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/lit/ - Literature

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7317103 No.7317103 [Reply] [Original]

David Foster Wallace fans BTFO!

The cult surrounding this self-asserting sack of pity is insane. How many times have you watched this video? How many times have you heard his on-the-spot assertions and felt somewhere oh-just-so-deep-down that he was right? Take yourself away from that for just a second. Imagine that all his predictions, his opinions and his conceptualisations of the past are all bullshit. Imagine that everything he says is the result of an absorbing narcissism; that he makes stupid faces because he sees himself as the arbeiter of truth and far above the German woman in front of him. The person you worship is a fraud. And there's something incredibly sad and banal about that.

>> No.7317107

Thanks for posting

>> No.7317132

This interview is actually making me interested in reading the book.

>> No.7317135 [DELETED] 

>Recommended videos.

>> No.7317143

It's a great interview, and a great book. His writing is a lot livelier than his persona. Give it a shot.

>> No.7317149

A shame that the interviewers sucked though.

>> No.7317154

I liked the german girl, obviously the cameraman was a dick

>> No.7317167

At least DFW wasn't a librul.

>> No.7317170

what makes you say that?

>> No.7317174


Top lel.

I like David Foster Wallace. I don't adore him or worship him. I have a small folder of reaction pics of him, mostly because he pulls some pretty awesome faces. I don't worship these idols tho.

I've read Good Old Neon and A Supposedly Fun Thing I'll Probably Never Do Again and enjoyed them thoroughly. Infinite Jest is on its way in the mail, I should have it by Friday, along with Gravity's Rainbow. I'll be living the meme.

I think he's a good author. I don't think he's the greatest of all time. Neither do I think he was the prophet to herald the end of the era of tedious POMO trash.

>> No.7317177


Great post.

Reported. Go back to /pol/ you god damned fucking faggot.

Seriously, are you the guy who has been shitting up all the threads recently, calling people commies, zionists, propagandists and jews? I get the distinct feeling it's one sad little fag from /pol/.

>> No.7317180

he cops to being narcissistic quite regularly in the interview. he is painfully aware of the role he plays when he interviews or gives book readings, thats why he sweats

>The person you worship is a fraud.

his most popular short story begins with the line "My whole life I've been a fraud." though he doesn't say he is the narrator, he interpolates his own name into the end of the story

also no one here worships him. there are lots of threads about infinite jest, but its a popular book. there are also lots of threads on house of leaves and atlas shrugged. if you want someone who is actually worshiped here, like, "they didn't have a single wrong idea" level, try stirner fans.

>> No.7317206

Congratulations, OP! You've discovered that false modesty is a social tactic. Well done!

>> No.7317456

this is a parody of reddit surely

>> No.7317467

i thought he was semi macking on that german broad but he has flimsy nerves from plenty of cocaine use, that's all clear to me.
he sees himself as axl rose. i love the guy he just needed to do more cardio and eat fruit but he did all that cocaine instead

>> No.7317471

>be me
>walking down the street
>run into friend who is... how to say... mentally challenged
>he is carrying IJ
>spends the next 20 minutes telling me how great it is

So now that /phil/ is gone, level with me, guys: should I really read this book?

>> No.7317473


This is some weak bait

>> No.7317482
File: 7 KB, 250x250, 3a81CbV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>search for the interview on youtube
>click on it
>first thing he does is misquote Wittgenstein

>> No.7317484

>And there's something incredibly sad and banal about that.

>> No.7317497


if you don't, you should leave

>> No.7317512

>be me
>walking down the street
>car rolls up behind me
>man yells: "DAVID FOSTER WALLLLLLLLACE" as he drives by

>> No.7317513
File: 621 KB, 320x179, dfw.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would appreciate if you could recommend me some critical works on Infinite Jest. What analysis should I read? Are there any companions that can be found online? Are there any good books written on Infinite Jest?

>> No.7317535

This thread is nothing but a never-ending farce.

>> No.7318750

And there is something

>> No.7318779

>How many times have you watched this video?
About thrice.

>> No.7318787

>/phil/ is gone

>> No.7318789



>> No.7319889


>> No.7319896

He wrote some good stuff

>> No.7319901


>> No.7319903


>> No.7319908

I wish he'd killed himself again.

>> No.7320043

Really, you wish your language was impoverished --twice?

>> No.7321931


>> No.7322132

Loved broom of the system, pissed off as it just trails off. Infinite Jest was hard to get trough and unrewarding. Still have to read the others. I think his narcissism shows in all his writing, esp ij.

>> No.7322975

Nice false-flag, /pol/

>> No.7322979

>I don't worship him
>...I've only read... Infinite Jest is coming in the mail...
Yeah, that's about to change, my friend

>> No.7323369

>*perpetual chuckles*

>> No.7323373

Not same poster. Why is it so good? It's over 1000 pages, that's a fairly big commitment for a slow reader like me.

>> No.7323393

It's not it's a big troll to get you to trudge through 1000 pages and waste your time.

>> No.7323412

No it actually is that good. It's the most important book i've ever read. Go on infinite summer.com and see if you like the vibe. It will always be waiting for you, go ahead and read the shorter books you've been wanting to tackle first.

>> No.7323443

Because it's delightful and horrifying at the same time.

Infinite Jest is responsible for my constant, failed, resolutions to get off of 4chan.

>> No.7323469

I love how this /thread is blatant DFW-prose ripoffs.

oh wait, I guess point that out ruins the fun, right?

>> No.7323816

Should I read Pale King?

>> No.7323928

If you want to read the greatest author of the last 75 years' extraordinarily ambitious but unfinished attempt to communicate all of our most important timeless human verities to a world thats rapidly losing touch with them, then yes.

>> No.7324015


>> No.7324018
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>> No.7324072

That is very convincing thank you

>> No.7324113

Too much hype there. It's about 7/10 accurate, but it'll do. Go read it, all the same.

>> No.7324237

DFW self-inserts "Dave Wallace" as Neal's friend though.

just a technical correction though, I know how the story was heavily based on DFW's self insights

>> No.7324316

Elegant Complexity is a nice one.

>> No.7324326

For a lot of people he brought the ability to care back into their lives. Why should he not be revered for that?

>> No.7324327 [DELETED] 

Because in the end he was just full of hot air.
If his writing meant something he wouldn't have killed himself. :^)

>> No.7324331
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>> No.7324872

all this means is that you dress like a tool

>> No.7324897

Hi friend, you seem to have replied to your own post by mistake, in violation of an anonymous imageboard's unspoken rule. This awkward situation is commonly referred to as "samefagging," and this is just a quick heads-up to remind you not to do that in the future. Thanks and god bless.

>> No.7324898

It's a reference to this

>> No.7324916
File: 264 KB, 484x489, hurr2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I have a small folder of reaction pics of him, mostly because he pulls some pretty awesome faces

>> No.7324968
File: 167 KB, 529x705, wellmemed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have IJ lying here right now, but I'm too afraid to start it, so I started reading Blood Meridian instead and holy shit, I didn't even know it was possible to write this good.

Will I get the same feeling with IJ?

>> No.7324978

IJ is as good but its more work. Much more work. It's not just long, its purposfully autistic and boring in parts.

You will enjoy it but its like leg day, its great once you finish, not so fun in the middle of it.

>> No.7324991

Thanks. Cool analogy.

>> No.7325064

so sick of scrawny hipsters listening to rap music. he's handsome though.

>> No.7326807

>i didn't understand the ending
thanks for letting us know

>> No.7326897

i find DFW and his stories to be boring

>> No.7327074
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As if anyone cares what you think about what someone posts on /lit/.