

worst b8 ever seen, and picture made me only briefly angry.

>> No.7318987

Oh! That's just the high school catch up list for people who have already read authors who weren't white or male.
For non - whites, you start with Pushkin in Russian.

For female authors, you start with Hildegard von Bingen in Lingua Latina er Lingua Ignota, of course.

For non-cis authors, we ask you to respect their gender identity and not imply they are anything other than the males or females they present themselves to be.

I'm glad you liked Slaughter-House 5 so you know how important it is to not impose the cultural imperialism of translation. We would never ask you to read Vonnegut in German, out of respect for his PTSD from his war time experience and the obvious trigger that could pose, so please respect these authors by reading them as they were intended, in their vernacular.

Have a great time reading them! I know you'll love both because I like Vonnegut too :3

>> No.7318997


>almost ALL of the authors were cis white males

Goodness, what a tragedy. I hope you had access to a designated safe space to cool down from your unfortunate trigerring event. I know it's a bit strange and disorientating when the rest of the internet isn't exactly like reddit. Stay strong!

>> No.7319003

>For female authors, you start with Hildegard von Bingen in Lingua Latina er Lingua Ignota, of course.
OP asked for good authors

>> No.7319013

Salman Rushdie

>> No.7319024

Hildegard is beautifully versed and talented; don't hate her because she illustrated her work.

>> No.7319034

This was entertaining b8 OP. It's practically literature in itself.

>> No.7319051

Anon, don't be perverse- OP hasn't read Islamic or Khasmiri canon to understand the nuances of his work. Don't drop someone in the deep end by making them read DFW before a VCR manual and last season's Wimbledon results, you know?

>> No.7319087
File: 27 KB, 533x311, baldwin533.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jokes on you, he wrote Giovanni's Room from the perspective of a white homo

OP, you should read Sonny's Blues by Baldwin, too. short but awesome.

>> No.7319096

That book was awful though

>> No.7319108

just negating that poster's assertion of
since that's the black author who most famously wrote from a white perspective.

>> No.7319115

I know you're baiting us harder than an episode of dateline, but people like this are what's wrong with the world. Just read books. No legitimate author would want to be included in anything for any reason other than the merit of his or her work. It's just as racist to read only black authors as it is to read only white.

>> No.7319127

now that we're talking about this, is Trick Baby by Iceberg Slim from a black or white or post-racial perspective, since the conceit is "passing"?

>> No.7319130

No one said anything about "only" reading black authors or female authors. Since the majority of books are written by white men, you can only balance it out by making a conscious effort to do so.

>> No.7319144

are you guys even trying

>> No.7319200

>almost ALL of the authors were cis white male
Nice b8. But, on the off chance that you aren't trolling, almost all of the greatest writers in history are white, cis, and male.

>> No.7319208

Only because minorities had their great works of literature suppressed and hidden
Shakespear for example had most of his plays written by a black women, but she was not permitted to publish them so she had to pretend he wrote them
Shakespear was actually illiterate iirc

>> No.7319209

good question, but I only ever read Pimp. There's two more for OP, the troll.