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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 13 KB, 400x261, implied-facepalm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
731376 No.731376 [Reply] [Original]

>go to borders
>look around
>see "classics" display
>classics includepride and prejudice, to kill a mockingbird
>and the Davinci code
my face

>> No.731383




>> No.731385
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>go to border
>look around
>get in the line
>The guy only ask for passport
>I'm in America
my face when I have explosive in my car.

>> No.731393


>> No.731396

>go to borders
>remember I have a Nook and could have bought a book from home
>pick up a whore in the parking lot and bang her while reading Dostoevsky on the Nook

>> No.731400
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Butthurt American

>> No.731401
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>> No.731404

feels good man

>> No.731412

lol i hope someone puts explosives in your car and you blow yourself up when you go to the store to buy more red white and blue star-spangled dildos.

>> No.731418

>I have an internet and can buy books from home
>never go to Borders

>> No.731424
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>Go to border
>See Mexicans trying to flee their country because of the Drug War
>America does not grant asylum
>Naturalization takes 10 years and $15,000

my face

>> No.731428
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>I have an internet
>an internet

>> No.731438

I have 5 internets.

>> No.731449
File: 3 KB, 111x107, No just no.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> Go to local book store.
>> Buy Dracula novel
>> Lady at counter recommends Twilight is better for girls
>> My face

>> No.731457
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what you should have done

>> No.731482

>go to borders
>30+ year old female employee talking non stop about Twilight to a male employee in his early 60s
>he looks like he's about to hang himself
>4 mexican women (the only other people in the store) hovering around the bible section
>see "religious fiction" section and chuckle to myself

On a side note note, the large mall by my house closed down it's only book store. If you look at the map of the mall, it still has the books category where it lists all the stores. Under it are 5 card, calendar, and gift stores. How fucking depressing is that.

>> No.731494
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>> No.731495

She said a young girl as myself shouldn't dabble with boy stuff.
I almost gave her a cunt punt

>> No.731498
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The fuck. I would've slapped that ho right there.

>> No.731505

You didn't rescue the guy by asking him to show you something?
Dude, not cool.

>> No.731510
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>> No.731514

Are you on the internet via time machine from 1947?

>> No.731517


>> No.731522

That would have been unlady like but damn I was close to it.

>> No.731528

>Go to Chapters
>There are a shit-ton of people
>Most of them are pubescent females, with the exception of their parents
>Overhear that the crowd is due to it being the launch of some twilight movie or something
>The masses are crowding the youth section
>Head to science-fiction, am completely unperturbed by the masses of teeny-boppers


>> No.731529

I fucking hate twilight. I can;t believe people think it's good! The fact that it's so "famous" is going to unleash generations of fanfic writers who think it's okay to write like stephanie meyers.

>> No.731532


>> No.731545


What the shit are you talking about, nobody thinks it's good.

>> No.731552

>go to Borders thread
>make same old jokes about political borders
>lol mexicans

>> No.731557


b y qbdjismilo h irfxvvpCrHRISTOPHER PlOOrLEf (AiKA MiOOT, AKA TzHE ADeMIN OtF 4pCHbAsNl) IS A DmAvNGEpROUS,v MENTrALLY IpLzLh THoIEF.n READk AnLL AqBOtUT ITj HERE: HTTPd://l8f8l.8m0.2s1.m12/ OmR HTTP:p//WWW.ANONToALK.nSEs/ ORq HTTmP:m/y/AT.KIMMdOlAg.SaEv/a n bub h c yu fl t ir ec ce j

>> No.731563

Twilight haters are more annoying than Twilight fans.

>> No.731565

>lol im smrt u guis listen to me
>i kno everything about immigration

>> No.731570

This is a lit board and Twilight is hardly considered literature.

>> No.731581

No real people do, but the majority of "casual" readers consider it a classic.

>> No.731593

I would definitely disagree.

>> No.731609

i wouldnt totally disagree, both of them are really annoying

>> No.731616

>Go to borders
>Oh, that's right! I don't read books.

>> No.732794

>Go to WHSmith's (UK book shop)
>Nothing but autobiographies, how to books and the sci-fi/fantasy/horror section consisting of 5 shelves each 2 feet or so wide.
>Go to sci-fi/fantasy/horror
>It's been replaced...
>...by classics.


>> No.732799

>Implying book stores aren't the PS3 of book-buying.

>> No.732812


>Go to Angus and Robertson's
>$20 for a paperback book because lol practical monopoly
>Go to bookdepository.co.uk
>$10 for the same paperbook book - with free shipping unlike Amazon and their bullshit
>Browse bookdepository.co.uk on a British proxy
>$6 for the same paperback book
>Muck around with cookies so I don't have to buy through a proxy
>Buy book


>> No.732814


Also I don't know why I'm replying to your individual post but whatever.

>> No.732818


Because we are on the same wavelength.

>> No.732819

>go to goodwill
>buy 4 books for $4

>> No.732822
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I paid 35 dollars for World War Z because I was in a hurry and needed a gift. Got my own copy for 11 dollars on cdwow (free shipping too).

>> No.732827

>go to #bookz
>download book for free
>fuck year

>> No.732831



Though the book I got I couldn't get for cheap second-hand off Abebooks or any of my usual second-hand haunts so it still counts.


You could have got it for 7.32 using my cookie trick! But still that's good.

>> No.732840


Like I want to read even MORE on a CRT screen.

And I like having a book library that doesn't require electricity outside of the AAA's in my torch.

Though I am open-minded enough consider getting one when e-ink readers get cheaper.

But lets not turn this into a yet another e-book/e-reader debate. It's passe.

>> No.732843


Suddenly I don't feel so bad about the death of Borders in the UK

>> No.732849

You can charge your e-readers on your computer like an i-pod you ignorant plebian

>> No.732856


Bookstores have no books

>> No.732891
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>>Reading Wired
>>see books referred to as "p-books" (i.e. paper books)

>> No.732916

>Surf around new town for book shops
>Hey this place has a lot of books inside
>Section called 'Bibles'
>Section called 'Christian children's books'
>Small shelf of Christian music
>Realise the kind of shop I'm actually in
>Get the fuck out and read the shop name
>'Jacob's book store'

Well that was awkward

>> No.732918

>go to borders
>see starbucks sign within the shop
>procede to the door regardless
>realise it is closed down and the whole shop is empty
>walk back to car hoping no one noticed

>> No.732922


Enjoy having your "books" leased down to you by your designated manufacturer in obscure formats and price regimes, depending on to where you live in the world. Or at least that's how it will be for the vast majority of readers, who are merely readers and not IT nerds. This closed, proprietary business model is where things are seemingly headed.

>> No.732927

>implying only nerds know about piracy
>implying all readers feature an equally closed model
>motherfucking greentext up in this bitch

>> No.732944


>Implying forcing people to resorting to pirating to read is a good thing

>> No.732960

How does this proxy/cookie shit work?

>> No.732977
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My Sony MP3 player is five or six years old now and I still don't know a practical way of getting the tracks off it (pic very related), nor is there any third-party software to replace SonicStage. Originally it didn't even play MP3s until Sony gave up on their ATRAC shit. Sony and the rest of them are getting good at this stuff, and you'll be dealing with it.

>> No.732978


You kinda got what you deserved for buying that..

>> No.732989
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I didn't buy it actually; I saved it from being thrown into landfill. I think the original owner was Japanese or American and realised he couldn't buy music for it in this country (lol, Sony). He hadn't even updated the 2nd-gen firmware, or maybe it hadn't been released by then.

I still have the photos that were on it, but not the music of course.

>> No.733051


I would also like to know that.

>> No.733085


Bump for cookie secret!

>> No.733089


Bit of a discussion starts here:


>> No.733092

>go into Waterstones
>try to get to the sci-fi section, but find the way blocked by a load of teenagers reading Death Note.
>ask at the counter if they have Animal Farm.
>They say no, but tell me that they have a special offer on "The Lost Symbol."
>I leave, and vow to do all future book shopping online.

>> No.733155

>Go to bookdepository.co.uk
>find out they don't ship to Denmark


>> No.733190

>Go online
>Search for book I want
>Find book I want
>Purchase book I want
>Receive book I want in the mail a few days later

>> No.733207


fuck's sake...

>> No.733211
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>go to /lit/
>see greentext for actions thread
>my face

>> No.733215


that's f...ing harsh

>> No.733244


You're on the internet, on 4chan even! You are allowed to use swear words.

>> No.733275

>go to borders
>completing my purchase
>woman behind the counter asks if i want to buy twilight ohmigawd its the best book evar
>say no, i prefer books where vampires are actually vampires, not shiny ones that live in daylight
>walk out with woman glaring at me like she wants to disembowel me with a fork

it was a good day

>> No.733299

>go to borders
>wait, fuck borders, go to barnes and noble
>mmm starbuck's italian soda with h'n'h.
>books? pft i dont read the kind of mainstream books chain stores carry

>> No.733302

I'll cuss when I gosh darn feel like it

>> No.733310

All that effort just to save $4 on a single book. Doesn't seem worth it to me.

>> No.733315

Someone probably put it there to troll snobby people and piss them off.

>> No.733316
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>Go to Waterstone's
>See fat teen getting her mom to buy Breaking Dawn
>Mom goes "I don't know, vampires seem too violent..."
>Go to her
>"Yes, I don't think it's suitable. I heard there were explicit scenes!"
>Her face

>> No.733323

>I fucking hate twilight. I can;t believe people think it's good!

I'm a music fan that feels the same way about Lady Gaga. Then I know what will happen to her later on and I suddenly feel better about it. Where will all her brilliance be in five years when I see a billion copies of The Fame/Fame Monster stacked up at Goodwill?

>> No.733339


I extend to you the salute of awesomeness.

You have earned it.

>> No.733363

Dude Lady Gaga is extremely enjoyable, I dont like mainstream, market pop shit, but she has potential and shes entertaining. Nice personality too.

>The only book store in my town is extremely overpriced
>fuck that shit
>find used book store
>romance novels only
>fuck that shit

>> No.733398


>> No.733411


>I dont like mainstream, market pop shit, but [mainstream, market pop shit] has potential and [is] entertaining

>> No.733414
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>go to local bookstore
>they only have shit and self-help books
>go to a small second-hand store run by the local church
>get the brothers karamazov, for whom the bell tolls, and great expectations for three dollars
>my face

>> No.733415

>Go to Borders
>Peruse classics section
>Ask desk clerk if they have Lermontov or Anne Radcliffe or any of Byron's novels
>"Ummm whuuu???"

>> No.733416

as a music fan, she's drawn inspiration from a lot of great places... but I want her to go away

>> No.733422

>brothers karamazov

how many times are you extremely large faggots going to buy that book?

>> No.733429

Uh, well, personally I'm not going to buy it any more than once.

>> No.733430

Me too.
...Unless it's stolen or I lose it. Then I might need to buy it again.
But that's unlikely, so...

>> No.733431
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Party cat! Now is not the time for partying!

>> No.733432

i borrowed it from the library

so, we have one rental, and one future purchase so far.

good luck with the rest of your survey Mr. >>733422 !

>> No.733433

well from now on lets assume that if one person has the book, everyone has the book, that way we won't have to look at the same reposts every day

>> No.733435

they NEVER have what I want at the book store.
unless It's a well known fantasy novel I'm getting.

>> No.733441
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>go to Chapters
>ask about Paul McCarthy catalogs
>they throw me out and revoke my discount card

>> No.733448


>> No.733451

we censor books in canada

>> No.733595

>Go to Barnes and Noble
>Find Murakami.
>buy short story collection.

>> No.733602

Min gave til dig.

>> No.733607

>Go to B&N
>Go to manga
>Vol 3,5,and 10

When will these discontinous fucks stock the whole series?

>> No.733616


>> No.733629


That's your problem right there

>> No.733633

>Go to local book fair run by Rotary
>Spend hours sifting through thousands of books
>Leave with two tote bags full of books for $40


>> No.733664

>Go to Half-Price Books
>Complete collection of John Cheever's stories for $1.40.
>_War Dances_ by Sherman Alexie for eight bucks.

>> No.733667

>go to The Library
>it's a bar near my university
>all of the books have been cut in half so they can fit on the shelves
>try to read one while hammered with my bros
>get kicked out of the Library

Er, whoops.

>> No.733686


I read this as Paul McCartney.

Good morning /lit/

>> No.733691

do you live in york, pa?

>> No.733692

>all of the books have been cut in half so they can fit on the shelves

I am 12 years old and what is this

>> No.733694

not down the spine, down the cover.....bar props

>> No.733695

ATX bro?

>> No.733700

Oh I hate that. It happens a lot at B&N with the old Bantam Star Wars books. They'll have the first and last books but not the second one

>> No.733710


>Work at Chapters
>Have to deal with retarded Head Office sending issues 1-5000 of every shitty manga
>No one ever fucking buys any of them
>Finally get a list of books to return, issues 1-4995 of each manga
>Angry teens in Hot Topic clothes complain the next day that they can't find all the issues of the faggy manga they want

>Also work in the backroom/inventory
>Nab all the single copies of Akira, Ghost in the Shell, Yotsuba&, and Dragonball before they even go out on the floor

>> No.733727

>is extremely enjoyable, I dont like mainstream, market pop shit, but she has potential and shes entertaining

That's what the record companies want you to think.
It's like that movie Josie and the Pussycats.

>> No.733735

You should be nabbing real literature instead.

>> No.733757

>"manga is faggy"
>nab a bunch of faggy shit

>> No.733763

>Go to Waterstones
>Fantasy is classed the same as Science Fiction

>> No.733782

My e-reader can do all formats pleb.

Jesus, what is it with you people trying all you can to find fault with this?

who knew people would feel so threatened by being able to have a library in your pocket

>> No.733789

>Go to any second-hand book
>Books are same price as new
>Only have duplicates of by the same 50 authors
>Wonder why people are happy to buy 2nd hand books but are against pirating
>Go to real bookshop
>Wonder why books are cheaper in America

>> No.734019
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oh oh, I know this thread from /v/
>Go to >insert book shop here<
>Inane behavior from cashier or customer

>> No.734174

>Go to Akademibokhandeln (biggest book-chain in Sweden)
>Ask cashier if they have The Sound and the Fury
>Bitch doesn't know how to spell sound

I fucking hate living in sweden sometimes.

>> No.734206

did you actually just say pleb..


>> No.734243

Secondhand book stores must be really different where you live. Most bookstores around here are half cover price or less, and that tends to be half the cover price from earlier editions that may be 4 or 5 dollars cheaper than the current editions.

>> No.734259

Every fucking time. Fucking Akademibokhandeln.

>> No.734266


Thank you kind sir! I just ordered the 4 volume, 2340 page edition of Three Kingdoms by Luo Guanzhong from them - for ~$15!