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7318665 No.7318665[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What does /lit/ think of Donald Trumps new book, Crippled America?

>> No.7318674

Its p good

>> No.7318675
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Trump for Emperor

>> No.7318676

Bought the book today at B&N, will be starting it when I finish Art of the Deal. Surprised how short the book seems, but keeping it straight to the point is likely the most effective.

>> No.7318677

lel why is he so mad in this pic?

>cuz mexicans

>> No.7318679


Since when are self-help books literature?

>> No.7318680
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>> No.7318682

Are you the guy who was at the book signing?

>> No.7318683
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My favorite quote:

>>"A nation with no identity is not a nation. Many people like to claim that America is an idea. I disagree. I believe that liberty and freedom are ideas. America is a nation that follows them. And we need to start teaching children to realize their identity as Americans, and the strength that comes with that identity when we all work together as a community."

It's about time somebody starts talking about an actual American identity instead of these nonsensical hyphenated identities.

>> No.7318684

Im recording the audio book as i type and you can download the first 3 chapters here:


>> No.7318686


>> No.7318689
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One of them, there were like three or four spread out through the crowd.

>> No.7318692

Now this is prose, Joyce btfo

>> No.7318697

It's a very easy read, meant for the common man of the day.

I tore through half of it on the train back from Manhattan.

>> No.7318702

lol he is so ridiculous it's unbelievable.

I like how it looks that he is just standing up, that's very cute from the marketing team, but it's still very cheap overall.

>> No.7318706
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Do we really need some fascist plutocrat buying their way into presidency?

>> No.7318709

welp, i have no idea why my post was deleted in my other thread but it appears I cant post links> :/

>> No.7318716
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You mean instead of the other elite socialist plurocrats who are paid for by special interests into the presidency?

Short answer: Yes

>> No.7318719

To be honest his celebrity status has helped him more than this money (see previous plutocrats that failed to buy the presidency).

Also, which is better a plutocrat being the president, or a plutocrat bought by other plutocrats being president? Those are the options.

>> No.7318724
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We do need some kind of protectionist or we're all going to be competing with Indians and Chinese for the privilege of working 80 hour weeks at Foxconn for bloodthirsty sociopaths.

>> No.7318725

All politicians buy their way into the presidency.

he difference is, Trump is using his own money and not the money of special interest groups and SuperPACS.

>> No.7318729

Wow, why didn't Camus do self-analysis like this? Probably because he was a hack like all French, but some I assume are good people.

>> No.7318745

better then those that sell themselves to the highest bidder.

>> No.7318757

>cuz mexicans

>> No.7318827


Who was the ghostwriter?

>> No.7318832

me desu

>> No.7318842

Whoever the ghostwriter was captured Trump's cadence PERFECTLY. The entire book is oozing with his style of speech, his stunted brief punctual sentences, and even his sudden mid-sentence interjections of qualifying statements.

>> No.7318860


I doubt he had an editor, the book was probably only spell-checked with word.

>> No.7318871


He ranted it at an intern over the course of a weekend.

>> No.7318872

He probably wrote it himself. It's not the kind of book that would take a lot of effort to write.

>> No.7318874

Sounds spooky as fuck.
>Make America great again.

Fucking reactionist rich borgeouseee capatilists.

>> No.7318884

>Crippled America
>Dictated but not read.

>> No.7318902

Mein Trumph

>> No.7318904

I read it for laughs 99% sure he wrote it. It's just his ideas splattered on pages, which is kind of admirable honestly. it's a shame people who aren't dumb asses don't do this kind of thing.

>> No.7318929

Who ghostwrote it?

>> No.7318933


Baudrillard did on Transparency of Evil.

>> No.7318936

Tempted to download a copy(Once it shows up on #bookz) and see what he has to say. It looks like a fun read right now. I read Trumpnation which was pretty critical of him over all, so I would love to see what he has to say in order to sell himself.

From what I have read about him he has some legitimate qualities like deal making and confidence, which this country sorely needs. I am not sure if he has the attention span to handle what has to be the most strenuous office job in the world though. If his plan for America is decent, I might even vote for him.

>> No.7318937

Either Trump Himself, or someone who is really, really good at mimicking Trump's speech.

>> No.7318946

I didn't find anything dumb about it except for the very simple language. His policies are coherent and moderate, but rest on America acting from a position of strength.

His language is dumbed down in the book to make it an easy read for anybody. It's common knowledge that simpler language is more intuitively persuasive.

If you want to hear Trump show off his actual intellectual and policy chops it's not like there's a shortage of footage.

>> No.7318947
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>> No.7318953

You have to use a picture of some random guy that doesn't even represent that anon to make fun of him while Trump makes himself a mockery.

>> No.7318956

$10,000,000,000 of mockery.

>> No.7318957
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Is America really serious about Trump?
Or is this some sort of joke I'm not getting?

>> No.7318963

>His policies are coherent and moderate,
What are they? After hearing several politicians from across the spectrum go "look how moderate I am" the term has lost a lot of meaning.

>> No.7318968


>"I'm fucking rich"
>* clapping *

I'll never get Americans. The bigger the narcissist, the more they're like "yeah he's like saying it as it is xD"

Are you fucking teenagers?

>> No.7318970


The book is much more comprehensive than his white papers but also a lot more colloquial and conversational. The policy papers feel more like white papers while the book is like listening to Trump speak live.

>> No.7318974


He's gonna confront China...

>> No.7318977

>rich = narcissist
>acknowledging you're rich instead of pretending you're a regular schmuck = narcissist
Did you get your psychology degree from Armchair University?

>> No.7318978

No, he has policies that we agree with, much like I'm sure you side more with a politician. Deporting illegal immigrants isn't racist, it needs to be done. His healthcare ideas are decent, and he wants to bring business back to America

>> No.7318981
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>I'll never get Americans.

And that's why you'll never top us

>> No.7318983


>> No.7318990

I am enjoying it a lot.

>> No.7318993

No it means $10,000,000,000, as well as tens of thousands of jobs, hundreds of buildings, and three decades of a career as an global real-estate magnate, hotelier, and not to mention international celebrity.

Your shitpost, in comparison, means nothing

>> No.7318996


Oh I see what you mean, he's saying it as it is right :D?

No, fucker, if you paid notice the guy can't stop going on a rant about how amazing he is at making deals and the fantastic people he's surrounded by because of his flawless choices.

>> No.7318998


Sweet, sounds good to me.

>> No.7319000
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fucked up my reply, oops

>> No.7319001

>No it means $10,000,000,000, as well as tens of thousands of jobs, hundreds of buildings, and three decades of a career as an global real-estate magnate, hotelier, and not to mention international celebrity.


>> No.7319002

>No, fucker, if you paid notice the guy can't stop going on a rant about how amazing he is at making deals and the fantastic people he's surrounded by because of his flawless choices.
Right I guess you'd expect the people running for president to say their giant piles of wealth and property were created by sheer luck and they're actually kind of idiots.

Because that has ever happened.

>> No.7319006

is your argument here that Donald Trump is not a narcissist

>> No.7319010
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>not liking trump
Might want to kill yourself. Who will you be voting for?

>> No.7319015

Trump got his degree in economics from the Djado Plateau University of racism.

>> No.7319019
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Because you're not interested in value, you're interested in feeling smarter than someone you don't like.

Success can be measured, /lit/shit pissant.

Narcissism is a specific psychological diagnosis which neither you nor I are fit to make, nor have you interviewed Trump or assessed his mental state aside from maybe watching a few soundbites.

You pretending you're a mind-reader and can infer the psychiatric disorders of people you've never met? THAT is much more indicative of "narcissism" if there's any narcissistic tendencies around here.

>> No.7319022

Find out how this one guy gets American Christians to vote for him with this one secret hairstyle.

>> No.7319026


Oh for crying out loud you stupid fuckface everything he's saying is extremely non-presidential.
His tweets are sheer shitposting and his whole style has created the meme "can't stump deh trump" because of his personal attacks, like saying "bitch prob was on her period" and what not.

>that's cool ' funny though :D

That's what I'm talking about you ape.

>> No.7319028

>Because you're not interested in value, you're interested in feeling smarter than someone you don't like.

>Success can be measured, /lit/shit pissant.

>> No.7319029
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>> No.7319030
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Excuse me.

>> No.7319032

>Oh for crying out loud you stupid fuckface everything he's saying is extremely non-presidential.
What nonsense. Is this your best criticism? You don't like his "tone"?

>"bitch prob was on her period"
Never said that. Do you get all your thoughts from the Huffington Post though?

>> No.7319035


>> No.7319036

can you snap shot any other pages?

>> No.7319038

So for the most part, /lit/ loves trump. I'm actually impressed

>> No.7319039
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>it's racist to want to stop illegal immigration
>it's racist to not to want less white people in America

this meme needs to die

>> No.7319041

Yeah, elite socialist plutocrats.

Bernie voted pro-wall street plenty bro. Look at his record. The only reason he doesn't have the Democrat donors is obviously because Hillary is there, not because he poses any kind of actual threat.

>> No.7319044
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lol this shitlord is getting triggered so much. Can't handle the Trump I guess. Dude is more successful than everyone in your family combined and works harder than everyone combined. Sleeps 4 hours a night and runs an intense presidential campaign and billions of dollars of business and real estate.

>lel that's invalidated because he uses twitter XD


All these triggered /lit/shits are hilarious.

>> No.7319045
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>> No.7319047
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>comparing a politician to hitler
real original champ

pic related

>> No.7319050

That nigger obviously going bold, why does he spend millions of dollars to make it more obvious that he's a little sissy sensitive over it?

>Rich people.

>People want this guy as a leader.

50% of GDP will go towards "curing" male pattern boldness.

>> No.7319052

>americans support donald trump

This is the most hipster generation out there with their post-ironic bullshit.

>> No.7319053
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Actually, most of his supporters are irreligious right wingers frustrated with mainstream conservatism. He hasn't won the evangelicals yet. The evangelicals didn't even vote for Romney, so getting the bible belt is going to be tougher for Trump.

It does help that he neither drinks nor smokes.

>> No.7319055

/lit/ mostly ignores /pol/shit. These posters are mouth breathers who should go back to their containment board.

>> No.7319056

>hair jokes
How are you even allowed on this website?

I thought we had better standards than this.

>> No.7319057


>> No.7319060

When these people finally die
Fucking boomers just won't go fast enough

>> No.7319063

It's okay because I'm also going bold and this makes me feel better.

>> No.7319064


nigga you ain't seen Jesus Camp?

>> No.7319071

They may seriously stand in the way. They voted democrat in 2012 literally because Romney was a Mormon.

>> No.7319076


Here we have it. The avergage American pseudo-sociopath on 4chan.

>durr makin so much money hahaha succesful fucking bitches wid mah 8 inch dick n 6'5" master race STEM tier
>i dun give a fucccckkk man have i told u i dunt give a fuckkkk

Enjoy your shamble of a life by age 40, hard working hero.

>> No.7319078

Started reading it now. Honestly it's not bad. I expected him to start off with BUILD WALL on the first page.

I've been watching some past interviews with Trump and I have to wonder where this media meme of him being this ridiculous fucking clown came from. Most of what I've seen him say and write isn't just insane ramblings, which is what I'd believe if I had only read about him on CNN or Fox.

>> No.7319081

>2 parties
>"most democratic nation"
>pick pole 1 or its polar opposite 2
that's sad

>> No.7319083

Who do you think you're better than?

You clearly have to project your intellectual insecurity all over 4chan.

>> No.7319084

Trump is mostly funding projects with his father's money until he has to file for bankruptct because he's a lousy manager.

To each his own, I guess.

>> No.7319088

Those people are going to mellow out when they're teens if they haven't already in the years since that was released.

There's no real momentum behind a new generation of evangelicals. Christianity is entering into that long stagnation period that it already is in over in Europe. I wouldn't even mind them if they weren't so ridiculously anti-America. I'm sick of Israel being inserted into every single debate and discussion. I don't give a fuck about Israel and most people in this generation don't seem to care either. It's just these crazy doomsday evangelical boomers and their little zionist cult of the apocalypse that they keep going on about.

>> No.7319092

You clearly assume too much. You've proven your own intellectual defects here, Mr. Workerman.

>> No.7319093

I wish

>> No.7319094


Why do you had to make it personal, fuckface?
I was talking about Trumpy as a meme candidate and you decided to go on about his bank account being relevant to the argument, you stupid child.

>> No.7319095

The "meme" of him being a clown came from him being a clown for years on his shitty television show.

>> No.7319102

>I'm smarter than you
again with this shit, it's bleeding from your post.

>Meme candidate
Like all winning candidates?

>> No.7319103

I've watched the show. He really didn't seem like a clown there either. He certainly gave the contestants a very hard time frequently and seemed like a typical hardass but even there he really didn't seem like a "clown". He's a strong personality and very, very opinionated but I'm not seeing the silliness and joke of a human being everyone else is.

>> No.7319105

nah you just dumber than me XD

>> No.7319106


Trump never filed for bankruptcy. Stop spreading lies and misinformation.

>> No.7319107


leftist neet radar is off the charts with this guy

>> No.7319109

the media puts on a spin to fit with their agenda

>> No.7319110


>you can only criticize Trump when you're making more money

Ok big boy, you're on the side of the inspiring business men. Good kid. Daddy raised you to be an ambitious boy hu?

>> No.7319114


I think Trump and I are triggering your NEET insecurity hardcore. Get a job you lazy faggot. Find some inspiration in your life because you sound pretty sad and pathetic.

>> No.7319119

>Ok big boy, you're on the side of the inspiring business men. Good kid. Daddy raised you to be an ambitious boy hu?
Yeah, basically. If you could set aside the self-important snark you might have a reality-based thought for once.

>> No.7319120

You're honestly defending a shit reality show with stupid ass games where the host "fires" people.

Just fucking stop. And don't browse /pol/ anymore.

>> No.7319123

Just saying but the pro-Trump people in this thread don't seem very rational beings....

I could understand trolling but I don't think they are.

>> No.7319124


>muh /pol/ meme

Wow it's kind of crazy that people on /lit/ have different views than you! Sorry to disrupt your hugbox!

And The Apprentice is a good show btw.

>> No.7319126

The fact that you don't know the difference between chapter 7 and chapter 11 bankruptcy proves that you're not smart enough to vote.

>> No.7319128


Are you sure you don't have pro-Trump confused with anti-Trump? Because anti-Trumpsters are just calling him a clown, making up fake facts, and NEETing it up calling people Mr. Workerman.

>> No.7319132

>inherited 200 million dollars
>is now worth 4 billion
:^) alright

>> No.7319135


I fail to see what my life or job status has to do with my position on Trump's campaign being nothing more but a wrestling match.

>> No.7319139


Damn NEET you got blown the fuck out. Probably time for you to leave the thread and go jerk off to some more anime.

>> No.7319140

I'm not saying the show is a good concept. But from what I've seen of it he really isn't anything close to the caricature that people believe him to be.

Take your own statement, you're basically trying to boil him down to a "reality show host" and not much else.

>> No.7319145

It's obvious this thread is filled with /pol/shits:

- taking American presidential politics seriously
- reading ghostwritten political garbage
- think they "won a debate" when in reality people just stopped replying to them

This thread isn't literature and neither is Trump's shit promo book. Reported.

>> No.7319151
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Only very negative and pessimistic people laugh at Trump. It's because he has based his entire life around positive thinking and the teachings of Norman Vincent Peale, so pessimistic people can't seem to process that. They just instinctively believe that he must be joking or putting on an act when in reality he has been like this his entire life.


>Event No. 1 occurred in October 1952, when a book appeared called The Power Of Positive Thinking. Written by Dr. Norman Vincent Peale and translated into 15 languages, it remained on the New York Times best-seller list for 186 weeks and sold 5 million copies. Donald was only 6 years old at the time and didn’t read the book until much later, but it quickly became important in the large Queens household in which he grew up, and it would play a critical role in his future. His parents, Fred and Mary, felt an immediate affinity for Peale’s teachings. On Sundays, they drove into Manhattan to worship at Marble Collegiate Church, where Peale was the head pastor. Donald and both his sisters were married there, and funeral services for both Fred and Mary took place in the main sanctuary.

>Peale’s outlook, promoted through his radio shows, newspaper columns and articles, and through Guideposts, his monthly digest of inspirational messages, fit perfectly into the Trump family culture of never hesitating to bend the rules, doing whatever it took to win, and never, ever giving up.
>“Believe in yourself!” Peale’s book begins. “Have faith in your abilities!” He then outlines 10 rules to overcome “inadequacy attitudes” and “build up confidence in your powers.” Rule one: “formulate and staple indelibly on your mind a mental picture of yourself as succeeding,” “hold this picture tenaciously,” and always refer to it “no matter how badly things seem to be going at the moment.”
>Subsequent rules tell the reader to avoid “fear thoughts,” “never think of yourself as failing,” summon up a positive thought whenever “a negative thought concerning your personal powers comes to mind,” “depreciate every so-called obstacle,” and “make a true estimate of your own ability, then raise it 10 per cent.”

Trump is pure "never give up!" positive energy in human form.
Trump is basically the English version of this:

>> No.7319157

The only reason we stopped talking about the book is because some people in here decided they needed to show off how much smarter they are then a ten-billion-dollar household name international real-estate magnate.

>> No.7319160


More like you liberal idiots got triggered by a fucking BOOK that you haven't even read and flipped the fuck out instead of discussing the actual book.

>> No.7319163

I do, I like the ones with little girls. Get triggered bitchworkerman.

>> No.7319167

Authority fallacy.

>> No.7319169


This triggers the NEET. This triggers the unmotivated slobs. This triggers the lazy autism bux shitposter. This triggers the liberal.

Seeing other people happy and successful only triggers their own inadequacies, and they lash out with anger from a deep-seated inadequacy. If only there were some way to really reach into their souls and have them see that negativity is not the way to happiness. They would rather tear others down than build themselves up.

>> No.7319170

>Only very negative and pessimistic people laugh at Trump.
I like it when people start their text walls with false statements, it's just a good time saver.

>> No.7319172


I know this is standard 4chan procedure, but a big boy like you should learn that in the big boy world you can't use logical fallacies like that.

Here's a little link for ya. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ad_hominem

So before you want to make America great again, maybe read up on a bit more than vulgar campaign books full of empty promises.

>> No.7319174

Get fucked

>> No.7319179
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Holy shit that level of rekt.

>> No.7319183

Speak for yourself.

Trump's probably my #2 for president (behind Webb, although he has no chance).

Russian Lit major here, /lit/ is my favorite board (and by far the one I spend the most time on).

He's just not as bad as the other candidates, in my eyes.

Style but no substance
Nepotism, much? No original ideas, corporate owned to the max
Too religious, too spacey, not enough experience dealing with people (who aren't on an operating table)
Compensates for her gender with a warmongering foreign policy
I actually liked Rand, but he's a little weird, and his conformity to the GOP establishment, as to not suffer the same fate as his dad, has lost most of my respect for him. Muh Greatest Ally.
Fat fuck, little actual merit, just shouts "9/11" when ever he's backed into a corner. Supports the drug war, is from New Jersey... I could go on and on
Do I really have to go into detail?
Interventionist, too conservative socially
Totally uninspiring
Shameless liar, "elect me because I'm a woman" attitude, no moral fiber whatsoever, powerhungry whore, entire platform is just a more moderate version of Bernie's, flip flops on issues constantly, vapid bitch, see Bush, same criticisms apply--corporate slut.
Feckless economic policy, complete and utter Marxist socially, Brooklyn Jew, meme candidate on campus, no discernible talent

Economic populist, but not in a divisive way. Great leader, war hero, civil rights supporter (but not supportive of racist policies against whites), brings aura of discipline, strength, unity, and respect into an office that has been void of said values for at least 30 years.
Hilarious, strong, none of his policies are really too shitty... non-interventionist, self-financed so nobody controls his decisions but himself

>> No.7319185


You need to log off from 4chan, now.
People do not disagree with a candidate because they're wearing a fedora or watch anime on NEETbux. People aren't memes.
And women aren't roasties either. Chad does not exist. And the world can't be condensed in an image with a white font underneath.

>> No.7319204


>People do not disagree with a candidate because they're wearing a fedora or watch anime on NEETbux.

>what is subconscious thought?

>> No.7319206



>> No.7319210


Get fucked over what?
Over clarifying you were using a fallacy and you needed to stop?
No, it wasn't really a "rekt" you did there, it was you now actually having a real opportunity to argue against my point that Donald "WWE" Trump his whole style is non-presidential.

Whether or not I'm on NEETbux should be irrelevant to the conversation, get it?

>> No.7319215

>Chad does not exist

False. The rest of your post is fairly accurate though.

I went to my uni gym last week.

Holy fuck, it was like the Chad nerve center.

>> No.7319217

>meme candidate on campus

And why is that a negative exactly?

Oh, right, because /pol/ bases all of its "opinions" on bitterness toward their socially normal peers and wanting other people miserable.

It's literally just /r9k/ logging on to Facebook and reacting to anything political posted by a "normie".

You ought to grow up and get rid of this toxic mindset. Makes you sound pathetic.

>> No.7319218


You're being like a feminist now.
You're trying to justify using strawmen. Stop that.

>> No.7319219


More like I nailed you right on point buddo. Trump is inspiring millions. Sadly you aren't one of them. Open up your heart to being inspired.

>> No.7319221


>> No.7319222

Oh now who's throwing around baseless value judgements?

Go back to sucking off Bernie, maybe eventually you'll unsee that his hands look like he's petting horses of differing heights.

>Whether or not I'm on NEETbux should be irrelevant to the conversation, get it?
Unfortunately no, it's the crux of the conversation. Something triggers you about a guy who knows how to cater his speech to intended audiences, verbally take out his political enemies, and do it with wild success.

You need to address the source of this triggering within yourself.

>> No.7319228

Having big arms alone doesn't get you laid. Just read /fit/ or body building forum for evidence of that.

>> No.7319232

>buying their way into presidency?

Understandable misconception.

Trump has spent less money on his campaign than any other candidate.

Compare Trump's spending to Hillary's:


>> No.7319233


Vox populi.

>> No.7319236

They just have too high standards. Flash some muscles to a fatty and you get the cunny

>> No.7319238

what does the "roasties" thing mean I don't go on like r9k and shit

>> No.7319240

Good job remembering the amazon link, you shameless fucking huckster.

>> No.7319242

reminder that Donald Trump's entire business career amounts to a net loss of $6 billion lol http://www.motherjones.com/kevin-drum/2015/09/donald-trump-has-lost-between-1-and-6-billion-over-his-business-career

>> No.7319244

Well I like political books and he is quite relevant so maybe I will buy it some day.

>> No.7319247

>(but not supportive of racist policies against whites)
lol, mate. There is literally no such thing as a non-delusional rightist.

>> No.7319256

Let me elaborate on the phrase "meme-candidate" and why it makes me hate him so much.

He has no real substance. He's basically the national equivalent of that one kid who would run for school president and promise to put a pool on the roof.

Nobody cares that his economic policies have basically been proven unfeasible, or that he wrote rape fantasies while dodging the draft, or that he really is just a giant idiot (like all of his supporters) promising candy to the generation of babies.

>> No.7319257

>net loss of $6 billion
That's not how money works, anon.

>Trump engaged in a highly competitive, political, personal, and risky industry with limited returns, employed tens of thousands of people, built hundreds of real structures, and has parlayed it into a successful celebrity side-career


>Trump is a trust-fund kiddie and maybe if he has the most god-tier omniscient hedge fund manager he would have more dollary-doos and live in near anonymity.

I'm not impressed.

>> No.7319261

Evangelicals fuck out more kids than other white people, and most of their kids turn out to be evangelicals as well. Sadly, I don't think they'll be going anywhere.

>> No.7319263

>"you have to buy my book to learn my policies in detail"
>reading campaign books
whew lad

>> No.7319264

Affirmative Action, faggot.

Nowadays "diversity" just means "less white people." You can't deny that.

>> No.7319268

It refers to how some vaginas look like Arby's roast beef. /r9k/ purports that vaginas look like that if the woman is a slut so "roastie" is another word for a slut but is often used derogatorily towards anyone who seems like a woman on /r9k/ before the script was implemented

>> No.7319271

How is Trump not exactly the same?

>> No.7319272

Indeed he is going bold. Bold is what this country needs. Bold thinking with a bold outlook to match it. And sure, maybe he is a little too sensitive about his boldness "I don't mean to say this in a braggadocios way" which might lead a few of his business partners to question him. But Trump is the answer to making America great again.

>> No.7319275


The clown meme comes from how he acts on twitter, and his prolonged flamewar with Rosie O'Donald.

(An (ex-)celebrity so irrelevant, one wonders why Trump ever bothered with her.)

>> No.7319276


You spend money to make money you economically illiterate nitwit.

>> No.7319279

Lol you don't need a hedge fund manager to invest in an index fund you fucking finance illiterate

>> No.7319280


Or you could go to his website.

btw all the proceeds go to charity.

>> No.7319281


Lol, yeah I thought for a second he was talking about Trump.

>> No.7319283


>"He didn't put all his money into the stock market and do nothing else! What a loser!"

Of all the Anti-Trump memes this one is the most brazenly retarded. And it's depressing that it works.

>> No.7319285

>30 years of international net success building massive real-estate empire exhibiting his skill and drive as an executive
>two whole policy books
>Website full of policy stances that are developing over the campaign

>Supports moderate tax cuts while keeping progressive tax structure
>Supports America-first trade policies
>non-interventionist militarily

I don't see what's unsubstantiative. The only people who make that claim are ignorant or WANT to think that Trump has nothing of substance.

It's willful ignorance of reality.

Very typical of Sandersnistas, really.

>> No.7319287

Nice way to out yourself as a Ledditor.

>> No.7319288


The guy is citing motherjones, so we already know what his level of knowledge is.

>> No.7319293
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>no discernible talent

>> No.7319298


>he's fucking rich

This is enough an argument for Americans.
Just as said earlier in this thread.

You people deserve to get in a full-blown war with Russia and China.
With Trump aiming to confront the latter, he'll get just that.

>> No.7319299


There's a whole section on bankruptcy. So sorry if I misused a term somewhere, i'm not a native speaker. Anyway, point is bankruptcy loves Trump so the superior businessman meme is a bit overblown.

The guy is excellent at self-branding and that's a talent in its own right, but he's not really a rolemodel for creating or even sustaining business.

Most of it accumulated thanks to real estate ownership and branding. See above. I was exaggerating in my last post but you get the idea.

Now he seems to be enjoying the gig, so props to him. But don't try to paint him as an outsanding business manager, he isn't. Even Romney was more impressive in that respect.

This has nothing to do with being smart, and anyway I don't vote in the US.

>> No.7319300


you forgot:

an unimportant faggot with stupid opinions

>> No.7319301


>being successful is bad!


>> No.7319303

>It's because he has based his entire life around positive thinking

Trump disagrees. From The Art of the Deal:

> It's been said that I believe in the power of positive thinking. IN fact, I believe in the power of negative thinking. I happen to be very conservative in business. I always go into the deal anticipating the worst. If you plant for the worst--if you can live with the worst--the good will always take care of itself. The only time in my life I didn't follow that rule was with the USFL. I bought a losing team in a losing league on a long shot. It almost worked, through our antitrust suit, but when it didn't, I had no fallback. The point is that you can't be too greedy. If you go for a home run on every pitch, you're also going to strike out a lot. I try never to leave myself too exposed, even if it means sometimes settling for a triple, a double, or even, on rare occasions, a single.

>> No.7319305

So you're of the opinion that he's a good businessman because his financial decisions have caused him to be several billion dollars poorer than the easiest thing in the world to do?

He was born rich. Since then, he's lost money. Sorry.

>> No.7319306

Higher than yours, clearly.

>> No.7319309

I wasn't the guy you were talking to before. I don't know who's better for the country.

The first two points are irrelevant. The latter is something shared with most serious candidates.

I don't know much about economics to make a statement on the next two points. The final one is good but I doubt it will actually occur considering we just had a president who promised a non-interventionist policy and cutting back on the military who has ramped up drone strikes and is now fighting in Syria

>> No.7319310

>>he's fucking rich
No, we were just over this, he'd be richer if he dumped his money in a hedge fund.

He's CAPABLE, that's a much scarier prospect to you isn't it?

>> No.7319311

>No you
Political arguments on the internet are the worst

>> No.7319313

>billionaires donating to charities means anything
I can also give away 1% of my wealth, can I be president now?

>> No.7319321

Not agreeing with the other anon, but spending money to make money isn't exactly the same thing as spending money to lose money. There are guy who invested massively and profited even massively.

>> No.7319322


Index funds DIDN'T EVEN EXIST when Trump started out in business.

Seriously, look it up. They are a more recent invention than many people seem to realize.

>> No.7319323

Just like people here get triggered when they see a book by a woman or a black or a Marxist or a conservative, etc. Stop acting like negative traits are unique to people with specific political beliefs. It's immature and ignorant.

>> No.7319324
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>>he's fucking rich
>This is enough an argument for Americans.
It's enough for me to know he's shit. But I'm a Communist.

>> No.7319325

You are dumb as hell and yet you have almost certainly done a better job managing your money than Donald Trump. Guy was born on 3rd base and stole 2nd.

>> No.7319326
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Running a country isn't like running a business. I know you technocrat autist STEMlords don't understand the difference, but it's pretty simple.
Countries, like Trump's pet peeve China, can, you know, respond with actual war, regardless of the fact you're going hard and you're a "deal kinda guy".

Fucking Bill O Reilly admitted he was insane for thinking he can just act like China is a company you can go hard on.

>> No.7319327

You're concerned about giving him more money, but learning that he ISN'T getting more money doesn't change how you feel about it?

You are irrational.

>> No.7319329

>The first two points are irrelevant.
I really don't see how.

What is Trump's job as CEO of Trump?

He has to contend with hundreds of conflicting interests, delegation. He has to manage people, hire top executives who will be trusted with running massive sub-organizations. He deals with elites from the private industry as well as the public sector, and not just in the United States but in every nation he's built in. There's hardly an industry that's MORE political or has to put up with governments more than real estate.

He's basically been the President of the Trump organization for 30 years, practicing how to be an executive over a massive complex diverse conflicting body.

I know you think running Trump Inc. = running a gas station, but you're obviously wrong.

Also, you're siding with Bill O'Reilly, so what kind of argumentative integrity do you really have?

>> No.7319330

Do you honestly think this is a good argument in Trump's favor. Be real here. Is your line of thinking that it would have been too hard for Trump to make a safe and basically equivalent investment?

>> No.7319331

It seems like really stupid Republicans, celebrities, and people on 4chan are the only demographics who support Trump.

I have never interacted with a single person in real life who likes Trump. Most people I know are moderate or conservative, with a few far left.

I don't get who the fuck his base even is.

>> No.7319333

>Amerikeks want people motivated only by their own capital gains to take over their country.
>This includes people that have been bankrupt more than 4 times and was born into money.
>Amerikeks actually think they don't live in a third world third rate third class slum

>> No.7319338

>I have never interacted with a single person in real life who likes Trump. Most people I know are moderate or conservative, with a few far left.
Dude, you admitted to living in your own bubble.

Take a second and think about that. Today there were over a thousand people of all shades, faiths, and ages in Manhattan and the greater New York City area who waited in line for at least 3 hours each to shake hands, say hi, get a book signed, and take pictures with this man.

Your reality is deliberately constricted, whether you get it or not.

>> No.7319339

not running for president, just asking some faggot not to speak for this entire boardd

fuck this thread, politics belong in /pol/, I just want to talk about literature

>> No.7319341

So he has some experience dealing with people? So does every other candidate.

Is the only thing is that you don't think he'll be bought by the oligarchal companies that have a hold on policy-making? That's just a guess on your part.

>> No.7319345

Your position seems to be that Trump should have sat on his money for years, doing nothing at all with it, in anticipation of the invention of a financial instrument that would allow him IF HE PICKED THE RIGHT YEAR TO ENTER (requires luck or knowledge of the future senpai) and DIDN'T SPEND ANY OF IT, to have a larger fortune today than he does in this reality.

It's absurd. Only morons fall for this line of reasoning.

>> No.7319347


No, Trump turned $200 into $9B.

Cry more.

But, I thought that money and success doesn't matter anyways? So wouldn't him losing money make you idiot socialists like him MORE?


Sadly they don't care about logical consistency or anything of the sort. They're just on rabid attack more because Trump triggers them so hard.


Trump has the most support of any candidate and you just admitted to living in your own little hugbox bubble because you don't know any of them.


Hivemind. He doesn't get it. These people live in some weird shell of reality where being successful is shameful (because they're projecting their own insecurities and inadequacies and would rather bring others down than lift themselves up). It's sad.

>> No.7319353



>> No.7319357

You guys are equating virtue with wealth like a bunch of Calvinists

>> No.7319358

Lol these memes again.

>4 debt restructurings out of 100+ businesses = failure
>Given a million dollar loan to start out real estate in Manhattan = you get $10,000,000,000 and buildings and golf courses with your name on them around the world and become an international celebrity
>The nation with the largest GDP, most powerful military, most scientific innovation, and most Olympic medals is a 3rd world slum
Like, I know you don't -honestly- believe these things, but doesn't it make you feel fucking dumb to say them?

>So he has some experience dealing with people? So does every other candidate.
No, he has a lifetime of dealing with every type of individual who could possibly come into contact with building massive structures in metropolises all around the world.

Any other candidate like that? Most of them are bad governors or novice senators.

> That's just a guess on your part.
Well it's a hypothesis that's being effectively tested thus far.

>> No.7319363

You appear to not know at all what an index fund is.

>> No.7319364
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The dailystormer for hippies

>> No.7319368

Over a thousand people in the NYC area is hardly any at all though. And he is a big celebrity aside from running for President.

I live in a suburb of a city that's very typically American, I work, volunteer, and take classes. I should have met a Trump supporter by now. I'm honestly confused as to who they actually are.

I'm forced to conclude that it's mostly dumb, poor Republicans (4chan contrarians notwithstanding), until I see some evidence otherwise.

>> No.7319370

>Well it's a hypothesis that's being effectively tested thus far.
Obama said he was going to cut the war effort. Now he's going into Syria.

>> No.7319373

>Speak for yourself.
You're less of a mouth breather than many on 4chan, but you know shit all
>... I could go on and on
You could. Maybe mention something of substance, like his political bullying, his shit economics, nixing the public transit money.
Is a Canadian

Not a damn thing wrong with Sanders.

>> No.7319378

>Over a thousand people in the NYC area is hardly any at all though.
Hillary's book tours have been nothingburger snorefests, and she went all around the country.

Context, nigger. His rallies pull tens of thousands out of every city he lands in.

>I'm honestly confused as to who they actually are.
The silent majority, who don't feel the need to thrust their political dick into other peoples' ears and are sick of having it done to them.

Trump and Obama are actually, and this may be a surprise, two different people.

They're fucking color coded for Christ's sake.

>> No.7319379


Maybe because
a) Silent majority
b) You are a sheltered NEET who only slinks out of his mommy's house to go take some community college classes with a bunch of Jamaals.

>> No.7319384

>reminder that this is a serious candidate in america
>reminder that "people" will actually vote for him
mite as well kill urselves now muriclaps

>> No.7319385
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>Not a damn thing wrong with Sanders.

>> No.7319387
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>Man notorious for fucking over the common man to make money is wildly successful running for president on the promise that he'll improve life for the common man
It's like Americans are really retarded

But anon Trump is being genuine and speaking his mind. I can tell because I agree with him.

>> No.7319392

>sheltered NEET
But I said I work.

>silent majority
But the majority of the country doesn't support Trump.

>> No.7319393

Reminder that if trump had just put his money in stock options and let it sit, he woul have made 8 million MORE than he has as a "businessman"

>> No.7319395

I'm concerned about someone that wants to run for the highest electable office, who details his plans in a book one has to buy, regardless of how much of the sales of that book are given to charity. I'm also concerned that people think donating to charity is a sign of goodness either in this individual. If I have 100 million dollars just lying around and I throw a million at someone that's not exactly a sacrifice. This is a proof of an unjustified violence.

>> No.7319397
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In fact you're better of with a general as a statesman than a businessman.

This analogy you people draw between business and politics has convinced you the same type of rules apply.
Generals know the art of war, which is what politics is, a continuation thereof. And it doesn't matter how much people in business think they're Sun Tzu with money, it is not the same.
In politics interests can't be boiled down to economic concerns or 'deals' just because it outwardly looks like people are shaking hands and wearing the same suits as CEO's.
The way to "get the job done" in politics requires a lot more cunning than any business deal.
Especially in international politics you're not working with another board of directors on the other side of the table.

>> No.7319399


Reminder that this has been debunked over and over, including in this very own thread.

But continue shilling.


I don't think you know what silent majority refers to, historically.

>> No.7319401

Not that guy, but Cruz is eligible for presidency because both of his parents were US citizens I think.

Sanders is an idiot, just as much of one as Trump. They are basically the same, when you think about it. Just pandering to their respective retarded demographics.

>> No.7319407

>I don't think you know what silent majority refers to, historically.
Idiots who elected Nixon

>> No.7319408


They're Americans. What did you expect?

>> No.7319411

>implying Trump isn't paying people to shitpost on 4chan right now

>> No.7319412

Can't you guys realize that they're all shitty candidates and will screw the working man over?
>two different people
So Trump won't ever turn on his word like Obama and nearly every democratically-elected political leader in history has?

When Trump will come into office, he'll take out all the soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan and he'll leave Syria alone?

Will covert CIA operations end under his administration and will the Trump administration stop supporting certain totalitarian dictators in foreign countries and funding insurgency groups to take down dictatorships America doesn't like?

I doubt it. The system won't change because of one man.

>> No.7319414


Watergate scandal aside, he was a good damn president.

i regret nothing

>> No.7319417
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Crippled America starts to get really fucking dark in the later chapters.

>Today has been the Day of the Rope — a grim and bloody day, but an unavoidable one. Tonight, from tens of thousands of lampposts, power poles, and trees throughout this vast metropolitan area the grisly forms hang. Even the street signs at intersections have been pressed into service, and at practically every street corner I passed this evening on my way to HQ there was a dangling corpse, four at every intersection. Hanging from a single overpass only about a mile from here is a group of about 30, each with an identical placard around its neck bearing the printed legend, "I betrayed my race." Two or three of that group had been decked out in academic robes before they were strung up, and the whole batch are apparently faculty members from the nearby UCLA campus. …The first thing I saw in the moonlight was the placard with its legend in large, block letters: "I defiled my race." Above the placard leered the horribly bloated, purplish face of a young woman, her eyes wide open and bulging, her mouth agape. Finally I could make out the thin, vertical line of rope disappearing into the branches above. I shuddered and quickly went on my way. There are many thousands of hanging female corpses like that in this city tonight, all wearing identical placards around their necks. They are the White women who were married to or living with Blacks, with Jews, or with other non-White males. There are also a number of men wearing the l-defiled-my-race placard, but the women easily outnumber them seven or eight to one. On the other hand, about ninety per cent of the corpses with the I-betrayed-my-race placards are men, and overall the sexes seem to be roughly balanced. Those wearing the latter placards are the politicians, the lawyers, the businessmen, the TV newscasters, the newspaper reporters and editors, the judges, the teachers, the school officials, the "civic leaders", the bureaucrats, the preachers, and all the others who, for reasons of career or status or votes or whatever, helped promote or implement the System's racial program.

>> No.7319422

>implying Trump would waste any of his own money on a joke campaign

>> No.7319423

You're an idiot if you think that's even relevant, all the bernie keks just love to say this one. Of course an index fund with a bizarrely large amount of money is going to perform incredibly well (when you could live off the sum of money without investment), that's just a fact with the cancerous financial system being the way it is. He was a successful real estate developer and that's the important thing.

>> No.7319425

Trump is NOT worth $10B. He is more likely worth between $1.5B and $4B. It's in the man's nature to exaggerate.

>> No.7319426
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>> No.7319428

American Presidents don't even have much to do with economic or social policy, beyond being able to veto. The average retarded American thinks they are emperors and everything that happens is because they decreed it.

>> No.7319432

>a man making economic net loss is irrelevant when he literally sells himself on being "a successful businessman"
thx 4 th keks

>> No.7319435


Whoever read the book knows that quote is falsch.

Donald Trumps writes at a prescholar level.

>> No.7319437

Nobody ever said making America Great Again was going to be easy :^)

>> No.7319438

I agree with you on some level, I would've liked a general, but you're denying that on many levels business is too war, and business of the type that Trump has been involved with puts you directly in contact with the political system constantly, and not just Manhattan's but around the country and around the world.

This is real, literal, experience with real, literal success on a level that very few people have ever achieved. Combine that with communication skills and media savvy and the man is a hurricane of a candidate.

>So Trump won't ever turn on his word like Obama and nearly every democratically-elected political leader in history has?
Honestly, that would be bad for him. His empire is his name, and his name is his word.

So if you and I are being honest we have to recognize that a failed Trump candidacy or horrible Trump presidency would destroy the Trump brand (and Trump is above anything else in the market a brand).

Trump's motivation, if we're assuming he hasn't worked his whole life just to suicide everything he's worked for now, would to prove his competency and skill and ability as an executive, to improve his name.

So, if Trump is doing that, and by doing that he also is a good president, I think that's a good thing. Trump has proven competency running massive international organizations with political branches and conflicting interests, it's undeniable no matter the index fund meme.
>he'll take out all the soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan and he'll leave Syria alone?
No way, he said we spent our blood and money in Iraq and Afghanistan and we deserve what we fought for. Syria is a different issue and he said he'd work with Putin to help the Russians corral Assad while destroying ISIS because they are a real physical and existential threat.

>> No.7319440

Looks pretty based desu Vote Sanders!

>> No.7319444

>Donald Trumps writes at a prescholar level.
and so do you

>> No.7319445

The next McVeigh will bomb Trump Towers to be quite honest with you.

>> No.7319448

This word filter is one of the best things to happen recently desu
way better than the cancerous shithole known as /his/

>> No.7319451


Less. He owes a lot of money due to his atlatic venture.

He has so many debts, you could say he's a greek colony.

>> No.7319456

>Donald Trumps writes at a prescholar level.
When he's writing to people who are not scholars, yeah.

Simple speech is more persuasive, and more impactful. If you'd like to listen to when he testified in front of Congress on the housing crisis of the early 90's you'll find he can craft his speech very intellectually as well.

But that's not a very funny meme, is it?

>> No.7319457

>a shitpost on a mongolian back-tattoo forum is equivilant in writing level to the book I'm defending
not a point in your favor t b h

>> No.7319459

pls motherjones
smoke some more and calm down

>> No.7319460

How's that failed ideology treating you?

>> No.7319461
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>you're denying that on many levels business is too war

Of course I'm denying it because of the stuff I mentioned.
It's not war. You just think it's "war"-like because "it's tough" and "involves work with politicians", but so do unions.

It's nothing like war.
You can't do shit with Clausewitz in business.

>> No.7319463

pulled those numbers from much more conservative publications senpai

>> No.7319465

literally all that Mother Jones does is quote the National Journal http://www.nationaljournal.com/twentysixteen/2015/09/02/1-easy-way-donald-trump-could-have-been-even-richer-doing-nothing

If it makes you happier to know someone unaffiliated with Mother Jones can do extremely basic financial math too

>> No.7319468

>deserve what we fought for
Which was fucking what?

>Trump brand will go down
Yeah and the Bush brand was supposed to go down too. People fucking clapped for that GWB's brother when he lauded the efforts taken to make this country "safe".

Clinton has done several unethical things and she's still running fine and people try to subvert that.

>> No.7319469
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>> No.7319471


Which has already been debunked by Bloomberg.


>> No.7319472

Does anyone get the feeling Trump originally entered as a publicity stunt, and is now having to buy-in because people unexpectedly supported him?

I don't see why he would actually want to be President.