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/lit/ - Literature

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7276552 No.7276552 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: post a topic you want to read about and others recommend a book to you

>> No.7276556

anything relating to either of the world wars

>> No.7276562

why everything be like it do

>> No.7276564

Ernst Junger, Vasily Grossman

>> No.7276566

ernst jünger - in stahlgewittern

>> No.7276567


Buddhist canon.

>> No.7276570

Dark Souls

>> No.7276577

Dante's Inferno

>> No.7276581

Classic(istic) architecture (I already know of Vitruv and Palladio)

>> No.7276587
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I´ve read Nausea, Ham On Rye, 39,90, Steppenwolf, Sloterdijk (weltfremdheit and his critique of cyinical reason)

>> No.7276602



>> No.7276607

Charles-Louis Clerisseau and the Genesis of Neoclassicism- McCormick
Dr Fischer of Geneva- Graham Greene

>> No.7276616

notes from the underground - dostoyesvky?

>> No.7276621

If you want non-fiction:

Emil Cioran

If you want fiction:

Louis-Ferdinand Celine

>> No.7276628

Orthodox Christianity

or early Christianity in general.

>> No.7276638

>early Christianity in general.

>> No.7276647

Oh, I forgot to say I read this one too.

will read, thanks.

Anything specific? DWaWuV?

>> No.7276651

Get his Parerga and Paralipomena. Most are in English as "Essays and Aphorisms" published by Penguin

>> No.7276654

Expanding on this, want something relating to Stalingrad.

>> No.7276662

Life and Fate by Grossman. He has one in Russian yet to be translated which is also on Stalingrad

>> No.7276666

Life and Fate by Vasily Grossman, if you want fiction.

If you want non-fiction I've heard that Anthony Beevor's book on Stalingrad is supposed to be good.

>> No.7276667

>Vasily Grossman
is this a real name

>> No.7276670

It's not pronounced the way you think it is.

>> No.7276690

something similar to Alice in Wonderland

>> No.7276705

Something with a loner/asocial protagonist. Preferably something newer ( > 1950 ).

>> No.7276706


>> No.7276712

substantial critiques of technology in the internet age that aren't written by literal nazis

>> No.7276714
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>> No.7276727
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Both seem interesting, thanksl

I speak german so I´ll just get the original

>> No.7276730

No Longer Human - Osamu Dazai (1948, English 1958)
Similar how?

>> No.7276732

>the story of a depressed and isolated man stuck in a tedious but well-paying programming job.
>draws on recollections of Schopenhauer and Kant to lambaste the commodification of human contact.
Sounds like my life. Will read. Thanks.

>> No.7276741

Psychological manipulation. Think Lolita-esque, something that fucks with your perception. Preferably something dark.

>> No.7276742

Perhaps a similar sense of humor, use of wit and wordplay, and eccentric characters.

>> No.7276750

The Third Policeman and At Swim-Two-Birds

>> No.7276756

If you don't mind her technically being a playwright Sarah Kane

>> No.7276757

Or Thank you for smoking

>> No.7276758

Seems interesting, thanks.

>> No.7276764

Something similar to Thank You for Smoking?

>The Dice Man - Luke Rheinhart
>Up in the Air - Walter Kirn

>> No.7276768


>> No.7276773


>> No.7276800
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japan, post-postmodernism, the irony-sincerity dichotomy, brutalist architecture, modernist architecture

thanks in advance, i'll try and recc something back

>> No.7276826

nietzsche - antichrist :^)

>> No.7276831


So basically vaporwave in book form then huh

>> No.7276833

A post-modern novel that isn't a meme on /lit/.

>> No.7276841

Princess Bride

>> No.7276843

i was looking for a separate recc on each individual topic but that's maybe a good synthesis
wittgenstein's mistress

>> No.7276847

sombrero fallout - brautigan

>> No.7276862

are you implying that there exists a book that ISN'T a meme on /lit/?

>> No.7276871

Non-fiction on the history of christianity.

Non-Fiction on the history of arts.

Non-Fiction on the history of the middle-ages

There is so much books on these subjects I just don't know where to start.

>> No.7276877

>the irony-sincerity dichotomy

Not a book recommendation but watch the movie The Comedy if you haven't already.

>> No.7276884

>Non-Fiction on the history of arts.
Gombrich, The Story of Art

He also has A Little History of the World

>> No.7276905

That's post-modern?

>Wittgenstein's Mistress

This actually sounds good, will check out. Thanks!

Yes I am.

>> No.7276929

>That's post-modern?
Yeah, the footnotes and author reviewing an imaginary text fully aware of the tropes of the genre etc

>> No.7276954

>Non-fiction on the history of christianity.
Christianity: The First Three Thousand Years -
Diarmaid MacCulloch

It's pretty long though.

>> No.7276957

Not necessarily a topic, but I am looking for serious spanish literature that can be read at the B1 level.

>> No.7276963

>Yes I am.
That's daring. son.

>> No.7276969

Life inside north korea

>> No.7276971

nightmare alley

>> No.7276980

>Non-Fiction on the history of the middle-ages
"Mohammed and Charlemagne" by Henri Pirenne is a great starting point. It's a good, relatively light overview not of the Middle Ages as a whole, but of the cultural, political and economic transition from the Europe of the Roman Empire to the Europe of the Middle Ages.

>> No.7277262

Anything on Bactria?

>> No.7277326


>> No.7277338


>> No.7277348

chart's in the archive

>> No.7277349

He probably means the ancient kingdom that is present day afghanistan/pakistan instead of it being a misspelling of bacteria fam

>> No.7277355

la gitana by Cervantes

>> No.7277356

it's not a topic but
>nostalgic comfy books

like how vaporwave feels.

>> No.7277363
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Anything on Communism and Socialism, pro, con, neutral about it, whatever, something about captalism too, i feel people have being talking too much about it lately without knowing about it, i just want to be able to filter the retardeds.

>> No.7277366

one seems as likely as the other tbh

>> No.7277377
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I wanna read /lit/ tier lgbt stuff.

>> No.7277378

charts in the second sticky under non fic, politics. you're prob not going to read any of it so just spam somewhere else like the first sticky says

>> No.7277386

just following the threads topic, thought people would suggest their favorite books on the topic, not just the same as the sticky, i mean, you guys do read more stuff, right?

>> No.7277387

Confusion by Zweig

>> No.7277388 [DELETED] 
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e.g: Suicide by Louve
>Books written to encourage suicide e.g: Hegesias' lost Death by Starvation
>Books about extreme depression and isolation

>> No.7277390

vaporwave feels like jamming a screwdriver in your eye so idk i can help you here fam

>> No.7277394

you're not going to be able to spot your fellow pseuds from that.
Since you're probably anglophone and arguing about Soviet vs Marxist way more than you should for someone with a cursory interest:
Leszek Kolakowski's book of essays Is God Happy?

>> No.7277398
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e.g: Suicide by Louve
>Books written to encourage suicide
e.g: Hegesias' lost Death by Starvation
>Books about extreme depression and isolation

>> No.7277401

Is there anything worth reading blending these two?

>> No.7277404

Anyone know of any general compendiums of philosophical or psychological paradoxes/thought experiments?

>> No.7277405

>nostalgic comfy books
cannery row, steinbeck
i do not understand

>> No.7277407
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The English Reformation.

>> No.7277410

>cannery row, steinbeck

thanks fam

>i do not understand

vaporwave is a music genre/style that evokes a fuzzy 80s/90s nostalgia.

>> No.7277413


My nigga

>> No.7277421

A step by step, straightforward guide to Ubermenschenism

>> No.7277422

Just find a book with a cover that matches the aesthetic.
As far as specific recommendations, I need to know: are you ironically or unironically into it?
Resist the urge to link your tumblr.

>> No.7277423


yes i mean bactria the ancient satrap state in Afghanistan

>> No.7277424

nietzsche in order (or just Ecce homo)

>> No.7277426

Latinophone actually, the "thread of communism" has being used as an excuse for some pretty disturbing things in my country in the past few decades, hence my interest.
Thanks for the suggestion, will look for it.

>> No.7277427

A book which will give me real, non-'flowery' compassion for humanity

>> No.7277428

>As far as specific recommendations, I need to know: are you ironically or unironically into it?

why would I be ironically into it?
I wouldn't be asking if I was fam

>> No.7277430

i have no idea what you are saying to me. i think you want to talk to >>7277356

>> No.7277432

Poems by Whitman and Vallejo and The Castle by Kafka.

>> No.7277437

shit, some anon was reading about spanish communism in a recent purchases thread but i can't remember the title. kolakowski's more about fall of soviet block and marxism that isn't soviet.

>> No.7277438

Probably pleb as fuck, but Norwegian Wood by Murakami felt pretty comfy for the first 70%

>> No.7277448

soz fam

>> No.7277450

>>7262541 it's still in archive

>> No.7277453

Language, expression, and the inability to do so due to the constraints of language and maybe even thought.

>> No.7277473

Start with the Greeks. That's some deep shit you're interested on.

>> No.7277496

Sport science type stuff, preferably about boxing but it dosent matter.

>> No.7277507

This isn't a bad recommendation Heracles goes mute for a while after murdering his family

Silence in the Land of Logos pdf

>> No.7277511

Greek tragedy is also a good demonstration of the limits of language and knowledge.

>> No.7277514

Books that will stop the big cut inside my mouth from being sore

>> No.7277516

...how so? Because I'm thinking Aeschylus invented a lot of new ways of speaking, including some beautiful compounds which only Aristophanes outdid for length.

>> No.7277517

I've read some Plato and quite a bit of Aristotle, none of it really addresses what I'm thinking about. I just got Philosophical Investigations, which from synopses I've read might tackle it, but I'm not sure if a single book will be able to satiate my thoughts. Not that my thoughts on the matter are deep at all, but I'd like to consume everything and anything about the topic. It's just difficult searching for reading material for this, it's never what I want.

Thanks, I'll check it out.

>> No.7277526

I'm thinking more about the characters per se. Think about how Orestes, even though backed up by the God of Light is confronted with the (unknown) law of the family and death of the Furies after his actions.

>> No.7277532

I would say Derrida is what you're looking for, but I never read much of him to suggest him to you being 100% sure of what I'm talking about.

>> No.7277546
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>> No.7277548

you're really stretching here...

>> No.7277634
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the impact of masturbation on a man's psyche or how differently male brains work before and after masturbation

m8 be even an essay, because i doubt there's anything like it in any genre of literature

>> No.7277637

true love

>> No.7277638

Kinsey reports?

>> No.7277655

World War I - All Quiet on the Western Front, A Farewell to Arms
World War II - Glory for Me by Mckinlay Kantor

>> No.7277660

Clouds of Unknowing, Letters, Writings and Antiphons of Hildegard of Bingen

>> No.7277666

The manifesto of the Unabomber. Walden by Henry David Thoreau

>> No.7277671

Les Enfants Terribles by Jacques Cocteau

>> No.7277679

which chapter?

>> No.7277682

>history of arts
The Autobiography of Benvenuto Cellini
1001 paintings you must see before you die
>history of middle ages
The Autumn of the Middle Ages - Huizinga
Golden Bough - Frazer ( parts of it tackle religion in the middle ages)

>> No.7277686

Maurice by EM Forster
Picture of Dorian Gray by Wilde (not explicit but it's there)
Other Voices Other Rooms by Capote

>> No.7277694

The works of Federico Garcia Lorca, Pablo Neruda, Miguel Cervantes, Isabel Allende, and Gabriel Garcia Marquez are easier works to read in the Spanish language.

>> No.7277700

Confessions of a Mask by Mishima

>> No.7277704
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>> No.7277706

novels with characters who embrace amor fati

>> No.7277707

psychoanalysis after Freud
that's like the entire field of semiotics fam. but here's an interesting read; discusses the impact of language on our conception of time esp tense
2nd for Whitman. obviously Brothers K
>for overman
lolllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll you are definitely not ready to create new values ya dingus

>> No.7277709

murderer's reasoning or thoughts of man who want to kill someone not himself

>> No.7277715

Das Kapital, The Communist Manifesto by Marx and Engels, The Little Red Book of Chairman Mao, Economic Problems of Socialism in the USSR, Letters to Molotov, and the Road to Power by Great- grandpa Joe.

>> No.7277718

I'm surprised no one said Gravity's Rainbow by Thomas Pynchon. People here love that book.

>> No.7277725
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Looking for some urban ennui. Books that feel like the movie Lost in Translation.

>> No.7277728

I think the one with Pomeroy and Martin (1948) has it around pp617

>> No.7277733


>> No.7277735

His plays are shorter in length. Like Shakespeare it takes a while to comprehend but that is just the semantics and themes. The actual conversations are a good way to learn Spanish.

>> No.7277737

Idk if this is right thread, but I want a mothafucking scaring the shit out and driving crazy horror

>> No.7277741

Les Enfants Terrible by Cocteau. The main children play the "game" where they cause mayhem and get themselves in trouble but let fate straighten it out.

>> No.7277742

denial of death

>> No.7277748

the Threepenny Novel and Threepenny Opera by Brecht deal with a killer using killing to fight against the Capitalist system.

>> No.7277752

A Rose for Emily by Faulkner

>> No.7277760

After Babel.
or "después de babel" in Spanish by George Steiner, it's amazing.

>> No.7277776

Music/film critique

>> No.7277818

something really pessimistic
Inb4 cioran, sartre, goethe, borchert, hesse, anything about any war

>> No.7277851

Something really similar to 12oz. Mouse and Xavier: Renegade Angel

>> No.7277932

Hitler's War, David irving

>> No.7277947

Innocence's end

>> No.7277948

lord of the flies

>> No.7277957

Just finished it.

>> No.7277963

a single condensed, in-depth book on the ideas of Carl Jung, does it exist?

>> No.7277982

All Quiet On the Western Front
Catcher in the Rye

>> No.7277988

Man and His Symbols is supposed to be a summary of his ideas for the layman, in his own words.

>> No.7278006

Something wicked this way comes. Perfect time of year too.
Count of Monte Cristo too in a sense

>> No.7278025

>All Quiet On the Western Front
>Count of Monte Cristo
Good! Loved the movies, should have read the books by now

>> No.7278028

Being stranded alone.

>> No.7278036

The Martian

>> No.7278040
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Knights Templar

>> No.7278043

Druon - Les rois maudits, le roi de fer

kill self

>> No.7278054

I already read that.

But that was hardly about them though, more like about French kings being cucked. But what it had about them was absolutely great. The curse was my favorite moments from the books.

>> No.7278062

Second cinema critique. Anyone?

>> No.7278396

Philosophy of Islamism

>> No.7278442

start with the sufis
Ibn al-Farid

>> No.7278449

Topological Physics

The Real Life of Sebastian Knight Nabokov
The Sorrows of Young Werther Goethe
The Master and Margarita Bulgakov
The Castle Kafka

>> No.7278479


>> No.7278511

The first part of Robinson Crusoe.

>> No.7278532

Books with lots of witty banter. Dialogue like Beatrice and Bennedick's in Much Ado

>> No.7278547

Wodehouse wrote for radio originally so his books are mostly witty banter.

>> No.7278567

L'ecole does Femmes et Don Juan. Anything by Moliere really tbh.

>> No.7278612

Surreal humor

>> No.7278925

Company K by William March
Far and away the best book ever written about WWI. Better than All Quiet on the Western Front or Goodbye to All That or any of the other classics. But that’s the problem–WWI was awful, perhaps the most awful thing of the 21st century. And this book is forgotten precisely because it portrays the war and its pointlessness too realistically. We want to know, but we don’t really want to know.

>> No.7278963


>> No.7278967

the tunnel by sabato

>> No.7279067

I'm looking for books about synchronicities but I've gone through Jung's work already.

Also books on paranoia would be fun too lol

>> No.7279123

unorthodox but good romance

>> No.7279135


Anyone know of good history of science, technology, and engineering books or journal papers that aren't popsci or thinly veiled circle jerks for autistic atheists?

>> No.7279148

drug addiction. i've already read IJ

>> No.7279149
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I want to learn about the Cathars.

>> No.7279153

Philosophy of technology and philosophy of media. More like Imagined Communities, The Image, The Society of the Spectacle, Mumford, and McLuhan.

>> No.7279169

American Psycho
Catcher in the Rye

>> No.7279173

Crow behavior / Propaganda / Communication strategies

>> No.7279177

Specialization vs. Individualism, how much of each is needed in a successful society?

>> No.7279180

Less manipulating people, more like destroying your own perceptions:
Gervais Principle
Trust me, I'm Lying
Confessions of an Economic hit man

>> No.7279211

Is the internet chainging the way you think? - Brockman

The shallows - Carr

>> No.7279348

Something about stories and myths in the vein of The Hero With a Thousand Faces

>> No.7279475

According to America, very, very little individualism

>> No.7279586

arthur koestler wrote a book on coincidences

some german fuck named kammerer wrote a set of 100 anecdotes about coincidences but it is not translated, only in german

>> No.7279596

Something really really strange.

>> No.7279602

Poe wrote a short story called the Angel of the Odd that might be interesting to you. It's a quick read anyways check it out.

>> No.7279605

Human emotions, feelings and tendencies. But above all, someone who can really describe these well, in intricate detail.

>> No.7279612

An introduction to economics

>> No.7279620

Winesburg Ohio.

>> No.7279623
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sailing, not Moby Dick though.

>> No.7279631

Are there any European postmodern novelists of any note besides Calvino?

>> No.7279643

The Painted Bird.

>> No.7279669

David Malouf - An Imaginary Life

>> No.7279694

The Economics anti-textbook - hill
Debt: The First 5,000 Years

Although, as someone who works in high finance, most of economic theory isn't in practice today. Fiat currency and FED monetary policy basically is done on a whim. We do not have a true market, it's all manipulated.

>> No.7279699

Schmidt, Fowles, O'Brien, Eco, Sebald

>> No.7279706

trumpets of jericho, zurn

>> No.7279726

Are there any books about the wardens of Concentration Camps?
I've always wondered what their day to day life was like, and how the societies that were created at the camps worked.

>> No.7279737

Duly noted, thank you.

>> No.7279742


>> No.7279755


>> No.7279780

Would Drawings From The Gulag by Danzig Baldaev work?
Marina Warner - Beast and The Blonde, and a lot of her other non fiction
Erich Neumann - The Origins and History of Consciousness, and, The Great Mother

>> No.7279801

I am more interested in a book about how the Concentration Camps worked in sociological terms. Like the hierarchies and how the people lived that were there.

>> No.7279804

gore and guts
preferably not too pretentious or edgy

>> No.7279809

Interracial Sex

>> No.7279819


>> No.7280110

I Knocked Up Satan's Daughter: A Demonic Romantic Comedy by Carlton Mellic III

Trainspotting by Irvine Welsh

>> No.7280118

industrial design, installation art, digital art, generative art, interactive fiction

>> No.7280131

preferably not portraying them in a negative light

>> No.7280134

gene wolfe's shadow and claw

>> No.7280301

Early to mid twentieth century Russia. Post Tolstoy and Dostoyevski but before Solzhenitsyn ideally.

>> No.7280308

House of Leaves

>> No.7280310

Envy by Yuri Olesha.

>> No.7280312
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Animal Farm - Orwell

>> No.7280313

A man on existential crisis finding meaning after an apocalyptic event

>> No.7280314
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Wittgenstein´s Tractatus maybe

>> No.7280316

Neon Genesis Evangelion.

>> No.7280328

That's 'authors exploiting themselves through teenage self-inserts'

>> No.7280332

That's exactly the sort of thing I was looking for, thanks.

>> No.7280334

Something with someone lost and exploring an alien landscape that isn't too focused on survivalism

>> No.7280354

The French Revolution or nomadic people in Siberia.

>> No.7280377
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burroughs (?)
christiane f
thomas de quincey
hunter s thompson

Edward Bernays
Gustave Le Bon

>> No.7280523

La Comedìa

>> No.7280534

John Toland's biography of Hitler.

Dostoyesvky, Stendhal.

>> No.7280556

experimental writing with really weird (but good) plot, or a story with one of its themes being psychosis

>> No.7280654
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>> No.7280691



>> No.7280695

Which period of Japan?

>> No.7280785 [DELETED] 

William S. Burroughs - Junkie

>> No.7280796

we, the drowned
the sea-wolf

>> No.7280808 [DELETED] 
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Patrick O'Brian - Aubrey-Maturin saga.

>> No.7280825
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shit, jack
thats a lotta fucking books about boats

>> No.7280839

Cultural interpretation of horror

>> No.7280841 [DELETED] 
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>> No.7280945

vegan nutrition

>> No.7280957

The Master and Margarita is not about love at all. Even if we consider that it is, there was no "true love" between Master and Margarita so the book won't suit this >>7277637 sir's request.

>> No.7280994


Doctor Glas

>> No.7281003

Somehing with the same feels as the history of love or extremely loud and incredebly close

>> No.7281007

Companions to Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit.

>> No.7281032

You might like The Doors of Perception by Aldous Huxley

>> No.7281037


Kallistos Ware's book The Orthodox Church was my introduction to orthodoxy, it's an excellent start. After that, in terms of texts themselves, start the Philokalia, it's amazing.

>> No.7281056

no one actually reads it.

>> No.7281071

Modern fantasy with nonhuman main characters that isn't fucking shit and actually has something relevant to say about society.

A tall order, I know.

>> No.7281082

Showa and earlier

>> No.7281113

the wonders of life, something with some witty humour maybe

Haven't read too much yet and only looking for something good, really. However I thoroughly enjoyed the Master and Margarita.

>> No.7281179

Medieval fiction with a knight traveling across the land and kicking ass.

>> No.7281187

Chinua Achebe, Things Fall Apart

>> No.7281193

kek, underrated toast

>> No.7281283
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>> No.7281347

Richard Hughes - In Hazard

I think it takes place on a steamboat instead of a sailboat, but whatever. You might like it anyway.

>> No.7281410

something about a guy with delusions of grandeur/mental illness

>> No.7281425

Heian: Sarashina Diary, The Diary of Lady Murasaki, Genji's Tale, Tale of the Bamboo Cutter, The Pillow Book
Kamakura: The Ten Foot Square Hut, Essays in Idleness
Edo: Tales of Moonlight and Rain, Tale of Eight Dogs
Meiji: I am a Cat, The Wild Gueese, The Dancing Girl, The Cuckoo

>> No.7281432

Don Quixote, although 'mental illness' is a bit harsh.

>> No.7281449

a novel about a guy who overcomes depersonalisation disorder

>> No.7281511

thus spoke zarathustra

>> No.7281532

I'd be very interested in reading a (fiction or at least narrative non-fiction) book that deals with phobia.

>> No.7281535

my diary tbh

>> No.7281547


>> No.7281551


>> No.7281569

Genghis Khan anyone?

>> No.7281590
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What to read after someone's departure from life? Are there any good aphorisms, poems or essays about loss and how to deal with this? Anything similar to these keywords? Thank you in advance.

>> No.7281597

The Stranger

>> No.7281630

That's not PoMo, but the book is good.

>> No.7281636

something psychoanalytical

>> No.7281660


>> No.7281663

from the same author there's a book talking about the same topics which is this time an essay, called the myth of sysiphus i greatly recommend it to you

>> No.7281675

Not really.

Nausea deals a little bit this but not really in the sense of death.

A Sorrow Beyond Dreams is a really interesting book about a guy who's mother kills herself.

>> No.7281679

Start with the Greeks

>> No.7281684

alright thx i was looking for something more specific and with your opinion on it, not just a general comment

>> No.7281686

>Not really.

The whole plot revolves around the MC losing his mother.

>> No.7281690

Give me a good Scandinavian novel, from the early 20th century.

>> No.7281736

Thomas Mann maybe...?

>> No.7281751

anything at all?

>> No.7281769
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something as a good bridge into infinite jest
like how crying of lot 49 is a good bridge into gravity's rainbow

preferably <=300 pages

>> No.7281774

Paul Auster - NY Trilogy

>> No.7281775

Doctor Glas by Hjalmar Söderberg, Hunger by Knut Hamsun, The Road to the World's End by Sigurd Hoel

>> No.7281783

Fools of Fortune by William Trevor

>> No.7281785

Might be abit specific but a book where the protagonist becomes or is an antagonist. Preferably dark in tone and manipulative in nature

>> No.7281787

FUCK, Hunger is 19th century. Wayfarers is good

>> No.7281804

Some of the short stories in Oblivion, probably.

>> No.7281817

Growth of the Soil by Hamsun, Beyond Sing the Woods by Gulbranssen

>> No.7281825

It's a play but the Importance of Being Earnest.

>> No.7281829


I may just be naive, but is there a such thing as majoring in comedy? Comedy theory? Why have I never heard of such a thing?

>> No.7281849

The whole plot revolves around him being UNMOVED by the loss of his mother.

That anon is looking for literature about dealing with loss; not ignoring it.

>> No.7281851

The Red Flag- David Priestland
Pretty good summary that manages to accurately describe the bad parts without falling into neo-McCarthyism.

>> No.7281871


Thanks, and yeah, I've already read Hunger, and yes, Hamsum is late 19th century/very early 20th century.

>> No.7281884

I corrected myself in >>7281787 regarding Hunger, but should've tagged your post as well there. I stand by Wayfarers, though. Well worth a read

>> No.7281887

and Thomas Mann isn't Scandinavian (but still owns).

>> No.7281944

I would like some computer science, logic, math, thinking, "exploratory" book recs pleas. Preferably beginner to intermediate level on the topics

>> No.7281950

start with the greeks

>> No.7281980


>> No.7281988

"Introduction to Logic" by Tarski, a famous mathematician.

>> No.7281992
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Something like machiavelli and/or Eudaimonia

>> No.7282010

A Rebours by Huysmans

>> No.7282019

Maldoror, Compte de Lautramont.

>> No.7282028
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/v/ here

i want to read about cyberpunk and similar atmospheres of dark depressing societies

if you've played dx, dxhr, system shock 2 you know what i'm talking about

>> No.7282084

Alice's Adventures in Wonderland.

>> No.7282085

Some really conservative literature on weapons, micro-organisms and minerals would be cool.

>> No.7282100


>> No.7282115

i put the audiobook with the actors on my iphone on when i go to sleep but i want more books like that

>> No.7282120

this is the one i mean
like with the voices and the action you can hear not some boring guy talking in a monotone voice for 20 hours


>> No.7282129

Non-historicist, economically non-heterodox anti-capitalist left-wing literature.

>> No.7282138


>> No.7282139
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somone who travels to another alternative earth/ paralell earth and explore
Also dark or horror is plus

>> No.7282146


>> No.7282150

Dante's Inferno

>> No.7282182

So apparently not wanting to read debunked Marxist garbage makes me a fedora.

>> No.7282226

Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution - Antony C. Sutton

Letters from Russia - Marquis de Custine

>> No.7282253

Manifest Destiny, the Western Frontier and all that. Both fiction and non-fiction would be fine.

>> No.7282266

Erewhon - Butler

>> No.7282309


thank you! will check them out : -)

>> No.7282351
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more stuff like Robinson Crusoe

>> No.7282420

there's a start with the greeks link in the recommended reading page of the sticky, read the philosophers in there

>> No.7282429


>> No.7282432

The best non-superficial book on how to lead a satisfying life

>> No.7282437

The New Testament

>> No.7282461


>> No.7282543

Would you please expand on that?

>> No.7282550

The emergence of modernist art in the 19th century

Know a lot about it already but feel a need to know EVERYTHING about it, so preferably in-depth.

>> No.7282636

Dark Fantasy preferred, but fantasy is alright
First person narrative
Anti-Hero , not asshole doing bad things and being badass, a nice guy acting like a badguy doing bad things for good reasons

I doubt anyone can give me that, only find things like edgy 13 years old that rape villagers because MUH edgy revenge (Prince of Thorns.

>> No.7282717


>> No.7282721

Christopher Columbus

>> No.7282738

A book that when I'm done with it, will make me feel like I just came out of a war.

>> No.7282763

The Gate manga or Salvation War series. Advanced culture meeting a primitive or less advanced culture basically, with the advanced dominating in war or just both sharing with each other.

>> No.7282789

Bernard Cornwell's Agincourt perhaps

>> No.7282838

Lost level-Brian Keene

>> No.7282869

Thief 2

>> No.7282936

Mirrorshades (short story collection)
The rest of the sprawl trilogy by William Gibson
Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep

>> No.7282984

Breaking Bad

>> No.7283666

Nonfiction, non-textbook style books that explain everything there is to know about a certain specific animal. Scientific accuracy is a must of course.

I'll take anything but specifically and in no order: rabbits, emperor penguins, saturniid moths, owls, swallows, blue whales, otters, cougars, tiger, and deer.

>> No.7284239

Awesome thread, I was about to create a thread asking for recommendations. Okay, I'd like to read about: rampant consumerism in modern society; and the lives of the wealthy and how wealth corrupts people.

>> No.7284259


>> No.7284275
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39,90, fits very well imo

>> No.7284278

99 francs is the original title btw

>> No.7284366

The Black Company is exactly that

>> No.7284398
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Light hearted, slightly humorous story occurring in incredibly bizarre scenarios. Preferably not sci-fi.

>> No.7284416

Thank you kind mate, I will check it out.