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/lit/ - Literature

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7281653 No.7281653 [Reply] [Original]

Currently reading Hegel for one philosophy class, and Adorno for another. They complement each other pretty well I guess. In the works of both I find myself stumbling over a few terms and concepts though, namely:
- the dialectic
- negation/negativity
- 'mediation'
The second two tie in with the first, which is the one I have the biggest problem with. Especially in the case of Adorno, he makes reference to the dialectic/dialectics, or uses 'dialectical' as an adjective a lot. I have a basic understanding of dialectics, but in the context that Adorno uses it in, I feel like my understanding is not enough. Then, I'll go back to Hegel to look for help, but he just makes shit more complicated. How can I understand the dialectic in its entirety, so I can in turn understand just what the fuck Adorno is talking about half the time?