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7286402 No.7286402 [Reply] [Original]

Does /lit/ acknowledge the existence of evil?

>> No.7286422

define evil

>> No.7286423


>> No.7286429

Like I acknowledge the existence of colours in a rainbow. Why?

>> No.7286437

Evil is the desire to control others for no reason other than controlling them.

>> No.7286438
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define define.

>> No.7286446

I acknowledge the existence of faggits

>> No.7286451




>> No.7286460

>fuckin hippies

>> No.7286464


I confer.

>> No.7286478
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This post-modern rejection of fundamental morality is beyond tiresome. How can one possibly describe the Holocaust without employing the word evil? A complete absence of good.

I suspect it's all part of this liberal cultural-relativism trend which is giving the Left a bad name. It makes me want to spew.

>> No.7286485

Evil as a metaphysical force? Yes. It is subordinate to the Good, but it exists. There's too much depraved, repugnant shit out there for evil as a quality to not exist.

>> No.7286493



>> No.7286515


top kel

>> No.7286518

I acknowledge that the banality of evil as embodied as Stefan Molyneux, the most boring, and the most evil, man alive.

>> No.7286566

I believe in the Kantian evil for evils sake type evil as being the worst type of evil. I think it exists but is very rare.

>> No.7286578



>> No.7286591

ebil is meme

>> No.7286604

>How can one possibly describe the Holocaust without employing the word evil?
The conscentless, institutionalized ending human life before natural death. There.

>> No.7286609



>> No.7286626

It's only bland because your mind is bland; most of those terms don't even make sense outside modern understanding.

>> No.7286631



>> No.7286647


>> No.7286658

well it was also misspelt and grammared with awkwardness

>> No.7286700

And you say this while neither punctuating nor capitalizing! The balls on you!

>> No.7286730

Evil is the extreme lack of morality. Morality is a system of ethics. I'm not making a claim to the physicality of evil, but one can ascribe the property of being evil to a person just like one can ascribe the property of "being useless", even though neither concepts are contained within the laws of physics.

>> No.7286740


>> No.7286751

>How can one possibly describe the Holocaust without employing the word evil?
>being this dramatic

genocide has been a staple of human life forever, it's just that this one applied a modern fordian approach to it. being more efficient doesn't make it 'evil'.

>> No.7286783

>connotation on his hat in incantation font

i don't watch moly but what is the deal with this?

>> No.7286804


Genocides of all types are evil. It's not exclusive to Shoah by any means.

Also, just to clarify, just because something has happened enough times to become a 'staple' doesn't reduce its horror.

>> No.7286809

Genocide is no more evil than regular killing, unless you're a racist.

>> No.7286817
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>> No.7286839

I'm not shitposting at all. If you think that genocide is worse than other killing you do so because the difference is that genocide targets a specific ethnic group.

In other words, you are saying that killing a 100 people of ethnic group X is worse than killing a 100 people of random ethnic groups, thereby valuing the lives of said ethnic group more than the lives of people in general.

>> No.7286845


>In other words, you are saying that killing a 100 people of ethnic group X is worse than killing a 100 people of random ethnic groups, thereby valuing the lives of said ethnic group more than the lives of people in general

Oh come on, try harder than that.

>> No.7286851

That is the only reason why genocide could be considered worse than killing in general. It's the only difference between the two, after all.

Why else would you consider genocide extra bad?

>> No.7286869


I'm beginning to think you might be sincere (and really quite stupid).

>That is the only reason why genocide could be considered worse than killing in general
>Why else would you consider genocide extra bad?

Other than being a practically meaningless statement, can you actually quote me? Where did I say that?

>> No.7286915

Why single out genocide as being evil then and not saying (mass) murder in general? Why mention the Holocaust specifically?

Murder is murder. Unless you think the lives of certain groups are worth more than others.

>> No.7286933

Im not him but the holocaust was clearly just a straightforward example you fucking mong. He never argued that randomly selecting people to kill wasnt evil.

>> No.7286989
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This. Thank you.

>> No.7287003

My comment was >>7286437 I agree with you dummy.

>> No.7287011

Going for the holocaust is a trite rhetoric device.

>it's the shoah guys how can it possibly not be evil!?

I've yet to hear you explain what's so evil about it though.

>> No.7287013

Because there's no clear cut absolute that tells me what is right or wrong. There are thousands of insinuations, but no universal bona-fide 110% "no snake oil here folks" ethical theory that can operate with total certainty. And that lack of certainty, means subjectivism, with means relativism, which means nihilism.

Sad state.

>> No.7287016
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Daily reminder objective morality is determinable through neuroscience

torture and systematic massacres of people who disagree with you isn't ethically wrong though.

>> No.7287024

>And that lack of certainty, means subjectivism, with means relativism, which means nihilism.
I'd say it would lead to scepticism and quietism. Nihilism is too presumptuous.

>> No.7287030

>I need people to tell me what right and wrong are instead of following my intuition
>I also believe all ethical doctrines are snake oil because reasons

moderns are so spineless

>> No.7287073

If 'muh feels' are the best ethical argument you can muster than you might as well not bother.

>> No.7287083

you're out of your depth here champ. go solve some equations or something

>> No.7287086

Not either of those people but I guess you could argue that genocide is worse than random mass murder, numbers being equal, because with genocide you're not just killing people, you're also trying to wipe out a culture, a civilization completely. It would be worse in the same way killing the last 100 remaining black rhinos is worse than killing 100 cows

>> No.7287113

'muh feelsies are objectively right' isn't very deep, lad.

>> No.7287132

>Not either of those people but I guess you could argue that genocide is worse than random mass murder, numbers being equal, because with genocide you're not just killing people, you're also trying to wipe out a culture, a civilization completely.
Exactly, and that is where the discrimination comes in. "These people's lives are worth more because they're extra rare Jews".

> It would be worse in the same way killing the last 100 remaining black rhinos is worse than killing 100 cows
It would be more like 100 cows with a type of mooing you like and therefore consider worth protecting over other cows.

>> No.7287133

>he thinks there is no truth value outside of language and numbers

Literally middle school

>> No.7287158

If there is truth value in feelsies then you end up with the relativism the other anon mentioned.

>> No.7287168

>Exactly, and that is where the discrimination comes in.
>Saying discrimination is wrong is discriminatory because it would mean a group of people is being treated better

>> No.7287174

We're not talking about feelsies. We're talking about the mystic's immediate experience of the present. There is an age of ethical theories worth in just breathing and being mindful.

>> No.7287188

>the mystic's immediate experience of the present.
Feelsies under a pretentious name.

>> No.7287190

Whatever you say my friend

>> No.7287218

Evil doesn't exist as an object, like a chair or something, but there are any number of existent states of affairs the term is used to describe. So sure. Evil exists, at least in some senses of the term.

>> No.7287253

Once you acknowledge that most human beings have an innate understanding of morality, you realise that evil exists as a binary opposite.

>> No.7287281

Evil does not exist.

Misdirection of Free Will tbh

>> No.7287303

Evil is just a melodramatic way of saying 'I really, really don't like this'.

>> No.7287316


I would say evil is that which is poisonous, hostile, and says No to life. Not merely survival, but Life.

>> No.7287343

>posted by some pampered fag who thinks evil is fallout 4 getting delayed a week before release

>> No.7287346


Anything Stefan Molyneux doesn't like tbh fam.

>> No.7287372

Misdirection of Free Will

>> No.7287386

>getting upset over getting your opinions exposed as being just that

>> No.7287940

Does OP acknowledge himself being a faggot?

>> No.7287955

How can free will be misdirected if it is free.