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7305253 No.7305253 [Reply] [Original]

I have $150 to spend on books i'd like some history books, non fiction or fiction, the essentials, i'm reading a napoleon auto biography right now but need to mix things up cause it's so long, i enjoy all areas of history but pre 1900's would be nice. Thanks

>> No.7305318


>> No.7305368

Here are some philosophy ones. Copied from an other anon.

> Early Greek Philosophers - Penguin Classics
> The Peloponnesian War - Thucydides
> Dialogues relating to the trial and death of Socrates, Republic - Plato
> The Nicomachaen Ethics and the Politics - Aristotle
> On Obligations, The Republic - Cicero
>Dialogues and Essays - Seneca
>City of God - Augustine
>The Prince, Discourses on Livy - Machiavelli
> Leviathan - Hobbes
> Meditations on First Philosophy - Descartes
> Ethics, Treatises - Spinoza
> A Treatise on Human Nature - David Hume
> Second Treatise - Locke
> The Social Contract - Rousseau
> What is Enlightenment?, Perpetual Peace, CoPR - Kant
> Philosophy of History, Philosophy of Right, Phenomenology of Spirit - Hegel
> The Birth of Tragedy, Genealogy of Morals Thus Spoke Zarathustra - Nietzsche
> The Wealth of Nations - Adam Smith
> Kapital - Marx
>The letters of Cato
>Democracy in America - Tocqueville
>Heidegger - Being and Time

>> No.7305397

Or, or, or...
Buy one or two super expensive but beautiful Folio Society books like a real spendthrifty reader.

>> No.7305404
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>folio society

>> No.7305412

If your interested in Japanese history right as the Edo period was ending, I recommend Samurai Tales by Romulus Hillsborough. One of the best books I've read.

>> No.7305413
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>Hoarding cheap books
One or two will do, nobody ever reads a whole pile they bingepurchase.

>> No.7305416

Why pay 100s of $ for something I can get for less? Assuming I'm interested in the content of the book and not the cover and binding.

>> No.7305418

>buying overpriced tacky books

>> No.7305419


thanks i appreciate it i've been doing research all night, a few of those really interest me, i mean naturally they're all something anyone wants to get around to reading.

I got so far

I, Claudius
Crossing The rubicon
Livy: The early history of Rome
The Twelve Caesars
Montaillou: Cathars and Catholics in a French Village 1294-1324
Homage to Catalonia
The Voyage of Argo
The Arabian Nights: Tales from a Thousand and One Nights
Augustus, John Williams
The Siege of Krishnapur

I need to choose between some of these, i wouldn't mind edward gibbons as well, maybe a little too much roman history in it.

>> No.7305420

Capitalism's corruption of your heart feeling so so good.
I'm just saying, if OP rly wants to all in one go spend 150$ on books, might as well buy less for more.

>> No.7305421


Save your money

>> No.7305422


I like my physical editions, i already have a few hundred books downloaded in pdf/mobi format, thanks though.


Funny enough I was considering http://www.foliosociety.com/book/SVA/voyage-of-argo-rhodes

I don't like most of folio's editions though their selection really isn't that large when you spend some time looking through it all.

>> No.7305425

Buying books lol

>> No.7305428
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See anons? I more or less rest my case.

>> No.7305584

Get the robert graves translation of twelve caesars. Was legit one of my favourite reading experiences

>> No.7305596
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>> No.7307572

bump for more suggestions!

>> No.7307625

Any of the Landmark editions would be a wise investment.

Right now they have Herodotus, Thucydides, Xenophon, and Arrian.

Their editions have maps of what the area looked like so you can easily follow along. Maps on every page a location is mentioned. These books are beautiful and make history engaging.

>> No.7307628


>> No.7307662
