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7290593 No.7290593 [Reply] [Original]

Name an author who could out drink Hemingway.
(you can't)

>> No.7290595

Nigga luk lyk Neal DeGrasse Tyson tbh

>> No.7290604


Marlon Brando as the Godfather wearing a really thin poorly made mask of Neil DeGrasse Tyson

>> No.7290676

i read a profile of Hemingway written in the new yorker i think and it is obvious to tell the man had a sad drinking problem back in the day by today's standards.

>> No.7290683

Faulkner, all day every day.

>> No.7290684

Malcolm Lowry could compete

>> No.7290689

Dashiell Hammett.

>> No.7290708
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This. Hemingway would die before he caught up to Lowry.

>> No.7290719

gee, that was hard


>> No.7290722

Dylan Thomas

>> No.7290726


Yeah, Lowry drank like 5 litres of Alcohol a day

>> No.7290758

Them 18 whiskeys

>> No.7290874

I don't get why people are impressed with that. It's pretty standard fare for a drunk.

>> No.7291034

i drink maybe 400ml/day.
I have no idea how these guys go harder. maybe it isn't as potent to them?
It is borderline selfabuse to me already with how much pain/dizziness/hangover it causes

>> No.7291046

oh to add i prob could have read a couple hundred more books at nights if i wasn't too drunk to read 300 evenings a year.

but i get the feeling these guys are so genius level they don't even need to read to be great at it

>> No.7291078

Guy Debord.

He claimed he was continuously drunk for months. May explain why he was such a commie.

To give an example, Debord wrote off his own consumption of alcohol, just for the day of 9 may 1962:

>3 litres of wine
>2 litres of beer
>1/2 litre of other alcohols

(See p. 597 of his works edited by Quarto/Gallimard.)

>> No.7291092
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Guy Debord wrote about his own drunkenness in these terms:

>AFTER THE CIRCUMSTANCES that I have just recalled, it is no doubt the quickly acquired habit of drinking that has marked my entire life. Wines, spirits and beers: the moments when some of them became essential and the moments when they returned have traced out the main course and meanders of days, weeks and years. Two or three other passions, which I will talk about, have almost continually taken up a lot of space in this life. But drinking has been the most constant and the most present. Among the small number of things that I have liked and known how to do well, what I have assuredly known how to do best is drink. Even though I have read a lot, I have drunk even more. I have written much less than most people who write; but I have drunk much more than most people who drink. I can count myself among those of whom Baltasar Gracián, thinking about an elite distinguishable only among the Germans — but here very unfair, to the detriment of the French, as I think I have shown — could say: “There are those who have got drunk only once, but it has lasted them a lifetime.” (...)

>First, like everyone, I appreciated the effect of slight drunkenness; then very soon I grew to like what lies beyond violent drunkenness, when one has passed that stage: a magnificent and terrible peace, the true taste of the passage of time. Although in the first decades I may have allowed only slight indications to appear once or twice a week, it is a fact that I have been continuously drunk for periods of several months; and the rest of the time, I still drank a lot.

Check "Panegyric" (1989), easy to find in translation for free.

>> No.7291104

Hunter S. Thompson.

>> No.7291107

Charles Bukowski

>> No.7291130

David Foster Wallace

>> No.7291156


>> No.7291159


That's what Hemingway consumes before breakfast in The Sun Also Rises.

>> No.7291181

so far most of the ppl listed also committed suicide tho

>> No.7291186

There is also 15 or 20 other cocktails or liquors on Debord's list for this day, but I can't quantify how much alcohol they weigh.

>> No.7292265

Obviously me

>> No.7292285


>> No.7292290

Raymond Chandler

>> No.7292702


>> No.7292703

Hemingway was tall and heavy, it's not fair tbh
Still I think shakespeare could compete

>> No.7292795


>> No.7292839

Bukowski Bitches and Hunter S. Thompson

>> No.7292841

Your ugly fucking cunt of a mother you stupid cunt

>> No.7292843

Jack Kerouac.

>> No.7293629


>> No.7293644 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.7293653

I don't want to ruin the it by asking for an explanation, but is this a river death joke?

>> No.7293657

5 liters of what? if beer, then im even above his ass and i only start drinking at 5.

>> No.7293659

im going for bukowski.

>> No.7293660

tbh, she has that drinking bitch look which alcohol abusing women tend to have

like my ex

>> No.7293670

you motherfucker ill fucking kill you you fuck

>> No.7293671

What, were you it to be something classy instead?

>> No.7293686

No, I just wanted to know if that's what you were going for.

>> No.7293696

>ctrl+f melville
>0 results

>> No.7293700

Lowry was likely a liquor and wine man.

>> No.7293712

>Hemingway goes to war in Spain
It was so sad, I banged local girls, hid out in the woods, and came back with a qt wife. isn't my life sad, isn't war sad.

>Orwell goes to war in Spain
I had to teach a bunch of 15 year olds how to shoot, led a militia, had to endure trench warfare before getting a sniper bullet through the neck, saw my friends die, and had to flee for my life. 10/10, would go back.

>> No.7293846

Brendan Behan

But he had pretty much lost his talent by the end.

Sean O'Riada, while not a writer died in his prime after a promising short career

>> No.7293870

Hemmmingway is a MAN'S MAN

>> No.7293874

Probably Dylan Thomas or Kerouac?

>> No.7293879

If he didn't drink so much he could have produced so much more


I can't even judge him, I'd stay drunk for months on time if I could

>> No.7293960

Why do people think this is an achievement?

All it proves is that this faggot had no self control, and was too weak to face life as it is. Ironic, considering all his faux masculinity garbage.

Yes I'm aware he could probably beat me up, but I'd still be right.

>> No.7294014

I was thinking more along the lines of a chubby Walt Disney

>> No.7294019

Why has nobody said Joyce?

>> No.7294023
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>Hunter hit his stride early. At his first meeting with his New York publishers, they watched in amazement as young Hunter poured down 20 double Wild Turkeys in three hours (on their tab, of course), then walk out as if he’d been sipping tea.

>> No.7294063

>talking about consuming alcohol as some epitome of manliness and strength

Wow, /lit/. Wow.

>> No.7294079

Fucking right, its the current year after all.

>> No.7294306

The miserable nature of Homage to Catalonia is described so goddamn vividly it evokes a bittersweet nostalgia for something I can't possibly relate to. Really Orwell's best work.

>> No.7294604

That's the difference between an American man and an Englishman in a nutshell.

>> No.7295057


>> No.7295081


>tfw you realize that no where in this thread has the drinking been construed as manly or strong, and that you are merely projecting your own ridiculous preconceptions onto everything

Wew lad.

>> No.7295087
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Myself, an Australian alcoholic. Basically just an Australian.

>> No.7295089


I have a feeling that the reason Hunter gives off the impression of being able to drink so much is that the fact that he always looks and sounds pissed anyway.

>> No.7295093
File: 80 KB, 620x691, hunter_s_thompson_daily_routine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the official right answer. Nobody can beat pic related.

>> No.7295101

I'm pretty sure it's all the cocaine,

>> No.7295111


>All it proves is that this faggot had no self control, and was too weak to face life as it is. Ironic, considering all his faux masculinity garbage.

Really, the ironic thing is that a millennial is judging a decorated three-time war veteran who was gravely wounded several times and suffered severe personal tragedy the magnitude of which few men can even imagine as "too weak to face life" on an internet imageboard.

You massive fucboi.

>> No.7297359

finally someone who agrees

>> No.7297368


Woah woah not the guy youre responding to but if i'm not mistaken ernest never even saw active combat, lmao man. fuck you.

>> No.7297374
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>> No.7297415


I agree with the sentiment, but there is something you should know.

>he never served in any military of any country except for a bullshit "commission" from the Cuban government to "hunt submarines" (drinking and tuna fishing)

He did drive ambulances in the Italian campaign of WW1. That was probably rough. Can't take that away from him.

Most of his image was complete bullshit that he sought to maintain.

That being said, I agree with you that this board is full of European pussies who pretend to have experienced enough hardship to write about the human experience.

>> No.7297429

he got his leg fucked up by a mortar at the italian front, fuck off with this active combat bullshit

>> No.7297453

It's 2015

>> No.7298474

Don't forget Flann O'Brien

>> No.7298506
File: 111 KB, 293x413, 004033.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any writer from this glorious nation tbh

Patrick White probs could
Henry Lawson defs could
Xavier Herbert defs could
Helen Garner probs can
Les Murray defs can
David Malouf's a leb cunt
Peter Carey maybe can
Actually Peter Singer probs can't
Richard Flanagan probs can
Gerald Murnane defs can
Miles Franklin defs could

>> No.7298854

F. Scott Fitzgerald

But honestly, Hemingway was an insecure little bitch. Most of his /lit/ peers could out drink him

>> No.7298862
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Excellent post.

>> No.7298896

Bukowski, Fitzgerald, and maybe HST.

>> No.7298914
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>> No.7299995
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Jack Kerouac drank so much that he drank himself to death, so there's that

>> No.7300008

Frederick Exley
Richard Yates
Raymond Carver
John Cheever

>> No.7300027

Lowry was literally a rubbing alcohol and hairspray drinking man, dude did not want to be seeing life sober

>> No.7300040

I've never met a fellow really heavy drinker.
what's it like?

>> No.7300162


I can't name an author that could out drink Hemingway but I could name a lot of authors that could out-"not-shoot-yourself-in-the-head-with-a-shotgun" Hemingway lmfao.

>> No.7300181

Are. There any authors who were notorious for writing whilst drunk?

>> No.7300204

Dan Harmon

>> No.7300216

>Name an author who could out drink Hemingway.

>> No.7300253

>anyone on /lit/

>> No.7300255

He probably drank himself into a sugar coma with al the port he put away.

>> No.7300272

english people are known to be soft as fuck tbh
hemingway took a bullet, while orwell was bitching about having to shoot a poor little elephant :(

>> No.7300274

>Any writer from this glorious nation tbh
pick one lad

>> No.7300291 [DELETED] 

"Write drunk. Edit Sober"

>> No.7300297

I'm published, nigger, fight me.
It may not be in physical print, but it still counts, r-right?

>> No.7300299

bad meme

>> No.7300301
File: 197 KB, 1536x1021, o-HEMMINGWAY-facebook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

'Write drunk, edit sober"

>> No.7300313

I'm glad someone recognized that. Jesus what retarded response to the thread.

>> No.7300467

fucking retard