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/lit/ - Literature

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7278913 No.7278913 [Reply] [Original]

Going to college is necessary to be a great writer? It's a lot harder if you don't go?

>> No.7278920

it might help your grammar

>> No.7278922

>Going to college is necessary to be a great writer?


>It's a lot harder if you don't go?


>> No.7278928

Most good writers of the past century studied at university at some point. You'll definitely have opportunities for a ton of intellectual stimulus IF YOU SEEK IT OUT at a good university. Retards always point to the low minimum standards at some places like it negates all the human and material resources of the modern research university.

>> No.7279647

Putting a question mark at the end of a statement doesn't make it a question. Just saying.

>> No.7279648

>Most good writers of the past century studied at university at some point

Not true.

>> No.7279658

I'm gonna need some fucking proofs.

>> No.7279659

It can't hurt. The environment can greatly help you in focusing and honing in on your writing skills. If you can voraciously read and write by yourself, you can be a great writer also.

>> No.7280321


>> No.7280336

No. You need to have a catch, a hyperbolic example would be Chopper Read from Australia, hardly literate but famous and very well selling with his writing endeavours

You need to either have a catch, be a fluke or have enough time to develop ridiculous writing skills which are usually obtained by going down the route of being aristocratic and studying instead of working

>> No.7280573

Nobody here knows anything about writing OP. Go to reddit.

>> No.7280598

>It can't hurt.

Of course it can. You could get all the wrong feedback, have professors with horrible taste, come to depend on the classroom structure rather than disciplining yourself to write without it, get swept up in academic trends that corrupt your writing, etc.

>> No.7280692


Universities are becoming similar to city states.
Campuses schedule enough educational and non-educational activities for their students to completely congest their lives.
The college does not just provide an education to its students, but also monopolizes the education of its students: the students are de facto forbidden from getting any kind of education elsewhere.
The students don't have physically time to attend a lecture at another educational institution, or an exhibition at a museum, or a demonstration at a company's research laboratories (unless the college facilitates it).
The universities monopolize not only the education of the students but also their social life.
When one is exposed to only one "teacher", it amounts to more than education: it is brainwashing.
When one is consistently guided in one's spare time, it is more than entertainment: it is communist-style reeducation.
Colleges shape the minds and lifestyles of their students.

>> No.7280697

How do I escape this? I'm going the biggest uni in my country in one year.

>> No.7280772

>The universities monopolize not only the education of the students but also their social life.
What social life? I catch the train to and from university and have time for nothing else, except on weekends, but I sleep those away. It makes a difference to only a month ago when I had all the time in the world.

>> No.7280800

What is this nonsense? The university doesn't schedule a damn thing for you. People overload their schedules because they're interested in all the stuff they signed up for, or they think it will help ten get a certain job later. If you go to school in Boston it's very feasible to cross-register at three different colleges and be part of a stand-up comedy group at a fourth if you so desire.

>> No.7282003

did you go to college or just decide to blather bullshit on a whim?

>> No.7282035
File: 24 KB, 250x339, 250px-Paul_Jamin_-_Le_Brenn_et_sa_part_de_butin_1893.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dont go to college, get a trade job, become a plumber or electrician or mechanic.
Learn a valuable skill that will provide you with money.
While the rest of your friends go off to get brainwashed by ultra liberals while also being crushed under mountains of debt.

>> No.7282144


Enjoy grinding the cartilage in your joints to dust and needing knee replacement surgery in your 40s pleb

>> No.7282448

>going into debt for college
If you can't get enough scholarships and grants to pay for it, you shouldn't go to college in the first place.

>brainwashed by ultra liberals
Wow did your pastor, who graduated from Corn State Bible Learning College-school tell you that?

>> No.7282453

Depends what you want to write about

>> No.7282462

>caring about what your life is like in your 40s

you're not lit

>> No.7282463
File: 6 KB, 300x200, shruggy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is a certain sort of person--probably the best kind of person--who has a burning passion for something and just makes his way in life, giving absolutely no fucks.

If you're that kind of person, school of any kind is probably a hindrance, but those kind of people don't ask these questions, so college is probably right for you.

>> No.7282470

>the deep reflections of a 15 year old who just read 1/4 of the fight club Wikipedia

>> No.7282474

This might be the worst insult I've read on this board. Not even the guy you're replying to. Step your game up, faggot.

>> No.7282485

But anon, these people with passion in life also need papers that say they are good at something. That's how it works

>> No.7282486

>If you're that kind of person, school of any kind is probably a hindrance

That's retarded. If you're (a highly idealized version of) that kind of person, you'll take a look at what it is you're into and find the right people to help you in that. The lone genius is basically a myth, even in the fields where he's supposed to exist, like mathematics. Underestimating how much you can gain from the instruction and support of people with a lifetime of experience in your field of choice is a huge mistake, not to mention all the funding and such that's far more readily available in the university environment than outside of it.

>> No.7282497

>/lit/ is full of ABDs with inferiority complexes for the prodigies that defined their fields
>see this and go full existential crisis
Top bait m8

>> No.7282504

This might be the worst reply to an insult I've read on this board. Not even the guy you're replying to. Step your game up, faggot.

>> No.7282505

This might be the worst reply to an insult I've read on this board. Not even the guy you're replying to. Step your game up, faggot.

>> No.7282514

+you fucked it up fight club friend

>> No.7282528

>The lone genius is basically a myth,

Whatever makes you feel better about yourself.

>> No.7282558

Name one genre- or field-defining genius who wasn't in near-constant contact with other people in his field while he was working.

Even the roving mathematician, Paul Erdos, preferred to sleep on the couches of fellow mathematicians so he could bounce ideas off of them, and Pynchon was rarely alone, despite avoiding the press like the plague.

>> No.7282568
File: 104 KB, 1385x1204, 1445729478507.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he didn't go to oxbridge/Harvard/Yale

>> No.7282575

>he's a privileged boy and still is so bad at life that he has to shit post on /lit/

Smh fam

>> No.7282597

I think university is overall a good route to take. The worst thing about it is the bias of your professors. I attending a college that only really respects regional writing. Anything remotely genre writing was forbidden for creative writing courses, even if you were aspiring to write at a "high" level, like Phillip K. Dick. That can break a writer a bit but overall the experience can be useful.

>> No.7282601

Reddit likes The Martian

>> No.7282603

Tons of people at MIT and Harvard (the two elite universities I know with any intimacy) browse 4chan. It's not niche anymore.

>> No.7282614
File: 43 KB, 400x400, sympathetic_schopenhauer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Autodidacts and are much more common in the arts than the sciences, but they certainly exist. Everyone knows or has heard of musicians, for example, who just ditched school and made their dream come true by practice and appealing directly to the audience.


The same principle can work with any discipline, theoretically, if you have the burning passion for it. Just hit the books and get to work.

It's unfortunate that more people don't have these "guiding obsessions", because, if we specialized earlier, we'd probably have far more geniuses. It's pretty much a crime against humanity that the precious early brain development of our children is so wasted in public education.

Of course people depend on existing knowledge, but the question is whether people can advance and succeed in advanced disciplines without programs and institutions.

>> No.7282618

Nice non-sequitur

>> No.7282629
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>> No.7282631

I'm saying you don't have to be an exceptional shitty Harvard or MIT student to post on /lit/.

>> No.7282640

This may come as a shock but being a good student doesn't necessarily mean a good life

>> No.7282643

>It's pretty much a crime against humanity that the precious early brain development of our children is so wasted in public education.

holy shit, this.

>> No.7282646

Exceptionally shitty at life, then. You seem kinda tense. Want a back rub?

>> No.7282651


You know Schopenhauer was critical of formal education, right
If you do know that, then how and why do you propose we go about "specializing earlier"?

>> No.7282655

You seem kind of not that bright which makes me think you're just lying or have some connections high up. And yeh, come round and rub my back, thanks

>> No.7282657
File: 37 KB, 440x508, Judit Polgar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Polgár and her two older sisters, Grandmaster Susan and International Master Sofia, were part of an educational experiment carried out by their father László Polgár, in an attempt to prove that children could make exceptional achievements if trained in a specialist subject from a very early age. "Geniuses are made, not born," was László's thesis. He and his wife Klára educated their three daughters at home, with chess as the specialist subject.

>> No.7282775

Don't forget being poor. You can't write if you're starving.

>> No.7282776

Yes it does?

>> No.7282778

No it just makes you seem unsure of yourself?

>> No.7282796


>> No.7282802

No just the five McDoubles?

>> No.7282804


>> No.7282809
File: 2.13 MB, 371x500, 4u.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7284093

what are you saying?

>> No.7284099


>> No.7284220
