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7286011 No.7286011 [Reply] [Original]

I don't mean to sound like a fedora, but doesn't Star Trek pretty much debunk Nietzsche's concern about the Last Man?

>> No.7286020


>> No.7286025

Not anymore than Thus Spoke Zarathustra.

>> No.7286026

I think it does, yeah.

>> No.7286048


>> No.7286182

Not really because starfleet is really hard to get into and most humans are still on earth just lazing about.

Its fair to say starfleet have avoided being last men though.

>> No.7286210

Star Trek is a curiosity from the tail end of a period when people still believed in progress and the future. It shouldn't be taken seriously as a reflection on any actual reality.

>> No.7286212

This is something I don't entirely get from the show.

I know Starfleet is a military academy and they only take the best of the best of the best. But there are also lots of (non-officer) people on the ships who didn't go to Starfleet. What exactly is the proportion? Do the Starfleet dudes form a clique or anything? Or does anyone even know/care who went where?

>> No.7286216

Since the Übermensch is an unattainable goal I don't think so.
So what is it that's bothering you about the Star Trek universe, OP? The compassion?

I think the writers invention of Q kind of hinted at the direction humanity was supposed to be headed in. Sort of a more sober Q continuum perhaps.

>> No.7286222

you are thinking of starfleet academy.

Not all of starfleet goes to starfleet academy. The academy is really just a officer or high rank training program.

All the people on any starfleet ship who are not there for some special reason or passengers are starfleet medical/engineering/intelligence/shipcorps etc

its all starfleet.

starfleet has really high standards for everyone, but the academy is particularly hard to get into.

Only a weenie cares about this stuff but yea.

>> No.7286230

What lol

>> No.7286232

Ohh okay, but then are there divisions between Academy graduates and non-attendees? Like, COs don't eat with NCOs, let alone privates. Are we really just seeing all the posh niggas on TNG and then the non-Academy types are in subbasement grottos doing Irish jigs like in Titanic?

>> No.7286237

>I am a cynical bastard. Star Trek is just fiction geaz.

Family sometimes. Non-enlisted science people and dignitaries. People just using them for traveling.

>most humans are still on earth just lazing about.
Living the life we all dream of. Working for recreation.

>> No.7286257

I think in the future people don't divide themselves up along lines of accomplishment etc. For recreation at least.

the academy itself is kinda small I don't think your average ship would have more than a couple academy grads.

The enterprise in TNG is different because its the flagship and fucking massive and they have tons of academy grads. But your average ship might have 2-3 max.

>> No.7286268


>> No.7286287

Is this from something you've read or just assumed? I never gathered this.
The science academy grads would be different from the command grads but I always saw them as graduates.

>> No.7286315

Star Trek doesn't argue anything it dramatizes philosophical situations and using a hell lot of and unfounded pre-requisite assumptions and positions. Not excluding moral plays either. To say it debunks any argument whatsoever is to completely not comprehend the show's intention and on top of that I doubt you even understand Nietsche's concerns if you can not even critically analyze a TV show. Not to mention understand what a refutation actually is in the first place.

>> No.7286321

>any philosopher fitting into the category of greatest genius in history
>depressed permavirgin in particular
kek shitfag

>> No.7286324

You guys do understand the ship is just a damn metaphor for an individual on the quest for truth right.

>> No.7286328



>> No.7286329

It's a modern mythos of man's existential travels. You're an idiot.

>> No.7286374

1. Star Trek's utopia is based on the idea of replicators which allow infinite free shit for everyone. The technology for replicators breaks several rules of the universe
2. Half the episodes are about some dangerous adventure. The other half are about some really hard to answer sociological question. These are not Last Man activities. The last man is the guy sitting on earth, unemployed, enjoying his free shit and holodck: no one wants to see an episode about him.

>> No.7286412

This is something I've read on the startrek wiki.

There are different dorms and labs and stuff you don't see on the show where only one type of job is done. But academy grads are usually assigned a job or specialize in something. There are "majors" within the academy itself, so like Geordi la forge went to starfleet academy but he went as an engineering student.

Geordi will obviously go into all the engineer bays and shit you dont see on the show, but he also goes to the meeting about running the ship. Likewise Picard went to the academy (for anthro or some shit dont remember) at the same time as Crusher who was there for bio/med.

Still socially all different disciplines seem to mix in their own time. look at any bar scene and see all the different colored uniforms, they are all from different corps, but then on the bridge its 90% red with only a security officer and some medical/psychologist empathy etc. and in the engine room its 90% yellow again etc.

>> No.7286426
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>tfw you will never be a member of Starfleet

>> No.7286447

>an interpretation is the absolute and only interpreatation
you seem to not really get how this stuff works, mate.

>> No.7286490

It's the basic condition for interpreting the various episodes as they come, it's an interpretation sure but I don't see how it was not made explicitly so. It's the foundation for further interpretation.

>> No.7286517

Yest, the academy is like West Point, but there are also people on the shit not in Starfleet, look at all the civilians on Enterprise D.

>> No.7286526

The Last Man is literally just a reiteration of the piano key from Notes from Underground. You need to clam down with your idolization of Nietzsche, he said he'd rather be a buffoon than a saint.

>> No.7286534
File: 143 KB, 477x395, spongebob.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But you can anon! In your [see pic related].

>> No.7286692

What if interstellar travel is not feasible? Captain Kirk would be just sitting in his house masturbating.

>> No.7286697

that feel hurts for sure.

Space is the next logical unified project for humanity, but its becoming bleak--the prospects that--we might get out there at all.

>> No.7286725

I don't think Star Trek represents Nietzsche's Last Man situation at all. Sure, in ST they've invented technologies so that all of humanity could live in luxury, but given the presence of aggressive aliens, space-time anomalies, interstellar disasters, etc. there is no room for a life of complacency.

Now, in our own world, if we invented such technologies and found that the universe is mostly empty and devoid of life and threats, then yes, perhaps such technology could lead to Nietzsche's Last Man.