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/lit/ - Literature

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729574 No.729574 [Reply] [Original]

Show me your piles, /lit/.

>> No.729587

I don't have a camera so I will instead write out what I have piled on my desk in descending order

One Hundred and Forty Five Stories in a Small Box: Hard to Admit and Harder to Escape, How the Water Feels to the Fishes, and Minor Robberies by Dave Eggers, Sarah Manguso, and Deb Olin Unferth

Vacation by Deb Olin Unferth

The Broom of the System by David Foster Wallace

A bank statement

Poems 1959-2009 by Frederick Seidel

A tissue box

>> No.729589

The same books over and over and over gain.


>> No.729590

>v jako vendeta
what the fuck is this shit

>> No.729591

I see you're missing some Ann Coulter, OP. I trust that's still in your bookshelf.

>> No.729596

Just Dark Tower: Wizard and Glass

I've read 300 pages and it has been really bad so far

>> No.729603


>> No.729606

V for Vendetta, only not in english? So hard to figure out?

>> No.729608
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>> No.729619

This looks like some serious catching up.

>> No.729643 [DELETED] 
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>> No.729648

My pile is a bookcase.

>> No.729673 [DELETED] 
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This is my recent reading pile. Recent as in, the past year and a bit.
My shelf is packed though.

>> No.729677


looks like my ass, i have hemorrhoids lol.

>> No.729710

ITT: People who buy books in bulk, read one or two of them and put the rest aside for years.

>> No.729811


You have a fun summer ahead of you.

>> No.729853
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part 1

>> No.729857
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part 2 >>729853

>> No.729861


currently reading Relic by Douglas Preston and Lincoln Child.

>> No.729871

Haven't you guys ever heard of bookshelves?

>> No.729878

Christ, why can't people scale down their fucking pictures

>> No.729880
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can't believe i'm posting in a rand thread without using the word cunt...

>> No.729886
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>> No.729891

Stacking books is so much edgier. Where have you been.

>> No.729890

keep em coming gentlemen

>> No.729889
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Who the fuck stacks their books vertically? Keep your books on a bookshelf, and if you must have some on your desk, stack them horizontally with bookends at either end (if necessary).

>> No.729893

I don't have a stack. I stab holes through the corners and string them along the ceiling.

>> No.729900

apparently you're not really into reading a lot. you'fe got to stack books, when you've got several unfinished or if you need them for writing a paper.
(or if you're just into reading several books at one time...)

>> No.729903


I honestly agree with you, but Anthem was an okay book.

>> No.729913

atlas shrugged really pissed me off.
perhaps i wouldn't have raged that much if i've read anthem...

>> No.729921
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Who wants to play chess with me?

>> No.729922
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Summer reading

>> No.729927


P.S. Feynman's biography is one of my favorites

>> No.729928


I thought I was supposed to stack books for this thread? This is half of the fourth shelf...

>> No.729933

I out books that I've already read or have no intention or reading in the near future on my shelf and books I plan on reading in a stack.

>> No.729935
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And as a special treat:
Books of my childhood.

>> No.729946
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Gets laughed at by /lit/

>> No.729965

You, my friend, are awesome. Everyone who says otherwise is jealous.

>> No.729968
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>> No.729970


>> No.729974

I am jealous of the Sideshow Bob figurine but htat's it

>> No.729987
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Started on the top two, partway through both. I've got a long summer ahead of me...

>> No.729990


the two at the bottom is actually pretty good.

>> No.730009
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Fourth book down is The Unabomber's Manifesto.

>> No.730014

>Steven Biesty
I nostalgia'd.

>> No.730022

Hey bro, I have the same Camus collection.

>> No.730019
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Copper colored one is Camus' works but i only have The Fall left

I should get through everything but Anna Karenina

2 down 7.5 to go

>> No.730033


high five.

>> No.730046

if that's what you like reading that cool with me :)

>> No.730051

I'm in the off season right now so I like to purposely read trash. I'll probably read more "real" literature during the fall and spring semesters.

>> No.730067

try alternating. 1 trashy 1 serious.

>> No.730074

on the reason for stacking:

my books are mostly in a box since i'm home for the summer and have no place to put them

the ones i plan to read this summer i have stacked as other have said

>> No.730075

hell of a lot better than fucking Ayn Rand

>> No.730076

hey op do you live in texas?

>> No.730104
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I've got some work to do. I hope to have a noticeable chunk of that read by the end of the year.

>> No.730121

jesus christ

does it ever topple over?

>> No.730123


jesus fuck. stop buying books and get reading.

>> No.730130
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>> No.730166

mooooooar feedback.

>> No.730182
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>> No.730190
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>> No.730203
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With Le Mis, Ada or Ardor, Burmese Days, and Only Revolutions (Danielewski) added, and possibly Groucho Marx's autobiography if I feel like it

>> No.730251

dat rand

>> No.730259

I've seen these before. Hi! :D also your stacks look the same, you read any since last time?

>> No.730262
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>> No.730265

I've been reading a lot, but, unfortunately, not from my stacks...I'm helping my boyfriend move, so I keep getting distracted by his books/comics/obscure board games/D&D stuff and other things. D:

>> No.730267

Use the word Stack next time.

>> No.730272


I seed what you did there and I don't like it.

>> No.730306
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Physical book piles are so 19th century.

>> No.730341

Not all books are ebooks yet :)

>> No.730368

I'll be sad if that day ever comes....

>> No.730379

Considering the Ebook for Efags is a relatively new development, and that those who were literate and wealthy enough to acquire books in the 1800's would have been able to afford bookshelves, I would say that physical book piles are 20th century. And you, dear sir, likely fuck your mother.

>> No.730383


That day is already here. Ebooks are the new printing press. Paper books are going out like hand copied manuscripts. In 50 years, no one will even remember a time when they bought paper books.

>> No.730387

Awesome. Tell me next week's winning lottery numbers while you're at it, o fag of seers.

>> No.730391


Poor, old fashioned luddite. Not intelligent enough to keep up with modern technology. Desperately clinging to archaic and primitive things just because they're familiar.

>> No.730398


Same butthurt fag. I can tell from the juvenile insults and immaturity.

>> No.730435

At least my physical books don't say that Thomas Pynchon wrote 1984.

>> No.730449


>> No.730459


Neil Gaimon win

>> No.731067
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>> No.731122

My wife is the biggest liberal I know. But she loves reading Ayn Rand.

>> No.731141

>through the looking glass
yes. i love you.
>a clockwork orange
i love you more.

the inferno.(no, i didnt get it because of the fuck ass game.)
basic works of aristotle
house of leaves
the great gatsby
sherlock holmes.

>> No.731227


I'm actually gonna start the thrawn trilogy pretty soon too. :O

/highfive for being gay

>> No.731239

I have Atlas Shrugged and Infinite Jest for this summer.

I probably won't even finish them both before september.

>> No.731332


Maybe because she regards it as fiction. :)

>> No.731389

Women love the thought of being raped by attractive men.

>> No.731406

The Flaxen Femme Fatale - John Zakour
The Automatic Detective - A Lee Martinez
A Practical Guide to Racism - CH. Dalton
Monster - A. Lee Martinez
Johnathan Strange and Mr. Norrell - Sussana Clarke
A Confederacy of Dunces - John Kennedy Toole

>> No.731433

>Atlas Shrugged
Eh...I would rage but...whatever...