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/lit/ - Literature

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7298546 No.7298546 [Reply] [Original]

>Go to the local library to try to get some reading done
>expecting to be among a bunch of pretentious nerds
>its filled with homeless people who are just there to use the computers
>one of them is literally watching porn that I can hear because his headphones are too loud
>some other guy is watching funny youtube videos and talking to himself "damm son dat guy got fuckin knocked da fug out nigga!"
>Police get called on one guys because he is caught stealing some DVDs(why the fuck is this anti-intellectual shit in a library anyways?) and when the librarian tells him he needs to check them out he starts screaming and says he will "wait for her outside"
Jesus, I always though a library would be a chill place to work, but this is literally adult daycare and the entire place stank like cigarettes from the homeless guys
I live in a nice suburban area too

>Mfw reading Stirner in a public library and realizing the hypocrisy of it

>> No.7298550


Fuck you, you fucking tryhard pretentious fuck.

>> No.7298551

homeless men all up in your mom's pubic labiary


>> No.7298557

u wot m8?

>> No.7298558

public libraries usually have little decent material
>not sneaking into university libraries and forcibly removing tags in the washroom

>> No.7298566

>forcibly removing tags

wait, this works?
can you just rip out the page with the tag/barcode and walk out?

>> No.7298570

I basically grew up in the library my mom worked at. All the homeless people were nice, just a little crazy.

>> No.7298576

you can just wrap it in tinfoil too

>> No.7298583

But can you forcibly remove or wrap the unbearable guilt in tinfoil?

>> No.7298592

does that actually work or is some elaborate ruse?
Would it not be safer to just rip the tags/pages out?

>> No.7298594

Mine have a magnetic strip inside the binding
I just saw off the binding keep the frong and back covers then rebind them after
Any tips for covering yourself if you do get caught?

>> No.7298596

>unbearable guilt
>saving some of the great works of the smartest men who ever lived from drying out on bookshelves for decades until being thumbed by bored undergrads as a source that doesn't even support whatever garbage point they're making

>> No.7298597

>unbearable guilt

yeah I'm sure all those homeless druggies will put those philosophical treatises to good use.

>> No.7298607

How do know if the books have a magnetic strip in the binding? As far as I know all you do to check a book out is to scan the barcode.

So It should be safe to rip it out, right?

>> No.7298622

At my library they rub the binding across some electric block a few times and that neutralizes them, I dont know how they reactivate them though

A good trick to to check out a book when you have one or two in your bag
They usually just let you walk out thinking that they just messed up the alarm thing on the book you did check out

>> No.7298629

>A good trick to to check out a book when you have one or two in your bag
>They usually just let you walk out thinking that they just messed up the alarm thing on the book you did check out

excellent, it's time to fucking plunder the library.

>> No.7298632
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>stealing from libraries

>> No.7298639

Nobody ever checks out the books from the library anyways
Everything other than harry potter and 50 shades of gray just sits on a shelf untouched for years on end

>> No.7298649

Leaving the book in the library gives it the chance to be read by more people than if you were to steal it. There are people who can't afford to buy books that often so libraries are the only way they can read.

>> No.7298657

>go to the local public library
>see the usual horde of homeless, several of which are fapping in unison to lewd videos
>when I look to the librarian, she gives me a helpless look that tells me this has been going on every day for years: it is beyond the capabilities of any security
>the greyest and grossest grognard of them all finishes, gets up, and walks up to me with a flashlight. seemingly looking for a contact or something
>he points the flashlight right in my eyes: he smells of a curious mixture of cum, sardines, and olive oil
>ask him what he's looking for and what he wants from me
>"An honest man."
>the rest of them start laughing, howling, and barking
>I get out of his sun

>> No.7298658

But why would I give a fuck about other people fam? Them being happy or sad doesn't have any bearing whatsoever on me.

>> No.7298701


> why would I care about other people, it doesn't effect me

>OP is literally a story of how some (homeless) peoples' misery had the effect of ruining the library for everybody else.

>> No.7298732


Librarianfag here. You can get away with that in some older systems, but anything running a newer system based on RFID will see through this pretty quick, mostly because (at least with the system my library is running) the title and status of the item come up right away on my screen. Incredibly satisfying when someone tries to pull this "one or two in your bag" stunt and you can nail them with the exact title they're trying to steal.

m8 we have fuckin PS4 games now

>going to a public library to read your own books
>expecting a shrine to intellectualism in 2015

k bruh

>> No.7298737

>people's misery
You could make this meme about anything, you elitist softliberal cunt. Like:
>Man goes amok and defecates in public, attacks somebody with a knife.
>Onlookers are offended.
>Your reply is everyone should stop making it about them; it's the knifeguy who's the most miserable. What's important is always who is more miserable. Cut a leg off. It'll make your emotions worth more.

>> No.7298781

The existence of physical libraries on a community-to-community scale is obsolete in the face of digital libraries, let's face it. Obviously it would be stupid to get rid of all libraries entirely, but it's no surprise a local library in a suburb would have zero serious visitors when they can get most 'classic' books for free online and the rest on their Kindles.

Yesterday someone was complaining in a thread how despite there being many Classics students at their university, De Bello Gallico hadn't been checked out in seven years. It's like... no shit, De Bello Gallico with all sorts of translations, commentaries, and resources is available at the tip of your google fingers.

>> No.7298783

how can we circumvent the newer systems

>> No.7298794

So you're saying it was filled with true patricians living the literary lifestyle?

>> No.7298813

Not him but, googling RFID still shows that it's based on tags so I'm assuming you would just rip out the tag/page/magnetic strip.

>> No.7298858

>tfw no-one acknowledged by cleverness

>> No.7298867


>people who can't afford to buy books
>people that will give great works any respect at all

2 different circles here m8

>> No.7298871


>> No.7298907

All my life libraries have always had DVDs.

>> No.7298918

>implying no one got the diogenes reference

you have to cleverer than that, lad.

>> No.7298920

you know that the reason the homeless are there is that it's one of the last public institutions in the US that won't turn them away.

>> No.7298940


>> No.7298961

Well of course they got it, but I wanted approbation.


There we go. That's all I ask for.

>> No.7298973


same way you steal from anywhere: rip out the tag. but goddamn, go steal from some heavyweight book store instead? we have to buy our books via publishers who mark up the prices for libraries because of how many people will be using what amounts to a single sale for them. besides, if something goes missing, we have to replace it at that cost, and there are legitimately a lot of lower class/new immigrant/homeless people who benefit a lot from our services and our budget is tighter than ever. but hey if you really wanna steal a book that has passed through god-knows how many piss-stained hands and is in shitty condition rather than a way more easily obtained & brand new copy from a book store, I guess I can't stop you

>> No.7298983

At least some people are able to look at homeless people as actual people and not just as a burden on society.. fucking dipshit

>> No.7298987

It should, as long as you wrap it completely from all sides. Placing it into a metal box should work as well.

>> No.7298994

Do hobos ever read anything or just fap in the computers?

>> No.7299111

>implying fapping in a library is not a literary activity

>> No.7299149

You wanted the (You)

I think if we got rid of the (You) there would be less shitposting and trolling.

>> No.7299157


You're quite right. But I indulge in the dopamine all the same. Here is yours for you, by the way.

>> No.7299158


>> No.7299159

Why you you let all of the homeless people come and masturbate in your home if you love them so much, faggot?

>> No.7299214

Well, hey, jerk, maybe I will!
*closes browser*
Jeez, the nerve of some people...

>> No.7299228

Does someone want a hug because you're angry? Yes you are.

>> No.7299233

To 7299158:

>> No.7299295
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>To 7299158:

>> No.7299358

Dear 7299295,

I do not understand your reaction to my previous comment. I was shocked at the vocabulary used on this website. Please remember that you are not alone and that other people deserve to be treated fairly. Thank you in advance.


>> No.7299605

Shut up.

>> No.7299639

I want to steal the copy of Women and Men at the library so badly.
I suppose I just am afraid of being banned if caught. It's the only good one in the area.

>> No.7299673

i won't steal a book from a library unless it hasn't been taken out in five years and if i think other people could get better use out of it than i could

the joy of living in a hole in the hinterlands is that this is rarely the case, even at the uni library

>> No.7299677

In libraries I always steal, hide, destroy, or trash books I morally disagree with, like Marxist propaganda comic books or those children's books about how being gay is so great.

>> No.7299682

being reprinted soon dude

>> No.7299765

>Marxist propaganda comic books
such as?

>> No.7299795

>Mfw reading Stirner in a public library and realizing the hypocrisy of it

Hypocrisy is a spook

>> No.7299800

yeah they sound good honestly I want to read them

>> No.7299803


I don't think you get the point of a library

>> No.7299818

Underrated post

>> No.7299831

Calvin and Hobbs to start

>> No.7300140

Like two years soon?
Like 5 months soon?
The trademark, indefinitely soon?

>> No.7300321

i stole the idiot from my uni library. judge me fag

>> No.7300521

I am practicing this at the moment.
I sell the books.

>> No.7300534 [DELETED] 

This. I don't think I've ever seen anyone at a public library read anything beyond YA tier trash

>> No.7300553

Well they have to masturbate somewhere, so what is the broblem

>> No.7300605

I got myself some Nietzsche in expensive editions, an Ancient Greek textbook, some other stuff; they ain't even checked out in fucking years, you can see it inside, niqqa they ain't got no use for those books, they're just dust collectors, I actually use and make something out of them.

>> No.7301075
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>> No.7301128

Got my binder stolen in a public library while it had my phone in it (left it in there by accident, but it was covered). The guy was homeless and texted his mom and old friend that he loved/missed them. I had the same misperception as you did.
I was talking to one of the women at the desks about it and said, "I just assumed that this place was safe, being a library and all." She looked at me so stern and said
"This is not a safe place."
I looked around and realized that I had unassumingly talked to a socially disturbed old man, and was surrounded by the homeless people you had described.
>to be this sheltered

>> No.7301373
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>texted his mom and old friend that he loved/missed them

>> No.7302820

>stealing from a library

>> No.7302829

>lefty straw man

This isn't even a creative one.

>> No.7302834
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>The guy was homeless and texted his mom and old friend that he loved/missed them.


>> No.7302851

>live in America
>need a public place to work in that doesn't require me to buy something
>decide to try the library
>sit down at a work desk
>guy next to me is fidgety
>calls a few friends
>turns out this guy is on the run from police for getting caught selling crack
>figured the last place he'd be found is in the library

I guess I could try a public park, but I'm pretty sure that would be as bad. So much for public spaces in the U.S.

>> No.7302966

You're going nowhere fast, Augie

>> No.7302978

It got me really good, man.

>> No.7303064
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>> No.7303080


holy lol, do you live in the UK? my city's main library is like this though thankfully the dvd and computer area is completely separate from the books. My local library is tiny and has only a few old women who work there who probably look down on me for being nerdy enough to go to a library (my central library as well, but at least that place is big enough that I don't have to be within eyesight.)

My city's main library is OKish and alright for its size. I actually went there on one of the days and there were two hot girls working there on their laptops in the book section although I'm a sub 8 non Chad so literally lol at the prospect of talking to a /lit/erate girl irl.

My university's big fat library is a normie haven during the day (even more than you'd expect for a library, becasue it's a place to take your selfies / instagram photos because it's new and shiny). I like going there at night but it's even busy at night ffs.

>> No.7303086
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>> No.7303089

>there were two hot girls working there on their laptops in the book section
Most likely reading Harry Potter or Hunger games
Women are literally childeren

>> No.7304381

Nice one m8 made me giggle a lil bit

>> No.7304482

>go to library
>lots of quiet clean people doing their own thing
Par for the course when you're in a city with a super low unemployment rate tbh

>> No.7305163
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>new immigrants

>> No.7305167

Nice meme friend. :D

>> No.7305168

Thanks. We have to make /lit/ great again!

>> No.7305181

It's the worst when you need a library computer for 5 secs to print some shit out and fucks are in there playing games and shit.

>> No.7305187

Thief's always have some similar justification about all the shit they steal. "No ones ever gonna use it anyway".

>> No.7305570

My library has animu DVDs. A search for Lou Guangzhong got me a shit ton of animus.

>> No.7305775

Its a pretty good justification
The last book I stole(Anna K) literally had been in the library since 1997
Im at a university so we have a TON of books and the students are all STEM philistines who read Sci-fi and other atrocities

>> No.7305821

I guess someone stole your spellcheck.

>> No.7305868

>complains about homeless people and immigrants exploiting libraries
>has no problems with stealing/destroying property

This place is just becoming more of a bore for each time I come back.
Can't say I envy the mods too much.

Maybe next year, anon.

>> No.7305892

>go to check out everything and more
>>there's a gap exactly where it would be on the bookshelf
>>>someone didn't take it out

>> No.7305895

>>people watching long isis videos on public libraries

>> No.7305900

>both hobos and bums line their jackets with newspapers, the difference is that hobos read it first

>> No.7306509


I'm a homeless guy trying to jack off in a library.

>> No.7306570

>adult daycare
It's regular daycare too. I stopped in at a library two weeks ago to read a magazine article about Scientology and it was full of unmanaged kids yelling and screaming and throwing things around.

This was in an upper middle-class neighborhood. I felt really bad for the library science degrees in "charge".

>> No.7306615

Assume you're just fishing for replies, but if not how? Does the library-branding round each side of the book not deter buyers?

While in uni I worked at the library and, while I stole about 200 books, I sometimes worry about what I'll end up doing with them. The numerous tags/markings are pretty difficult to remove (especially when I have so many books to go through).
Eventually, when I die, my children will go through daddies collection of books, realise he was a thief all these years, and that his treasured book collection has no resale value