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731139 No.731139 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else a fan of Mishima? He's one of my favorites, about to start the last novel in the Sea of Fertility

>> No.731146

He was a gay bodybuilder.

>> No.731151

He's so damn sexy

>> No.731155

He was undoubtedly a genius. His personal life, was strange.
Sea of Fertility power rankings:
1. Decay of the Angel
2. The Temple of Dawn
3. Spring Snow
4. Runaway Horses

>> No.731160

definitely had one of the most beautiful writing styles of any author. spent way too much time talking about buddhism in the Sea of Fertility though, I felt like those passages were more disruptive than anything else.

>> No.731164


I didn't think Temple of Dawn was anywhere near as good as Spring Snow.

>> No.731167

Did he kill himself?

>> No.731172

Yep. He wanted to play with his intestines, but it didn't go well.

>> No.731178


yes, he performed Seppuku, fulfilling a lifelong aspiration of his

>> No.731199

I still cannot comprehend why the Japanese felt like they had to "Die with honor". Who psychologically brainwashed them?

>> No.731201

Also, why are the Japanese so fucked up?

>> No.731205


You're going to have to be more specific. Why are they fucked up now, or why were they fucked up some time in the past?

>> No.731210

It isn't just a Japanese thing, it is inherent to military tradition.

>> No.731211

lolicon, panty dispensers, goosh goosh, ect...

>> No.731216

Panty dispenses are illegal now.

>> No.731218

they're half jewish

>> No.731219


Ah. A-Bombs.

>> No.731222

I'm quite the fan of Hiroshima myself, though I enjoyed Nagasaki a good deal more

>> No.731224

You're not funny.

>> No.731228


OP here, that made me lol

>> No.731232

A friend of mine wrote a very interesting essay on japanese sexuality, if I could find it I'd share it. I wouldn't go as far as say they are fucked up, it's just a totally different culture, obviously but really, a good read into it will open your mind about it and leave you with some interesting thoughts.

>> No.731238


>> No.731249

Also, I thought I should share this with you

>> No.731256

here's a 70's punk song about Yukio Mishima

>> No.731679
File: 41 KB, 557x795, mishima_head.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Mishima was a nationalist asshole. Most Japanese are over it, but he felt obliged to protest that fact by having his head cut off.

>> No.732841

having his head cut off POORLY. For seppuku, the second is supposed to behead you in one clean blow; however, Mishima's second was an inexperienced titburglar, and had to take 3 whacks to behead him.

>> No.732853


No, supposedly he failed repeatedly and someone else had to take over and do it properly. Mishima had planned his suicide in secret for about year, so it must have been something of an anticlimax to have your second timidly sawing at your neck.

>> No.733005

The thing that's kind of neat about Mishima is that he was a good writer AND completely nuts. I mean, I guess sometimes when I'm bummed out I can empathize with that psychopathic urge to express your inner pain through violence, but goddamn, he literally died by that ideal. But most days that seems a little silly and juvenile.

>> No.733123

Which book by Mishima does /lit/ recommend one begins with? Haven't read anything by him at all but this thread made me want to.

>> No.733146

I've only read "Sun and Steel" and basically he talks about how and why he started working out. Loved the book to pieces. Thanks for reminding me, now I have to read it again.

>> No.733151

lol japan u so crazy

>> No.733152

sun and steel where /fit/ and /lit/ can unite! also, start with ''acts of worship'' it is a short story collection and to me Mishima's most brilliant work.

>> No.733176

God damnit, I made a thread about Yukio Mishima a couple days ago and only got one measly response!

>> No.733196
File: 58 KB, 450x643, 1236027364845.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone was at church

>> No.733397

Yeah, I'm wondering also because the guy wrote 40 fucking novels: WHERE DO I START!?

>> No.733404

Confessions of a Mask
The Sailor Who Fell From Grace With the Sea and/or The Temple of the Golden Pavillion.

If you can put up with those, then you can read the Sea of Fertility.

>> No.733412

His whole life sucked. If you look at it, you can see he was a repressed gay man who tried to counteract his homosexuality with hypermasculine acts of masochism and violence.

>> No.733421

why look at these things as a dichotomy instead of seeing them as unified in one person? If literature teaches you anything, it should be that no character is truely hypocritical

>> No.733467

Yet he was known in gay circles around Japan and often frequented gay bars.

>> No.733476

When he was younger he was tied up to a corner of a bed with his dying grandma in it. He was also forced to stay inside and play dolls with his cousins. His father picked him up and made him face moving trains.