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/lit/ - Literature

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7276785 No.7276785 [Reply] [Original]

What do you think about the Harry Potter series?

>> No.7276787

Children's books. With some influence from the classics and Christianity. That is all.

>> No.7276795

Never read it/10

>> No.7276937


As a kid? Great books to grow up with when they were paced at one a year or so.

I prefer Snicket for a children's literature diet though.

>> No.7276940

comfy, but shallow.

>> No.7276945
File: 725 KB, 737x645, harry potter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its for plebs

>> No.7276972

good book for elementary/middle school kids tbh
kind of like hunger games

>> No.7276974

Great post

>> No.7276994

It's a good metaphor for dealing with depression. Every year something foreign that is connected to him only through his brain (scar on his forehead and the visions) is trying to kill him. He can "defeat" it temporarily but it always returns. In the end he succeeds by killing himself. Literally, in the book, he kills himself.

>> No.7277020

I'm sorry, but everybody was a dumbdumb (in the definition of the word you seam to use) at some point while growing up, and this book is aimed at those people, to try and teach them not to be. I think that if you cant accept that the literature written for the human development in that stage is just as valid literature, youre still a dumbdumb. You might be a very advanced dumbdumb, or even a very, what shall we call it, smart dumbdumb; But your core being will still not be intellegent, but just a stupid emptiness that 'knows' lots of 'facts'.

I dont interprete this book as having morals for dumb dumbs, I would rather say it has morals with a slight black and white taste to it, but thats because it is meant for a stage in your neverending becoming as a human where you move away from unargumented b/w morals to your own moral system. This might not be a good book to read for adults beings(or should i say becomings), but its quite good of a book for cgildren and teenagers alike, and im quite sure that you have been anmt an afe where this would have been the perfect book for you to read.

>> No.7277036


None of these arguments make it equally valid to literature. It's a good developmental tool, but that doesn't make it equal to better works. Gtfo with this false equivalence bullshit. You're the cancer that's poisoning the study of literature.

>> No.7277171

a brilliant allegory; probably the works of some group of initiates. true its written in simple language for children, but great depths can be found within.

>> No.7277227

glad you liked it, and I'm even more glad that since you couldn't find the upvote button you decided to let everyone know you liked it by commenting.

>> No.7277251

I dont consider any literature 'finished' and neither do I consider a human finished when they are adult. Everything a person sees, reads, hears has influence on them, and in this manner a human being changes until it is finished and dead.

just because this book is from a less developed and younger stage in changing doesnt mean its not literature.

of course: bad books exist, and theres lots of them, but this is just a literary book for children (or people in the same stage as children) and it serves that role well

books arent written context-less and without an intended reader, and if you rate them in your context, you should state it, but i would rather that you try and rate ( or even read) books with their intended readers in mind.

>> No.7277253

I hope JK never gets the idiotic idea to continue this series with Harry and his son.

>> No.7277259

what defines literature according to you?

>> No.7277264

She's doing a play about him being bored at work. I don't know if any of his kids are featured

>> No.7277266


>> No.7277391

Went to shit after the fourth book.

>> No.7277419

I mostly agree with this.
Most of the people who love Harry Potter should study literature for a few hours and then try reading the first book over. They'd found a nauseating amount of flaws in the first chapter alone.