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/lit/ - Literature

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7281542 No.7281542 [Reply] [Original]

Which e reader should I purchase if my main goal is pirating books and paying for the ones I like?

>> No.7281574

I have a kindle fire hd, this is exactly what I do. Minus the paying part.

>> No.7281587

>women will never understand castration anxiety

too true

>> No.7281616

It doesn't really matter but kobo is slightly cheaper and doesn't have amazon/B&N bloatware

>> No.7281619


>> No.7281651

Who are the women will never understand core authors?

Conrad and Jünger are all I can think of off the top of my head.

>> No.7281652

this list... i actually kinda good.

can anyone explain why women could never understand a masculine movie like most of the ones listed? can we not understand a feminine movie? is a feminine movie just a movie strongly excreting feminism?

>> No.7281670

Thomas Hardy, Cormac McCarthy, Michel Houellbecq, Fernando Pessoa

>> No.7281914

Isn't that just a regular tablet?

>> No.7281923

Yukio Mishima.