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/lit/ - Literature

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7301184 No.7301184 [Reply] [Original]

So I've been analyzing /lit/ for quite sometime. Whatever you hacks write fits into one of these three categories.

> pretentious
You try too hard and use words you don't fully understand. Dictionary is your best friend, and that's not something to be proud of. You think you're deep and you think you've been influenced by some great authors and philosophers whom you've read thoroughly. You think you're a learned individual and have a formulated opinion, when in fact you're nothing but a thief.

> boring
You try to write in conversational style, stream your consciousness, and that just comes out boring. You write about shit nobody cares about, full of technical details or inside jokes. No emotion or passion. You have nothing to write about, because you haven't lived your life.

> amateur
You're just a talentless hack, writing at high school level. You're young and think you have some sort of innate talent that allows you to bypass years of honing your skill through hard work.

There's a forth category and that's where you write about relevant, complex ideas in an accessible language with a distinct voice and style, without paraphrasing the classics. None of you are capable of reaching this god-tier.

Tell me how I'm wrong.

>> No.7301209

I can't, and that's why I'm spending my weekends at a book store getting better.

TY humbling anon, for your destruction of our ego that we may work anew.

>> No.7301286

There's also a category of those who think they can write and apparently do, but never share their work with others.

>> No.7301293

>I've been analyzing /lit/ for quite sometime

Are you okay?

>> No.7301295

I can't believe you took the time to write this. I'm sort of ashamed. What's the German word for being ashamed of someone else?

>> No.7301310

to "fremdschäm"

>> No.7301312

I'm really fremdschäming vigorously right now

hope you're happy OP

>> No.7301315

It looks like you have /lit/ backed up against a corner on this one, don't let them wriggle out. We'll prove they're pretentious boring amateurs just yet!

>> No.7301316

>because you haven't lived your life
lol whose life i been livin fam?

>> No.7301336

A life of a 4chan-dwelling /lit/terbag, of course. No excitement, no incoming wisdom, an eventless life, waiting for something to happen, for some life-changing event that will metastasise into a writeable experience.

>> No.7301432

im learnin a lot more about you rn than i bargained for

>> No.7301461
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>tfw you're all three

give me your blessing to change, OP

>> No.7301500

Your categories are so broad they could be talking about anybody; you're like a horoscope, your bait only works on people who want to be baited.

>> No.7301540

Crash course on how to write god-tier - challenge yourself in the planning stages to write a novel better than your favourite one. Assuming you've read a lot. No fantasy, sci-fi. That shit is for practice. You'll be writing literary fiction based on what you've experienced in your own life. You'll be utilizing the entirety of yourself, your past - your experiences, your present - your imagination, your future - your research skills. That's right, you'll have to get out of the house and actually talk to people. Real writing is a shit job, but you'll be etching your name in Eternity. Pussies write for pleasure. You'll enlist, you'll skydive, you'll ask that hot bitch out and you will take notes. It might take years, fuck, it might take a decade of your life. What will you write about? Tackle an issue that everyone is afraid of tackling - an internal issue that is reflected in our society. I won't give any examples, cause /lit/ will find a way to shit on them anyway. Controversy is your answer. Take religion. Take patriotism. Love-hate of money. Create a righteous character and shit on these things. Especially on dualities. Shit on dualities. Find a balancing point and shit on it too. Shitting on things makes you wiser. People like to read wise things.

Every line must come with weight, yet with an effortlessness of a marathon runner who just joined the race. Characters that can talk for themselves for hours, but you won't let them. They're not ready to talk, they need to prove it first. They're humans with a purpose, a mission. They're never wrong in their worlds, but you, the creator, prove them wrong. You fucking hate them with a passion. You murder their friends, you give them so little and your guide them towards your point. Each life is an idea, not your hedonistic reflection for you to live through. That's fanfiction shit-tier.

Use rich language, but not obscure words. Stream your narrative through checkpoints that you've planned ahead, because your subconscious mind is keeping the bigger picture in your head and fighting either the flow as it comes or ignoring the map will end up an adventure. Writing a serious book is not an adventure. Writing an adventure book is an adventure. You won't write another Harry Potter, so don't try. It's not a challenge.

Slice of life this shit. You're a humble observer of some great events/a great person in a particular time period. Greatness is relative, and even the observes themselves may be self-observing and telling the reader how great they are. Boring? You need a background, some overarching "hum". It could be nature's fury, a civil unrest, a simple jet engine, or even a nagging subconscious voice - "I am ugly" "I am poor" "I am lacking this/that". Make that background "noise". So important.

Images. A picture's worth a thousands words. Good luck bitch, you'll be writing that 1000 words. You reader will get a vision if you did it right. Set out to make a movie in their imagination. That's god-tier.

>> No.7301551

Not diggin the courage wolf bullshit, man.

This would get hella upvotes on reddit, though.

Also literature can aspire to much more than being a paper movie fam.

>> No.7301557

>Dictionary is your best friend, and that's not something to be proud of.
But why

>> No.7301561

Because if you write with a dictionary, the reader is going to have to read with one and that's not much fun. Sure, some people love learning new words, but they're in a minority.

>> No.7301565

If a word doesn't come to you naturally, it won't come naturally to your readers, either.

Also, you probably won't fully grasp its connotations and its impact within the sentence or the work as a whole.

>> No.7301571

That makes sense, thanks.

>> No.7301576

I'm an amateur, and I'm training everyday. Even though my vocabulary isn't extensive, my writing isn't boring. I write weekly, and my friends notice that my prose gets better each time