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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 478 KB, 1400x1024, future_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7297832 No.7297832 [Reply] [Original]

How do you see the future of the literature, guys?

>> No.7297840

decaying has-been like gardening or dancing

videogames will be the new queen of art. and the new philosopher who establishes this aesthetic lurks /lit/, digests, grows, ripens.

>> No.7297842

the ever growing never ending back log? i try not to look at it

>> No.7297847

The left is clearly superior.

>> No.7297858

that not mara

>> No.7297863


gril on the right is 15 btw

>> No.7297867

literature will face some really interesting digital disruption in the future, which will change a lot and probably incite some cool reactions too

>> No.7297869

I know that you're trying to be edgy, but it's true. Mara is clearly superior.

>> No.7297886

I'm a law student and run a tight, growing right wing group at my university and it is actually interesting to note the decline of literature.

One of our people is a librarian, and they have software which analyses whether a student is taking books for pleasure or for assignments/readings etc. Only about 3% of students read these books for pleasure.

Despite having a dedicated Classics department and sizable, no one has gotten commentarii de bello gallico out of the library in over 7 years. Even our political opponents here are floundering identity politics orientated fucktards who haven't read Marx, Engels or Sartre.

Honestly though, literature is only appreciated by a certain class and quality of people. If anything, the spread of mass literacy has ruined literature.

>> No.7297890

Reminds me of the infamous /pedolit/ thread .

>> No.7297892

I was being honest, I assure you.
The right side is a throwaway.

>> No.7297896

you mean the one about a week ago? i thought it was weird the mods deleted the 2nd thread within 20 posts but let the first one go for 400 posts. pick a side please mods.

>> No.7297897

What uni are you at?

I tried so fucking hard to find groups like yours at mine. I emailed two bizarre ultra-right groups that somehow managed to temporarily get registered by the university, but they never replied.

>> No.7297898

'Infamous'? You mean the one that happened like 4 days ago?

>> No.7297901
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yep, this is it.

Rise of a neo-right will change the themes we see knocking around. I'm guessing more combative texts, maybe with some norse/racial mythological themes rising.

Position these trends against an increasing worry about the speed of biological technology will, imho, give rise to both regressive themes of traditional life and authenticity that can be juxtaposed against a threatening, unclear modernity. Less sci-fi, more magical realism in an advanced society.

We're already seeing a lot more multi-threaded narratives, I think that this style has legs and is set to grow. With greater emphasis on seperation and differences, this might become a poignent theme used on both the left and neo-right

>> No.7297903

Agreed with everything i could possibly argue!

>> No.7297906


>2nd thread
>the one that happened like 4 days ago

Wait... they made a 2nd one, as if one wasn't enough ?

>> No.7297907

what pedolit thread? I browse lit 24/7, how the fug did I miss this?

>> No.7297913

> /pedolit/

/lit/ is the new /b/

>> No.7297917

Pedophilia is extremely patrician though

>> No.7297919
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the thread was literally up for days, resulting in pic related. I honestly have no idea how you missed it.

>> No.7297921

who's on the right?

>> No.7297925

Victoria University of Wellington. You need to form a friend group, then evolve it into right wing politics, then grow into a movement. The major problem is that right wing students tend to be avaricious commerce students.

But we have moved to make ourselves as attractive as possible. We have a stylish dress, constantly hold parties with practically open invitation, participate in group debates and sort of research new directions for the right wing.

Inner Circle is 6 people, who do most of the thinking. Outer party is 28 people, mostly hangers on, women and social outcasts.

The Ideas are absolutely irrelevant compared with the structure, fulfilment and enjoyment that the group provides.

>> No.7297942

You are right, and that is one of our pivotal ideas.
Major themes for the coming of the neo-right. (we call ourselves neo-florentines actually)

- Rectifying Christianity with modern technological society.
-Recognition of marxist ideas for their value, disabling and destroying the slow boiled frog approach of modern marxist after the defeat of communism.
- Education and the spreading of ideas is best adjusted to the extreme ADHD of the 21st century man, through short videoes and entertainment.
- Recreate and strengthen the identity of western man through the creation of new architecture, art, legislation, education, literature and philosophy which sums the western understanding and guides the masses through enlightened despotism.
- Recognize that the economic factors are trending towards a new aristocracy of hedge fund managers and that corporate control/ownership has been distorted by the managerial approach.
- Encourage many styles of right wing through to drive new evolution.

>> No.7297943
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>> No.7297945

>- Rectifying Christianity with modern technological society.

wtf fo you mean ? Laser Jesus ?

>> No.7297949

In the same way that Thomas Aquinas rectified Aristotle with Christianity. Someone needs to rectify the bible with darwinism and the scientific ideals which destroyed the chrisitan belief.

>> No.7297950
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The model girlfriend of a model surfer dude who makes self-promotional videos trying to capture the essence of hedonism


I read that as "the political left is superior".

Pic related is 14.
Today, every year that you age beyond 20, you really get 2 years older. That is to say, you knowingly grow away from the easily life. Let's be honest here, porn stars, aged 18 to 25, are hotter than the average girl you band. But now even perkier teens provide, on their own initiative, an infinite supply of amateur stuff on the web.

What's good about your own age? Do older authors produce better literature than old ones? It probably gets better and worse once they start to repeat their worldview. People can't really seem to change their perception too much, and when the world is always changing, what really older people have to say which is always outdated.
I conclude that what will be written about, even more, is the fixed character of people. Natural human motivations, in particular.

>> No.7297959

You mean as Teilhard did ?

>> No.7297963

Yep. But in a way that is digestible and can be presented to the majority of the population through education.

>> No.7297964

Darwinism is completely incompatible with Christianity. Evolution as means of creation is on the other hand compatible.
On the other hand claiming that science and Christianity need to make peace seems really silly as nothing in Christianity advocates against science except there where there is a lack of ethics like in human experiments.

>> No.7297968

I could give a fuck about trends, I will never read all the lit out there that I'd like to read already, much less the stuff that's yet to come out.

>> No.7297975

It is not really about trends. Rather about restoring faith because there are so many benefits from mass belief and participation in religion.

It is a ridiculous juxtaposition to actually believe that a religious belief is opposed to scientific progress.

>> No.7297979

What's the important core of Christianity that needs to be kept? A Kierkegaartian motivation to do shit that may also benefit others?

Adopting a religion now seem to be either motivated by some anxiety or as counter move to other religious and their people.

>> No.7297989

There is literally nothing which holds western society together at this point but the state. The primary reason is that the stability of traditional family, the legitimacy of government and the proper morality of the people can be indoctrinated into children at a young age.

A man with no religion is controlled only by the law. But a indoctrined in the faith is in control of himself far more because his actions go against his belief.

Church participation solidifies community and encourages the virtues. I do not expect that we will actually rebirth the faith, because the influence of the past two centuries can not be erased.

But crippling nihilism is society destroying. It is the same fatal nihilism which once possessed the 10th and 11th century Muslims. Accepting faith is to accept your own mortality and should promote all the necessary ideas for the continuation of your society/nation through religion.

It is far more about stabilizing society. Sadly I have not read Kirkegaard yet. There is far too much literature to read and not enough time.

>> No.7297994

that pic is so low test that it hurts fam

>> No.7297995

tbh, you sound so far up my street I can taste you.

what kind of a reading list do you guys have?

>> No.7298001

I don't know what he means by '2nd thread with 20 posts' but I was talking about the one that was up for days.

>> No.7298005
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I'm really quite liking this thread.

>> No.7298012
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>There is literally nothing which holds western society together at this point but the state.
hmmm, you're probably right - interesting.

>But a indoctrined in the faith is in control of himself far more because his actions go against his belief.
So you want to affect society from the bottom - what's you real purpose, where do you want to take things and why?

In any case, you speak about Conservative values. But does this automatically make it "right-winged"? I'm not an American btw.

Don't starve.

>> No.7298015

>Technology's brought us to the cusp of infinite life
>And you're unironically arguing for a return to theocracy

>> No.7298019

>does this automatically make it "right-winged"
What he's saying is definitely rightwing, yes (I don't mean that as an indictment, although I do disagree with him).

>> No.7298029

>I showed up from reddit 2 months ago to police this place and there had never been a pedolit discussion before me
Hey, kid, still mad people read works of canon?

>> No.7298034

if your political outlook can be inferred from every post on /lit/, then you're not left- or rightwing, but just faggot-wing devoid of autonomy.

>> No.7298041

Well, I do a LLB/BA so I can't cover everything. But the cores of my stuff.

Beyond the Classics and the bible.

In terms of Law,
- Hobbes
- Locke
- Montesquieu
- Kautilya's Arthashastra
- Confucius
- Napoleonic code
- Justinian's code
- Islamic law (Islam is by far the best religion on earth for proselytizing)

Economic theorists
- Joseph Schumpeter
- Austrian school, primarily through Friedman and other chicago school.
- Keynes
- Smith
- Hayek
- Pareto
- Sraffa

We also believe that economies essentially act under central planning when one considers the enormous market influence of the major central banks.

In terms of history, we have been working on turning that whole Marxist "History is on our side" thing into a doctrine of ours. Combine Spenglerian thought, with Yockey's historic relativism under a Copernican model of history.

Military doctrines are changing as well. Naval warfare is becoming the new lynchpin of conventional warfare, missiles and air power are declining. Conventional war is only prevented by the technological paradox of world war 1. The rise of insurgency is primarily due to the growing disconnection of individuals from the state, in a society in which only the state and individual exist. Conventional on military theorists and strategems, although intelligence networks are the primary focus of modern warfare.

>> No.7298060

There's always a pedo lit thread, you retards.

Anyway, the future of lit is going to be more shit until the idea of do-it-yourself, "everyone has something to say," shit self-publishing dies out.

>> No.7298061


Theocracy is the most anti-fragile form of social organism tbh fam. You're equivocating instrumental advances, techne, with 'social progress'. One is not the other, in fact the latter often holds the former back.

>> No.7298062

Well, we aren't conserving anything. The real problem that the right wing faces today is that it has become narrowly hemmed into a tiny concept of what is conservative or right wing.

Most of the modern western centre right is essentially Blarite. They are dragged along by the left wing and giving consistent small concession. They endlessly speak of choice and focus on libertarian perspectives of personal freedom.

But what is personal freedom relative to collective identity. A people need an identity, which entitles a religion, history, festivals and culture.

The right wing needs to fight for the ability to speak and argue their position for protecting race, the authority of religion, the ability to cast blame and shame. These are vital to our society. It doesn't mean we hate fun, but rather that vices should not be encouraged. A great society grows great on the character of its people, for a people get the state they deserve

>> No.7298086

ta, I read PPE at a liberal uni and now I'm looking to broarden my horizons.

Will enjoy getting though these

>> No.7298097

>Austrian school, primarily through Friedman and other chicago school.

please focus on Chicago school and not on the school of neoliberalism that is allergic to statistical evidence

>> No.7298102

>Theocracy is the most anti-fragile form of social organism

I thought it was the family

>> No.7298106

>the latter often holds the former back
You're admitting technology has a social materiality; so what I mean is, in such a technological context, where's the realism, where's the realpolitik, in proposing theocracy? It won't come off.

>> No.7298107

Bingo. Writing hasn't gotten worse, it has just become more available to idiots. Unlike such pursuits as painting or music, the tools are incredibly simple (read- pencil/paper, or pretty much any default computer OS), and it is much harder for a layperson to look at what they made and recognize 'this is shit' like they can when trying to draw or play an instrument.

Self publishing and online publishing (see: hacks churning out potboiler erotica and scifi on Amazon) are the worst things to happen to literature.

>> No.7298121

This. I learnt about the striking, and to me surprising, relative fertility of younger women (late teens) compared even to, say, a 22 year old. The quality of the breast milk falls considerably even in the early 20s.

>> No.7298122

>'this is shit' like they can when trying to draw or play an instrument

Draw? Sure.

Not playing an instrument though. Or making music in general. Takes around the same level of self-awareness as realizing your writing is shit, which is a notch higher than most people

Just look at the self-publishing mechanisms for music (Bandcamp, Soundcloud)

>> No.7298123

If you read PPE, Machiavelli's Discourses on Livy is an epic work. The Prince is a satire, but his letters demonstrate immense understanding of politics. On Economics, I suggest investigating Edward Bernays who quite literally invented consumerism. His influence on marketing has significantly distorted microeconomics, for how can one be rational and thrift in an age of endless pleasures with no consequences.

And as a thought, the Neo-Conservatives were born of marxists becoming conservatives. So what happens when alt-right becomes centre-leftists?

>> No.7298154

Glad to see my work (even if it's used like a meme).

>> No.7298161

>The Prince is a satire

No it's fucking not

>if a writer contradicts himself ever then one of the contradictory works was satire

Fuck you.

>> No.7298163


You can't just wave family centered attitudes in with some sort of law or regulation fam, you gotta explicitly validate eucivilizational mores, and an official religion is the most decentralized and adaptable way to do that.


Memetic mutation is always and every where a threat to the long term heath of civilization, and one of the best ways to prevent memetic mutation is by making holiness competition illegal. Ie, by having an archbishop who has sole authority to promulgate doctrine.

Even the most asinine and self-serving holders of office would be preferable to people amplifying their moral posturing off of each other into insanity.

>> No.7298167

Leszek Kolakowski seems like your cup of tea.

>> No.7298177

Well I suppose I'm talking about absolute basics. You will find lots of people who:

-pick up a pencil, and all they can do is draw stick figures, since they have neither specific training nor natural experience with the craft

-pick up a guitar, and all they can do is make random strums, since they have neither specific training nor natural experience with the craft

-pick up Microsoft word, and immediately go on their merry way writing their 'book', since they have natural experience with the craft from school and general matters of life.

Because writing is so crucial in the developed world, there isn't the immediate 'cutoff' that exists with a lot of artistic and musical pursuits. The shitty musicians are often people who actually HAVE formal training and 'know' how to play instruments/sing technically, but are just poor at carrying it out and have delusions about that. Nobody picks up a guitar without having played before and fancies themself a publishable musician, at least I'd hope.

>> No.7298275


You're still missing Death in Venice and Hogg on there man

>> No.7298332

>Despite having a dedicated Classics department and sizable, no one has gotten commentarii de bello gallico out of the library in over 7 years.

That's because everyone has read it already.

>> No.7298350
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I don't like to think about it

>> No.7298352
File: 415 KB, 1887x909, clip+(2015-10-25+at+01.16.36).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meant to post this, I don't know what happened.

>> No.7298420

It doesn't contain pedophilia, but Henry James' What Maisie Knew could belong here. Maisie is only around 7-8 and her best friend is her stepdad

>> No.7298457


>> No.7298527

Interesting points in regards to military. What have you been reading to support those views?

>> No.7298537
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>> No.7298539
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>My billionare Triceratops craves gay ass

holy fuck

>> No.7298564

Well he's wrong. Both are equally good.

Looking at this image, why is 100 Years of Solitude in here? I recall it being described as an erotic book, and/or a book with some pedophilic parts, but I read it and didn't really feel it was enough to put it on any such list.

Basically Jose-Arcadio-Nacho-Libre the Third diddles with his aunt, and Remedios the 10/10 qt sweeps everybody up with her beauty. And those are very small parts of the book.

>> No.7298679

I know it's not very meta to say, but I honestly believe at least two of our generation's greatest authors will come from /lit/.

>> No.7298726

>The shitty musicians are often people who actually HAVE formal training and 'know' how to play instruments/sing technically, but are just poor at carrying it out and have delusions about that.
If only that was truly the case. I've heard some absolutely terrible musicianship and terrible playing in my time.

>> No.7298739


>> No.7298814

Don't worry. When I make it I will acknowledge where I came from. I won't act too cool for school.

>> No.7298818


>> No.7298821

did you mean the left, opposed to the right wing?

>> No.7298834

Liking either would label you a creep. Both are legally children.
>This is what non-pedophiles actually believe.

>> No.7298842

>8yo little girl
>40yo woman
Both have the same mental age.

>> No.7298843

/lit/ will do better than /mu/ then. They will produce a stunning total of 0 gifted musicians.

>> No.7298855

Dark Enlightenment memers pls go

>> No.7298861

Who is "we"?

>> No.7298865

How can anybody take themselves seriously when they follow a movement called the 'Dark Enlightenment'? That's the most edgy name I've ever seen.

>> No.7298870

lol source please ?

>> No.7298892

I don't know many who would use that exact label except to draw a contrast between its principles and the actual "Enlightenment's" (they'd use quotes). More are comfortable considering themselves as "alt-right" or "neo-reactionary" though I see the former used more widely than the latter.

>> No.7298957

/lit/ has it's problems but it is much, much better than /mu/. The community here has a good taste in literature, even if basic sometimes. (canon works + dfw and pynchon)

I'm not even kidding, I won't be surprised if /lit/ will become famous for spawning a couple of importent writers. Together with many bad writers, I've seen some talented people around here.

>> No.7299225

lol no. i think anyone good enough to make it as a great would be able to come to /lit/ and take it for what it is (4chan) without having invested any self-identification with it.

i mean wtf would come from /lit/ even mean? that they shitposted once or twice on here? they shared a story? there is really nothing unique about /lit/ than any other board on 4chan. it's a place to shitpost, not some trailblazing collective.

>> No.7299250

What do you mean 'from /lit/? I'd rather think that they will come from their respective actual environs, and by actual I mean the concrete ethical substance: economic, social, religious, cultural background and so on.

>> No.7299270

Once I make it too big for this place I'll wipe it from my mind and never speak of it again.

>> No.7299283
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I'm not this guy and I don't know studies of teens, but the curve of how likely you can get your girl pregnant and how probable your baby having autism etc. with mothers age is, is well established (the fraction of autists with >30yo mothers is very large compared to ones with young mothers).

E.g. if you bang your 22yo gf a month, chances for her to get pregnant are 25% (pic related), or p=0.25, meaning 75% or 0.75 is the chance of her not getting pregnant.
So after n months of repeated tries, chance of not getting pregnant is (1-p)^n.

For p=0.25 and n=6 month of trying, that's 0.75^6=0.18 or 18% chance of not getting a baby inside her.
For a 35 year old woman, chance is 16% (pic related) and after 6 months you'll have failed with 36% chance.

>> No.7299344

Yeah, "from /lit/" is probably an over-statement. I think as least a few regular posters will become somthing. Obviously /lit/ won't be a huge part of their identity.

>> No.7299434


>One of our people is a librarian, and they have software which analyses whether a student is taking books for pleasure or for assignments/readings etc. Only about 3% of students read these books for pleasure.

That's interesting, I wonder if it's true.


I would hesitate to extrapolate those numbers backwards and conceiving infants is pointless if the mother or baby don't survive childbirth. Teenage girls are more likely to have complications during pregnancy. Pedos will make up all sorts of "arguments" to justify their perverse and aberrant sexuality.

>> No.7299450

it's not even a pedo argument lol

>> No.7299460

there is literally nothing wrong with being a pedo

>> No.7299504

This. Thank you.
If anything, the future of literature will perhaps see more people writing about this theme more freely.

>> No.7299509
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>> No.7299522

there's nothing wrong with liking girls aged ~14 and over or whenever puberty kicks in nowadays, which many european laws reflect also, but liking someone that is a kid however is a different story

>> No.7299531

I think you've solved my problem of needing occasional human social contact. Oh sweet lies how you have liberated me.

>> No.7299539
File: 189 KB, 1600x1056, 1841+John Martin, Pandæmonium (Milton, Paradise Lost).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure if you're trolling, but what you said is what I think. And I'm feeling really uncomfortable about how 4chan deal with this subject. This site has lost what made it unique a long time ago.

Pic unrelated, it's just that I like it.

>> No.7299546
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I guess it's not pedophilia exactly but people trying to justify porking underage girls with biology are still wrong.

I'm not against people being perverts I just want them to be honest about it. This is 4chan nobody has to lie. For example why does everyone try to justify Christianity as being this necessary social fiber of civilization? Why not just believe in God for its own sake and be happy with that? Why make such a big deal about it? The one place where we should be anonymous and at peace has turned into this boring ideological battleground. Sad tbh.

>> No.7299552


meant for



>> No.7299554

And the point of this screenshot is... what, exactly? Nobody was doubting the existence of the thread, it happened mere days ago and is probably on warosu.

>> No.7299555

As real readership declines, purchase and exhibition of volumes will increasingly serve only to signal moral rectitude in peer groups. The book will be a dull ritual implement used only for visual consumption at a distance, like a necktie or a bumper sticker or Capital in the 21st Century (and that other Capital).

Meanwhile online the roiling masses of text will self-organize into new, authorless and plural-author forms of narrative. These will take hypertextual forms unsuitable for print. The ebook format will shed booklike features until it is indistinguishable from these new forms.

>> No.7299575

I wasn't trolling, I'm definitely serious.
>I'm feeling really uncomfortable about how 4chan deal with this subject.

I wouldn't justify porking children, but I would justify children being able to encounter nudity and light sexual situations as they develop instead of locking up their supposed innocence until they are a teenager or older and ready to make reckless, ill-informed decisions that they're in no way prepared for. And I would like to see it no longer be social suicide to admit any sexual attraction to minors. That's the future I look forward to.

>> No.7299623


Went a bit too strong by the end.

>> No.7299694
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>more magical realism in an advanced society.
This. This. This.

Narratives will focus not on truth or prophecy but in providing a point of view amongst many, it will not describe current or past stories and instead will create stories with its own rules, historical syncretism will also abound.

>> No.7299709
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Massive bans about everything related to the "pedo" subject. 4chan started being "the last free site" to end like "the new headquarters of the holy Jesus and the FBI".

>> No.7299724

But science is wrong
Women are disgusting by age 16.
Theocracy has never existed, though.

>> No.7299726

Okay, that's what I thought you meant. It's also why I feared even pushing the subject, knowing that if it stayed on it for too long, the thread would go bye-bye.

And with that fear established, I reiterate my point about more people writing things dealing with the subject and actually having an audience.

>> No.7299727

Me btw

>> No.7299762

I'm with you. I'm also trying to show a more positive and realistic point of view about the "subject". A small message here, another one there... Even in real life (but that's a lot harder).

>Women are disgusting by age 16.
Good girls last forever. Unfortunately, most girls aren't "good". Being a pedo means to like girls before they turn into disgusting pieces of shit.

>> No.7299764

>Good girls last forever. Unfortunately, most girls aren't "good".
no lol

>> No.7299772

>Real life
Haha, yeah, fuck that. I've spoken up here and there anytime someone I know brings up the "castrate and hang them all" mentality, but there's only so many times I can do it before drawing attention to myself. That's why I take to writing (yes there are stories).

>Being a pedo means to like girls before they turn into disgusting pieces of shit.
I don't share this view, though. I'm non-exclusive. I like women. I like older women. I like teens and pre-teens. I just like things that are sexy.

>> No.7299817
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>I'm non-exclusive.
Me too, but I must admit that I feel a "quality" loss. Not sure if you know what I mean. A girl of around 25 is nice too, but it's not the same (that's not even near).

>> No.7299847

Sartre fucked young girls. (Same with Beauvoir.)

Wilde or Carroll barely counts compared to Poe.

Add Colette's Claudine at School to at least the gay side, if not both.

Put Wilde's De Profundis in homosexual and drop the "Real" section because you're fucking it up.

>> No.7299849 [DELETED] 

I know what you mean and I disagree to an extent. It's not a loss of quality, it's a changing of quality. I've been with sixty year-old women that are hot as balls in completely different ways than the traditional idea of virile, youthful girls as being sexually ideal.

Birth is the beginning of life. Life is the beginning of birth. Or something.

>La Confirmacion
Still waiting for that anon to deliver the translated scans of that. Are you out there, anon?

>> No.7299866

I know what you mean and I disagree to an extent. It's not a loss of quality, it's a changing of quality. I've been with sixty year-old women that are hot as balls in completely different ways than the traditional idea of virile, youthful girls as being sexually ideal.

Birth is the beginning of life. Life is the beginning of birth. Or something.

>La Confirmacion
Still waiting for that anon to deliver the translated scans of that. Are you out there, anon?

>> No.7299869

Nevsky Prospekt by Gogol
High Wind in Jamaica
can be added to that list iirc fam

>> No.7299872

>Life is the beginning of birth.
Fuck, I meant death is the beginning of birth. How retarded am I?

>> No.7299915

>If anything, the spread of mass literacy has ruined literature.

I see it more like that for about 100 years the world was more literate of a place, and now we're going back to the natural order -- the upper class and intelligentia as the main reader group (other than everyone reading shitty sci Fi and escapism)

I think it's neat and will allow a lot of more neotraditional literature to flourish in the next few decades. It should curb the pomo disease pretty soon, most great works of literature in the 21st are going to be less wacky and experimental and more subtle/universal than those of the latter part of the 20th. I think we're already seeing that happen in fiction, and perhaps in time with poetry. Society is too focused on garbage right now, but that was the case in the late 19th, and at the fall of the renaissance, and near the fall of Rome... So I'm not too concerned. You're lucky to be living with such a lack of competition honestly, the 2 generations before you will be forgotten in terms of artistic achievement and perhaps ours will be seen as one of flourishing revival.

Or I'm wrong and poetry will get even worse, but I know a few poets thriving and writing material that will stand out decades and centuries from now. Including me.

>> No.7299918
File: 121 KB, 529x610, ThroughtheWormhole.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you, guys. All suggestions are welcome.

Sixty year-old? Damn, mate. I'm I wrong if I say that you're older than the typical /lit/ user?

>La Confirmacion
I'm waiting for that too! No news, I guess.

>> No.7299922

>. I've been with sixty year-old women that are hot as balls

do you mean been with or 'been with' because, if it's the latter, that's fucking nasty fam. Why you gotta fuck grannies man?

>> No.7299927

basically we need a religion (or to create a new one) that can take into account or is compatible with darwinism and science, but can be so abstracted or so adaptable that it can be worked into popular and intellectual culture. You have to remember it took Christianity centuries to lay down roots in Europe. Hell pagan practices in the Baltic states and Finland were not finaly eliminated from the countryside till the 1700s

>> No.7299931
File: 89 KB, 613x873, 1436381369317.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

everyone knows /lit/ is the low test board

>> No.7299932

muh /fa/ fam

>> No.7299938

Nice full house. Not the anon you're replying to, but I'd fuck the literal shit out of Jane Fonda tbh

>> No.7299951

>Same with Beauvoir.
Did she liked little girls?

>> No.7299953

Yeah, it's why she got fired from teaching in France.

>> No.7299956

>Sartre fucked young girls. (Same with Beauvoir.)
More reason to hate the morons.
>I've been with sixty year-old women that are hot as balls
No you haven't, there are no attractive women past age 16.

>> No.7299963

My aunt had twins at 47, and so far, they're not autistic.
They really lucked out. The worst part about them being older is what I'm expected to do. I love my cousins, but at the same time, I'm kind of annoyed because my aunt told me that when she and my uncle are too old, I'll be expected to come and play/hang out with them, which puts a damper on where I can choose to live. This is only annoying considering that she lived on the other side of the country until I was around 6 or 7.

>> No.7299966

>Beauvoir is a moron.
>But I empathize highly with the self insert in her roman a clef, The Invited
kek, non-reading pantywaist detected

>> No.7299967
File: 15 KB, 214x317, MV5BNjU5NjMwOTk2NV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTYwODg1NzY0._V1_UY317_CR4,0,214,317_AL_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Almost "been with" Was pursuing her, didn't work out. She was hawt, though, anon. Pic related.


>Jane Fonda

>> No.7299975

I read often. Please stop glorifying morons.

>> No.7299978

I'm not glorifying you or Beauvoir, just noting your similarity. Read more.

>> No.7299985

I am reading more. How else would we be conversing?

>> No.7299990

>if I continue to be retarded maybe they'll mistake it for trolling
Have a response.

>> No.7300000

The perfect girlfriend :3

>> No.7300004 [SPOILER] 
File: 361 KB, 403x500, 1446163938217.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

quints confirm, dat ass doe pic very related

>> No.7300837
File: 42 KB, 297x502, 1442035113867.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice quints, chap.

>> No.7301228
File: 81 KB, 593x782, 92c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Reads OP, interested
>35 mins later and finds an interesting right-wing authoritative perspective (identifies as a left-wing anarchist)
>raises eyebrow, re-reads some of the longer comments. Meditates on them.
>Notes how woefully some of the poster speak: "There are no standards anymore! All the new stuff is crap!"
>"Order is needed! The people must be told how to think! How to live! How can people be trusted in ruling themselves?!"
>Notes that the people saying this are people as well
>Notes the interesting irony of the idea, "I can't trust all of them to live as they please, because they don't meet my standards, therefore my people and I will be their leaders, or they shall be vanquished!"
>Remembers that the mess of human history with all its bloodshed, destruction, and wanton conflict, which many of said Posters would share a dislike in, has come from a basic situation starting with people expressing sentiments such as, "This society has no standards! Haste, gentlemen! We must rule these lawless barbarians!"
>Thinks of civilizations such as the Romans, Greeks, Persians, Holy Roman Empire, Ottoman Empire.
>Considers their contributions to world history, culture, knowledge, etc.
>Also considers the potential contributions of other neighboring civ's, many which would've come from fruition if said civ's had not been conquered/obliterated
>Then thinks of why the major civ's who directed known history would destroy such a multitude of great potential
>Lists off pragmatic reasons, usually political/national: security, economy, etc.
>Then ideological reasons, primarily, "Everyone would be better off under our order and direction, we are better,"and the justification, "They don't matter, they're uncivilized barbarians who are worthless!"
>Then remembers what usually happens when the new ruling group comes into power and doesn't like the ideas, values, teachings, and concepts being passed around by the conquered
>Recalls how such groups or figures of greater power and influence immediately go about enforcing the "new" standard by removing the conquered people's old ideals
>remembers their techniques: Book burning, bribery, threat of death, abuse of or executing the established proper use of law (as the law primarily serves those who wield power and are willing to punish those who defy them and their standards)
> spends time thinking a bit more, particularly how certain "enthusiasts" all over and outside of the political spectrum would like to destroy works that oppose their standards (Left, right, center, whatever)
>looks at OP, "What is the future of literature?"
If attitudes don't change, the same as usual. Dead people. Burned books. Destroyed cultures. Rewritten histories. Social ignorance. Silenced mouths. And descendants will have their own problems to worry about. Works we value today may become irrelevant. Classics will change with every coming generation. What we all hold dear our children may discard eventually.

>> No.7301343

I am that right wing authoritarian fellow who wrote quite a bit. It is not that we don't accept other views, nor burn their works or think that there is nothing good in the modern era.

The problem we see is that we have reached a state of the "atomized" individual. In which only the individual can exist, yet paradoxically there is this immense class/racial/gender/age orientated warfare. This results in people only being defined by their very base traits.

There is a perverse socio-political model which encourages this through the creation of stereotypes of generic characteristics defining people by their base characteristics, it reinforces it.

In a sense, you create your proletariat, but you do not create your bourgeois. This factionalism is similar to the Populari and Optimates in the same analogy that there is populism and corporate interest at hand. It will be defeated in the exact same way. You exploit populism in pursuit of corporate interest. George Soros, despite being a deracinated cosmopolitan globalist, understands this strongly.

His W2EU organization, as well as the other 'progressive' organizations work in the interest of his moneyed powers. Globalism to the west must lower wages, destroy socio-political barriers and standardize one world language. This is bound to happen through strong international order provided by Anglo-American Hegemony and necessity.

The Necessity is that Nuclear War has to be rendered an impossible decision to prevent the death of humanity. By growing extensive trade links and preventing international factionalism, nuclear war can be rendered far less likely to occur.

To quickly address your thought on the nature of other cultures and how they were quelled as buds before the bloom. Not every bulb becomes a daffodil, nor does every tulip bloom into gorgeous colours. You must also ask why is it that people participate and continue empires? They carry empires on and become part of them because they benefit more from standing under one law, to enjoy the goods of the world under one law and can share much with the cultures of others within the empires. Everyone loves rising empires like the People's Republic of China; Resents stagnant empires like the United States of America and hates the declining empires like that of Russia to other slavs. It is also true that these empires give a chance for other cultures to shine through in arts and literature. Did you ever ask why the insurgent culture of Christianity, Hermeticism or Neo-Platonism so greatly influenced the Rome of Constantine or Justinian from the Rome of Augustus and Caesar? Because despite being called Roman, they were entirely different beasts in terms of culture, ideas and customs. The Spirit of each age expresses itself through the art, mathematics, literature, music, language as a representation of the people and their soul.

>> No.7301348

The best of it? The visceral and cerebral perfectly synthesized. Along with the mysterious.

>> No.7301355

So to sum my point, We essentially the necessity of globalism and this whole melting pot of ideas, even if it produces a monoculture. But our idea is similar to that of Augustus in the stabilization of the Roman Republic against these military adventurers who massively destabilized the state.

Miltonian Freedom is still the right of men, but we must acknowledge that there is more to man than a blank state with a desire to consume. There must be a revenge of the sacred against the secular and it must be recognized that the foundations of man as master of the world were founded on paper. For it views man as little above animals whilst we view man as little below angels.

>> No.7301362

What's your book?

>> No.7301380

Anti-Access Warfare for Naval Stuff. The ability of computers to spot threats at far greater distances than a human eye can and at enormous speed, combined with the growth of laser weapons and gauss weapons will annihilate air power. On Insurgency refer to the works of Warner, Nagl and Paths of Victory by RAND corporation. Consider the recent history of the Arabs, who have tried Baathism and Westernisation and collectively have decided to return to islamic governance. The government must be a recognition of the people's ideals and culture. It must fit the character of a people. Quite evidently, the Nation-State only suits Europeans whilst the Ummah based Caliphate suits the Arabs.

>> No.7301383


How you can simultaneously desire a melting pot and monoculture when your entire doctrine is Western-focused?

If you're saying you plan on enforcing that globally, well... isn't that imperialism and cultural genocide?

>> No.7301390

>How you can simultaneously desire a melting pot and monoculture when your entire doctrine is Western-focused?
I seriously do not want multiculturalism and globalism. But every single force is pushing towards it. Whilst participating in the World, we need to move from the West as Universalist to the West as its own Civilization with a desire for self-preservation. The alt-right needs to disguise itself as centre-left to implement what it needs to do.

>> No.7301410

Literature will continue to be a way for folks to open the minds of those unlike them to their plight, and advance the idea that all men are created equal. There is no better way to foster empathy and sympathy, as literature has worked to do for eons.

>> No.7301950

Dont forget Buttception: pounded in the butt by my book pounded in the butt by own butt

>> No.7302035

>La Confirmacion
I'm the anon who said I'd scan it. My uni library's catalog says they have it, but I don't see it on the shelves. I'm kinda afraid to ask about it since I've seen its book cover, but I'll give it another go next week

>> No.7302045

How is Nevsky Prospekt relevant?

Good call on High Wind though. The Disney flick stars a 10/10 qt

>> No.7302101

aint nothing wrong with hebes
pedes are a bit much though

>> No.7302532

I'm curious to hear from the pedos on /lit/

Were you always attracted to young girls and seek out literature on that subject? Or did you read Lolita and then start to notice young girls?

Because I'm mostly in the latter camp. I always thought young girls were cute and "special" in a way that I didn't really think about until I read Lolita when I was a teenager.

If I'm a pedo, I'm definitely no-exclusive. I have a gf. I believe it's wrong to have sexual relations with a child. But seeing a cute young girl or even more rarely speaking with one is a unique experience that makes me wonder where my interest lies,

>> No.7302589

>I believe it's wrong
only after that the liberals have told you so for decades

>> No.7302604

>Were you always...
Yes, the first one. I always liked them. This didn't changed when I grew up. Some things are lost when a girl reach the puberty. Hormones change someone, like when a woman reach menopause.

Also this. We need to end with this taboo, and all the demonisation. We need something like this again:

>> No.7302652

>Rectifying Christianity with modern technological society.

If you start from the mistake that Christianity is out of step with our new society and then move on to argue that Christianity needs to be fixed, you're not a Christian and you're proposing a terrible heresy.

>Recreate and strengthen the identity of western man

This is long-dead modernist racialist bullshit which has done plenty of mischief in its relatively short lifespan. What we need to revive is not the "western man" but rather the church and the family; this will bring back the "western man". You should remember that the vigorous western man ceased to exist around the time people started theorizing about "the western man".

In any case I agree with you in one main point, which is that in one sense the most progressive faction at present is the redpillers and the right wing. Except that I think it a very terrible thing to be "progressive". In another sense they're very dated, as progressivism is a relic of the late 19th and early 20th century.

>> No.7302659

Oh, cool, you're still around.
I thought you owned it and had already scanned some pages.

>> No.7302668

You mean the everyone? You think conservatives are more okay with pedos than liberals?

>> No.7302673

I was always this way. Noticed in my late teens. I'm not exclusive either, but I don't think sexual encounters are inherently harmful, there are just harmful people that force themselves on children and do things they shouldn't (like penetration).

I never read Lolita until a few years ago. My interest was obviously "ooh boy, child erotica," but of course it certainly isn't (dat sitting on the lap scene, tho). Honestly, the book is more of an argument against pedophilia than anything.

More than seek out literature related to it, I write my own stories as an outlet, of course.

>> No.7302677

Not him, but it's conservatives that have usually gotten jailed for molesting their nieces and nephews and choir boys, just sayin'.

>> No.7302687

What's going on in this thread.

>> No.7302715

>why should men be Christian

Because God is love. You might as well ask why people ought to be happy, or why people ought to love one another. There is only one answer: they should. You see it or you don't.

Any answer that says "it will be good for society" or "it makes men healthy and happy", etc., puts the cart before the horse. Yes, it is good for men. But that is not why we must be Christians. We must fear God because God is great.

>> No.7302742
File: 135 KB, 629x867, dude.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The scene was shot but deleted from the second movie,
starting at 1:25


>> No.7302767

how does one even go about finding pictures like this

when you put the two pics side by side the contrast really brings out the fullness of womanhood. but I feel weird about trying to google it because my search history would make me look like a pedophile

>> No.7302770

Heh. At least they tried.

>> No.7302780

Everybody likes seeing cute little kids, anon, no harm there.

>> No.7302786

thanks for trying to make me feel better about a wicked fetish I don't have

but seriously is there a name for the style of image? something I can search for? any reddits for it? etc

>> No.7302798

Uhh.... cute? Cute kids? hebe?
Just go on a stock photo website and search children.

>> No.7302809

I mean images with a photo of a mature woman next to a photo of her as a child. The former ought to be sensual; the latter should not.

>> No.7302817

My nigga where are you? I'm starting Law school in the fall and I need to hook up with groups like this

>> No.7302824

Oh. That's awfully specific. I guess "woman and child?"
I don't really think that these type of pictures are a thing.

>> No.7302836

they should be. as I said, the contrast works wonders for the sensuality; womanhood must be understood as the flowering of childhood, in its unique place as the ripeness of the human being for sexuality after the years of innocence and before the decay into worldliness and withering.

Vitas inuleo me similis, Chloe,
quaerenti pavidam montibus aviis
matrem non sine vano
aurarum et silvae metu.

Nam seu mobilibus veris inhorruit
adventus folliis, seu virides rubum
dimovere lacertae,
et corde et genibus tremit.

Atqui non ego te, tigris ut aspera
Gaetulusue leo, frangere persequor:
tandem desine matrem
tempestiva sequi viro.

>> No.7302840

I wish, it would make it easier.

>go to the library to check the shelves again
>still nothing
>ask librarian about it
>"It hasn't been checked out since '98"
>have to fill out a book search request for them to find it

Sorry, anon. It'll probably take another week

>> No.7302846

>after the years of innocence and before the decay into worldliness and withering.
That is not an outlook on life that I condone.

>> No.7302852

Wow, that's an awkward situation. You are a true /lit warrior, anon.

>> No.7302865

>That is not an outlook on life that I condone.
It is not an outlook on life. It is an outlook on youth, the human form, and sexuality.

Indeed a woman of 40 may be sexually expert, and still keep a great remnant of the beauty of her youth, and she may even have about her the sovereign and majestic air of a queen. There is much pornography with exploits her unique position psychologically to great effect.

But from a pure and normal appreciation of the human body we can look no higher than the girl of ~19 in the prime of her youth, just as the pagans appreciated the prime of youth in men as well.

>> No.7302872

>Even our political opponents here are floundering identity politics orientated fucktards who haven't read Marx, Engels or Sartre.

Probably has something to do with the fact that those thinkers aren't very compelling anymore.

Not sure they ever were, but that's another story

>> No.7302876

Birth is the beginning of life, death is the beginning of birth, anon.

>> No.7302881

>A man with no religion is controlled only by the law.
so by your logic, If i'm not religious, NOTHING stops me from attempting a crime if I know I'll get away with it? I say bullshit. Morality is inherent in social creatures.

not sure if bait

>> No.7302884
File: 741 KB, 1024x768, dead old woman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm speaking strictly in terms of aesthetics and sexuality. Death is the beginning of something great indeed; but death and age work no wonders for the beauty of the human body.

>> No.7302887

>not sure if bait
Of course you're not sure. You have no idea what religious people think and feel. You cannot tell real religion from parody.

And I bet you think that speaks to the nonsensical nature of religion, rather than speaking to your ignorance.

>> No.7302894

That beauty you speak of is subjective.

>> No.7302926

My pleasure. By the way, have you seen Sundays and Cybele? It's a very sad and sweet film about a shellshocked man and an orphan girl becoming friends.

I actually have the original french novel its based on. Untranslated, pages uncut. I had to buy it on french Amazon.

>> No.7302930

No, doesn't ring a bell, sounds sweet though, I will check it out.

>> No.7302933
File: 22 KB, 500x215, 500full-sundays-and-cybele-screenshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related

>> No.7302947

That man looks like a boy himself, lol.
French film? I've been wanting to get into more French cinema.

>> No.7302971

Yep, french. They seem to be more open to older man/young girl narratives than most.

Sundays was recently rereleased by the Criterion Collection. Shouldn't be hard to find.

Watch some Louis Malle. Unlike a lot of his New Wave contemporaries, his movies still hold up. I highly recommend Murmur of the Heart

>> No.7302977

Yeah, I just looked it up. I suppose I will go hunt it down. I like the cinematography.

>> No.7302990

I don't think it's just /lit/ tbqh fam
I think it'll be 4chan in general

This place attracts the abnormal of society and more often than not the abnormal shape society
Of course it won't be people who make 4chan their one and only identity but this place definitely influences everyone who browses it in some way

>> No.7302994

cause one of the protags is pursuing a teenage prostitute and becomes enamored with her

>> No.7303028
File: 50 KB, 645x960, 1384204337613.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess that you're searching for something like "then and now". Not the most acurrate term, but it's used for example when you want to show the results of doing sport.

The pic is a fake. I made it just to joke, a long time ago. The young one is Mara Groenstege, and the old one is "Alexis Ren". (Pic related is Mara some years later).

>> No.7303136

yeah I think I'm never going to find anything

>> No.7303144

Why are you that determined to find such pictures? Are you that fascinated by the way the a person changes over time, or are you doing some sort of project?

>> No.7303173

Here you have a video that you might like. I used it to question myself about when she start to look attractive to me.

Every time that I see this I feel sad.

>> No.7303224

Lol, I was thinking of the same video.

>> No.7303263

>Morality is inherent in social creatures.
It's an external and by definition can not be inherent or intrinsic. More appropriate to say most people develop a sense of morality. Social construction and whatnot.

>> No.7303304
File: 1.99 MB, 400x240, implying natty.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>womanhood must be understood as the flowering of childhood, in its unique place as the ripeness of the human being for sexuality after the years of innocence and before the decay into worldliness and withering.

>> No.7303377

Oh my god.

>> No.7303396
File: 55 KB, 991x902, 5350003+_32bf6c69b6fee74da3c6298d3813b952.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7303405

>/lit/ will do better than /mu/ then. They will produce a stunning total of 0 gifted musicians.

Lorde (yeah, that girl who made Royals) was a /mu/tant

Car Seat Headrest are /mu/tants

Death Grips got famous because of /mu/

Not saying they are gifted, but...

>> No.7303408

Car Seat Headrest is a /mu/tant*

>> No.7303487

So what political philosophies are you centred around?
I'm interested as I'm a Vicfag too.

>> No.7303510
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>> No.7303638

Could you expand your opening point beginning with "The problem we see..." and ending with "understands this strongly."?

The second person throws me off and makes what you are trying to say there a little harder to grasp.

In response to your closing statement, which, using it as a lens to view the rest of your reply, I find it interesting that what seems to be implied is the presence of a monoculture and a "melting pot of ideas".
While my earlier response did make a generalization that implied that culturally speaking, all elements of conquered cultures were annihilated (an implication I overlooked due to the limited character count per comment), I do acknowledge that conquered cultures may still influence those who toppled them.

However, in regards to a singular world order, the finality of globalism, it still faces the issue of establishing a single standard for various groups of people. Not every culture, every sub-society, and individual, can thrive under a dominant culture or a single set of standards.

As I have come to understand, rather than solve the issue of class, racial, gender, and age oriented warfare, a single unity would only transform those open conflicts into internalized struggles, resulting in portions of society being ostracized for being in sharp contrast to one another. Tying this with one of your opening points, while you do make a point that differences result in each group/individual making stereotypes of another, and then possibly going to "war" with them, (I don't intend to sound off-putting, but), your statement fails to recognize that what makes the individual, what gives them the sense of identity and pride of such is the same reason man is proud be distinct from other species: defining differences. Every person is not a blank slate, nor do they share necessities; this is expressed even in biology as different bodies have different biological needs. One set of medicine cannot treat and nourish all bodies.

In my view, why Western culture is at a boiling point is because there are many groups of people, and many individuals, who are different from one another, but who are often treated as if they were all a singular group. While unity of peoples does have its benefits, it ignores the necessities of particular groups; one standard cannot fit all. And, in response to the idea of a universal language, one language cannot grasp all ideas, or express all that can be expressed. Each language has its limits; even a lingua franca cannot fully express certain concepts of one of its consisting tongues.

In summary of this reply, a collection of cultures, peoples, and individuals does not result in a pure melting pot, but a stew in which each culture adds to the broth's taste, but can be still identified and in particular cases can conflict in flavor with other cultures. Thus it is necessary for the order of the world to not be of one bowl of stew but of many dishes, lest it result in indigestion.

>> No.7303647


>> No.7303682

In addition to my reply, in regards to empires, although there were many other reasons as well, one that was catalytic to their decline was the differences in peoples and individuals. Yes, they shared a common tongue and profited off the benefits of their unity, but by the end of the day, they and their children distinguished themselves from the other groups within the empire, and eventually found benefit or an appeal in being separate from the old order that put its identity above their own.

Any group or individual who has been able to unify nations has yet to have kept that unity for an eternity.
The times, internal conflicts, differences among members, and in certain cases, acts of outside forces such as nature or other civilizations, has brought empires down.
A set of generations may continue empires for a length of time, but eventually a younger generation who tires of the old order, and arrive in a time of pressuring from inside and out, will come along and abandon it, passively in disinterest and apathy or actively in revolt and uprising.
Not everyone loves a particular expansive nation, nor do they hate or resent any others because of their status. Globally, there is rarely a unanimous attitude about a particular state. In any cause, groups and individuals love/hate/resent nations because of other factors including conflicts of interest, actions, policies, and ideals.

>> No.7303691
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>> No.7304232

Anyway, I appreciate your response. While I do enjoy the discussion, I'm a bit concerned that this may digress into something more appropriate for /pol/ and not /lit/. I bid you good evening, dear sir, and await your response.

>> No.7304252

This will probably happen

This will probably happen but they'll bring that secret to their grave

Stop jerking each other off. Reactionary themes may surface in literature again, I mean, there have been plenty of reactionary authors, but this isn't the single defining aspect of their work.

You view marxism as a conspiracy, which reveals your far-right internet roots. Probably best to critique Marxism but not in some grand historical conspiracy narrative, the whole reason why marxism can be fucking retarded is because it relies to heavily on historical inevitability and narratives.

"Enlightened Despotism" is probably how modern China views itself.

Just because you accept certain leftist views (like inequality) doesn't make your philosophy more palatable.


Christianity is still relelvant but you generally won't be taken seriously unless you're from Latin America, Africa, or maybe a former communist country.

And yes, things hold western society together. Yes, there is more alienation, but there is also a massive web of economic interconnectedness. And if you've ever been to a radically different country, you'd probably realize that there is a cultural fabric in the west still. A fish doesn't recognize water.

>far too much literature to read and not enough time.

You said it yourself, this is why this grand western reactionary delusion will fail.

I mean... >>7298041
What is, a Sid Meyer game? Do you really think that in a society as massive and complex as the west today, that this is the answer? Any of those leaders would likely change their views completely if transported to the modern day. You can't govern billions with justinian's code.

>> No.7305190
File: 100 KB, 500x666, 1429620388486.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>You mean the everyone? You think conservatives are more okay with pedos than liberals?
there is also the part where the liberals spend their money and time telling children who have been touched by an adult that these children are marked forever and are victim and that they have the right to be considered as victim by any other adult.

>> No.7305321

It seems that we agree generally on those points. I will concede that it is not a pure melting pot, and you have recognized something that I had not. The necessity of human beings to differentiate in order to identify.

I think you made a good point which I must consider more of.

>> No.7305333

No, marxism is as much of a conspiracy as the whole jewish banking thing. If we define a conspiracy as an intentional covert plan organized by a group of actors for their interests, then all of these things are not conspiracies.

What is the case however, is that these groups work in the interests of each other. Jews work together for each others interests, similar to how Houthis work together for each others interests.

The idea of a marxist conspiracy from academy is rather ridiculous. It was more than the Soviet union attempted to actively intervene in spreading their doctrine through education, with political officers/intelligence officers recruiting people within universities, incentivising them to hire marxists and encouraging the development of marxist thought within the western world. It is simply that these ideas are popular because those who seek to free themselves from oppression also greatly enjoy oppressing.

As for this Enlightened Despotism, the Neo-Reactionaries are quite right to point to Singapore, Dubai, Qatar and Hong Kong. The issue is that these are almost all city-states or minor nations. They can exploit various tax incentives and economic/financial advantages to grow. The entire point is that the alt-right and libertarian/anarchist perspective has the most accurate diagnosis of socio-political issues within the early 21st century Western World. However, the fact is that populism from the centre-left wing is far easier to use to achieve reform. Combining accurate diagnosis with the most effective means to achieving objectives makes it far easier to implement your socio-political strategy.

Before the Crisis of the Third Century, there was enormous economic interconnection between vast portions of the Roman Empire. Prosperity merely hides tension. You need more than mere money to connect people. They need to identify as a people, which is done through culture, religion, geography and time.

As for the author suggestions, they were mere suggestions for authors who are worth reading. There are dozens of others. Spinoza is a personal favourite and so is Ibn Khalud. Those were merely the preferred authors.

>> No.7305349
File: 27 KB, 300x260, Absolutely disgusting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's degenerating rapidly.

>mfw going from A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man to The Martian

The first line of the latter is literally: "I'm pretty much fucked.".

>> No.7305357

>going from a well respected classic to a YA novel
>surprised that it's bad

>> No.7305383

Things are looking good. Someone just needs to bust up Joshua Cohen's hands so he can never write again.

>> No.7305389

so? novels weren't considered art before tristram shandy and sorrows of werther. everything flows mang.

>> No.7305539

Hey guys. How about Swann's Way? Adolescent Swann obviously has an hard on for his mother when he has to go to bed. It's romantic but not sexual.

>> No.7305556


desu kek signal sempai

>> No.7305575

only a kek would lie about something like that