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File: 77 KB, 542x535, spookbuster.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7305565 No.7305565[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>mfw I see spooks

>> No.7305568
File: 68 KB, 250x250, game_of_spooks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes, spooks are like Water

>> No.7305574

>tfw that fucking random screamer whenever you post
fuck you hiro

>> No.7305580


>> No.7305615


>> No.7305617

random screamer
when you post

>> No.7305631

Simpleton non-philosopher here.

As long as you are seeking out pleasures like an epicurean (or even a hedonist) and not letting "spooks" and ideologies confuse you, are you good with Stirner, IE you have consciously organized your egos needs and are working on attaining them and not letting yourself be distracted?

>> No.7305635

Is this a very spooky joke friend?

>> No.7305639

desu baka sempai

>> No.7305651
File: 6 KB, 150x257, 13.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw I filter the word "spook"

>> No.7305653

kek desu sempai baka
c-uck t-bh f-am s-mh

Shitposting BTFO

>> No.7305654

I'm reading the Ego and It's Own now. Maybe about 70 pages in and loving it. Is this man's position basically irrefutable? Because any evidence or argument is subordinate to his own individuality as his basic (pretty sound) premise?

Also, co-reading it with the Stanford encyclopedia on him (just read the bio, curious actually if you guys do this, going to see their thoughts on it once I'm through book one), and it seems like his life doesn't exactly match with his philosophy, a bit perhaps like Nietzche, in that they themselves seem quite passive personally. The article said that people believed he had a "tempered egosim" or something, but I haven't read far enough to figure out of that's just apologist bullshit or actual fact. It shouldn't really detract from his raw philosohy, but I just found him and Nietzche's superficially quite mundane/non-sucessful lives an interesting correlation given their somewhat similarities.

Happy Halloween anons.

>> No.7305668

Thank you chinese moot.

>> No.7305710

Oh God. Try "S J W" now.

Shitposting is fucked.

>> No.7305714


>> No.7305720

spooky scary skeleton keks btfo desu sempai

>> No.7305739

spooky scary skeleton spook?

>> No.7305919
File: 30 KB, 500x510, tumblr_inline_ndto8mHvgy1smp55d[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isn't the constant seeing of spooks in your life inherently a spook in itself?

Spook unrelated

>> No.7305921

Even if you don't you are good with Stirner. He isn't a prescriptive type of lads.

>> No.7306009

As one anon put it, sex is 'the gigaspook par excellence'
I hope you bust all the parties tonight

>> No.7306011

Shivers down my spine....

>> No.7306024

master kek desu sempai spooky scary skeleton

>> No.7306126
File: 35 KB, 128x165, fw_spooky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nietsche was in agony because of sicknesses and angry as fuck, what's he gonna do? If I recall correctly, Stirner is described by his contemporaries as comfy.

And yes, I read Standford articles, in particular about people (e.g. the Kierkegaard article gives an overview which let's you get his position, that's directly or indirectly woven into his work, and is revealed in the books only over the years), and niche formal logics.

>> No.7306747
File: 383 KB, 1536x826, url.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw i realize it's spooks all the way down

>> No.7306757

I like this thread, it's thematic

>> No.7306762

I suppose they can hardly be blamed given their circumstances, and I really wouldn't have minded having Stirner's life, partially just to meet all the excellent philosophers.

>> No.7306852

>Our atheists are pious people.


>> No.7306871

Neuroscience pokes a lot of holes in the Ego.

Also his discussion of "freedom" leaves a lot to be desired.

>> No.7306875

Reading the ego and its own in German is also great German practice as the language used is not especially hard. (Unlike some philosophers..)

>> No.7308625


>> No.7308733

I don't see why we can't just spam desu baka senpai even if there are word filters on senpai

>> No.7308741
