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File: 25 KB, 460x276, zizek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7289266 No.7289266 [Reply] [Original]

Why aren't there any contemporary right-wing philosophers like Zizek?

>> No.7289270

Zizek will be right wing in 5 years

>> No.7289302

If the average lefite understood what Zizek was saying they would probably call him a right wing bigot

>> No.7289326

i tihnk he is famouse by his eccentric personality.

>> No.7289338

well fashioned

>> No.7289340

who's the Zizek of the left?

>> No.7289342

I spend a large part of my time listening to zizek saying nigger and chuckling to myself.

>> No.7289347


zizek is a traditional christian

>> No.7289359
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>I found there, on the central square (Václavské náměstí), a café that miraculously worked through this emergency. I remember they had wonderful strawberry cakes, and I was sitting there eating strawberry cakes and watching Russian tanks against demonstrators. It was perfect.

>> No.7289362

a conservative zizek would be someone who deals mostly with leftist ideas but reverses them into far right ideas, defends fascism and figures like hitler in a tongue in cheek manner, acknowledging them as historical failures, but proposing a new, updated fascism, and (this is crucial) plays with the distinctions between high and low culture.

the joke of zizek is that he injects high abstract theory into low culture, proving its relevancy. but perhaps the conservative (anti-abstraction) version would instead inject low culture into high abstract theory, proving its banality.

>> No.7289363
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*CLASSIC* Mr. Snuffleupagus. Just classic.

>> No.7289368

>you will never chill in a cafe with big Z while civil unrest and violence erupts around, calmly eating strawberry cakes and coffee whilst discussing the ideology at play.

feels like i've been sublated

>> No.7289376

>a conservative zizek would be someone who deals mostly with leftist ideas but reverses them into far right ideas, defends fascism and figures like hitler in a tongue in cheek manner, acknowledging them as historical failures, but proposing a new, updated fascism, and (this is crucial) plays with the distinctions between high and low culture.
literally Nick Land

>> No.7289377


the ironic meme pages on facebook are the right-wing Zizek

>> No.7289447

>feels like i've been sublated
how so?

>> No.7289478

There's lots of capitalist trash that parade as right-wing if you want that. If you want actual right-wing philosophers get into Dugin, Benoist, Scruton or any of the communitarians who are the analytic conservative schoo(Taylor, Macyntire and Bell).

True right-wing thought will come from the East, as Zizek and Heidegger have said.

>> No.7289587

but Europe is undergoing a right wing renaissance right now
UK, Switzerland and Poland have all had overwhelming victories for the right
you could argue it was spurred by the East if you catch my drift

>> No.7289600

>True right-wing thought will come from the East
could you elaborate on this or point me to some texts

>> No.7289781

Because the current environment of academia, which is where philosophy thrives, is dominated by Marxist to Social Democratic ideologies and values and any who divert from this are cast out as Heretics.

>> No.7290164

Nick Land

>> No.7290345

Stefan Molyneux could be considered right wing on some social issues, he's an atheist and an anarchist so instead of using law or religion to preach against degeneracy and hedonism and sexual promiscuity he uses reason and historical evidence about what happens to societies and childhood psychology and all that, also for all you lefties on here he has good arguments against the economic and philosophical implications of leftism

>> No.7290355

this thread is about philosophers

>> No.7290360

this thread is about people who could possibly be considered intellectual

>> No.7290378

this thread is about people who weren't BTFO by philosophy grad students

>> No.7290393

Stefan Molyneux's occupation is hosting his podcast/YouTube show in which he self describes as being the biggest philosophy show, he talks about all topics from relationships to psychology to economics to drug addiction to economics to politics, what else would you refer to him as?

>> No.7290399

He asked about right wing philosophers, I provided a name and explained why I feel he is
ITT: Why are leftists such douchebags?

>> No.7290402

None of the topics you mentioned are philosophical per se though

>> No.7290406

>He asked about right wing philosophers
It's an insult to philosophy to call Molyneux a philosopher

Try Nietzsche. Also Zizek is much further right than most think, OP thinks that because he's socialist he must be left-wing, which is the most retarded conflation ever made.

>> No.7290409

i call him somebody without PhD

>> No.7290410

He's an objectivist/empiricism and applies that philosophy to a variety of topics

>> No.7290414
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>Stefan Molyneux's occupation is hosting his podcast/YouTube show in which he self describes as being the biggest philosophy show, he talks about all topics from relationships to psychology to economics to drug addiction to economics to politics, what else would you refer to him as?
He fits perfectly the description of a sophist.

He couldn't hack academia and preys on weak minds.

He's a philosopher like Sam Harris is a philosopher, in other words, he's an idiot, his books are worthless and nobody serious in philosophy considers him seriously.

>> No.7290418

Ayn Rand is not taken seriously by any philosophers.

He couldn't even attempt to grapple with great minds like Locke or Hume.

>> No.7290424

Look I don't agree with everything he says and I don't take Universally Preferable Behavior as seriously but I definitely think he has great capacity to perform in intellectual conversations and debates, have you ever even watched his videos or have you just listened to snippets of him when he sounds a bit extra ridiculous or silly?

>> No.7290426

People look to philosophers to reveal truths about life. If you believe truth is common sense and pre-established, who needs a philosopher?

>> No.7290428

insulting opposition is trademark leftist inellectual behavior, this has been true at least since Marx, but probably extends further back

>> No.7290438

sorry, I meant cucked.

>> No.7290460

I'm not well versed in it, but Anarcho Capitalist stuff could be thought of as a "right wing zizek". I've got a friend who really likes Tom Woods. I listened to his "4 things the state is not", he's got a kind of joking tone similar to zizek.

Also, John Stossel of 20/20 fame (now with Fox News, sadly), now on Fox News, has a kind of "lifting the veil" technique, but does it with a Libertarian emphasis.

>> No.7290462

STEMfags are empiricist too and that doesn't make them smart

>> No.7290465

such an exclusive rare trademark you found there.

>> No.7290466

>have you ever even watched his videos
I've watched probably 10-20 and took him very seriously for a few months. Then I went through a revelation.

Kekkin' hard at this.

Hegel, possibly the most important right-wing thinker of the past 300 years, was a condescending person I can remember

>> No.7290488

I can't tell if you're on my side or not because they insulted him with names and didn't actually present an argument about anything he particularly has said or believes in anrgumentnything also everyone belittled me for attempting to answer OP's question by bringing up Stefan, I recoiled back by calling them douchebags because they actually acted like it initially

>> No.7290498

There are, they just aren't publicized like the sniffler is.
Zizek himself particularly wants to gulag Sloterdijk.

>> No.7290504

Well, according to UPB, which is a very shitty hack version of Kant, then we should universalize our moral principles. Since Molyneux is a baby who bans people from his forums and encourages his trolls to mock them for even being related to things he doesn't like, I figured it's only honoring his moral system to do the same to him

>> No.7290528


>> No.7290536


There also neo-confucianism and various other types of neo-asian traditionalism(hindu extremism). Zizek mentions this in almost all his books. The communist project might be undermined exactly because of this right-hegelian asian Ideology that shows how to actually do capitalism with a human face(of which social-democrats and SJWs only fail at).

>> No.7290642


This was a fantastic read, I always forget about TLP and then some good anon reminds me of it

>> No.7290654

I'm not even a big fan of UPB, all I did here was justify why he could fit OP'S criteria, I didn't call them doucbebeags for being leftists, I called them doucbebeags because they literally acted like it and I called them out on it, they just insulted him and his ideology by calling him names and trying to degrade him without actually presenting an argument against him, just irrationally appeals to feelings by calling him/objectivism silly without saying why

>> No.7290685

>just irrationally appeals to feelings by calling him/objectivism silly without saying why
All conversation is an irrational appeal to feelings, you just like to pretend that there's some metaphysical weight on conversation that doesn't go how you want it to.

>> No.7290746
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There are contemporary right wing philosophers. What would being "like Zizek" mean?

>> No.7290787

I love being a doucbebag

>> No.7290873
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>> No.7290983

Of course all conversations are, but in these circumstances a supposed intellectual/philosopher was being criticized on his ideals without any actual argument or reasoning as to why, just name calling lol

>> No.7290993

>name calling is an invalid method of argumentation

kek, so much pure ideology here m8

>> No.7291013

So whoever comes up with the most insults against the opponent and his ideology wins independent of actual critiques on the ideology itself? Pls stop the trolling, this board is for those over the age of 18

>> No.7291055

Peter Sloterdijk is a great right-wing philosopher.

I was actually taken aback when I first read his works. But in his elaborate and thick style of writing, the continuity of real German thought lives on.

I highly recommend his works.

>> No.7291179

i only know who this is because zizek recommended him

>> No.7291223

Moldbug is fun if you don't mind reading 10 paragraphs for something that takes 1 sentence to express.

>> No.7291226

Come at me brah

>> No.7291229
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>> No.7291308
File: 103 KB, 500x469, jump to conclusions.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The intellectual rabble is full force today.

>> No.7291838

having a funny accent and being a meme

>> No.7291854

Some combination of a neo-Hegelian, psychoanalytic, critical theory, etc. bent, with perhaps insights into micro-socioeconomic interactions. And Scruton is certainly not it.

>> No.7291968
File: 49 KB, 500x500, 8a876df45adf819e5eb47a59bf6f43f5.500x500x1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because anyone that has a handle on the socio/ psychoanalytics that Zizek does, you realize that child labor, corporation funded civil war in third-world countries, and widespread poverty are necessary evils of capitalism.

Then you unapologetically make large sums of money and stay out of the public eye.

>> No.7292197

He has a child

>> No.7292239

we already answered this and it's Nick Land
without the popularity and meme speak though

>> No.7293064


>> No.7293308

sounds clever, but nope. you can be an idiot fucktard and do that bb.

>> No.7293365

Scruton is a neo-Hegelian, although his aesthetics are more informed by Kant.

Psychoanalysis and critical theory aren't really conducive to right-wing thought. The psychoanalytic perspective puts sex at the root of too much to be congruent with the right, and critical theory has some of the same criticisms as the right, but it still clashes with it.

>> No.7294112

Alexandr Dugin? Alain de Benoist?

>> No.7294688

>How NRx thinks is a critical index of what it is.

>Outside in is probably ‘postrationalist’. What it certainly is, however, is disintegrationist. It translates the caution against rationalist hubris — dubbed reservationism by Moldbug (in the link provided) — as a general antipathy to global solutions (and their attendant universalist ideologies). To be promoted, in the place of any Great Answer, is computational fragmentation. Whenever the research program meets an obstacle, divide it. “When you come to a fork in the road, take it.” Or at least, since selection is inescapable, defend the fork (as such) first, and the chosen path only secondarily.

>Delegate selection to Gnon. To do so not only husbands resources, but also maximizes overall experimentation. Intelligence is scarce. It is needed, above all, for tinkering well. Global conceptual policing is an exhausting waste, and an unnecessary one, since territorial distribution, or some effective proxy, can carry it for free. Security capacity is needed to fend off those determined to share their mistakes. Using it, instead, to impose any measure — whatsoever — of global conformity is a pointless extravagance, and a diversion.

>Whether articulated as epistemology, or as meta-politics, NRx is aligned with the declaration: There is no need for us to agree. Refuse all dialectics. It is not reconciliation that is needed, but definitive division. (Connect, but disintegrate.)

>Think in patches. Eventually, some of them will work.