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7281175 No.7281175 [Reply] [Original]

How did he get away with literally stealing the plot of Star Wars?

>> No.7281192
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>> No.7281196


>> No.7281204

this and also The Power of Myth

>> No.7281205

Because Star Wars was literally crafted around the archetypal "hero's journey", just IN SPACE rather than a stereotypical high fantasy setting.

>> No.7281210
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>> No.7281214

By writing a nice story with decent characters, a well-developed-world, alright-ish chracter building and enjoyable writing style.

Remember, kids: Stealing a plot is only wrong when the result is shit. Which it isn´t in Eragons case.

>> No.7281229

Tolkien is GOAT-tier, Paolini alrightish Grisham-tier.
The both have literally nothing in common besides "muh middle-ageish fantasy world with elves and dwarves"

>> No.7281234

>Grisham tier
That's being generous. It's definitely YA tier shit writing and unoriginal story.

>> No.7281237

Probably the same way George Lucas got away with literally stealing Kurosawa's The Hidden Fortress.

>> No.7281258

>Changes one letter of "dragon"

>> No.7281304

>...changes letter to the next one on the alphabet

>> No.7281389

Woah, woah, stop it right there.
Yeah, it´s a LOTR/Star Wars mashup, but it does the job, it entertains, and the style is infinetly better than shit like "Maze Runner" or some other YA fuckup.

[/spoiler] But still doesn´t hold a damn candle aginst Bartimaeus [/spoiler]

>> No.7281429

my nigga

>> No.7281482

Thanks fam, I really like Johnny Stroud´s slightly over-the-top ironic style.

What are your favourite Shit-that-stuff-got-me-hooked books? For me was it "The Name of the Rose" tbh.

>> No.7281495


How did Lucas get away with stealing the plot of The Hidden Fortress?

>> No.7281611

at least it changes the stress pattern

>> No.7281613
File: 572 KB, 800x989, dear with it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lucas is not even a thousandth of the director that my guy Kurosawa-san was.

>> No.7281639

both are pleb manchild trash

>> No.7281647

more like "drag on".

Hahahah, enjoy the party, man.

>> No.7281654

You think Kurosawa's Shakespeare adaptations are for manchildren?

>> No.7281668
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>love for Bartimaeus

Arguably the trilogy that made me fall in love with books

Along with Timothy Zahn's Dragonback trilogy, Hilari Bell's Farsala trilogy and the Emperor/Conqueror series by Conn Iggulden it blew my 11-14 year old mind

>tfw you will never be a wide eyed pre-pubescent boy satisfied with slightly above average Fantasy/Sci-Fi ever again
>tfw now only close readings of post-modern lit gets my literary rocks off anymore
>tfw I don't even know what it means to sincerely enjoy something anymore

>> No.7281696

he got away with it mostly because only pathetic autistic shitheads actually consider the plot of star wars to be anything even remotely original.

>> No.7281715

this tbh

I can't think of a work more famous for just being "archetypes on parade" the series

>> No.7282285

There was literally nothing wrong with it though. A million stories have 'stolen' that plot. Star Wars itself 'stole' that plot.

Eragon itself was a great teenage book. An easy read, an exciting adventure, likable characters, and a world you wanted to know more of.

Now Eldest and onward? Complete shit. I think the moment of Eragon being magically healed and being turned into a half-elf is probably actually a significant part of my life, because it helped me realize that, yes, some things can be just completely fucking retardedly awful.

>> No.7282344

huh, really? that scene gave me a lot of hope

>> No.7282519

>always admire Paolini because he managed to publish a book when he was only in highschool
>find out one day long after that it was his parent's publishing company, so the quality of the book didn't matter at all

>> No.7282570

I'm surprised /lit/ is defending the book tbh, you would think they would just dismiss it as genre fiction garbage.

I personally really enjoyed the relationship between the MC and the dragon as they grew up, but that faded away as the plot became less personal and more about muh war or whatever.

>> No.7282777

Is this the same Joseph Campbell that ranted about Dean Drives and had that fringe science magazine?

>> No.7282794

Being a fantastic PR man.

>> No.7282811

yeah, say what you will about the quality of the book, but the kid hustled. Imagine being a 17 year old dressing up to try and sell your book.

>> No.7282818

I cant even remember what got me hooked. I consumed books when I was a kid quicker then I consume darts nowadays.

Defining books for my <10 year old self were probably the Deltora ones. And probably The Thief Lord and Inkheart.

After that, the Edge Chronicles were literally the tightest shit I could even imagine back then. The Sabriel series was also fucking amazing.

>> No.7282914


Sabriel is great, and a rare well-written female lead in genre.

>> No.7282934

There´re four Bartimaeus books afaik
Last one is pretty good, it´s about his shenanigans at King Solomon´s court

>> No.7283034

He didn't sell it. His parents owned the publishing house and told him to just write something and they'd push it through.

>> No.7283128

He's memeing dankly

>> No.7283136

he traveled for a year selling individual copies of the book

>> No.7283198

as a manchild, i can confirm it.

>> No.7283231

Tbh, one could say Star Wars "borrowed" a lot from Dune.

>> No.7283343

what confuses me is how Paolini was 10x the write at the age of 15 then when he was at 25

i mean Eragon was just ripoff of other popular movies/books and the plot was painfully generic but at lest it was a fun kids book and ripped off elements that did work

i enjoyed it

but the sequels? Jesus weep how fucking bad can one writer get
i kid not when i say that the sequels are hands down the worst fantasy books i read in my life, by a fucking mile

fuck you Paulini and your blue balls cuck tier ending with more ass pulls and deus ex machina elements than most greek myths could think of, shame Eragon didnt find a set of working balls or a brain in a random cave instead of magical eggs

>> No.7283386

I never read past Eldest when I was a kid. I thought it was cool just because of the huge battle at the end.

Went and spent a few days re-reading the whole series about a year ago. Eragon was as I remembered it, but Eldest was a lot worse. The other two or three I hadn't read yet left me asking what the sandwitch fuck had I downloaded/

>> No.7283391

>tfw you have the entire series signed by the author in hardcover
I never could muster up the strength to read through the final book.

>> No.7283394

His parents wrote it for him but used his name for muh young writer appeal.

>> No.7283400

His parents owned the publishing company or some shit so he got his star wars fan fiction published through nepotism

>> No.7283402

>Went and spent a few days re-reading the whole series about a year ago. Eragon was as I remembered it, but Eldest was a lot worse. The other two or three I hadn't read yet left me asking what the sandwitch fuck had I downloaded/
Wait what
So you spend few days re-reading the whole series
But somehow you didnt read the series yet?

Im fucking focused here mate, or maybe you are

>> No.7283415

It was simpler to say I re-read the whole series then to type out "re-read Eragon and Eldest and then read the other two I hadn't read yet"/

>> No.7283426

That ... would make a lot of sense actually.

It would explain how Pauline got progressively worse as he himself started to write it by himself.
The drop in story qulity is insane.

Than again plenty of authors fucking faceplant with the strength to kill their own carer on sequels.
I mean when i read sequels to Hyperion they seem to be written by a whole different person, every time i see such a thing i just wonder if the author got a stroke or just dosnt give a shit.

>> No.7283547

>Tbh, one could say Star Wars "borrowed" a lot from Dune.
Tbh, Dune "borrowed" a lot form the planet Mars

>> No.7284183

tbh you'll find that with a lot of "child prodigies", in every field of the arts.

>> No.7284200

>Eragon isn't shit.

This isn't even go back to Reddit, this is go back to kindergarten.

>> No.7284202

He stole the plot from beowulf, which star wars also did

>> No.7284249

Someone hasn't seen American Graffiti

>> No.7284382

Pretty sure the Hyperion guy knew he'd sell a hundred thousand copies on his name alone, so he pushed the limits of credulity for his own amusement.

>> No.7286007


Paolini BTFO

>> No.7286178

I love Lucas, AG and THX besides Star Wars and Indiana Jones, but Kurosawa never mad a bad film in his life. So many of them are such classics. He stands head and shoulders over Kubrick, Hitchcock and Scott combined.

>> No.7286587

lel, now how retarded you must be to write that out and still be wrong
>- Holding two arrows along with a bow in one hand is extremely uncomfortable and would make your shots extremely inaccurate. A skilled hunter, like Eragon supposedly is, would not do this. Either CP, again, has no idea what he is talking about or Eragon has a secret third arm.

actually holding both the arrows and the bow is the most effective way to shoot quickly in succession and it wont reduce your accuracy if you are half decent but it will give you a way to shoot even 3 arrows in less than 2 seconds greatly increasing your chances of hitting what you are aiming at

it was common practice when bow hunting was more popular

> There is absolutely no reason Eragon would need to spin around to nock an arrow. Not only is the thought of having to spin around to nock an arrow ridiculous but that would then mean he loses the sight of the target. This is definitely not something he would want to do.

unless, you know, you want to fucking hit something that is behind you
and no ideally you dont want to lose sight of your target, but shit happens and you have to deal with it

>-What happened to Eragon the brave, who was the only hunter who dared hunt in the Spine? He is so brave that he stares at a blue stone for several minutes with an arrow pulled, afraid it is dangerous.
hes brave not retarded or suicidal
being brave dont mean you are not cautious
cowards have a distorted idea what bravery is which this faggot is a perfect example of

>“He nudged it with an arrow, then jumped back.” – (p.7)
>- So brave!
so being prepared is not being brave?

ok im done
i have no love for Eragon, its a mediocre book but if you enjoy some faggot nitpicking or making shit up to make the book seem worse instead of focusing on its real problems then i wonder how you will survive reading a real bad book

>> No.7288451
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>the Edge Chronicles

Idk man, sounds a bit 2hip for me,