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/lit/ - Literature

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7281375 No.7281375 [Reply] [Original]

The last thread died. Post the most disgusting reviews for the best books.

We will never be free.

The spice must flow.

>> No.7281381

The only thing more disgusting than that review was Dune itself

>> No.7281384 [DELETED] 

>best books

These threads are shit.

>> No.7281385


I loved Dune but I agree with the reviewer about the characters being one-dimensional. They weren't why you'd read the books, however great they were.

>> No.7281402


>> No.7281406

dune is anime tier

>> No.7281416 [DELETED] 

/lit/ is full of frog-posting /r9k/ faggots these days tbh.
Prepare yourself for their wrath

>> No.7281450


You are Trash. What happened to this board

>> No.7281455

I miss the old days.

>> No.7281458

Yeah. That people claim it's among the best sci-fi books ever written is an insult to the sci-fi genre.

>> No.7281463 [DELETED] 

Your thread is the equivalent of frog-faggots or /pol/-faggots deliberately going to tumblr to find something to get outraged about in an attempt to get others to engage in a circlejerk with you.

Go to omegle instead, you perverted piece of shit

>> No.7281465
File: 112 KB, 1166x637, ExtermineAllTheBrutes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This one really gets my blood flowing.

>> No.7281473


Place is still full of casual hatred and feigned superiority, just like the rest of the boards.

What has changed?

>> No.7281499

>let's all get angry about people's opinions
what board is this, /v/? we know plebs exist, why bother getting angry about it?
oh so you're the pleb, I get it now.

>> No.7281521

goodreads poor review threads have an old tradition

We have been making these threads for like 7 years dude

>> No.7281522 [DELETED] 

What do video game people have to feel superior about? Genuinely interested, I've never visited the board

>> No.7281523


>let's all get angry about people's opinions

Yes. Let's. >>7281465

>> No.7281525

which is all the more reason to not do it if we're just repeating the same shit day after day

>> No.7281527 [DELETED] 

I know. They're shit

>> No.7281529

>What do video game people have to feel superior about?
That's exactly why.

>> No.7281531

The tradition is to find poor reviews of good books.

>> No.7281540

Literally nothing wrong with circlejerks, fuck off.

>> No.7281543


I understand that you are new. Just to give you a bit of background, /lit/ is a board that is much more intelectual than most others and it tends to grow at a different rate than shitposting boards like [s4s], /b/, or /r9k/.

This has lead to a decrease of memes from /lit/ and an increase in good threads. One of the long-standing traditions on this board is the "poor review" threads, which are satirical in nature.

This is board culture. Don't waste your bandwidth.

>> No.7281567

nigger I've been here since randposting was a bannable offence and your threads have always been shitposting all the decent people would ignore. the fact that you've been spamming it for years doesn't make it "tradition", it makes you cancer. or, more appropriately, herpes.

>> No.7281572

also dune is a shit book

>> No.7281586 [DELETED] 

if this board is so intellectual, how come it's the most marxist board?

check mate atheist

>> No.7281591

fuck off /pol/


dune is g-great stop.

The goodreads review threads have never been banned and it is a staple of lit. Stop. You need to read a book and stop posting.

>> No.7281593


This is my favorite pasta

>> No.7281602

Fuck off Marxist pleb

>> No.7281609
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>> No.7281612

>I read 11%

>> No.7281614 [DELETED] 

This. If you have intellectuality then you're into Fascism. Take the redpill

>> No.7281618

lel. I'm all for reporting shitty meme threads but I find it funny that people only rail against it when it's a trip user doing it.

>> No.7281623

To be fair, /lit/ triposters are 90% worse than regular ones for some reason

>> No.7281640


It's like the first chick doesn't understand the idea of satire at all.

>> No.7281659

Why can't women into literature?

>> No.7281689

Because the have the mental and emotional capacity of children.

>> No.7281697 [DELETED] 

Oh dear, is this where the frog people will gather now that the robot is back?

>> No.7281703
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>> No.7281719
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>> No.7281722

Assblasted cunt detected, go back to sucking a dick so we don't have to hear your drivel.

>> No.7281732


how are these posters wrong? DFW is a fucking fraud

>> No.7281735

those are gold

>> No.7281741 [DELETED] 

I bet you're a woman. Only intellectual males can understand the mind of the greatest ever writer.

It would be like a dog trying to understand the mind of God.

>> No.7281742


>By the end, it feels like a practical joke has been played on you



>> No.7281752
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>> No.7281764 [DELETED] 

>buttfrustrated roastie whore detected

>> No.7281801


He's actually the most thoughtful and sincere writer in the last 30 years, but okay.

>> No.7281833

>The single most plebian ideology, one that advocates a bunch of idiotic thugs staging a "revolution" for their masters and is openly irrational in nature
Fuck off fascist shitbags. Stalin crushed the balls of your pathetic ideology.

>> No.7281876

Funny how women pretend to hate DFW now when he was very fair to women in all his writing

yet a second hand account that he said "audience pussy" and he will forever be a villein.

>> No.7281901

If women all of a sudden stop liking his work because of something he said outside of the work they probably never liked it to begin with.

>> No.7281908

>>The single most plebian ideology, one that advocates a bunch of idiotic thugs staging a "revolution" for their masters and is openly irrational in nature
This is literally Marxism, fuck off, political pleb

>> No.7281913

these aren't even bad reviews, they're just negative reviews of things you like

why do you feel like you've been personally insulted when someone doesn't like your favourite book?

>> No.7281918

>everyone who isn't a Marxist is a Fascist
Nice bogeyman, fucking faggot retarded sack of shit.

>> No.7281921

What drives people to leave 1-star reviews on obscure medieval theological texts and things like that? I swear, 75% of the time I go googling a Middle English poem to find the text, the first link is a 1-star Goodreads review.

Is this just STEMbots who have to read them for a distribution requirement and give a bad review in spite?

>> No.7281931
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>> No.7281945


>> No.7281951
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>Sept. 11, 2015
>Lord Jim

>> No.7281965

Fucking retarded whore, Nietzsche was a known womanizer; fuck off with that stupid shit about complaining being bad, solutions are for plebs, and only being made for the elites is a good thing, fuck plebs.
God, women are do fucking stupid.

>> No.7281971 [DELETED] 


>> No.7281972

Par for the course with Presentism.


>> No.7281974


People judging older books by their own present-day ultra-PC standards is pretty common on goodreads (and everywhere else, sadly). Occasionally they have enough self-awareness to note that there were different norms/beliefs/expectations at the time, but they always follow that up with "but that doesn't excuse".

>> No.7281983

Nice try, cunt, but at least not all of us are fucking retarded

>> No.7281997 [DELETED] 

>"hurr all women are idiots"

Go back to your containment board.

>> No.7282004

Assblasted whore detected

>> No.7282007

Look at ANY classic on goodreads.

The majority of the 1 star reviews will just be women complaining "I didn't get it!" or "boring!"

Yes, there are men who do this too, but it's far less common.

I'd say the difference is that most men who are stupid are told so by everyone as they grow up, and therefore don't try to act fucking smart.

Women are coddled and told they're each special snowflakes and that their capable of conquering the world. So, when they don't understand something, they feel personally offended.

>> No.7282012


sorry I'm drunk

>> No.7282017

We hate women here because they are inferior, deal with it

>> No.7282021 [DELETED] 

>Women are coddled and told they're each special snowflakes and that their capable of conquering the world. So, when they don't understand something, they feel personally offended.

Then blame that particular ideology. You're getting 'assblasted' over a symptom instead of the disease.

>Look at ANY classic on goodreads.
Why would I want to seek out shitty reviews for classics?

see this post >>7281463
>Your thread is the equivalent of frog-faggots or /pol/-faggots deliberately going to tumblr to find something to get outraged about in an attempt to get others to engage in a circlejerk with you.

'Aren't womyn dumb gius?? XD pls agree with me, and make me feel better baout myself!"

>> No.7282030

So apparently we're not allowed to get made at the fact that we're sneezing a lot when we catch a cold, according to this post.
Women are so fucking stupid

>> No.7282032 [DELETED] 

The robot returning to the school shooters' board is doing great things for /lit/

Will every thread now derail into 'woman hate thread's?

>> No.7282040

You just admitted that women are stupid.
Nice bogeyman, faggot, but I never went to that shit board.
Though hopefully every thread is turned into a women hate thread.

>> No.7282043 [DELETED] 

>not realizing that this is a containment thread for them

Just ignore it and let them have their fun

>> No.7282047
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>> No.7282051

Assblasted whore detected
>I-i-m b-better than them I sw-wear

>> No.7282059
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>It's rare for me, but my brain refused to allow me to stay awake whenever I picked it up

People treating their own shortcomings as the fault of the author.

>> No.7282076

>not finding Conrad boring as fuck
Heart of Darkness made me so sleepy. I thought it was the most dreadful thing I've ever read.

>> No.7282081 [DELETED] 

>assblasted roastie whore detected

how's that child-like brain treating you? you probably didn't even make it to the end of this post because you're so dumb

>> No.7282089

Women were a mistake

>> No.7282094

It hurts how completely wrong their interpretations if the book are.

>> No.7282096

It's called patience and focus.

Good writing sometimes isn't riveting. That's just how it is. If you can't get through that, you should stick with YA dystopian novels. I'm sure those will be within your attention span.

>not using adderall for reading comprehension and speed

>> No.7282117

There are perfectly valid criticisms of Infinite Jest, but these are not.

>> No.7282140

To be fair to the first reviewer, I thought what Dantes did at the end of the book to Maximilian was really unnecessary and weird. The rest of his actions, for the most part, were justified though.

>> No.7282160

HoD is notoriously bad with turgid prose. Just read a recent review where Clive James called it boring.

Lord Jim is better but still slow. /lit/ babbies can't handle their pleb shit being insulted

>> No.7282164

You seem very vexed about this, friend. I did make it to the end, and I found it incredibly dull. I was already familiar with colonialism in the Congo, and I couldn't really give a shit about the boat. The last ten pages or so were enjoyable, the rest was absolutely mind numbing and exhausting. I genuinely felt physically deflated and just generally depressed.
So, because I can't stand HoD you are assuming I have never read anything slow paced? I hear people say Madame Bovary is very slow, but I enjoyed that. I just didn't give a shit about HoD.

>> No.7282177 [DELETED] 

if you're a woman, then you're an idiot. FACT

>> No.7282184
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>> No.7282188 [DELETED] 

what a roastie whore. Why are these women allowed to comment online? Cultural marxism gone mad

>> No.7282244
File: 41 KB, 560x420, Bateman_axe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any review of a good book which criticizes it for being "Boring" or "Nothing happening". It really angries up my blood to see people so clearly failing to understand something and even going so far as to broadcast their total ignorance with pride.

>> No.7282271

I fucking hate all women except Gertrude Stein

>> No.7282272

Stop pretending to be a /pol9ker/ that meme went un-funny a week a go

>> No.7282295

Big N would have a laugh at this TBH.

>> No.7282337 [DELETED] 

Stein is a whore that contributed to postmodernity with her bolshevik-judaic writings. take the redpill


>> No.7282342

Yeah if you aren't sincere about it then gtfo

>> No.7282564


because my taste is supreme like taco bell

>> No.7283257


fucking hell, people are going to be arguing about whether conrad was racist or not for centuries i swear

>> No.7283303
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This fucking triggers me.

>> No.7283333
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>> No.7283454

What is this for, quads bro? The source coming to mind is that short story from Clive Barker...I think it's called "new murders in the rue morgue" from books of blood.

>> No.7283482


He's certainly not

Fuck, I want teenagers to leave this board pronto

>> No.7283507

Shit, I got quads? Radical. It's from Evolution of Bruno Littlemore, my favorite book that no one ever fucking talks about. Ask me anything, this book gave me battered housewife syndrome, I can justify all its flaws.

>> No.7283524
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didn't have to look very far

>> No.7283548
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>that second one

>> No.7283557

Is that like a spinoff of 'Bericht an die Akademie'?

>> No.7283569

Her post seems like satire honestly

>> No.7283575

I like the name of this picture. Refused <3

>> No.7283595

Haven't read that, but Bruno's dad is named Rotpeter. Nice to know where the name came from.

>> No.7283616

>attention deficet

>> No.7283643

was is in part syphilis (in part) that made him go crazy

>> No.7283705

"proper" philosopher? define "proper"

and then go refill my vanilla chai latte bullshit thing.

>> No.7283982

He actually never had syphilis.

>> No.7284030

His degenerate sister spread this rumour.

>> No.7284074

This one is pretty amazing.
>It must be racist...but I don't know why.

Also, I hate to get into /pol/ territory, but victims of PC look to me like they've been lobotomized. At least HITLER WAS RIGHT types had to actually seek out their retardation independently. This guy read Lord Jim and he feels vaguely triggered, and that's it? Sad.

>> No.7284080
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>Women don't get Conrad.
News at 11. After that: why are all the guys you have sex with such jerks? A investigative report.

>> No.7284085

Plenty of these could be written on behalf of other publishing houses or corporate interests, or even just other websites.

>> No.7284113

Why did not he just tell him that Valentine is alive? I mean, guy suffered for months for nothing. What if he killed himself before the Count told him? The Count could not possibly know that he will not kill himselft.

>> No.7284130


I wholeheartedly disagree. I think that a lot, if not the majority, of his depth of character comes from his actions towards the end. I mean, fuck, he's been living for the sole purpose of vengeance for decades. If that didn't manifest itself as messing with his head, he'd be one-dimensional and unbelievable.

>> No.7284177
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>people criticizing authors from hundreds, if not thousands of years ago for being racist/sexist
>thinking that's even an actual criticism
"You know, 'Heart of Darkness' is well-written and shows the darkness of man in a way no one else has, but he says the N-word a few times, so it's trash."

>> No.7284205
File: 84 KB, 800x496, Seriously?.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this was for the maze runner

I can't tell if they're trying to say it's good but you might wanna revise it before giving it to a kid or say it's awful and evil.

>> No.7284214

Why are the mods so aggressive here? I've seen a couple of decent threads get deleted and there are at least 4 posts removed.

>> No.7284401


Did any of the deleted threads have anything to do with literature?

There seems to have been an influx of frogpeople over from r9k, to judge from the quality and content of a lot of recent posts and threads. I don't mind the deletion of them, they're pretty shitty. God forbid the sort of self-defeating and chronically victimized ethos of r9k metastasises to /lit/

>> No.7284679
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>I read 30 or 40 pages and I can't even remember the writing because never before have I hated a character so much.

>Sometimes you just don't want to read a nasty, ugly book about someone horrible. Let alone fucking four of them. This one's for you, wikipedia.

>> No.7284704

>even the hateful dont deserve humanization

>> No.7284868
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>> No.7284881

>review of LW'S Philosophical Investigations
Exceeding the gold standard he set in the Tractatus, Wittgenstein outreaches every expectation in Philosophical Investigations to produce what amounts to the second worst poem ever written. The first was the original manuscript of the same , which, I am told, contained two additional aphorisms.

If we were so fortunate that Wittgenstein was, in fact not real but a figment of Douglas Adams' imagination, he would have been the hero of the Vogon art scene.

This book is crap. It is NOT philosophy. It's what happens when a German engineer reads fifteen pages of Theatetus and suddenly thinks himself a philosopher.

>> No.7284900


>> No.7284947

>criticizing ignorance on the part of the author
>not making the work be taken down a few pegs in the eyes of posterity

sure, giving anyone before the twentieth century flak for saying nigger is shallow critique, but reading what Chinua Achebe says about Heart of Darkness makes the racist angle a feasible avenue for critique

>> No.7285005

>The author is clever. More than us, average people

Literally the Maze Runner was almost completely drafted when the author was like 16.

It reads like something a high school boy wrote.

This reviewer is currently raising children.

Shiggidy diggity im pissed

>> No.7285047

Great post, really fucking angered me.

>> No.7285075

Man, sure critical thinking of the masses is dead, even the ones who read:

Typical review:
>The writing is
>The characters are
>The plot is
>Personal anecdote
>Subjective impressions