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/lit/ - Literature

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7275324 No.7275324 [Reply] [Original]

Hello I'm Melissa Braisington and I am a teacher for ap literature now my plan is to shoot everyone in my school however I also have plans to do on the side. First i'll grab a loaded rifle shoot everyone in my school, and once I run out of bullets and there are survivors i'll fuggin rape their asses to make them wish they never went to this fuggin school i'll cut off my husband john braisingotns dick and shove it into their mouths and then i'll grab as bong and shove osburns ashes into it and stick it up their ass and make them smoke it all in through their ass. Any bit of osburns ashes left i'll fuggin shove into their mouth and make them choke on it, now at this point they should be dead but if they aren't oh they will wish they are, i'll cut off their hair wrap it around their necks and choke them with it, until they suffocate however if they still live then i'll simply rape them with my strap on dildo and shove the bong into their mouths now while choking them with their own hair. I'll fuggin make them tear up and drink their sweet bitterful tears as they plead for mercy.. but I won't give it to them i'll make them recite hamlet and everytime they get it wrong i'll f*ck them even harder hahahahaha ohhh how I love to rape my students up the ass ahahahahahahaha oh how I love literature i'll then shove up braisington cut off dick into their mouth as I f*ck them with dildos then i'll simply make them wish they weren't in school even more. I'll grab the scissors and cut off their thumb slowly as they attempt to recite hamlet but the thing is I never taught them it ahahahahaha

>> No.7275338

Your a woman so you'd probably just muck it up TBH fam.

>> No.7275342
File: 45 KB, 548x361, le nigger emojis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wen u got dat 250 character essay do tmrw but u aint start so u get ur teacher arrested

>> No.7275344

This bitch kept me and my class hostage in her class.She then pulled out fuggin scissors and tried to shank a nigga.She then was possessed by Cthulu and started reciting Beowulf.This Ho is going to shoot down the school cause her husband took her to therapy but she escaped.shes going to rape us all.

>> No.7275346

This isn't the right board for trying to get somebody else arrested because you don't want to write an essay.

Go to /r9k/

>> No.7275351

That's nice but, The Gun will be Okay?
[Fragment From "A New Bizarre World"]
...There was a big man and a gun.
Oh, my! What lovable gun!
I took it and cleaned it.
It's so interessing.
People cried, clouds drinked.
Some souls are so wicked.
They believe people matter!
They're so uninteressing.
I love men with hate, they're so hittable.
It's so easy to make them cry.
I love men with hate, they're so bitter.
I wish they were some kind of candee...
To eat.
Silly woman, silly woman.
Even your vagina's not worth.
Silly woman, silly cissy.
Even your shit taste better.
Silly idea, silly idea.
Comedee is what you afford.
Silly idea, silly cissy.
Even your shhh sounds better...

>> No.7275353

That was a pretty abstract and modernize essay. Might if I say that you should consider starting with the Greeks and instantly read Infinite Jest afterwards. This will surely make you a fine class lady.

>> No.7275369


>> No.7275383

Yo shut the fuck up, Braisington is the kind of teacher you call up if your puppy died or some shit like that. Get slapped by fucking Grendel's arm or some shit.

>> No.7275388


>> No.7275390
File: 231 KB, 453x344, 1445290288410.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go back to the frog board with your other frog friends.

>> No.7275395

What are the essential books I should read before trying Infinite Jest?

>> No.7275414


Ulysses & Gravity's Rainbow

>> No.7275419

American lit is worse than anime

>> No.7275423
File: 82 KB, 620x827, Supreme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Have a two page analysis of symbolism in Of Mice & Men due on Monday
>Haven't even started
>Instead of writing the paper, try to frame the teacher by posting a fake school shooting threat on the literature section of a Manchurian paper-mache forum

>> No.7275424

I really hope you used a proxy to false flag your teacher. called the president btw

>> No.7275425

You should instead kill yourself with hemlock.

Oh wait, crazy shitters like yourself don't qualify for a Socratic death

>> No.7275426

guys what is this im really scared right now

>> No.7275427

He should have stayed alive he looks like the type of guy who would get jail pussy. Women love serial killers.

>> No.7275431
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>I'll grab the scissors and cut off their thumb slowly as they attempt to recite hamlet but the thing is I never taught them it ahahahahaha

>> No.7275432

You are a dunbfuck OP. Literally everyone will know that you are one of the few assholes failing her easy-as-fuck high school lit class now. Enjoy prison.

>> No.7275436

Don't worry, I just called the police.

>> No.7275437

new sincerity

>> No.7275438

Would I enjoy Odyssey or IJ if I thought GR was mostly boring with some cool passages?

>> No.7275444


I don't know, but you do have poor taste

>> No.7275447

How about you go fuck yourself instead.

>> No.7275449

Y'know the FBI isn't monitoring every board for these kinds of things, right?