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/lit/ - Literature

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7308160 No.7308160 [Reply] [Original]

So I'm in graduate school and read a fuck ton for classes and as such unfortunately don't have too much time to read for leisure. Due to this lack of time I have been reading short stories as opposed to novels so lets have a short story thread; post your favorites, rate others, discuss, what have you.

I'll begin with my favorite (it's a pretty vanilla choice admittedly): Flowers for Algernon

Pic unrelated

>> No.7308173

Anyone read the stories of Breece D'J Pancake? One of my favourite writers, not discussed much on lit

>tfw can't find a damn trilobite

>> No.7308194

>Good Old Neon
>Paul's Case
>Perfect Day For Bananafish

Also like every O'Connor short story is good.

>> No.7308201


short stories are for people who can't handle the rigor of poetry and who don't have enough to say for a novel. The idea that it's a tight form of literature is disgusting. It's the weakest in spirit and in manifest. Can you name a short story as aesthetically or metaphysically powerful as a great novel or poem of the same eminence?

>> No.7308205

>not mentioning the novella
>being this much of an assmad faggot

>> No.7308207
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A Perfect Day for Bananafish - Salinger
The Dead - Joyce
Forever Overhead - Wallace
Babylon Revisited - Fitzgerald
A Day's Wait - Hemingway
Cathedral - Carver

I strongly recommend these short story collections:
Nine Stories - Salinger
Dubliners - Joyce
Nearly all of Hemingway. Nearly all of Carver.

Stay away from Updike, Cheever, the rest of Wallace (maybe, he has a few other ones that are ok), and the rest of Fitzgerald. Consider all of Poe and all of Kafka because tis the season.

I didnt like Chekhov but I am not sure why.

>> No.7308215

>I don't like thing


>> No.7308257

Which, if any, of those is more melancholy like Flowers for Algernon? I'm in the mood to read depressing stories

>> No.7308315
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A Perfect Day for Bananafish, The Dead, Forever Overhead, and Babylon Revisited.

However they all have different variants of melancholy. Bananafish is short and blunt with the problem at hand, but is cryptic about what the problem really is, and arguably cant be figured out.

The Dead is probably what you are looking for.

Forever Overhead is nostalgia for boys older than 16.

Babylon Revisited is just classic sad.

Carver can be pretty white trash sad at some points. Stick with Joyce though, hes the only one on that list that has a sense of subtlety for proper melancholy.

>> No.7308317

What are some great collections of short stories/novellas/prose poems?
Examples would be ficciones, dubliners, a hero of our time and akutagawa's penguin edition.

>> No.7309656
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Thank you anon, you are a scholar and a gentleman

>> No.7309666

Anything by Munro.
Josephine the Singer, or the Mouse Folk

>> No.7309678


>> No.7309680

>ctrl+f Jorge Luis Borges
>no results

Any Borges, specifically El Aleph, Pierre Menard, Author of the Quixote, and Tlön, Uqbar, Orbis Tertius. Some of his other stories can seem a little lackluster after reading these, but he's always going to give you a different experience than you get from most short stories.

Patriotism by Mishima is also really great. Very detailed, I'll leave it at that.

>> No.7309681

the last question - isaac asimov


>> No.7309685

My short story desu

>> No.7309695


>Book is out of focus

Shit tier picture. Vapid, narcissistic, boring.

As for short stories, I honestly think Gogol is GOAT. The Overcoat, Diary of a Madman, The Nose, The Squabble, The Portrait, they're all masterpieces.

Borges is intellectually interesting, and I really like some of his stories, but they don't really tell us something fundamental about the human condition in the span of ~20 pages. Not that that is necessarily what short stories should do, but if they can, that's amazing.

>> No.7309700


Personal favourite too.

>> No.7309701


Yes. Gogol.

>> No.7309733


+1 for Borges, he's amazing. Labyrinths is a great collection.

>> No.7309759


I really liked BI #20 by Wallace. I thought the whole of Brief Interviews was fantastic though (apart from the narcissus one). Zadie Smith's essay on that collection is also brilliant.

>> No.7311279

Everything That Rises Must Converge
-Flannery O'Connor

The Madonna of the Future- Henry James

>> No.7312417


Kafka can be depressing

>> No.7312422


He's pretty polarizing. Some people find him extremely funny.

>> No.7312441


I think stories like Cathedral, A Hunger Artist, The Snows of Kilimanjaro, The Depressed Person, or The Indian Uprising are as powerful and beautiful as my favourite poems. With the exception of Snows they are also stories that use forms which would be tedious as full length novels or they are like Cathedral which is really just one snapshot in time that wouldn't with the same kind of clarity as a poem. Really though I see shorter short stories as being essentially poems anyway.

I don't know if they are as "metaphysically powerful" because that is basically nonsense and I bet you can't elucidate what that even means.

>> No.7312445

heart of darkness by a polish intellectual

>> No.7312448

The Crocodile by Dostoevsky is one of the best short stories I've ever read.

>> No.7312631

When she first won the award lit was furiously butthurt. I find her kind of dry at times but really great. So many shitty compilations of her work though, it's hard to find the original book. Every other publishing house has a compilation of her 'finest stories'.

>> No.7312646
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>stop liking what I don't like

>> No.7313051

What book is that in the pic. I so want it.

>> No.7313130

Get a copy of The Decameron, read the framing narrative, then roll a d100.

>> No.7313136
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>hurr stop liking things I don't like

>> No.7313137

understatement of the century

>> No.7313207

>DJ Pancake
Why isn't their a hip hop producer with that moniker?

>> No.7313310

Sylvia Plath is so beautiful.

>> No.7315426
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Pretty sure there is. Do you hip hop, anon?

>> No.7315439
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kek again

Captcha was "bananas" this time.

>> No.7315453

Aimee Bender's got some good stuff, I think, particularly The Rememberer.

George Saunders is hands-down the best short story writer alive today. Home, Escape from Spiderhead, and Tenth of December are really great ones out of Tenth of December.

Ben Marcus is also super underrated as far as short fiction goes, seeing as his stuff is completely off the wall.

And in spite of all the obsession with IJ, nobody seems to talk about how good DFW's shorter fiction is. A Radically Condensed History of Postindustrial Life and Incarnations of Burned Children are particular favorites of mine, although you can't go wrong with The Depressed Person or any of the Hideous Men stories.

Also Lorrie Moore. She's fucking great.

>> No.7315530

Pretty much this.

>> No.7315549


No women are beautiful.

>> No.7315698
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OP here, apart from that one ass mad autist that got his jimmies rustled due to people liking something he doesn't the response has been superb

Also, please continue to post suggestions, any science fiction suggestions like the last question?

>> No.7315719

My diary desu

>> No.7315730

Your life is not interesting. Are you a woman perchance?

>> No.7315732

>Haha, I am a psychopathic pedophile, now witness my talents of dissimulation as I lie about some fish!

>> No.7315741

Gore Vidal, is that you? 2spooky

>> No.7315748

Say what you want about him, but Stephen King writes some pretty good short stories.

>> No.7315751

No, I'm a law student, my life ceased being interesting when I started being a law student and will only become interesting again when I graduate school. It comes with the territory

>> No.7315753

Gore Vidal named Calvino as the only great writer of his generation

>implying the brunt of Calvino's work is not essentially short fiction.

>> No.7315755

>hurr durr mememememememe me me meme mememe me
>post your favourite short stories

Only one of these things is a thread prompt. WorE yet, that bitch you posted is probably your gf.

>> No.7315776


>> No.7315778

Okay, ephebophile. Same shit

>> No.7315782
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>providing backdrop to an interest in a topic is now memeing
>being this upset

I'd say I'm sorry but I'm not so go fuck yourself if you don't like it, needle dick

>> No.7315787

to /his/ you go

>> No.7315794

Lydia Davis, for the truly rushed. I could never get into it.

>> No.7315800

Its a little disingenuous to act as though your blogpost is merely providing backdrop to justify an interest in literature on a fucking literature(+philosophy) board.

>> No.7315815

Lydia Davis is great, but a lot of what she does is prose poetry; I don't really know if I'd call them short stories.

>> No.7315818
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I provided my "blogpost" do dissuade what I believed would be inevitable >short stories posting about how it is not a "true literary medium", mainly >>7308201. I am sorry you thought it disingenuous, I had no intention of inviting or responding to talk of my graduate program. I do agree that this site is not the place for discussing personal details when not needed, though I felt given the circumstance said detail was justified in preventing expected shit posts

>> No.7315824

>le bazinga fish


>> No.7315844
