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File: 22 KB, 363x501, Julius_Evola.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7271898 No.7271898 [Reply] [Original]

Thoughts on Julius Evola?

>> No.7271901 [DELETED] 

based. Nice to see a redpilled author on here. BTFO leftist cucks

>> No.7271902

triggers lit

>> No.7271917

I thought Ride The Tiger was OK. It seemed like he was on to something though I'm not sure what.

>> No.7271933 [DELETED] 

is he against women and nigger rights?

>> No.7271935

not necessarily. he gets pigeonholed unfairly imo with the F word

>> No.7271961

I haven't read his work so don't have an opinion.

>> No.7273736


>> No.7273772

Pagan mysticism used to justify a caste system. Some interesting ideas, but they're too incompatible with Christianity to be really traditionalist--strangely enough, they're also incompatible with ancient Western thought.

>> No.7273801

It doesn't help that guys like Miguel Cerrano would cite Evola to substantiate their claims that Jews are demiurge like the forsaken people of the great flood.

>> No.7273804
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he's fun to shitpost with when /pol/ complains about >muh degenerate modern art

>> No.7273816

Evola unfortunately got his perspective on the Jews from Nietzsche, even though I'm sure he knew Nietzsche would have differed with him immensely on the conclusions he drew from that. Heidegger probably did as well. Nietzsche is the root of giving antisemitism an intellectual veneer, even though Nietzsche himself hated Germanic peoples more than Jews.

>> No.7273922

Serrano was actually a former marxist diplomat. Of course he hated Jews.

>> No.7273959

Good luck, Evola-Chan!

>> No.7273966

If there were some sort of feminist stoicism, he would agree with it. He is also pro-adoption, so he is sort of a cuck. By adoption he does mean adopting a child that isn't related either to the man or to the woman in the couple.

>> No.7274060


His general positions on modernity, socialism, liberalism, and amor fati are all pretty spot on. He also has very strong interpretations of eastern and pagan traditions ( his Paganism is idiosyncratic though), that are worth reading. But Evola isn't so great when it comes to the finer details of his work. He keeps things at such a "birds eye" view that he is idealistic and overgeneralizes ( he admits this himself though).

Ultimately he gives us roughly neoplatonic worldview that fuses with Zen Buddhist and Nietzschen virility to negate the modern world with. Evola will try to teach you to be a crusading mystic who lives for daring action, and disassociation from the world while acting in it.

>> No.7274262


fuck off already

>> No.7274373
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>> No.7274508

Read 'Ride the Tiger' and it didn't sound like, to me at least, he was much of a nigger lover.

>> No.7274516


third rate nietzschean

>> No.7274529

Hes got your bitch ass nailed down

>the American counterpart, the "hipsters"[…]rather than intellectual attitudes, these were existential positions lived out by the young[…]compared to the British types, they were more cold and unadorned, more corrosive in their opposition to everything pseudo-orderly, rational, and coherent – everything that was "square", meaning solid, justified, and safe. They showed "a destructive, voiceless rage," as somebody put it, a contempt for "those incomprehensible characters who are capable of being seriously involved with a woman, a job, a cause". The absurdity of what is considered normal, "the organized insanity of the normal world", seemed all the more evident to the hipsters in the climate of industrialization and frenetic activity that, despite all the triumphs of science, was meaningless. Alienation from their surroundings, absolute refusal to collaborate or to have any defined position in society were the rule in this milieu, which did not only include the young, and which recruited its members not only from the lower classes but from all social levels, including the wealthy. Some preferred a new form of nomadic existence; others, to live at the most elementary level. The methods used by the hipsters to survive the existential void through strong sensations included alcohol, sex, negro jazz, high speed, drugs, and even acts of gratuitous criminality like those suggested in Breton's surrealism. They did not fear experiences of any kind, but sought them out to "receive tremendous blows on their own selves".

>> No.7274547

Yes'm, Massa! I'm's is sorry!

I'd like to report your bitch ass for this.

>> No.7274640

I've just read about him on Wikipedia and he sounds insane.

>> No.7274687

Didn't he later reject dada?

>> No.7274694


>> No.7274846

I really like his ideas, though he needs context within other esoteric movements, mostly Guenon, with a little bit of Theosophy and Anthroposophy to taste.

>> No.7274850
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>> No.7274865

How is Evola fedora?

>> No.7274873

he isn't, he's an esotericist (that is, deeply versed and practiced in the metaphysical ideas they'd mock) and cultural elitist - with actually some well-informed views on art and culture. sure I suppose fedoras would like to consider themselves the latter in their knowledge of super hero films and vidya, but he would consider them all pathetic, unmasculine middle class losers

>> No.7274880

The fedora is a contrarian pseud that thinks he's above the rabble and their popular opinions and he solidifies this by emphasizing his intellectual, aesthetic connection to the past, though the link itself is imaginary and ahistorical. Ebola was the original fedora.

>with actually some well-informed views on art and culture
My sides

>> No.7274888

>Ebola was the original fedora.
You mean Nietzsche.

>> No.7274890
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Ride the Tiger, despite its pessimism, is a testament to Evola's belief that no matter how lost civilization may be, there always exists the ability for the individual person to live his life always looking "above" himself and thus achieving enlightenment.

>> No.7274892

>actually being fedora

you got your memes mixed up friendo

>> No.7274897

he unironically believed in atlantis

>> No.7274904
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It was natural to see these two deities unified or fused as one form: the Greek god Hermes presided over eloquence, the goddess Athena over crafts and the sciences

Hermes and Athena share or 'double' each other's functions, and some of their powers are alternate and related versions of the same quality. For example, each god embodies the kind of clever intelligence or metis

>> No.7274923
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There is an extraordinary, little-known and erudite book written and published some thirty years ago that, if heeded, without exactly nullifying the Atlantological premise could change the direction of inquiry in radical but fruitful ways.

Musicologist Ernest G. McClain's THE PYTHAGOREAN PLATO decodes the 'A' word as an elaborate musical allegory.

>> No.7274931

No, you're just a newfag.

>> No.7274933
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>Ernest G. McClain's


>> No.7274937

Neechy wasn't a pseud though, which is an important distinction.

>> No.7274942
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Nice 23

the mathēmatikoi (μαθηματιkοί, Greek for "Teachers") and the akousmatikoi (ἀkουσματιkοί, Greek for "listeners").

>> No.7274943

Okay but Evola thought there really were Atlanteans and Hyperboreans

>> No.7274948
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Nice sounding Dubs

>The akousmatikoi

>> No.7274957

>he solidifies this by emphasizing his intellectual, aesthetic connection to the past, though the link itself is imaginary and ahistorical

Fedoras are all about atheism though, they always call religious people "archaic" as an insult. Evola is as far away from an actual fedora as possible.


Read his work before commenting, he never claimed that Atlantis and Hyperborea literally existed as a spatio-temporal places, only that the value of them as metaphysical archetypes gave them a higher claim to reality than contingent historical approximations.

>> No.7274966

>Fedoras are all about atheism though
Like many terms on 4chan it has been expanded over time.

>> No.7274967
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Alone among the Twelve Olympians, Apollo was venerated among the Hyperboreans, the Hellenes thought: he spent his winter amongst them

Also, the sun was supposed to rise and set only once a year in Hyperborea; which would place it above or upon the Arctic Circle, or, more generally, in the arctic polar regions.

>> No.7275001
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1501 A.D. JEROME CARDAN, 1576 A.D

The son of Facius Cardan, a learned jurist and mathematician of Milan, Italy

Here I will add a story which is more wonderful than all the rest, and which I have heard my father, Facius Cardan (who confessed that he had had a familiar spirit for nearly thirty years) recount not once but many times. Finally I searched for his record of this event, and I found that which I had so often heard, committed to writing and to memory as follows. August 13, 1491.

...seven men duly appeared to me clothed in silken garments, resembling Greek togas, and wearing, as it were, shining shoes. The undergarments beneath their glistening and ruddy breastplates seemed to be wrought of crimson and were of extraordinary glory and beauty. Nevertheless all were not dressed in this fashion, but only two who seemed to be of nobler rank than the

p. 209

others. The taller of them who was of ruddy complexion, was attended by two companions, and the second, who was fairer and of shorter stature, by three. Thus in all there were seven. He left no record as to whether their heads were covered. They were about forty years of age, but they did not appear to be above thirty. When asked who they were, they said that they were men composed, as it were, of air, and subject to birth and death. It was true that their lives were much longer than ours, and might even reach to three hundred years duration

>> No.7275011
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In a theory known as the Harmony of the Spheres, Pythagoras proposed that the Sun, Moon and planets all emit their own unique hum (orbital resonance) based on their orbital revolution, and that the quality of life on Earth reflects the tenor of celestial sounds which are physically imperceptible to the human ear

>> No.7275025
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Women were given equal opportunity to study as Pythagoreans

>> No.7275030
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>equal opportunity

>> No.7275035

Start here


She looks like a man

>> No.7275042

Maybe, I know he wasn't a fascist - but I know they where extremely fond of modernist art and architecture movements (I remember Le Corbusier being personally invited for lectures by Mussolini) and one cannot forget the futurists.

>> No.7275047
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Nice dubs

The tetractys (Greek: τετραkτύς), or tetrad, is a triangular figure consisting of ten points arranged in four rows: one, two, three, and four points in each row, which is the geometrical representation of the fourth triangular number.

Make Them Gold

>> No.7275054
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Nice 47

crystallized self is multidimensional

>> No.7275064
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It is both a mathematical idea and a metaphysical symbol that embraces within itself—in seedlike form—the principles of the natural world, the harmony of the cosmos, the ascent to the divine, and the mysteries of the divine realm

>> No.7275088
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a little owl baby (Athene noctua) traditionally represents or accompanies Athena, the virgin goddess of wisdom

>some characteristics of owls —such as their ability to see in the dark— to be used as symbol of wisdom

>> No.7275097
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Nice dubs

The reasons behind the association of Athena and the owl are lost in time. Some mythographers, suggest that she may descend from a Minoan palace goddess associated with birds

>> No.7275103

Evola gives a pretty good commentary and criticism of fascism

>> No.7275108
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All pagan mysticism justifies a caste system of sorts.
Which in fact supports the core claims of traditionalism.
Also, Christianity is in its very core anti-traditional ( Zizek and other Marxists would agree with me on that ), but was reappropriated by aristocrats and its discordian element turned mute for the time being during medieval times.


So all of Evola's ideas are guilty by association?
Does it help Marx that Kim Jung-Il cites him to substantiate his Juche ideology?


It's not that far-fetched anymore to believe in a progenitor civilization.
This was fringe science up until the discovery of Gobekli Tepe. I'm sorry, but archeology is once again discovering what the ancients have been telling us for millennia.
We should do what Schliemann did and not consider it bedtime stories.

>> No.7275113
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Athena is given the curious epithet Tritogeneia

...possible meaning may be triple-born or third-born

Athena may well have been a bird goddess

>> No.7275116

I've always found Evola's take on classical hisory interesting because he's probably the only modern scholar who writes serious analysis of the ancient world from the viewpoint that the gods and religions of the age were true or at least partially true.

>> No.7275122
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Hermes Trismegistus received the appellation "Trismegistus," meaning "Thrice Great," is derived from statements in the The Emerald Tablet of Hermes Trismegistus, that he knows the three parts of the wisdom of the whole universe

>> No.7275127
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He's hot!

>> No.7275138

>Also, Christianity is in its very core anti-traditional

interesting thought. I'd say yes and no, but I've considered the idea many times. certain values are constant but the clothing is arbitrary, yes. in many ways I think a Christian would and should consider our time deeply corrupted, but at the same time there is something about Christianity that urges you to look and move forward and trust the way things are developing, even if some developments are clearly for the worse, short-term.

>> No.7275153
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I agree with your "yes and no"-sentiment, because Christianity was indeed still traditional enough to be appropriated by aristocrats, or even earlier, still 'pagan' enough to result in the myriad of gnostic cults that teemed the world of Late Antiquity.

If anything, Christianity had to be purified from these elements, and it did in Marxism.

“Christian theology is the grandmother of Bolshevism.”
― Oswald Spengler, The Hour of Decision

>> No.7275160
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Buddhist teachings that describe the hour of the ox as "the end of darkness" and the hour of the tiger as "the beginning of light," and ones that describe all Buddhas as having attained enlightenment at this time. The passage from the hour of the ox to the hour of the tiger therefore symbolizes the transition from the unenlightened condition of a common mortal to the enlightened condition of a Buddha

03:00 – 04:59: Tiger

The third trine consists of the Tiger, Horse and Dog. These three signs seek a true lover, and are like-minded in their pursuit of humanitarian causes. Idealistic and impulsive, the Tiger, Horse and Dog follow the beat of their own drum

>> No.7275161

>not recognizing Serrano as the final boss of /lit/

>> No.7275184
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In Shamanism, Eliade argues for a restrictive use of the word shaman: it should not apply to just any magician

Eliade defines a shaman as follows:

he is believed to cure, like all doctors, and to perform miracles of the fakir type, like all magicians [...] But beyond this, he is a psychopomp, and he may also be a priest, mystic, and poet

>> No.7275186

I live in a country with many shamans. It's pretty much degraded at this point.

>> No.7275191

>poor little earthling

>> No.7275205
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The language of the birds...

>> No.7275210
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...to communicate with the initiated

>> No.7275215
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The language of the birds was considered a secret

>> No.7275219
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Mana is a word found in Austronesian languages meaning "power, effectiveness, prestige,"

>> No.7275232
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Can we see eye to eye?

>> No.7275233

stop pretending you have any insight, you clown

>> No.7275242
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Another nice 23


>> No.7275244
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Nice Dubs

In Tibetan Buddhism it’s referred to as Crazy Wisdom

But perhaps the most popular type of sacred clown is the Lakota equivalent of Heyoka, a contrary thunder shaman who taught through backwards humor

>> No.7275246
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>thunder shaman

>> No.7275253
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Squaring the Circle

The 'squared circle' or 'squaring the circle' is a 17th century alchemical glyph or symbol for the creation of the Philosopher's Stone

>> No.7275254
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Watch us go round and round each time

>> No.7275263
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>> No.7275286
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A Serendipity Spiral is accidentally stumbling upon something fortunate

The usual definitions of serendipity are concerned with ‘good luck discoveries,’ ‘making happy accidental discoveries, chancing on an innovation without knowing it,’ or ‘accidently stumbling upon something fortunate, while looking for something completely unrelated’

>> No.7275343
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contemporary bird-human communication and symbiosis