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7299020 No.7299020 [Reply] [Original]

What's love?

>> No.7299023

Baby dont hurt me

>> No.7299024
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Well, it's not a symptom of time.

>> No.7299027
File: 79 KB, 398x700, fredrick nietzche.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mutual exploitation.

love is for the WEAK.

>> No.7299049
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>> No.7299062
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dont misquote pls. it's only one-sided exploitation.

>Woman wants to be taken and accepted as a possession, she wishes to be merged in the conceptions of "possession" and "possessed"; consequently she wants one who takes, who does not offer and give himself away, but who reversely is rather to be made richer in "himself" by the increase of power, happiness and faith which the woman herself gives to him. Woman gives herself, man takes her. I do not think one will get over this natural contrast by any social contract, or with the very best will to do justice, however desirable it may be to avoid bringing the severe, frightful, enigmatical, and unmoral elements of this antagonism constantly before our eyes. For love, regarded as complete, great, and full, is nature, and as nature, is to all eternity something "unmoral”.

>> No.7299068

ha the GAY science?
you're quoting a FAG?
fags can't love.

>> No.7299074
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>The term la gaya scienza came from the language of Provence. It pertained to the new European poetry of the 12th century, which like all poetry, was often chanted or sung. The title of Friedrich Nietzsche's book "die Froehliche Wissenschaft" (La Gaya Scienza) seems to have been drawn in part from the writings of Ralph Waldo Emerson, whom Nietzsche very much admired. In his lecture on 'The Scholar', Emerson wrote: "I think the peculiar office of scholars in a careful and gloomy generation is to be (as the poets were called in the Middle Ages) Professors of the Joyous Science, detectors and delineators of occult symmetries & unpublished beauties, heralds of civility, nobility, learning & wisdom; affirmers of the One Law, yet as ones who should affirm it in music or dancing."

>> No.7299085

singing is also gay. its still a gay science, fag

>> No.7299103
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>> No.7299112

I wonder how different his philosophy would be if he'd gotten that girl he was so enamoured by instead of being a lonely chump for all his days

>> No.7299118

lou andreas-salome or wagner's wife? he was enamoured of two

>> No.7299123

I only read about one that apparently everyone was after, don't remember name

>> No.7299137

dont hurt me

>> No.7299139
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Love is an ideological anchor which offers a comfortable parallax shift to the unending urge to consistently submit oneself to irrational fantasy via rubbing of the genitals with an external subject.

>> No.7299145

how is it any more or less irrational than anything else people do and how is it a fantasy if you're doing it

>> No.7299161

What you feel for your dog or cat.

>> No.7299185

chemical dependence necessary for successful procreation and nurturing

>> No.7299191

no more

>> No.7299194
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i like that book too

>> No.7299201


>> No.7299237

Love is just an economy based on resource scarcity

>> No.7299244

My diary tbh

>> No.7299280

“...this is love. I have my self-consciousness not in myself but in the other. I am satisfied and have peace with myself only in this other and I AM only because I have peace with myself; if I did not have it then I would be a contradiction that falls to pieces. This other, because it likewise exists outside itself, has its self-consciousness only in me; and both the other and I are only this consciousness of being-outside-ourselves and of our identity; we are only this intuition, feeling, and knowledge of our unity. This is love, and without knowing that love is both a distinguishing and the sublation of this distinction, one speaks emptily of it.”
― Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel

>> No.7299289

is there anything he didnt try to explain with his stupid double negation?

>> No.7299327

I asked myself what the first principle was, and I discovered it was Love.

I discovered reading Plato that Mind is a higher principle than Matter, and ceased to be materialist ever since. I knew that Matter or Chaos/Chance could not be the first principle as many today believe, because that would imply that unintelligence is prior to intelligence, that the intellect arises out of non-intellect, but this is absurd because if the intellect is rooted in a non-intellectual principle then it is without any foundation and could not arrive at any knowledge whatsoever. Therefore, our intellects must be derived from a higher intellect.

So is Mind the first principle? In a sense, as all created things are intelligible and are therefore formed by a mind (if the created world was not formed by a mind, it would be unintelligible). But there has to be some higher principle that would move the Mind to create the world in the first place, to bring it out of nothingness.

This principle is Love. Only Love can create, because only Love does not despise what is lesser than itself. Only Love as the highest principle is fruitful enough to give birth to lesser principles.

>> No.7299333

yes and no

>> No.7299338

thanks for responding anon. is there a name for having this pov? i don't like it, but i can't bring myself to process things in a different manner

>> No.7299351

It's called "microscopic vision", only seeing the world through a microscope. Sometimes it's called scientific reductionism or scientism.

>> No.7299362
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>> No.7299363

A dynamic of power, submission and cooperation between a man and a woman that comes naturally at first but must be cultivated carefully to last through a lifetime. The main reason for cultivating it is to provide a home for children.

>> No.7299379

I asked myself what the first principle was, and I discovered it was Poop.

I discovered reading Plato that Mind is a higher principle than Matter, and ceased to be materialist ever since. I knew that Matter or Chaos/Chance could not be the first principle as many today believe, because that would imply that unpoop is prior to poop, that the poop arises out of non-poop, but this is absurd because if the poop is rooted in a non-poop principle then it is without any foundation and could not arrive at any poop whatsoever. Therefore, our poops must be derived from a higher Poop.

So is Mind the first principle? In a sense, as all created things are poop and are therefore formed by a mind (if the created world was not formed by a mind, it would be unpoop). But there has to be some higher principle that would move the Mind to create the world in the first place, to bring it out of nothingness.

This principle is Poop. Only Poop can create, because only Poop does not despise what is lesser than itself. Only Poop as the highest principle is fruitful enough to give birth to lesser principles.

>> No.7299398

The ultimate expression of free will. The hearth of the soul, with which one weathers the suffering of life.

>> No.7299407

>free will

>> No.7299417


>tfw you're eight and notice your hamster's paws are fleshy and gross
>tfw you ignore it for 2 years and your mom feeds it instead
>tfw it starts climbing its cage to try and get your attention
>tfw you forget it's even in the house
>tfw it dies
>tfw you wail uncontrollably for the first time in your life while your mom tries to console you
>tfw you're so sad you're not even embarrassed

>> No.7299430

you know, the exact same thing happened to me

I cried in front of my older cousin who I always looked up to and wanted to impress

>> No.7299436


>tfw you're an albanian troll who migrates to Ohio
>tfw eight of your ten siblings die on a boat
>tfw you seduce an albanian-american man despite having a face like rotting leather
>tfw fifty years later your grandchild thinks you're gross and obviously resents eating food you cook
>tfw you die while taking a shit on your own toilet, at 89, content

>> No.7299464
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An illusion, but everything is meaningless so it can be something beautiful to avoid the boredom.

>> No.7299465

fall in love and try thinking about it as something so trivial when it's at its best and when it inevitably dies.

It's like the nihilist who thinks that if someone is about to knife them in the face that they'd be indifferent to it. Only when 100x removed from experience does that 'fact' mean anything to you in a way which isn't (ironically) trivial

>> No.7299484

>It's like the nihilist who thinks that if someone is about to knife them in the face that they'd be indifferent to it.
how do you know it's not the case?

>> No.7299514

I really hope you're memeing right now.

>> No.7299528
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>> No.7299746

I've been in love for the past 5 years with a near-complete stranger. Nearly cost me my life, but it is a very rewarding experience. Some moments you just lie in bed and feel ecstasy. Plus, it's a motivational, educational force. It's really supernatural,in a way, too. Coincedences upon coincedences.

>> No.7299778

i've been in love and had numerous relationships, yet i still recognized them for what they were - just a biological function to get me to reproduce. that doesn't mean i wasn't able to enjoy it. i never said that at all. in fact i never claimed it to be trivial either. just because it is capable of being explained by science doesn't make it any less wondrous.