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/lit/ - Literature

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7317161 No.7317161 [Reply] [Original]

Posting mine to start
This is the fiction shelf.

>> No.7317164
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Travel logs, Essays, and some Philosophy.

>> No.7317165

What's the one on the far left?

>> No.7317168
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Horror, old Spanish books, books I dont plan to read any time soon, and some poetry collections.

>> No.7317171

The Broom of the System by DFW

>> No.7317176
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Stuff I read a long time ago and will probably sell soon.

>> No.7317181

Don't post that shelf here then, it belongs on /his/

>> No.7317193

Still not used to the split :<

>> No.7317216

discussion about that shelf needing to be on /his/ needs to go on /his/

I'll now mention Dante so that this is /lit/ friendly

>> No.7317217

dante wrote philosophy, take it to /his/ pls

>> No.7317226

man this DFW guy is becoming bigger meme then drake.

>> No.7317243
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r8 most of my syllabus

>> No.7317249
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Friendliness goes on /soc/.

This meme is trite and tired.


>> No.7317250

There's something sad and banal about that.

>> No.7317259

Class names?

>> No.7317261
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and some of my books at home

>> No.7317266

>English and American studies
>2nd year
>1st semester
>Analytic Grammar
>Cognitive approach to lexical word-loaning(elective)
>General and Academic English
>Public Speaking (elective)
>Translations from English to Bulgarian

>Modernism-Postmodernism lit: The Waste Land; Easter 1916 by Yeats; some poems by Dylan Thomas; Kew Gardens by V. Woolf; A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man; 1984; Lord of the Flies; The Dumb Waiter; The Remains of the Day

>Enlightenment lit: Robinson Crusoe; Gulliver's Travels; The Rape of the Lock; Pamela; Joseph Andrews; The Vicar of Wakefield; The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman; Pride and Prejudice

>> No.7317283
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O-Ok, but no bully pls

Notice the memes top right. That's all you, /lit/.

>> No.7317295

> Seiwaran

>> No.7317315

OP, I think we'd get along. I'm at work now but will post my shelves in an hour or two.

>> No.7317337

Found those in a free bin a few weeks ago.

>> No.7317343

Is that literal fucking anime on that Wordsworth vanity fair?

>> No.7317348
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No, but sure is tacky innit?

>> No.7317354
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Check out my D. H. Lawrence collection.

>> No.7317360

I've been looking into ordering some Seiwaran. His tutorials on Pawn Structure were among the best I've found in chess instruction.

I'd ask for review, but if's been just a few weeks...

>> No.7317408

reddit the bookshelf

>> No.7317437

>half a shelf of Stephen King

>> No.7317538

Do you not have an actual, quality Bible?

Just the Oxford annotated one? That's basically the edition that an atheist would get desu

>> No.7317549

My mom loves D. H. Lawrence.

Are those books actually good?

>> No.7317557

>4 level bookshelf
>crate split between records and books
>entire bookshelf several feet wide above my bed
>still too many books to hold them all

i need a library

>> No.7317558


Calm down Christfag.

>> No.7317619

There is some overlap but still a great collection. I don't have any one author where I have nearly as much.
How are his letters?

>> No.7317644

Damn. Is that complete?

>> No.7317651

Yea I havent spent much time with them at all. I havent really been playing much because of school.

>> No.7317694
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>> No.7317706

as you descend, it gets better, like some kind of nega-hell

>> No.7317776
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>> No.7318365
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Nice b8 m8

>> No.7318384
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>> No.7318401
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>> No.7318425

>ready player one
>s. king

>> No.7318441

>3 copies of GR


>> No.7318557

I have more but don't have pics

>> No.7318565

A friend recommended ready player one to me and I cringed at many parts and found it very predictable.
The dark tower series is a guilty pleasure and is easily kings best work

>> No.7318580

At least a few of those are first editions. Do you seek them out?

>> No.7318609

I have a great used book store near me and I commute into NYC often and find a lot of good deals.
If I really like a book I'll try to seek out a first edition if it's cheap.

>> No.7318618

>no China Miéville

>> No.7318688

How is timequake?

>> No.7318710

Good if you like Vonnegut. I'd imagine much more enjoyable if you are very familiar with his other works as well.

>> No.7318781


Do you have Kangaroo?

>> No.7318812
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Here are mine.

>> No.7318819
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>> No.7318824
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>> No.7318826

I'm not the namefag but it's one of the hardcovers in the pic

>> No.7318833
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>> No.7318839
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>> No.7318847
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>> No.7318852

So have you read Foucault OP? I was really interested in getting some
Of his books but I'm pretty new to studying philosophy.
>inb4 start with Greeks

>> No.7318855
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>> No.7318862

Tell me about "Aesthetics Today"
What dat be

>> No.7318863
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>> No.7318870
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>> No.7318875
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>> No.7318888
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>> No.7318890
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The Book of Disquiet

>> No.7318896

pretty good collection

>> No.7318907
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Haven't read it yet, just picked it up from a library sale a few weeks ago. It's a collection of essays, here are the contents

>> No.7318910
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>> No.7318928

Ma nigga

>> No.7318952

under the volcano has some of the worst prose i have ever seen. the rest of your collection, its alright with me

>> No.7319188

Greek Orthodox master race

>> No.7319362

are these people real? #wow

>> No.7319680
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>> No.7319700

I just got We recently myself. Different edition tho.

Nice lil' stack. The Trial is GOAT, Notes fun, Catcher solid, Nausea solid, Stranger decent, and Borges is gold

actually about to start Heart of Darkness here soon

>> No.7319726
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Some of these are books that I've had with me from years ago, so they're kids-teenage aged books.

>> No.7319746

Macfucking kill yourself, my man.

>> No.7319750

Is something wrong?

>> No.7319751

Just awful.

>> No.7319757

What's wrong with it?

>> No.7319851

>Halo novelization 3 books from Mein Kampf
Absolute shit.

>> No.7319887

It's the only one I've got of them and it's actually not that bad of a book.

>> No.7319893
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Bulgarian Orthodoxy but I am mostly an agnostic. I like icons for their aesthetic value.
>Not reading The Bible as just the literary work that has had the greatest impact on Western history.

>> No.7319962

Yea I really liked learning about him and what he was trying to do more than reading him directly.

I know School of life gets a lot of shit around here, but I wish I had seen this before I read C&M because it wasnt really clear what his goal was. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BBJTeNTZtGU

>> No.7319971

It takes a while to get used to for sure. At first I was re-reading whole chapters because I couldnt understand what was going on, but then I guess I just got used to the style, and the rest flowed nicely.

>> No.7320003

>Friendliness goes on /soc/.
No, that's [s4s]' purview, rudefig.

>> No.7320524

>Paul Jennings
>pls stop

>> No.7320531

I-I was a teenager, okay?

He's still a pretty good read even now. It's nice to take a break from serious books every now and then.

>> No.7320536

kek, yeah i know. i'm sure i've got that same copy hidden in a cupboard around here somewhere.

plus, round the twist, m8y

>> No.7320931
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I like your Jlit, anon. Are those sorted in any way?

>> No.7320940
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My favorite shelf of yours. You would like In Patagonia, if you haven't read it yet.

>> No.7320945
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>> No.7320953
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I don't think I saw Bachelard there, but I think you'd like him. What made you interested in picking up the Toson?

>> No.7320957
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Christie's nothing to make excuses for. Murder mysteries are still my go-to comfy genre.

>> No.7320962
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>> No.7320969
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7/7, my non-fic corner. Hoping to replace it with a half-size Billy this weekend.

>> No.7320978


>He unironically organizes his books chronically by country.

Just kidding man, this is possibly the best collection I have ever seen on /lit/. I'd love to be your friend.

Have you read anything else by Inoue/do you speak Japanese? I was curious what your take on his other books are if so. I got a couple chapters into Tun-Huang and found the prose incredibly awful. I then got my hands on a Chinese translation and it was leaps and bounds better, and I was wondering if it was a translation issue.

>> No.7320982

*chronologically blegh.

>> No.7321007
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mah nigga

>> No.7321015

Thanks! I've read The Counterfeiter and Other Stories and The Hunting Gun, but I don't remember the English translations being particularly awful.

The woman who translated Tun-Huang apparently won an award for it, though it also looks like she's not an academic, but a social worker. Could possibly color it.

I read the Tuttle version of The Hunting Gun, but I just flipped through this Pushkin Press version--it's translated by Michael Emmerich, who just put out a new Genji translation, and it sounds perfectly apt.

"How extraordinarily difficult it is to write a goodbye letter. It is unpleasant to get all weepy, but it is also unpleasant to be overly brisk. I would like for us to make a clean break and to go our separate ways without hurting each other, but a peculiar sort of posturing seems to have found its way into my prose. Perhaps there is no helping it: a goodbye letter is what it is, and it will not be a thing of beauty, no matter who the author is."

>> No.7321053

Are you the guy who posts his bookshelves every year or so? Did you move or did you just get new shelves? The previous I remember were black and not as wide.

>> No.7321086
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Yep, I've been posting them since /lit/ started and I had about three dozen books total.

I did move; all those squat black Wal-mart shelves got broken in the move. So I got Billys, since I'm even near an Ikea now. It did kind of suck going from (shoulder-height) wall-to-wall to half-a-wall full of books.

It'll look even nicer once I settle on a house next year--I'm hoping to claim a whole room to devote to collections.

>> No.7321093

I love matthiessen, and most of the other authors you have actually

Eh, generally.

>> No.7321097


>> No.7321159

What's that huge book?

>> No.7321175

>all that Scruton
Good stuff, friend. Also, you have a lot of books that are the same edition as mine. My copy of 'The Abolition of Britain' is signed by Hitchens.

>> No.7321194

M8 it's literally on the spine, perfectly legible, and in english.

>> No.7321870

Thanks, I'll check him out. Read The Broken Commandment for class 2 semesters ago, really enjoyed it, I've been meaning to get more into him but haven't had the time

>> No.7321957
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>> No.7322089
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>> No.7322164
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max pleb coming through

>> No.7322170
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hey anon what's a good bible? I want one that is:

has those page scallop cut out things
has nice shiny gold edges with that red coloration somehow

I don't want just a boring paper one or a cheap fake leather one. I found some that looked nice but cost two hundred dollars :(


>I served the king of England

mmm that's a good book m8

you have a lot of nice books actually

>> No.7322231
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I had to move my big comfy chair for you, /lit/, so you'd better appreciate muh books

>> No.7322235
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The remainder of my collection (well, not quite, but most of it) is above my computer desk.

>> No.7322284


what a boring shelf

also wtf are the dots

>> No.7322304

I've read it cover-to-cover at least once. If it's been a while I take the red label off and put a green sticker on.

Have never read them/haven't read them in a while and wish to re-read.

reference books and the like

>> No.7322310

>he puts on stickers to mark which books he read

wew lad ever heard of goodreads?

>> No.7322313

So cute

>> No.7322317
File: 228 KB, 500x214, fuck you senpai desu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my way is the only correct way!!

stay mad

>> No.7322330

>le goodreads patrician face xd

>> No.7322350

You all losers here, comparing bookshelfs...just what the fuck

>> No.7322356

>Pamela and Shamela


>> No.7322359


>> No.7322363

what else is there to do?

>> No.7322365

They are nerds. What did you expect?

>> No.7322367


>> No.7322374

The thread's name though...

>> No.7322376

pls no bully

>> No.7322378
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I like seeing other people's bookshelves on here. I think it can tell you a lot about the posters.

Anyways, 1/2

>> No.7322382
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>> No.7322383

>I think it can tell you a lot about the posters.
Like what? That they follow litcore books?

>> No.7322395

That's only for the small collections. They're just getting into reading, give 'em a break.

>> No.7322404

Yes, some of them stick to /lit/core, and that's to be expected. At least they're trying to engage with substantial literature. But others have some interesting collections, like that guy with all the conservative books. There's also the guy who puts stickers on his books and seems to be autistic about flamingos. That's good for a laugh.

I also treat these threads as a sort of window-shopping, and you can ask anons about their books. It's not just fetishizing over material goods.

If you're gonna talk shit, post your shelf.

>> No.7322409

tfw we're /fa/ now

talk shit post shelf

>> No.7322417

At least you can understand /fa/, /fit/, /tv/ and /mu/. You guys are just awful

>> No.7322419

>At least they're trying to engage with substantial literature.
How is that substantial literature? It's just /lit/ being full of themselves over books

>> No.7322422

i guess your main shelf is for hardcore reading.
the other is shelf is for your pleasure

>> No.7322426

What does one have to do to not be looked down upon by you, anon?

>> No.7322433

Essentially, yes, but I've been running out of room lately and have to keep shifting books and I even put a lot of the books I was into as a teenager in a pile in another room.

I've only been reading from the "hardcore" shelf for the past few months.

>> No.7322438

Books are like doing charity. Showing it off is just a case of bad taste

>> No.7322442
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Pls b gentle /lit/


>> No.7322456

>house animals on Martin books
That's cool

>> No.7322463

>no Nora Roberts
>no Mary Higgings Clark
>no Tom Clancy
>no John Grisham
Admit it, /lit/. You hide them

>> No.7322464

I like how you didn't specify reading or buying. Just books generally.

>> No.7322470

>yiddish policemans union
not so nice

>> No.7322473

I never read those, but I do have my 40+ Lillian Jackson Braun's in a box. Plus guidebooks. And quiz books. In hardcover and softcover. Qwilleran was the shit to teenage me.

>> No.7322476

Only books I hide in my pictures are my fantasy books.

Which of these collections is mine? Heh, I'll never tell.

>> No.7322482

pff, coward

>> No.7322484
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>sharing something you're proud of is bad taste

>> No.7322489

The fuck are you proud off? Pride is one of seven deadly sins

>> No.7322500

>hiding those
>not hiding Martin, King or Murakama

>> No.7322508
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I have six other bookshelves with my real collection but I just made this one for next to my bed. The pic is shit idc

>> No.7322511
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These aren't mine desu, they're part from a box set, a friend lent me two first books but I've never found the time / patience to finish them

Haven't read Yiddish yet, but Cavalier and Klay was gr8

>> No.7322513
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Bonus round, new stuff / current loans

>> No.7322523

No, being proud of owning books is bad taste.

>> No.7322532

This is why this thread sucks

>> No.7322533

Why books specifically? Can one be proud of certain kinds of collections, like the anon who collects first editions? You're not against lending libraries, are you?

>> No.7322538

>Can one be proud of certain kinds of collections, like the anon who collects first editions?
No, that's just bad taste

>> No.7322544

So you'd be against museums that house book collections too?

Anon, I think you're the one who needs to get some taste.

>> No.7322546

You should just hide your books all together. People might be offended that you read in the first place

>> No.7322553

It's your collection, so it's your bad taste to show it off like you're some big shit

>> No.7322578

actual autism

>> No.7322591

anon, just chill
it's 4chan

>> No.7322610
File: 200 KB, 1024x1024, yDmPplD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a picture of me with my bookshelf. What do you guys think of my books?

>> No.7322622

OP here. Dude I love your collection.
How old are you? if you don't mind me asking.
Do you buy used books? All of your books look pretty new and not super worn.
Have you read most of them?

Can you recommend me anything similar to Patagonia or The Snow Leopard?

>> No.7322629

I think of this picture whenever someone asks me why I'm an English major.

>> No.7322661

All I can about is how uncomfortable the fabric must be on her nipples.

>> No.7322666

Never mind. I'm very confused about the tenderness.

>> No.7322674
File: 3.28 MB, 2530x4420, travel literature.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, OP! I'm 26. Almost all of them are used books; my two big places I've bought books from are PaperbackSwap and Thriftbooks. ~350 were from PBS specifically. I've read ~60% of the ones I own, though I'm starting to buy more that I've already read through library/ebooks too. It's a cheap way to feel happy.

For recs, here's my travel literature chart from a while back--it's my favorite one I've ever made. Fermor should definitely appeal, if you haven't already got started on his stuff, and Richie's Inland Sea will as well.

>> No.7322677

Can you move out of the way? I'm trying to read the titles.

>> No.7322680

>Haven't read Yiddish yet, but Cavalier and Klay was gr8
was it? his prose is plain but overall his story was rather boring.

>> No.7322690

>no death and a kings horseman

>> No.7322701
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>plebs feeling inferior

>> No.7322706

Sorry, not moving. I don't want you to bully me after you see my collection of German idealism.

>> No.7322715

>death and a kings horseman

Who's the author? The only thing by that name I know of or could find is the Soyinka play.

>> No.7322723

Multilingual anons, do you buy books you particularly like in two languages or even more? I did that with Idiot

>> No.7322819
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This is pitiful.

>> No.7322853

Damn don't know how it is I have never seen this. Awesome chart bro.

Have you studied english at college?

>> No.7322872

Suicide. I'm sorry, my friend. It's your only option.

>> No.7322948

I think they should still all be up on the wiki, if you haven't looked through that recently.

And yeah, I'm still in grad school for it, though more slowly now that I've started working full time as well.

>> No.7322978

Mate, you need some actual literature. Throw those out or hide them.

>> No.7323009

R u studying English lit at Roehampton?

>> No.7323024

I wanna fack you're tittiez

>> No.7323042


>> No.7323112

What is your specific area of study or interest?

Sorry for the interview lol.

>> No.7323512

Sofia University in Bulgaria

>> No.7323697

made me grin anon

>> No.7323714
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just enjoying some fine wine and literature! #bookworm

>> No.7323726
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>> No.7323731


/lit/ - Literature

>> No.7323756

>song of shit

*tips dothraki dragonglass katana*

>> No.7323760

don't be an elitist, anon

>> No.7323772


Not that anon, but our elitism has served us well here, and somewhat insulated us from many of the pleb problems that the other media boards face.

He's an idiot for even replying to a bait pic, though.

>> No.7323774

Whole of 4chan thinks you're a bunch of pussies along with /r9k/ though

>> No.7323786



Good, pleb. Good.

>> No.7323980
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>> No.7324109

Good, that will hide us from the rest of 4chan

>> No.7324225

Sorry, went to bed! Should be sorta obvious though--pre-war Japanese literature.

>> No.7325714

More shelves, please.

>> No.7325820

All those unbroken spines.

Confirmed pretentious cunt.

>> No.7325827

>Not reading all different kinds of translated Bibles to get a feel of what different branches of Christendom try to make of it. And of course what they edit out or smuggle in.

>> No.7325828

The Bible the Christian would get is the one which their priest tells them about. You can't judge someone else's reading habits, when you yourself adhere to the interpretation of the text proposed by another man. You and the other poster are just as deluded as one another.

>> No.7325902
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pls no bully thx

>> No.7325945

bookshelf threads are so relaxing
bring a nice cup of joe to bed and look at what all my peers are reading

>> No.7325947

>Schmidt was a strict individualist, almost a solipsist. Disaffected by his experience of the Third Reich, he had an extremely pessimistic world view. In Schwarze Spiegel, he describes his utopia as an empty world after an anthropogenic apocalypse.

Arno was the most /lit/ of all authors.

>> No.7326005

We should start rating people's collections.

>> No.7326087

shelves please

>> No.7326102
File: 1.12 MB, 3456x2304, shit I picked up from second hand bookstores.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here, have my plebby English shelf.

>> No.7326149
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>> No.7326153
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What do you think?

>> No.7326163
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>Atlas Shrugged
>Pristine, untouched copy of Ulysses

>> No.7326172

nah, that's too aggressive and pointed and concrete and vibe killing,

just let the pictures flow maaan

>> No.7326180

I already read Ulysses: >>7326022
I had to leave my copy on another continent, though. I could only throw away so many of my clothes so my bags would still go through the check in at the airport.
Atlas Shrugged is only there because some people think it's worth reading. I try to keep around interesting stuff even though I might not read it in years.
Lullaby was very shitty, I give you that.

>> No.7326195

>judging someone's taste by what's on their shelf
Man, don't discourage people for reading stuff like Rand. It's called seeing for yourself and forming your own opinion. I have Marx on my shelf but I'm not a Marxist.

Then again,
>Ayn Rand

>> No.7326206

I like you tbhf.

>> No.7326209
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>It's called seeing for yourself and forming your own opinion.
This. If there's a book people have very strong opinions on, it might be worth seeing for yourself to join the discussion.

>> No.7326223

so glad to see The Outsider on someone's shelf. Colin Wilson helped me become less of an asshole.

>> No.7326252
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>> No.7326260

>The Illustrated Guide to Gardening

Nice. I like.

>> No.7326327
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>> No.7326337
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>> No.7326344
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>> No.7326345



>> No.7326351
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>> No.7326353

What is your favorite music, anon?

>> No.7326370

anything melancholic, dark, aggressive or introspective.

>> No.7326403
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Wanna be frens, anon?

>> No.7326416

Not a bad collection.

>> No.7326448

thanks anon

>> No.7326720

>Colin Wilson helped me become less of an asshole.

>> No.7326729

Tilt your photos if you want me to read the spines.

>> No.7326745

>Alfred Kubin
Wonderful artist.

>> No.7326752
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>> No.7326799

>Mark Manson

Automatically assuming you're more well adjusted then 99% of 4chan, congrats

>> No.7326810

He's also a wonderful writer even though he only wrote one book. The Other Side is the one novel without writers like Kafka wouldn't have been possible. It's a must read if you want to get into German literature of the early 20th century.

>> No.7326832

>what they edit out or smuggle in.
I have a .pdf of the apocrypha :^)

>> No.7326867

damn thats some real baader meinhof going on
i had been sort of peripherally aware of illuminatus for some time, but never heard it mentioned on /lit/

but just picked it up from a used store and read it recently, now it seems like everyone's read it

>> No.7326885

you bought The Dark Tower from different publishers...

>> No.7326891

>tfw no one reads Hanif Kureishi or James Ellroy

>> No.7326915

Is that guy good? I want to read some more self help books after Carnegie

>> No.7326917

I'm reading that Lovecraft book right now.

>> No.7326925
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Not necessarily literature, but the fuel responsible for creating something beyond literature. Transcending, a word often used disgustingly lightly, has its yin and yang. Countering abstract and often extremely visceral thought requires careful measure, slow stirring, and no hamburger. I don't like the hamburger. When the rhythms align, an explosion happens; it's up to me to contain the blast and articulate its intricacies on the canvas. I'm a big eater, so it’s always two boxes. My spoon? it’s away now. I’m going to go eat with it.

>> No.7327008

Dude, shut the fuck up

>> No.7327032

okay i lol'd

>> No.7327073


0/10 sparse taste, have you even mastered a single author?

>> No.7327093
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Is that Gay Science Kaufmann's?
If so, it's fucking disgusting

>> No.7327102

why is Nauckhoff better?

>> No.7327106

well done

>> No.7327119

I read German so I don't know why it'd be better, but I do know that The Gay Science of Kaufmann's contains a major mistranslation right before Nietzsche's 'incipit tragoedia,' i.e. one of his (most) major quotes, which alone is enough for me to look for another, better translation

>> No.7327122

can you explain further so i can see if nauckhoff corrects it?

>> No.7327175
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Main bookcase

>> No.7327176
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Overflow section

>> No.7327181
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Heavy tomes of study.

>> No.7327373


>Old Codex edition
>First edition s,m,l,xl

I like you.

>> No.7327444

ayy ishmael

>> No.7327708

Are you gonna sell 1/4 books just like you said you're gonna sell 4/4 books?

>> No.7327905
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I only have Heraclitus - Fragments and The Noble Qur'an. It's the only two books one man could ever need. One being the word of God and the other being the collected ramblings of a previous prophet who was shunned by his people.

>> No.7327908
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>> No.7328122

Only way you could be more patrician is if you read Heraclitus in Greek and The Qur'an in Arabic.