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7285906 No.7285906 [Reply] [Original]

Why haven't you converted to accelerationism yet?

>> No.7285912

What's that?
If it is what I think it is, then I already have.
>5 cups of coffee a day masterrace

>> No.7285916

>I have an idea! we can help bring about P by supporting not-P! people will come around to its' absurdity eventually!
>*a thousand years of not-P ensues*

>> No.7285925

I became an accelerationist when I voted for Jeremy Corbyn.

>> No.7285926

Well, not all accelerationists think that supporting not-P will bring about P (or that P is desirable at all).

>> No.7285952
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synonymous with consequentialism?

>> No.7285964

You don't even understand it yourself, faggot

>> No.7285967
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>tfw singularity might not occur during your lifetime
>tfw you have a very small amount of control over whether it does

>> No.7285980

I converted faster than you did

>> No.7286022

With my luck the singularity is going to happen an hour after I die.

Might be a fun short story: Kurtzweil dies but his ghost lingers on. 5 minutes after his heart stops, an AI takes over the world. He's super bitter about it, and tries to sabotage the AI from the other realm. Not sure how it should end though...either he succeeds or the AI gains access to the afterlife and kills him for being such a bitch, while resurrecting everyone else.