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7295576 No.7295576 [Reply] [Original]

Besides Christianity, what are some philosophies you can consciously live every day, and have a notable impact on your life?

>> No.7295587

I guess only nihilism, because sitting all day doing barely anything useful basically the only thing nihilists do

>> No.7295590

The veil of ignorance John Rawls

>> No.7295596
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>> No.7295613

Stoicism, if practised long enough
Buddhism, since meditation has been proven to actually have a good effect on people.

>> No.7295616

>that picture
Get to Mars ASAP

>> No.7295625


>> No.7295627

Jesus Christ.

Jesus fucking Christ.

>> No.7295651

try penis acupuncture

>> No.7295677
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>the French haven't been sent in a body to the gas chambers, women in front

>> No.7295687

God dammit france, where did it go so wrong

>> No.7295688



Marxists. There's nothing wrong with French people, but Marcists aren't people, they're philosophical zombies.

>> No.7295695
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>> No.7295697

What the fuck France. And that's coming from a Brit.

>> No.7295700

Cointelpro you fucking cunt wagon

>> No.7295701

Is /pol/ invading? As a white guy, I see nothing wrong with what femen are promoting.

>Wahh women want to fuck foreigners rather than small dick virgins like me

Go back to /r9k/ or /pol/

>> No.7295706

I'd say it was mostly Muslims, but Muslims only make up about half of that demographic from the total population of France.

>> No.7295721

This is going to be a ridiculously small test group and not at all representative of reality.
And they will have clearly targeted an area in order to come to headline worthy results.

Don't believe the bullshit.

>> No.7295727

Femen isnt marxist

>> No.7295729

almost certainly inaccurate https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/worldviews/wp/2014/08/27/do-1-in-6-french-citizens-really-support-islamic-state/

>> No.7295736

Honestly the greeks, They mixed intelligence, philosophy, statesmanship, responsibility, aesthetics and finding joy in life and seeing all as a whole. You cant find one without pursuing the others.

>> No.7295737


>> No.7295740


New crusade when?

>> No.7295744


Durr, I don't know, how about the statistical FACT that immigrants from the Middle East, South Asia and Africa are more likely to leave children at an early age, causing a generation of emotionally crippled, hysterical and violent offspring, are nearly 6 times more violent than European and East Asians and largely target white people? Or that they have no tradition of freedom or capitalism and don't actually what makes a civilization work and overwhelmingly vote for more and more government and just generally disrupt society through crime and welfare?

>> No.7295755

Our fertility numbers are getting lower in my region (north africa)

>> No.7295757

honestly this. and yes /pol/ has been constantly invading for the last 6 months

>how about the statistical FACT that [~100 words without a single statistic or fact]

>> No.7295761

These tests are always flawed. They tried the same shit in Holland. Ironically, my professor in Islamic studies was assigned a research by the government, which turned out to be extremely positive in light of Dutch Muslims, and after he notified the government of this (it obviously wasn't the result they were hoping for), they came out with a ''1 in 5 Turks support ISIS'' kind of shit research based on flawed, indirect questions which were asked in different flawed translations for people who's Dutch wasn't perfect yet. Media propaganda is stepping up these days, it's quite depressing.

Even though the French have fucked Syria so incredibly hard for decades, that they honestly had it coming. The sad thing is that the French are never the victims, but the murderers or the direct supporters of the murderers (Operation Turquoise ring any bells?). I honestly hate French foreign policy with a passion.

>> No.7295762

>statesmanship, responsibility

>> No.7295768

So much this. If you're against large-scale immigration and race-mixing then you're either a retarded stormfag or a virgin.

>> No.7295777


What the fuck is wrong with you people?

>> No.7295781


Well good for you, but they aren't across the whole of Africa.


I really cannot be bothered providing you with statistics, I have this argument about 50 times a day and I don't have time to spend it on google all day. If you actually knew anything about the subject you'd already know. I know I'm right, and you do to. Go to your favourite liberal news website and you'll see it plastered up there - its just they'll blame it on white "power structures" instead of blacks themselves.


Call me both, I'd rather be a stormfag than a cuck, even though I'm actualy very socially Liberal, unlike your Muslim friends.

>> No.7295783

>honestly this. and yes /pol/ has been constantly invading for the last 6 months
/pol/ is the running joke (and running sore) of this site. Even if there might be good discussions there they can't be taken seriously because they are /pol/. So they are looking for lebensraum and legitimacy by /pol/ifying other boards. They even try and colonise /b/ which shows their desperation.

>> No.7295784

I believe Stoicism, Nihilism and Buddhism are all just different ethical outlooks on the same world view.

>> No.7295802


>> No.7295806

The problem being there aren't many "Greeks" in the world. Maybe at the right University or Neighbourhood you can find civilization but it is rare and exclusive.

>> No.7295810

I know half of you guys are fucking commies. This isn't completely alien thought you know. There are cucks out there who actually think like this.

>> No.7295812
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>I see nothing wrong with what femen are promoting.
Nothing wrong here at all.

>> No.7295813

Absolute idealism.

>> No.7295817

>I really cannot be bothered providing you with statistics, I have this argument about 50 times a day and I don't have time to spend it on google all day.

im on my way to a very important business meeting where i make millions of dollars and i dont have freakin time to google up breitbart sources for my shitty opinions but I do have time to post on 4chan all day

>> No.7295819

She should have her hair tied back and be wearing some sort of protective top, that's just dangerous. Otherwise, fine.

>> No.7295823

literally who gives a shit. if that's what does it for these people have at it

>> No.7295824

So.. Like ISIS with tits, huh?...

>> No.7295828

>using a chainsaw without a shirt on
tsk tsk

>> No.7295831


If these people hate western society so much, I think the only kind thing to do is to "liberate" them of our oppressive, racist, evil society and send them to South Africa.


Exactly. Now go fuck yourself.

>> No.7295843

Simply cutting off the cross like that, instead of being liberated of the elements of religion, transcendence of self or whatever, she is actually affirming even more the importance such symbols have in her life. It's like a teenager edgy kid who listens to black metal to uses the music to cause some kind of revolt in his family.

>> No.7295851

But of course, this instance of 'evil' and individuality can only be mediated by an other instance of a 'good' and essentially solid background against which this person will revolt.

>> No.7295854


>> No.7295856

I should point out that paternity tests in france are illegal for men to request so if a woman does have a black baby he can grow up in a loving home.

France seeks to protect the family unit over a mans rights.

>> No.7295895


Hmmm, do I smell a hint of jungian?

>> No.7295919

You'll find that isis from a religious stand point has the support of most muslims because they follow the holy books literally.

A lot like feminists support obviously bat shit womyn even if their own personal views and actions aren't as extreme.

>> No.7295944

More of Hegelian; well, that's what I've been reading lately anyway.

>> No.7296015


>> No.7296215

This is infuriating but I can't place why. I'm not even white. I'm a spic who goes after white girls, but I find this still really unsettling. Someone redpill me.

>> No.7296231

It's not the message that's really disturbing, it's the fact that people can fervently believe and do something like that just to spite a politician that made a benign remark.

>> No.7296232

mass immigration leads to social fracture and strongly decreased support for the welfare state and decreased class solidarity. all crypto-bourgeois pro-immigration leftists deserve to be shot.

>> No.7296235

It's the internet anon. The stupidest shit reposted ad nauseam with no context to give you something to feel superior/entertained/antagonised/inspired/enraged by and distract you from the important things you should be doing. Be sure to like and repost.

>> No.7296237


>> No.7296242

I think it's pretty disturbing to have children that you probably don't give a shit about for political reasons. Probably one of the most evil things you can do, actually.

>> No.7296255

Yeah it is disturbing, but it's made even more fucked by the fact that something lead to, and allowed, these people to somehow think like this, that having an unwanted child for shits and giggles is completely sane and noble. It's Utter delusion that's perpetuated and supported.

>> No.7296258

I think it is disturbing that you think a bit of weak political satire led to a huge bi-racial baby boom of bastards to spite the Le Pens.

>> No.7296261
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Americans are foriegners too in this context, don't mind if I do.

>> No.7296265

I don't think you're very familiar with Femen if you believe they have a sense of humor.

>> No.7296267

modern feminists are just bourgeois with too much free time on their hands

>> No.7296268

literally a naked woman fedora

>> No.7296271

It's the miscegenation that's disturbing.

No need to thank me for this psychological insight.

>> No.7296279

Considering I'm the product of miscegenation, I very much doubt that. Now go on back to /pol/.

>> No.7296283

is having children for traditionally ingrained reasons of family, encouraged by the state, really any better

>> No.7296285

I don't see what that has to do with anything. You're like all the other brainwashed liberals.

>> No.7296293

>/pol/ has been constantly invading for the last 6 months
lol people have beensaying this ffor fucking years

>> No.7296300

Not him, but you said that it's the miscegenation that's disturbing to those posters however if one of those posters is a product of miscegenation, then it's not going to their main gripe with it, unless they're some self-hating faggot, which means your assertion is false.

>> No.7296309

Depends on the circumstances. If the people in question are having a kid and are going to treat it with decency and love then it's obviously better than having a kid to prove a point to some politician.

You claimed that I was disturbed because it was of the implication of race-mixing, if that were the case I'd be disturbed by my own existence, which I am not. It has everything to do with it you dullard.

>muh leftist brainwashing
>muh narrative is the one true narrative

Oh fuck off.

>> No.7296311

Nihilists do all kinds of things tbh.

>> No.7296318

kill yourself sandnigger

>> No.7296319

No, if that were the case, you would be disturbed by watching your parents have sex, which I bet you would.

>> No.7296320

Why, if those people having a kid to prove a point to some politician are going to treat it with decency and love it?

>> No.7296327

it's honestly insanely cool that a board like /pol/ which prides itself on "trolling" and saying things they don't really quite believe just to piss people off can get so insanely owned by OP's image, which is obviously designed to do exactly that

>> No.7296333


>> No.7296336

I don't like religion.

I don't like these cunts MORE than I don't like religion.

>> No.7296340

Uh, yeah I'd be disturbed watching my parents have sex. So would almost everyone else. Do you get off on watching your mom and dad fuck or something?

Unlikely. Articles of political protest are disposable and only as effective as they are shocking. Do you also think that whatever family was formed by this liaison would be the least bit stable? They went and fucked someone based on their status as immigrants to get knocked up and prove a point, in what way is that conducive to raising a child well?

>> No.7296378

Why not?

Nihilism per definition can't be prescriptive, so anything goes. Nihilism does not lead to sitting on your ass any more than it leads to travelling the world or being a careerist.

>> No.7296397

Have you ever been in like any home anywhere? Most of 'em aren't very conducive to raising a child well.

Going off on bad parents is fine but having children for political reasons seems not particularly worse to me than the reasons people usually have children, and I doubt the average child conceived for this reason would be raised in a significantly worse environment than the average child overall.

>> No.7296410

>not cutting a notch in the direction she wants to fell the cross
>not wearing all the proper PPE
>long hair is down and dangerously close to saw
>cutting at chest level and raising saw above her head
>all those ridiculous angles on her attempts at a back cut
>not stepping away to a safe distance as the cross falls

I have a lot of experience chainsawing and you better believe I'm fucking triggered right now

>> No.7296415

Nihilism is not a dictum or a conclusion. It is an axiom that many take for ideology.

Nihilism is not a philosophy.

Stoicism and virtue ethics can be lived every day.

>> No.7296419

Yeah, but most people who have kids without proper planning typically do so on accident. These people are knowingly creating a child for the sake of politics, with a dad that will probably not be around very long considering that the people that comprise this mass immigration are dirt poor, come from an entirely different culture, and probably don't even speak the language very well. Any kid produced from this would likely be raised by a single parent, whose finacial prospects are probably pretty bleak since they spend all their time protesting. If they're willing to have a child over something as insignificant as an offhand comment by a politician, do you really think they're going to give much of a shit about it? Also since this is Femen we're talking about you'd better pray it's not a boy, cause then it's right fucked.

I don't know how you can't see there being an issue with people knowing having children and using them as a disposable piece of political protest equipment. It's a human being we're talking about here.

>> No.7296428

Femen is explicitly capitalist

>> No.7296449

I'm just not really swayed by the "think of the children!" take here, null hypothesis to me is that the kid won't have it worse than most kids (not that having most kids is necessarily morally defensible, but that's a different argument).

>> No.7296456

>I don't know how you can't see there being an issue with people knowing having children and using them as a disposable piece of political protest equipment.
You seem to really believe this is happening rather than just a satiric counter to the similar demand by Le Pen. Which is in turn an echo of the famous imprecation from Apollinaire's Les mamelles de Tirésias.

>> No.7296476
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>yfw a pleb says 'if life is meaningless then why don't you kill yourself?'.