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7305581 No.7305581[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What's some literature to help me get over the a girl I was madly in love with? She was it, I was certain. And last weekend, she left me. Are there any books to read that can help expedite the moving on process.

>> No.7305586

"Fever" by Raymond Carver

>> No.7305587

is that you orpheus?

>> No.7305593


>> No.7305606

50 shades of grey

>> No.7305610

The Sorrows of Young Werther

>> No.7305616


The feels you get will make you glad that you are independent, and you will realize that in the end, it doesnt matter anyways.

>> No.7305837

Listen dude, you'll be aight. Just think how much more time and money you're gonna have. When i broke up with my 3 year gf, i was sad for about a week then i realized i was finally free again for the first time in 3 years. Then i was happy

>> No.7306027


>> No.7306036

Honestly, no book. Only time.

>> No.7306078

Not books. Be with your friends, ignore the bitch, work out and put time into whatever creative or academic endeavors you're into. It's easy to withdraw from that stuff when you feel down but you really shouldn't.

>> No.7306200

There is no literature to help.

Just booze.

>> No.7306207
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>> No.7306235


>> No.7307946

came to post this.
GET OVER IT in case it is you

>> No.7307971

>What's some hentai/card-games/video-games/wallpapers to help me get over the a girl I was madly in love with? She was it, I was certain. And last weekend, she left me. Are there any chinese-naked-comics/card-games/videogames/wallpapers to fap-to/waste-money-on/play/oggle that can help expedite the moving on process?

Mate, it's a hobby. It doesn't contain all life's answers. Cliched as it may sound, what you're looking for right now is this cheeky little thing called Time. So, until that passes, go to a bar with your mates, get wasted, and fuck some bar skanks (this is what theyre designed for).

>> No.7308137

Why'd she leave you?

>> No.7308138
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>> No.7308073
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I thought that love would last forever: I was wrong.

The stars are not wanted now; put out every one,
Pack up the moon and dismantle the sun,
Pour away the ocean and sweep up the wood;
For nothing now can ever come to any good.

>> No.7308142

You'll get over it.

You don't think you will but you will. No matter what you do, the memories will fade. All those little memories that make your heart feel like it's going to collapse into your asshole, the ineffable shit that you can't even communicate to others because it's so particular to how perfect and special your relationship was, it will fade and vanish. And just before it does, you'll look at it one last time, with just enough distance to realise that those moments and feelings exist in every half-decent relationship, and you don't have to lament their passing because they are just part of life. You will have those ineffable things with the next girl too, and if you work hard, you'll have ones that are a hundred times better, with a girl who is a hundred times better.

This shit can't be communicated because it's too intuitive and everyone just has to go through it for themselves, but if you ever have one of those moments when you're sitting there in despair, absolutely convinced that your only two options are to give up true love and be lonely forever, or to pathetically beg her to take you back, just try to remember that EVERYONE goes through the same thing. I did too, and I begged, and I hate myself for it. Keep your dignity and just wait out the storm. The collective male gender wants you to know that the storm always passes, ten times out of ten.

Even when you have a "one that got away"-tier girl who genuinely was perfect for you, there are girls out there who are just as good, that you would find just as special, and there are even better girls too. Right now that will probably sound disturbing to you, because millions of years of evolution are trying to convince you to get your one true babymaker back and protect it like life itself, but it's true. For any given person there are plenty of people they would be highly compatible with, and relatively many people they'd be extremely compatible with. Don't sweat losing touch with one, if she even was that to begin with. Mine certainly wasn't, though I thought so at the time.

Just ride it out and distract yourself. Never, ever beg her or even talk to her. I fucking guarantee you, man, in a year, in five years, in ten, you will think of the memories of her that currently feel like they weigh a thousand pounds, and you'll regard them with the same amount of emotion you have for some other middling milestone in your life you barely remember. How much did you cry when you put your first pet to sleep, and how do you think of that pet's passing now? Maybe a twinge of remembered pain at most. Same thing.

>> No.7308149

Jesus. This, OP. This this this.
That was spectacular to read, I haven't even been dumped and I feel bolstered.

>> No.7308151

Meditations by Marcus Aurelius always helps me through bad times

>> No.7308161

I'm not OP but thank you for this honestly. I got left for someone else by my ex and this is something I needed to hear.

>> No.7308171

I feel my gf slipping, falling, out of love with me and it is hurting me more than I thought it would. I suppose I always took her love for granted; I can't count the amount of times she told me she would be with me forever, that she loved me an immeasurable amount, that she couldn't believe how hard and fast she fell for me. Now it feels as if she is repulsed by my presence, she seems to recoil at my touch. A few weeks ago I asked her if everything was alright, she told me she was getting bored. That cut me like a knife, I kept racking my mind as I tried thinking of how I might have changed to cause that, and began straining to engage her again. Small talk was "bothersome" so I tried talking philosophy like we used to until well past midnight, and then she "didn't have the time". Tonight I was going to sleep at her place, and after a half hour in bed she pushed my arm off of her and told me I was "suffocating her". I left her house and walked back to my place without telling her.

I guess what I'm trying to say is as I watch Rome burn, as I see my first love fade into the night, your post has brought relative calm to me. Thanks anon

>> No.7308174

That made me wish I'd been dumped.

>> No.7308175

Post of the year so far.

>> No.7308179

That was beautiful, anon.

>> No.7308186

That's heavy shit.

>> No.7308193
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Fuck you, nigger, this made me feel worse, because my ex was objectively speaking an extremely rare kind of person, and actual fucking genius who people on this board may have heard of. Now I just feel more alone because most girls actually are replaceable in most ways and this one wasn't and so few people know what that means.

>> No.7308218

What's worse is that she was my first true gf. Like many people on this site I don't have a particularly good impression of myself and thus always felt that whenever someone gave me a compliment they were mocking me so I never responded well to what I now know were genuine advances. Additionally, I realized that developing feelings for someone made you vulnerable and I didn't want that to happen to me, so I only ever really had superficial "relationships" to shield myself from that. Then my current gf came into my life; the first time I saw her she struck me like a lightning bolt, mesmerizing me with the elegant lines of her face. I still kept my guard up, but I talked to her too and the chemistry was instant and palpable. We connected on virtually every level, our minds were in complete harmony and we would have rolling conversations that would only take a break for sleep and would begin again when we woke up. It was as if we were two parts of a whole that had finally been reunited, and I never realized how much I was missing before I found her. Fortune smiled upon me as I got admitted into a T14 Law school that just so happened to be in the city in which she lived. But then, somehow, she grew tired of me I guess. And I should have seen it coming, I didn't deserve her, and in a way don't believe I deserve anyone. But what hurts is that I believed all those beautiful lies; I truly thought that she would always be mine, that I would always have someone I could talk to for hours on end and never run out of things to say.

In the end I suppose I flew too close to the sun, and when it lasted it was amazing, better than drugs. But as I am crashing now, struggling to save what is beginning to seem a virtually dead relationship, I am saddened by how powerless i am to stop it, and by how little she seems to care.

>> No.7308220


i still think about girls I dated when I was 12 and 13....and that was over 10 years ago

memories don't completely fade away, they linger and pop up now and then

>> No.7308231
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Beta male weakling kekolds not worthy of owning a penis

>> No.7308232

"I didn't deserve her"
that's where you're wrong anon
everyone is deserving of someone to love and to love in return. Just know that it will never last forever, but in my experience with my current gf, relationships are characterized by booms, busts, and sometimes depressions, though a recovery may never come

Just enjoy the ride and take it on the chin as a stoic, if you cannot change the situation, accept your fate and change your perspective

>> No.7308234

ofc, but never with the same amount of emotion

>> No.7308253

Though I understand the logic behind your post I can't help but feel differently given the current situation I find myself in. I also believe that there are relationships in which love can last forever, where it continues to build forever; and until recently I believed I had found that

Thank you , though, anon. I will take it as stoically as possible

>> No.7308259

It's good that you still believe in love. After an experience like yours, many people throw up their hands and become bitter.

>> No.7308267

I can see why, but I know love has to exist. Hate exists and nothing can exist within itself so love has to exist. It is just more elusive than I ever comprehended

>> No.7308278
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The attempt to 'get over' lost love diminishes the act itself. Instead rise above the pain and appreciate love for what it is, if you can revel in the misery, and see the beauty in that too the significance and importance of what you've felt remains, and you can still recover.

>> No.7308320

>sad for about a week
lie spotted

>> No.7308644
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I feel like that really did wonders to my motivation and self-restraint in not getting in contact with her. But how the fuck do I keep from messaging/calling her? Are there any books that help with bolstering self-control?

>> No.7308723


>> No.7309015

Read yukio Mishima and realise women are uglt, frail and weak and you need the love of a strong, martial male :^)

>> No.7309270

Read The Consolation of Philosophy and learn to seek the middle way

>> No.7309670
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Don't get over the pain, OP.

Fucking grab onto it and hold on as hard as you can. Learn to live with it so that you can understand and remember the feeling of love, and the feeling of being without love.

Otherwise, this: >>7308142

>> No.7309893

OP, please read this post and take heed, this guy hits the nail so hard on the head it fucking split the nail in two.

Thanks for the quality post, effort appreciated

>> No.7309899

you need to work on yourself for a bit man, get over some of that rage

there are 7 billion people on this planet, 51 percent of which have a cunt, I can guarantee your ex is not that special

>> No.7309941

A truer post could not have been submitted

It is strange that people are surprised by the ground when they fall, you'll get through this

>> No.7311372
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Goddamn. Screencapped.

>> No.7311395

>get over some of that rage
>just chill out bro
Worst thing you could say to someone who's upset.

i think the whole point of the post isn't that he can't get another decent girl but that his ex was a rare talent of some sort, and I think we all know that's hard to find.

>> No.7311401

Fuck off, literature is not a means to feel better, just watch Netflix or something.

>> No.7312391

OP here
I did the exact opposite of that very fine and mature piece of advice and instead called her, when she didn't answer I messaged her saying "Hey I just tried to call. Give me a call back when you get this yeah?"

Her reply:
>I saw that you called but I don't want to chat, I'm sorry. We are not together anymore and its best if we don't speak for a while. I am busy and trying to focus on all my work for the week and I'd appreciate it if you left me to it.

I just bought a bottle of wine and I'm going to inhale the fucking thing.

>> No.7312420

Fucking hell dude. I'm sorry, that's legitimately shit.

>> No.7312461

hmmm good post. Do you have one to help me satisfy my ego with the fact that I got keked by some ugly asshole?

>> No.7312472

that should be *keked

>> No.7312475

been a while since I been on 4chan I guess

>> No.7312494

He was definitely only sad for a week, then he Totally Got Over Her, then a month later the reality of the situation hit him. If it hasn't happened, it will.

>> No.7312504
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lmao, you fucking pussy

>> No.7312506

welcome to life aka disappointments and rationalizations salad.

>> No.7312510

Relax, you onion. It's clear that she's also nervous about the situation. Be calm. I'd say lock yourself up; contrary to what any asshole will tell you that is the best way.


>> No.7312513



>> No.7312519
File: 72 KB, 621x1024, Pimp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>loving females

read this senpai

>> No.7312557

>Relax, you onion. It's clear that she's also nervous about the situation.
How could you possibly know that?

>> No.7312595

This, read this as soon as humanly possible.

>> No.7312602

not OP but fuck that was exactly what I needed right now .
Thank you anon

>> No.7312612

now this is quality posting

>> No.7312665

Seriously, why do you think she's nervous?

>> No.7312688


How heavy is Stoner? I keep hearing people recommend it on this board.

By heavy I mean heavy literature like Ulysses or stuff that isn't very accessible.

can a layman who likes literature and is kind of new to philosophy enjoy stoner?

>> No.7312690

Stoner is very accessible. It's written in plain (though beautiful) English and is in no way experimental.

>> No.7312706

I don't know who you are and it probably doesn't matter. But I just wanted to thank you for posting this. It means quite a bit to me for reasons that I probably can't explain here.

I really hope you're right man. Your post gives me hope.

>> No.7313091

There's some truth to that, but I'm pretty sure the women in Pimp are generally borderline retarded and extremely emotionally compromised. Not representative fo the kinds of girls anyone actually wants to date.

>> No.7313127

>borderline retarded and extremely emotionally compromised
sounds like most women

>> No.7313133

Mirglip here. May I recommend "Love in the Time of Cholera"?

>> No.7313281

I like you anon. This seems like the perfect place for my shit.

So I've been in love with this girl for two years now and for different reasons I haven't made a move but she tries to talk me on fb from time to time and when we talked in real life I felt she was into me.

I try to get her out of my mind but I manage to "forget" her for a month or so and then the feels come back, I feel lonely because I don't have her and I have never felt lonely.

I want to believe is just biology but after some analysis I remember meeting a friend at the cinema and he was with her (before I met her) but even I didn't pay attention I felt a huge attraction to whoever she was and stuck in my head for a few hours after that but then I forgot. Then I meet her again two years ago.

My fear is that if I get in a relationship now she will be still stuck in my head and that is shitty for whoever is with me. Btw I'm moving out of the country.

>TL;DR In love with girl I think she is too, can't get her out of my mind, I'm moving and how do I start something with someone with her in my head.

>> No.7313283

>pretty sure the women in Pimp are generally borderline retarded and extremely emotionally compromised
That actually makes me want to read it because it sounds accurate.

>> No.7313441

Not him but it sounds like you are falling in love with the idea of her. Sporadic chats on facebook are nice and establish chemistry but they don't give you the full picture, and presumably you are filling in the blanks with what you idealize.

Just take a step back and look at it logically. I take it that like most people you had crushes on girls throughout your adolescence and this is similar. You are infatuated with what you see and your imagined version of her which may contrast greatly from what she really is. What you want to find is someone who not only shares chemistry with you, but someone who thinks of you as much as you think of them and that will manifest itself in both sides pursuing long, open ended conversations where you can truly start to gain an understanding of who they really are.

>> No.7313462

We actually talked in real life, she does the fb thing I just don't like chatting that much.

I'm quite logical (in fact the main thing that put me off is that she talks about babies kind of a lot) but it's not like an idea of how nice she will be I even try to rationalize why she isn't the best woman around. But it's a weird feeling of mystical connection or some shit and really for some fucking reason I want her to be happy (with me or without). I never cared for someone I didn't know

>> No.7313473

why exactly is this post getting so much praise? it's literally "there are other fish in the sea". are you all from reddit or just automatically impressed if a post goes over 50 words?

>> No.7313484

>sounds like most women
*tips fedora
Iceberg Slim (the pimp) was molested and abused by women as a kid in a way most of us can barely imagine so I wouldn't get too excited about the book as a portrait of a man with his head on straight. It is interesting that he's obviously extremely intelligent despite coming from straight trash and uses that intelligence to be a criminal when he had a college scholarship.

>> No.7313653

you're a pretty impressive writer to be honest, not OP but i needed that.

>> No.7313719

You're just outgrowing 4chan. I'm starting to do the same. I've found myself cancelling posts more and more often.

>> No.7313723

Tbh at this point I roll my eyes at and don't read anything over 50 words.

>> No.7313741

This. Crying drunk is neat

>> No.7313753



>> No.7313759

She looks like a bitch, i love you, I'm in the same position. Just continue living, you're great

>> No.7313765

>I've found myself cancelling posts more and more often.
>not inflicting every single brainfart you ever have upon the world
I don't think you're old and jaded enough yet.

>> No.7313777

desu senpai baka

>> No.7313788

are you supossed to be a tripfag? or famous or something?

>> No.7313824

hit up the bros. Honestly the best thing.

>> No.7313836

Oh man I just broke up too.
Thanks breh.

>> No.7313851

Was the "Pepe Silvia" bit from Sunny a take on a scene from one of Pynchon's books? Someone briefly mentioned it was but I could not find more information. I assumed it was out of some movie.

>> No.7314105

they get off on this shit, man

honestly i think the one thing that most poignantly made me stop caring about my ex was when i fully understood how much she got off on how much i wanted her back. i'm not sure she would even admit to herself, but she subtly allowed it to happen and tailored her responses, almost identical to the one you got. it makes her seem like the strong aloof one who can easily make a "tough choice" while you are panicking and freaking out in anguish. in some part of her soul that gets her off. trust me.

if it helps you at all, there's also usually another guy. there's this saying that women are like monkeys: they don't let go of one branch until they're got a firm handhold on another. they handle breakups well, because they tend to break up with you in their own head several months before they actually do the deed, while they are gradually testing the waters of letting other men desire them and flirt with them. my ex had a dude working the inside and talking shit about me, i've almost been that guy to another dude's breakup two times, and i've seen it happen over and over again with friends. not only is it likely she was doing this shit, it's actually likely that the final spur was her getting flirtatious with some particularly charming dude that made her think of how much she misses that feeling.

may not be a nice thing to hear, but hopefully the prospect of its being true and your humiliating yourself is some frightening food for thought.

>> No.7314462

>Relax, you onion. It's clear that she's also nervous about the situation.
Why do you think she's nervous?

>> No.7314795

Not who you're replying to, but from the syntax it seems like she's putting up the facade of calm to seem strong when really she's probably a mess herself.

>> No.7314895

Initiate a chat with her on fb and get some excuse to meet her for a cup of coffee. If she really is into you, she'll accept no matter how lame your excuse was (for example you might want to trow a surprise party for a mutual friend of yours and you need her help or some shit like that). When you meet her act flirty and try to read her response

>> No.7315307

Thats not the issue I could have done that but I'm moving out of the country in a month there is no point in starting anything 26 never had a relationship I'm not starting with a long distance one.

I'm more afraid of the "yes" than the "no" actually because with a "no" I will just know that I can't make her happy and that she will find it somewhere else. But the "yes" implies a shit ton of stuff, how do I deal with her baby thing (her biological clock is ticking like mad) eventually since I don't want kids now, plus the distance and shit. and my mystical interpretation that god said no to me

>> No.7315686

You're dressing a defeatist attitude with a bullshit rationalisation.

>> No.7315695

do cocaine and listen to this on repeat


proper course of action will reveal itself

>> No.7315729

It's very possible the winning possibility is fucking scary and there is the possibility that all those heavenly messages are just dumb rationalization of my fear.

She is like honey for beta fags, she has like 10 guys around in love with her. That makes me think is just a standard shit or maybe there is some "spiritual" connection.

I even rationalization all her defects that I can notice and just makes me feel like shit because she didn't do shit to me to think about all the wrong things she has or I don't like.

This is like a common crush? I mean I just care about her, I won't even get mad if she doesn't love me...I just want her to be happy and I know it's fucking cheesy but I literally feel like my soul is linked to her and that sounds fucking dumb.

When I move to another town she mention she was considering moving there too next year, How dumb I am if I pretend/hope she will follow me to another country just to see if I like her?

>> No.7315746

For all sad words of tongue and pen, the saddest words are these, "it might have been"

>> No.7315767

Could someone answer this please?

>> No.7315770

Could someone also answer THIS? It's making me anxious as fuck.

>> No.7316428


>> No.7317965

But I have good reasons anon. There is like 3 possible outcomes in my mind

1. She says no (Ok)
2. She says yes and she is a good woman (Ok)
3. She says yes and she is not a good woman and babies and shit (Not Ok)

>> No.7318581

Well you'll never know which one it is unless you try, and even if she is not a good woman that is why you wait at least a thousand days before you commit to anything serious like an engagement, if she won't cool her ovaries off and wait with you she isn't worth it

>> No.7318597

buddy, she's not nervous. she don't wanna talk to you. If that's how it is then I say fuck the bitch. You get what you give, and if she's giving you nothing that's what she gets back.

your anxiety is a gordian knot
find your sword
and stick it in some strange sheathe.*
that's the medicine for you now.

realize your old bitch ain't shit, be glad for the vista of possibility now open to you, and dive into it.

>> No.7318626

But women are tricky things when we talked and the thing came up (she brought it up) she said "I don't want kids" but gives a shit ton of signs she wants that.

I have seen that happen a lot, if she lies the consequences are too real and I might be dumb enough.

>> No.7318636

Just strap your shit up, its not like she is going to syringe your nuts and inject herself with your seed and if she does thats a prima facie case of battery.

Honestly, at this point, you seem like you are just afraid of rejection and are rationalizing not going after her. Nut up and shut up bro, ask her because even the worst things that will happen if you ask her will never be as bad as having the thought of what you might have missed

>> No.7318736

The baby shit is quite real I have seen it in two other cases. Her biological clock is ticking.

Truth is I just needed to talk about this because I don't trust anyone with this. And if she likes me it's fucked up because I had 2 years to tell her and doing it 3 weeks before going overseas it's not nice.

I will stick to the original faggot plan and wait to see if she flies to me and does all the hardwork I know it's awful. Is just that I have all those weird ideas she is not god approved because of some mystical interpretations of mine and just solidify my fears.

I know you are probably right but I just have this decision already taken, thanks for your nice words anon keep doing your good work and thanks again for at least listen to this anon.

>> No.7318777
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This demands to be archived and saved on everyone's hard drives. Remember each and every word.

>> No.7318823

Though I realize it is probably too late to actually change your mind just consider this; right now you are being a passive observer to your life, watching as events unfold around you and reacting to whatever might touch upon your life. Take charge, live your life instead of watching pass by as you do nothing. Made a mistake? Who cares, people make mistakes all the times, most way worse than anything you can do in this situation, and even with a mistake you still learn, you still grow.

>> No.7318922

I'm have been in that process for the last 2 years, moving out is a big part of having only to depend of myself and if I fuck up it's my fault. Thats why I need that to happen and also I'm afraid of a relationship back home will get in the way.

I just can't live in my city, my worse fear is to have to live the rest of my life here.

>> No.7318944

>projecting this hard

>> No.7318988

Anon, this is fucking crazy. It sounds like she's been hitting on you for years, or at least, displaying her interest, and you have rebuffed her through inaction.
It is insane to think that after you've treated her like this, she would for some reason follow you to another country; why would she? You have already told her you aren't interested.
Try and see it from her perspective - following someone who is clearly (from her point of view,) not into you to the other side of the world for no reason is an insane way to act; if she actually did that (which she won't) then she's probably got some serious mental issues and it wouldn't be wise to date her anyway because of this.

I think you're just being a pussy, and you know it. You're acting in a way that will make you regretful in years to come, because you want to protect yourself from pain. To do that you also have to protect yourself from happiness though.

I understand that you've already made up your mind. But I hope that after you've read this post you will no longer be able to lie to yourself in the future, when she's just a regretful memory, and say "I didn't know any better, it wasn't my fault."

tl;dr Just do it

>> No.7319011
File: 494 KB, 768x394, Screenshot_2015-02-09-11-34-40~01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go to TheRedPill subreddit and read everything on the side bar. Read half an hour every day. Listening to the 12 Black Philip show episodes on YouTube wouldn't hurt either. Good luck OP.

>> No.7319031

Well she suggested moving to the same province I moved a few months ago.

But yeah thats basically what happens but not for years she does it on and off every few months (About 2 years and half).

You are right on everything I wish you were here to punch me anon, maybe that will work.