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7286771 No.7286771 [Reply] [Original]

What are some good academic works on transsexualism? Pro, anti, objective, etc.

>> No.7287044

go burgerpost somewhere else

>> No.7287076

That's all Angloposting m8

>> No.7287810

Jack Halberstam is a very contemporary philosopher that focuses on gender and queer theory, including transgenderedness. "Female Masculinity" is a good starting text by him.

>> No.7287831

Op-eds on HuffPo
Op-eds on Breitbart

>> No.7287837


Sexual morality is a fucking mess. It's like voting in an American election. Every interpretation you come across seems equally wrong.

>> No.7287854

Meyerowitz, J., How Sex Changed: A History of Transsexuality in the United States

>> No.7287869

Most is "PRO THIS! PRO THAT!" garbage pumped out by APA psycos, The Way of Men by Jack Donovan addresses them the best he can.
There is hardly any Objectivity at all to it, it being a mental illness pushed on us all.

>> No.7287890

Butler - Undoing Gender

>> No.7287903

Or it just doesn't sound objective to you because you've made up your mind already and can't imagine that anyone could come to a different conclusion than yours without an ulterior motive.

As for my uneducated 2-cents, I think it's a mental illness, but I say that not as some insult to transsexuals. I think we have to get over a lot of the stigma about mental illness before we can pretend to look at it objectively.

But I don't know anything.

>> No.7287924

I have made up my mind, unless someone can show some damming proof or explinations for the multiple problems and statics that go in line with it.
I see it as a this.
A psychiatrist writing about this:


"I do so not only because truth matters, but also because overlooked amid the hoopla—enhanced now by Bruce Jenner’s celebrity and Annie Leibovitz’s photography—stand many victims. Think, for example, of the parents whom no one—not doctors, schools, nor even churches—will help to rescue their children from these strange notions of being transgendered and the problematic lives these notions herald. These youngsters now far outnumber the Bruce Jenner type of transgender. Although they may be encouraged by his public reception, these children generally come to their ideas about their sex not through erotic interests but through a variety of youthful psychosocial conflicts and concerns.

First, though, let us address the basic assumption of the contemporary parade: the idea that exchange of one’s sex is possible. It, like the storied Emperor, is starkly, nakedly false. Transgendered men do not become women, nor do transgendered women become men. All (including Bruce Jenner) become feminized men or masculinized women, counterfeits or impersonators of the sex with which they “identify.” In that lies their problematic future."

>> No.7287933

Transgenderism is indeed a mental condition, and it's best treated by transitioning. It's amusing that /pol/lacks use that terminology as though it's at all disparaging.

>> No.7287950

>/pol/ boogeyman
>it is best treated by transitioning
The statistics show otherwise, the suicide rate before and after doesn't change, there is a disproportionate number of males transitioning than females, and there are not essential studies to determine the validity of transition.
To me Transexuals are on par with Skitzophrenics and their emergence and "acceptance" even to the point of it being promoted is a demonstration of a larger social issue.

>> No.7287960

What's wrong with schizophrenics? Do they not deserve sympathy and treatment?

>> No.7287967

In a secular society, we can't get over the stigma. That is because the psychiatric "disorder" replaced "disordered desire" (aka sin) which was treated through repentance and forgiveness by a priest. With the modernism, like homosexuality now became an inherent sickness instead of a sin, and they had to be "cured"--this helped make it into an identity, you were "a homosexual", not just someone who engaged in unnatural sodomy. There was madness before rampant secularism, but it didn't face any stigma (see Madness and Civilization).

What will secularism do to cope with the stigma? It will just attach the illness to the already stigmatized targets. Eventually, homophobia will become a mental illness, as will transphobia. Because you can't actually remove the stigma attached to mental illness without having a different institution diagnosing disorder from a moral perspective.

>> No.7287970

If there was an actual way to change someone's sex it'd be one thing but currently trannies are all just retards with mutilated genitals and often unconvincing hormone induced cosmetic changes to their bodies.

>> No.7287979

tbh I don't believe in transgenderism. gender is a social construct (to me) so the essentialist idea that a "male" brain exists in a female body or vice versa seems a bit reaching, as ridiculous as "white" brains in black bodies or the worrying trend transablism. it seems like a weird body dysmorphia/genitalia fetishism, and transitioning should be a last resort imo.
what does it even mean to be a "woman" or a "man" in the mind? curious to know

>> No.7287982

>the suicide rate before and after doesn't change
The cause of suicide is very important. Are they killing themselves because of mental issues caused primarily by internal or external factors? I don't know, and I suspect you don't either. I suspect you'll pretend to though.

What the shitting fuck is this?

>> No.7287985

Yes, they do and they recive treatment and can usually live OK lives, normal lives. However Skitzophrenic behaviors have been extensively studied and require large amount of psychological care and assistive drugs to manage.
Transexuals have the desire to mutilate their bodies.

This is also assuming that "non-binary" genders are bunk. Seeing in my opinion they are but a invention with no perpose unlike the distinct Indian ones from tribal life.

>> No.7287988

This can't possibly be a real thing, can it?

>> No.7287993

>Transexuals have the desire to mutilate their bodies.
Am I supposed to be shocked? Is this supposed to bother me?

>> No.7287994

We don't treat schizophrenics by encouraging them in their delusions.

>> No.7287998


It very much is.
If it is caused by "external" factors then there is no reasonable way to demand change from whole of society to accommodate >1% of the population.
Where today do transgender people face "discrimination" so intense that their suicide rate doesn't change but stays still. Wait that doesn't make sense.
It should probably go up or down.

>> No.7288000

Wipping girl is very basic

>> No.7288005

you used your gator mouth wrong.

>> No.7288009


again, this feels like a bizarre body dysmorphia that should be treated through other means first and only as a last resort (if that is ethical) given into

>> No.7288017

>The statistics show otherwise
Do you have any stats for that? I'm not trying to be hostile, I'm just genuinely curious and cannot find any pointing either way. In Canada it's covered by the government, subject to rigorous testing in order to be eligible to transition, and is treated as any other medical issue.

In my personal life, I know a number of transpeople (more transmen than transwomen, actually) and the majority of them have seen significant improvement in their lives since transitioning. Others are still clusterfucks, because they are stupid people. This doesn't seem to be reserved for transpeople.

Screaming "mental illness" is no different than screaming degenerate, "/pol/" is a handy shorthand for the new wave of conservative-via-contrarianism morons.

>> No.7288024
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>Jack Halberstam
>Gaga Feminism
>Postmodern drivel makes me want to gag gag.

>> No.7288026

>Being a utilitarian
Speaking of mental illness

>> No.7288036

I don't like Util.
Often beat it in CX and never won with it.
Doesn't seem to hold up moralistically.
But I get your joke.
I believe in a society based on capability.

>> No.7288037
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>not knowing what postmodernism actually is
>bitching about it anyway

>> No.7288038

In my experience it is the token response of the uneducated to see a false dichotomy and say "It isn't a matter of just A or B. There's a "spectrum" of possible outcomes "between" A and B."

Gender, when separated from sexual characteristics, is really a matter of nothing. This unfortunate truth is rarely realized or admitted by social justice advocates, who vie for some kind of legitimacy in their conflict with others. Like the de-sexualized gender, however, justice and legitimacy are caused by nothing, cause nothing, and are nothing.

>> No.7288044


>> No.7288057

Gender is a bloated word, it was originally used to describe the sex of not sexed things. Now the word needs to be destroyed.

>> No.7288068
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>leftypols pushing their agenda onto lit

>> No.7288069

theyre just ultra gay men tbh

they dont want to be women, they want to be attractive to men. Jenner didnt get a 60 years old female body after all

>> No.7288079

She's a lesbian, though

>> No.7288085

get spooked fam

>> No.7288087

And a Republican kek.
And killed an elderly women

>> No.7288088

>Sweden, 1973-2003.
That's hardly a worthwhile representation of the current situation in North America.

>> No.7288090

Does that make ftms ultra lesbians?

>> No.7288098

Are north americans different from sweden? In Sweden to criticize trans is a big big nono, and suicide rate is still high.
It does not explain the no change. It would imply transitioning doesn't help.
Your "friends" you talk about feel pretty good being hopped up on estrogen, and the women feel SUPER good on Testosterone.

>> No.7288099

sometimes, they can also be ultra feminists, or just compensating

>> No.7288102

If they're attracted to women they are straight. If they're attracted to men they are gay.

>> No.7288118

>implying extreme dress up changes who you are
all of them are pretty gay

>> No.7288120

This is some of the dumbest shit. Maybe i'm old fashioned. But I think you can dress how you want, talk how you want, fuck or suck who you want or be fucked or sucked by who you want. But if I run around saying "i'm really this trapped in the body of this" then really i'm just an asshole with identity issues. And I'd still be a man whether I like it or not.

>> No.7288121

Having a mental disorder is not fixed with a physical change.

>> No.7288132

A bullet to the head solves it pretty quick
>*seaths katana*

>> No.7288138

No, you're absolutely right. It's just always been trendy to encourage people's delusions and it's turned into a cultural meme because of retards on the internet and in colleges.

>> No.7288144

>But I think you can dress how you want, talk how you want, fuck or suck who you want or be fucked or sucked by who you want.
but you cant, it's stupid, youre basically justifying what you disagree with.

>> No.7288161

Are you sure you read that properly?

>> No.7288169

Who can't? they very much can.
What I disagreed with was that I have to respect some dude's delusions. where's the line? am I required to agree if you insist that you're a hippo?

That would stay my conviction regardless of who you suck or fuck.

>> No.7288176

yes, that's why i said youre basically justifying what you disagree with. You concede too much

>> No.7288177

Only if they want to be boiled in a tank.

>> No.7288188

These conversations are never worth having. You're either for or against, nothing's going to change your mind.

>> No.7288190

Oh, now I get it. You've got nothing worth anything to say. Namaste litizen. I've got more interesting threads to visit.

>> No.7288194

I would gladly change my mind if someone said something new. If someone revealded to me some metaphysical truth that said that sex is actually a trait that preceeds your biological makeup, and that therefore a woman could be trapped ina man's body, then I would in fact change my opinion.

>> No.7288198

I'm not the guy you quoted and that was just a reference to a Kerouac/Burroughs book. Stop being such a vagina.

>> No.7288203

>What I disagreed with was that I have to respect some dude's delusions. where's the line?
youve already crossed the line buddy. what you think people can do i just as much deluded as what you think they cant do

>> No.7288214

You're retarded m8. I'm not that guy but they physically --can--. Whether they should or not is another issue entirely.

>> No.7288219

>Do you have any stats for that? I'm not trying to be hostile, I'm just genuinely curious
You're behaving like a redditor; proactively apologizing for any offense your desire to see proof might cause. How lacking in curiosity must you be that this is how you approach the unknown. Are you by any chance a leftist?

>> No.7288224

tbh I don't have a fully reconciled position on transgenderism
some of it is probably legitimate but at the same time some of it obviously comes out of pure fetishism or mental illness (outside of gender dysphoria)
we also know very little about it yet we're charging into it at full speed giving 7 year olds drugs that will permanently alter their bodies because they wore a dress one time

>> No.7288229

they metaphysically cant

>> No.7288233


Not that guy but you're using that word wrong

>> No.7288235

And if you'd said that from the beginning you wouldn't have sounded like such a retard.

>> No.7288236
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Just reminder what kind of people *trans* are

>> No.7288238

>someone isn't a cunt on the internet better make sure they check their priv
calm your shit poly

>> No.7288240


>> No.7288242

also some of it is most definitely out of a compensatory hatred of masculinity

>> No.7288247


That's not a relevant response. You still do not know what metaphysical means.

>> No.7288248

I prefer to say more of a hatred of life

>> No.7288253


>hating maddiechan

low test beta male spotted

>> No.7288254

That is not me :<
I know what metaphysische means

>> No.7288257

Aquinas and the Scholastics. Seriously just like bread is only bread in its accidents and not its substance so can people be men or women in thier accidents but not their substance

>> No.7288260
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>> No.7288262


What he and his interlocutor were discussing is best indicated with "phenotype/genotype" categories, or just "physical appearance" vs. "genetic makeup."

There is absolutely no need or reason to go into metaphysics here unless you intend on showing how gender is an essential quality of human being which is part of the ontological fabric of the world.

>> No.7288266

You're assuming that everyone reading these threads has already made up his mind.

>> No.7288268

but that's a miracle anon it doesnt count, in the natural order accidents flow from the substance

>> No.7288269

I have no idea who that is but if they're that thing in the picture I feel sorry for them for turning from an average looking man into what looks like a droopy sad old lesbian.

It's like a voluntary Houellebecq.

>> No.7288273

It shitposts on /pol/ all day.
Don't feel bad for it, it's a sadmasochist.

>> No.7288291

you dont need genes to know what something is, anon. People have known theyre men or women for a long time before they knew what a gene is

>> No.7288328

I'm not even sure why Catholics felt the need to put that into a doctrine, why couldn't they have just said, "It's Christ, and a great mystery," like the Orthodox Church? We wouldn't have all this "it's just a symbol" Protestant nonsense today if they had.

>> No.7288364

Incorrect the miracle is in changing it not in there being a disconnect between the two.

Due to thier interpreation of the bible combined with the fact Catholic theologians have a hard on for rationalism and phobia of mystery. You wont see anything simmilar to the cloud of unknowing be made by modern Catholic theologians

>> No.7288365

it's the same thing as the Orthodox though. And it's still a mystery. It's not like Catholics consecrate in a lab or anything. It's the same doctrine as the Orthodox, only in a different, more intelligible way.

>> No.7288376

The church is the lab of the apostles

>> No.7288378

Right, it's the same doctrine that existed since the start of Christianity. And I'm saying the Catholic fugged up big time by rearticulating it as transubstantiation. Just should have left it as, "It's the body and blood of Christ," instead getting so enraptured with Aristotle they found it necessary to break it down with his terms.

>> No.7288381

>Incorrect the miracle is in changing it not in there being a disconnect between the two.
and how do you think the change takes place without there being a suspension of the natural order? If no suspension has taken place then we can hardly call it a miracle.
>Catholic theologians have a hard on for rationalism and phobia of mystery
What we can know we know and what we cant know we dont know. And for Catholics there are a lot of things left unknown

>> No.7288385


Maddiechan's butt is really trappy tho. Total black girl ass. It's huge and well shaped. :d

>> No.7288386

>getting so enraptured with Aristotle
>namefags after aquinas

>> No.7288387

The disconection refers to what is occouring with transgendered people not the miracle of the Eucharist

>And for Catholics there are a lot of things left unknown

Certianly not compared to protestants and the Orthodox.

>> No.7288394

Aristotle in theology is one thing. Aristotle for Church dogma is something else.

>> No.7288402

>And I'm saying the Catholic fugged up big time
how? the main reason the doctrine was formulated was because of the different formulations by protestants. We must know what we actually mean when we say "It's the body and blood of Christ" so the faithfull dont form incorrect ideas.

>> No.7288404

Protestants are (generally) actually even worse than Catholics on knowing everything, they just prefer much less academic explanations.. That's why some like taking the entire Bible literally--it's just easier. Having the answer to everything is why there are so many Protestant denominations, they all have the answer to something.

>> No.7288414

>The disconection refers to what is occouring with transgendered people
there isnt such disconnection, that's what im saying. Unless you want to call transgenders a "miracle" in a nonmetaphorical way, there's no reason to think there is a disconnection

>> No.7288416

The doctrine predates Protestantism by hundreds of years, it started holding wide precedent in the Fourth Council of the Lateran, it just got more rigorously codified (same as the Biblical Canon) in the Counter-Reformation. It was one of the things Luther bitched about as evidence that the Catholic Church was just making random shit up, and Luther pulled a lot of people in on that who were ignorant by showing all the terminology came from Aristotle.

>> No.7288426

>it's stupid

Excellent argument there guy

>> No.7288432

>It was one of the things Luther bitched about as evidence that the Catholic Church was just making random shit up
The reason Luther attacked the Catholic Church on Aristotelianism was because of his own aversion to reason, which was a product of his commitment to Ockhamist "you cant know nuffin" theology. Besides, what are you defending? the whole faith/reason dichotomy that is fucking Christians up in the modern era? because the Orthodox dont support such things

>> No.7288442


Actually, you aren't suppose to challenge the worldview of schizoprenics. What is objective truth to schizophrenics differs drastically compared to "normal" people. Trying to change how they think about certain things is like me trying to tell you that blue is orange. That's how it is for a lot of them. I'm sure. All you can do is try to minimize the more harmful delusions some can have.

>> No.7288447

But they also had a monopoly on christ...
I am a Missouri Senate Lutheran and I like them.
He also no like Jews :) I like that.

>> No.7288455

Stop dividing Christ anon it's wrong

>> No.7288467

B-but the Catholics are too easy to make fun of.
They have little smoke puffing things and stuff.
One day grandad was watching the thing for the new pope? And they are trying to make white smoke and can't get it.
And so he jumps up and says "I know how to make white smoke !" And goes grabs a handful of horse weeds and sticks them in a cow turd and lights it.
Made white smoke.
Catholics BTFo

>> No.7288479

Im glad i cheered you up m8, most of the time that's what the mentally disabled need

>> No.7288486

Well see I told my dad years ago I wanted to be a Catholic after my edgy Fedora faze and he laughed

>> No.7288499

somewhat poignant

>> No.7288606

No, I'm not defending that at all. Orthodox mysticism doesn't have to to with will-to-believe, it's about experience. I think the will-reason dichotomy was also a bit of a mistake, but definitely theological voluntarism was where the especially major issues started.

>> No.7288625

>I am a Missouri Senate Lutheran
Aren't they creationists?

>> No.7288626


were u meming?

>> No.7288643


>> No.7288644

The only thing that frigthens me more than "gender is a social construct" is "people can be born to the wrong gender"

Why did there have to be so much disgusting ugliness next to the beauty?

>> No.7288719

People of the future are going to be laughing their asses off at this, once we actually figure all this stuff out.


>> No.7288743

>People of the future are going to be laughing their asses off at this, once we actually figure all this stuff out.

Not likely, m8. We'll probably get a sentence:

"Their society became decadent, as societies are wont to do..."

And then on to the beta uprising of 2025 & eventually total nano hydrogen holocaust that leaves only the most expensive sex-dolls. They'll wander the earth confusedly and then die, having waited in vain for the chance to satisfy nobody.

>> No.7289077
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I can't be objective. I've met an intersexual person (born with both sexual characters), who fell in love with me. It's kinda strange, because he/she had schizophrenic episodes, heard voices...

>> No.7289121

>In Sweden to criticize trans is a big big nono
In media maybe, not in your personal life.

>> No.7289252

Sometimes, depends. They very strong religious German folk. I grew up in small German town all my life; am German living in America. Both parents were German.

>> No.7289284


>> No.7289366

This pretty much. Can't say that I agree with her views but I find it interesting nonetheless.

>> No.7289375

>implying Houellebecq's image isn't voluntary

>> No.7289576

I actually had no problem with transgender people until I met some. They're without exception mentally broken in one way or another, whether it's paranoia, delusions unrelated to their gender, or just being a general drama magnet.

This whole cultural thing has gotten me to use the word sex to the almost total exclusion of gender.

>> No.7289617

The biggest problem with Transsexualism in modern, Western society is that it has been latched upon by the left wing forces within government and politics as another tool with which they can continue their work at breaking down the establishment. The problem is that the establishment as they see it does not exist anymore. They have become the establishment, by and large, of every major Western nation, with the US being the least affected. However, they still believe there is an edifice to be torn down, a structure to be toppled even as they stand on top of the ruins of the societies that existed 50 years ago.

>> No.7289649

it's pretty funny to tell leftists that the new right is more of a threat to the establishment than they've ever been
I do a leftist course at uni so I've done this before and they go full defensive mode

>> No.7289657

No one who takes a class in which that discussion is relevant will ever be a threat to anything except his parent's wallets.

>> No.7289769

Dunno about that. Look how many people go into government after doing law or PPE.

>> No.7289829

>Implying most of them will make it into much less through law school

>> No.7289836

Eh, you'd be surprised how many gender studies or useless people get to quite high levels of government and politics.

Look at the current Labour front bench in the UK. Headed by a man who got a couple of Es at A Level and flunked out of Trade Union studies at a Polytechnic.

>> No.7289841

fuck this shit.

>> No.7290291

This, or maybe her work on gender performatism.

>> No.7290297

Germaine greer for anti.

>> No.7290315

I liken gender dysphoria to age dysphoria. Age dysphoria actually makes more sense to me, as time's effect on the body varies between every individual, sometimes vastly so. Your physical age actually differs from the amount of time that has passed since you were born, so there should be another word for age as gender is to sex. I personally look a lot younger than I am and as a straight guy this isn't a good thing. I don't have dysphoria but if I did I imagine I might want to have some surgeries to look older, maybe even transplant my head hair onto my face and dye it gray, but it's not socially acceptable to do such a thing and those damn insurance crooks wouldn't ever cover it. I might demand senior discounts too because I deserve to be treated equally, and denounce those who refuse as ageist scum.

>> No.7290415

>Pro, anti, objective, etc.
It's a mental disorder. How can you be anti- or pro- in relation to it? It's not an opinion you can hold, it's a condition people have. It's objective in the sense that, like many mental disorders, it objectively exists and has been shown to by physiological evidence and studies by doctors. The only controversy is in what is currently the most popular treatment for it, which is gender transition.

>> No.7290429

I like Jean Baudrillard's take on it all. Its not exactly "anti-transsexuality", but I bet many would find it offensive.

from The Transparency of Evil, chapter 3: Transexuality

"Consider Michael Jackson, for example. Michael Jackson is a solitary mutant, a precursor of a hybridization that is perfect because it is universal — the race to end all races. Today’s young people have no problem with a miscegenated society: they already inhabit such a universe, and Michael Jackson foreshadows what they see as an ideal future. Add to this the fact that Michael has had his face lifted, his hair straightened, his skin lightened — in short, he has been reconstructed with the greatest attention to detail. This is what makes himsuch an innocent and pure child — the artificial hermaphrodite of the fable, better able even than Christ to reign over the world and reconcile its contradictions; better than a child-god because he is a child-prosthesis, an embryo of all those dreamt-of mutations that will deliver us from race and from sex.”

>> No.7291198

>yfw she's not trans just possessed by the ghost of the elderly woman she murdered

>> No.7291251

>Transgender folks are all innocent people possessed by demons of the opposite sex

>> No.7291256

They are, it's part of their doctrine

>> No.7291262

Well we also drink on Sundays, so that shows you the devotion we have.

>> No.7291271

Orthodox and Catholics drink on Sundays too. Sundays are always a day of celebration, not fast, because Sunday is Resurrection day.

>> No.7291277

What the fuck..

>> No.7291295

its a good book, I swear

>> No.7291320


More from "Transexuality" a chapter from Baudrillard's "Transparency of Evil: Essays on Extreme Phenomenon"

"The sexual body has now been assigned a kind of artificial fate. This fate is transsexuality- 'transsexual' not in any anatomical sense, but rather in the more general sense of transvestitism, of playing with the commutability of the signs of sex - and of playing, in contrast to the former manner of playing on sexual difference, on sexual indifference: on lack of differentiation between the sexual poles, and on indifference to sex qua pleasure. Sexuality is underpinned by pleasure, by jouissance (the leitmotiv of sexual liberation); trans sexuality is underpinned by artifice -be it the artifice of actually changing sex or the artifice of the transvestite who plays with the sartorial, morphological or gestural signs of sex. But whether the operation in question is surgical or semio-urgical, whether it involves organs or signs, we are in any case concerned with replacement parts, and since today the body is fated to become a prosthesis, it is logical enough that our model of sexuality should have become transsexuality,and that transsexuality should have everywhere become the locus of

>> No.7291334

they get into student politics which is contains the most poisonous people in the world

>> No.7291338

"We are all transsexuals, just as we are biological mutants in potentia. This is not a biological issue, however: we are all transsexuals symbolically.

Take La Cicciolina. Is there any more marvellous incarnation of sex - of sex in pornographic innocence? La Cicciolina has been contrasted with Madonna, virgin fruit of the aerobic sphere, product of a glacial aesthetic, devoid of all charm and all sensuality - a numbed android who by virtue of this very fact was perfect raw material for a synthetic idol. But is not La Cicciolina too a transsexual? Her long platinum hair, her customized breasts, her realer-than real curves worthy of an inflatable doll, her lyophilic eroticism borrowed from a comic-strip or science-fiction world, and above all the hyperbole of her (never perverse or libertine) sexual discourse - all conspire to offer a ready-made and total sinfulness; La Cicciolina is the ideal woman of a telephone chat-line complete with a carnivorous erotic ideology that no modern woman could possibly espouse - except, that is, for a transsexual, or a transvestite, these being the only people left who live through the signs of an overdrawn, rapacious sexuality. La Cicciolina, as carnal ectoplasm, is here very close to Madonna's artificial nitroglycerine or to Michael Jackson's androgynous and Frankensteinian appeal. All of them are mutants, transvestites, genetically baroque beings whose erotic look conceals their generic lack of specificity. They are all I gender-benders' - all turncoats of sex.

>> No.7291347

Here is the full book as a pdf for those interested

And since when can we not upload pdfs?


>> No.7291355

>Transgender people are all being pubished by god for the murders they committed with possession

>> No.7291388
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>> No.7291400

I think personal testimonies from those who have changed their gender say more on the matter than statistics on suicide rates. Suicide mostly has to do with alienation from others, not whether or not you have tits.

>> No.7291463

>I think personal testimonies from those who have changed their gender say more on the matter than statistics on suicide rates.
>hearsay is better than science
get spooked fam

>> No.7291466

>Sociology and psychology are science
Almost choked to death on my coffee

>> No.7291472


>> No.7291494

I'm not Swedish, but those who I've met told me that going against the liberal dogma earns you a lot of condemnation.

>> No.7291514

>Suicide mostly has to do with alienation from others, not whether or not you have tits.
Then it shouldn't be used as an argument for sex changes.

>> No.7291640



>> No.7292692


this looks like my 2nd cousin, but shes a girl

>> No.7292714


>> No.7292724

His second cousin is a girl... Doh.

>> No.7293572


My nigga!

>> No.7293587

>I used to play with barbies and I like to wear skirts, but the tv tells me only girls do such things! It must mean I'm a girl!
>I need to remove my penis and have doctors excavate a cum bucket there because I'm also gay, but not gay because I'm a girl!
>I can't just face the facts that I might not belong to the traditionally created gender roles of the gender which my genitals and hormones determined I am, so this must mean that I'm this phenomenon that got invented like 5 years ago
I hate transgender shit. So much.