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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 46 KB, 400x582, Gravitys_rainbow_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
727605 No.727605 [Reply] [Original]

Call me what you will, but I consider myself a fairly well-read adult and typically read 4 or 5 books a month on top of being a med student. I started Gravity's Rainbow, got entirely through the first two parts, and I am fucking bored out of my mind. I typically finish what I start, but will not be finishing this book. I found myself literally having to make myself continue rather than feeling the genuine urge to keep reading. It's well written, don't get me wrong, but is also about as exciting as watching grass grow. Not sure why a lot of you have this cult following with it, but I found it quite boring with too much build up and nonsense side-stories. Anyone can write a lengthy novel when you fill it with random shit along the way.

Anyone else agree here that this book is way overrated?

>> No.727610
File: 170 KB, 453x604, litguy_pynchon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe you needed some notes to better get what you were reading? There's a shitload of insane shit going on all the time btw, I have no idea how you could think it's like watching grass grow..

>> No.727616
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Not ready for the big leagues clearly.

>> No.727620

I consider myself fairly illiterate when it comes to high literature. But I loved this book. It was so different from anything I had ever read.

Although, as an engineer with working knowledge of German, it was really playing to my interests.

>> No.727631

No, it has nothing to do with my comprehension or anything of the sort. I realize that Pynchon bounces around from context to context, and that sooner or later it all makes sense if you hang tight... I'm just saying that there is not really anything here that makes me want to keep reading. I found myself getting sidetracked in daydream waiting for resolution to certain things that never came and, knowing Pynchon, never will come... God knows that I have countless things around here to force myself to read and re-read, but I read fiction for pleasure (obviously) and would rather find something that I can't let myself put down rather than something I have to beg myself to continue.

>> No.727650


Nothing is more pleasurable to me than trying to make sense of something complex like Pynchon.

But to each his own. Read what you want, bro.

>> No.727654

>sooner or later it all makes sense if you hang tight

Not really.

>> No.727660


>sooner or later some of it seems to make sense if you hang tight

>> No.727727

Maybe you should ease into it with somewhat "easier" Pynchon - i.e. anything not Gravity's Rainbow.