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/lit/ - Literature

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7280441 No.7280441[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


Look at these pathetic fucks, look at these pathetic fucks and LAUGH, it's the embodiment of every stereotype about pleb literature I can think of!

>> No.7280459


this thread is gold

>> No.7280464

Why do we have so many threads laughing at /r9k/-mongs and now this?

Aren't we above making ourselves feel better by laughing at austistic bottle-pissers?

>> No.7280480

>Aren't we above making ourselves feel better by laughing at autistic bottle-pissers
No, nobody is above that. Mocking these retards is an evolutionary necessity. We all have to do our part to safeguard the future of the human race. Imagine if these people began to think what they were doing was remotely acceptable? Imagine how far they'd go...

>> No.7280485


I don't think it's any fun. I think it's viscerally horrifying.

>> No.7280486


>the subversive power of laughter, Christ didn't laugh

Considering that this is indeed a really optimized way of making ourselves feel better, it could be incorporated into a very efficient algorithm of working and creating valuable art. There's nothing bad in manipulating your own mood in order to work more efficient.

>> No.7280489


Pissing in bottles > Building nuclear ICBMs

tbqh fam

>> No.7280490

Because it's full of "cringe" and "/lit/ humor". We need to compile some to post them on r/cringe too!

>> No.7280491

You won't get very far in life without being able to laugh at how pathetic human beings are capable of being.

>> No.7280493

So what?

>> No.7280516


>> No.7280574


I don't know man. Whenever it happens, it just goes meta on me, and I see myself in third person, laughing at these people, while I myself frequent the same imageboard, but a part of it that tries desperately to differentiate themselves from the mass of "losers" by identifying themselves as patrician, and, I don't know man, I just, honest to god, I think that there's something terribly sad and banal about that.

>> No.7280623

It's not that difficult for me because I really only come here a couple of times a week when I've got literally nothing better to do and all my studying is out of the way. I suppose if you're a pathetic autist you have no right to mock other pathetic autists, but there are other reasons to frequent 4chan that alone. It isn't inherently pathetic.

>> No.7280626

*than that

>> No.7280634

>implying /lit/ is any better

>> No.7280645

OP is a massive edgelord.

>> No.7280646

>waaaah someone's entering my insulated bubble of autism and making me feel uncomfortable about the pathetic person i've chosen to be wahhhhh
you fucking revolt me, and i'm not even OP.

>> No.7280650

First of all why were you browsing that board?

>> No.7280651

Mainly talking about this crap lol
>Mocking these retards is an evolutionary necessity. We all have to do our part to safeguard the future of the human race

>> No.7280658

That was tongue-in-cheek as fuck you joyless autist. get a grip

>> No.7280666

Sounded like u were being serious tbh.

>> No.7280669

Only because you have crippling autism and are incapable of understanding basic social cues. Fuck off back to /mlp/

>> No.7280675

I'm going to report this thread becuase you're clearly too autistic to figure out how to make a joke that's actually funny, rendering this thread useless, as its only purpose is humor

>> No.7280677

My bad, friend. I'll limit my attempts at humour to jokes about fucking animated horses from now on!

>> No.7280680

You're probalby more insufferable IRL than 90% of people who browse /mlp/

>> No.7280681


lol who cares, most of that board is aged 14ish anyways

why would you feel good making fun of awkward children? they're gonna grow out of it

>> No.7280683

This is a good point. OP thinks it's cool and not pathetic to be a ~30 years old adult on 4chan making fun of kids who watch cartoons lmao

>> No.7280688
