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7271032 No.7271032 [Reply] [Original]

Just so you know,

Consciousness is a cancer of the mind. We have developed a cognitive reasoning far beyond what is appropriate for surviving in our environment, and through that, we have grown to question our ability to believe.
Most peoples' beliefs end at the riddless of induction, and how we can reliably know anything. However, the belief in that we can know anything at all through our current forms of logic are wrong. Our logic is wrong, and we have spent the past infinity trying to prove it. The closer and closer society has traveled to becoming post-darwinian in full is evidence of this, because as we finally leave behind the constraints of the physical world, we will finally realize that the only reason why we ever had logic was to understand and work with it anyway.

We're almost there. And that's why muted nihilism towards every important part of life is totally acceptable.

>> No.7271038

>Consciousness is a cancer of the mind

stopped reading there tbh fam

>> No.7271113

if consciousness not real then who's being fooled you fucking idiot?

even the Buddha wouldn't touch this question as he realized it basically BTFOs his entire philosophy. fuck off with your edginess

>> No.7271132

He made a few good points. He's not saying consciousness is not real.

>> No.7271147
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whattup pete

>> No.7271161

ok. what's the evolutionary benefit of qualia

>> No.7271170

>being this much of a scicuck

>> No.7271177

you are making a value judgment
the only ones that can exist to hold value preferences are conscious beings

>> No.7271186

why would qualia just happen. it's so rare in the universe & there's absolutely nothing like it. how could it come to be?

>> No.7271195

Agreed. We're coming up on a point in history where a large portion of humanity will either find a way around the intuitive "self" and "consciousness," or the species will end up back at the stone age in one way or another.

>> No.7271198

>i don't know how it happened
>i know it didn't happen

>> No.7271220

Qualia is just what you get with any sensory organ, so the evolutionary benefit to a creature is the same as the respective sensory organ.

>> No.7271289

there there, Rust Cohle.

>> No.7271302

why is there qualia, though?

>> No.7271305

If you're actually interested in an answer to this question, I can recommend "Consciousness and the Social Brain."

>> No.7271347
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>>Consciousness is a cancer of the mind.
no, it is the contrary.
the mind pollutes the conciousness in taking over the other senses and building fantasies from them, to the point of a person not even knowing/being concious that she dwells in the mind while she dwells in the mind.

the mind makes think of anything but the present moment, this is why the mind leads to nihilism; whereas the conciousness is nothing but the ''knowing of something by somebody''. Once you shut the mind off, you have pure conciousness of grosser conciousnesses. once you shut the conciousnesses, as you did for the mind, you reach something unpolluted by anything.

>> No.7271506

in fact it is the not the mind which brings nihilism, but rather the lack of conciousness of the mind which disconnected us from the conciousness. without training the other senses, no other senses are more powerful to take control.

>> No.7271530


>> No.7272029

This theory still doesn't account for qualia. The author is missing the forest for the trees.

Even a computer could construct systems to approximate awareness. What separates us is that we have interior experience. The redness of red, the sweetness of sweet, the 'being-ness' of being.

Why do we experience those things? Why isn't the universe just a closed box with everything running without interior awareness?

>> No.7273369


Yeah this is really corny, sorry


I don't know, it may be weird to make this simple isolation of what to consider and what to not consider, but I do think there should be an "answer" to consciousness. And that it can be proved some way by observing the world around us, or how we've been in it. Your idea makes that difficult to say, other than "wait until we die guys"

>> No.7273414

ITT: Consciousnesscucks who didnt read Blindsight

>> No.7273428
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>le nihilist flat circle detective man.jpeg

>> No.7273452

gotta support the team

>> No.7273457


Lol, someone actually said this in my philosophy class. Granted it's an intro, but I think it's even more funny now.

Also, that's not what I said.

>> No.7274797


>> No.7275159

Yes it does, read the book instead of deciding you know everything from skimming a Wikipedia article.

>> No.7275209
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>> No.7275268

>it's so rare in the universe
strong claim

>> No.7275756
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Motherfucker, consciousness is the best thing that could have happened in the history of anything. You bitch ass nigga, you wouldn't even be capable of saying consciousness is bad without it; that's how fucking cool consciousness is, it even warns you about itself.

>> No.7275783

Darwinism is a shitty meme

Our intellect did not develop and emerge out of matter. That is complete incoherent nonsense. A series of unintelligent acts cannot cause the existence of an intelligence. Our intellect is derived necessarily from the Supreme Intellect that forms all things. Intellect is not some side-effect that grew out of our brains by accident; intellect is part of our very essence. We were born to know.

>> No.7275788 [DELETED] 
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1:1 What matters is the category "Good and Evil", and all good things and all evil things in particular. 1:2 What is good are all those particular things that we shoud love and praise. 1:3 What is evil are all those things we should hate and slander. 2:1 It is good that a good thing is protected, it is evil that a good thing is left unprotected. 2:2 It is good that a potential good thing is made, it is evil that a potential good thing is left unmade. 2:3 It is evil that an evil thing is not destroyed, it is good that an evil thing is destroyed. 2:4 It is evil a potential evil thing is made, it is good that a potential evil thing is left unmade.

3:1 What does not matter are all those particular things that are indifferent, but the category of the Indifferent does matter. 3:2 Good is the opposite of Evil, but the opposite of the category of "Good and Evil", the category of what matters, is the category of the Indifferent. 3:3 The oppposite of an indifferent thing in particular is a thing in particular which matters, namely, a particular thing which is either good or evil. 3:4 To love or praise an indifferent thing as though it were a good thing is evil; it is also vain, because to do such is to claim that one has a knowledge of Good and Evil that one, through his actions, provably does not have. 3:5 To hate or slander an indifferent thing as though it were an evil thing is also evil, and it too is vain. 3:6 To treat an indifferent thing as though it were something that mattered, something Good or Evil, is to be indifferent towards the category "Good and Evil", it's to say that the category of "Good and Evil" is indifferent, that it does not matter. 3:7 This is the greatest evil, the greatest good is love and to praise the category "Good and Evil".

>> No.7275789 [DELETED] 
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key this really needs trimming down

4:1 The categories of "Good and Evil", what matters, and the Indifferent, what does not matter, is what makes one thing matter and another thing not. 4:2 If it were not for these categories then nothing would matter and everything would matter. 4:3 Everything would be indifferent and nothing would be indifferent. 4:5 Everything would be just as lovable as abhorrent. 5:1 The category "Good and Evil" is God's Law, is the Word of God, is God. 5:2 Only God would have the necessary wisdom to see ultimately what mattered and what did not matter, and of those things that mattered what was good (i.e. what ought to be loved and praised) and what was evil (i.e. what ought to be hated and slandered). 5:3 What matters most is the category of what matters, "Good and Evil", because if it does not matters then nothing matters. 5:4 Because it itself defines what matters, indeed, what matters is God, and if God doesn't matter, well then nothing matters. 5:5 Because God Himself is the One capable of saying what matters and what matters not.

6:1 To say that there is no "Good and Evil" is the sin against the Holy Spirit, the sin that God Himself declared unforgivable. 6:2 To live in indifference towards the category "Good and Evil" is the same sin; this sin is to slander "Good and Evil", God, the Holy Spirit, as to declare a good thing indifferent is to slander it. 7:1 The category "Good and Evil", the Word of God, is itself among the set of things that are Good (the set contains itself). 7:2 This follows from two things — that the category of "Good and Evil" matters (as is proved above, in that if this does not matter then nothing can even be said to not a matter — a contradiction), and that if it matters it must be good, because if it were evil then it would be good to destroy it, and if it were destroyed then again we would be in that contradictory situation, as upon its destruction nothing would be either Good or Evil. 7:3 Of all the things that matter, the things that are within the category "Good and Evil", the category itself is the only thing that is good by necessity. 7:4 God is necessarily good, because if God is not good then nothing CAN be good, because only God is able to say that something is good in the first place.

>> No.7275793 [DELETED] 
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8:1 To love God is the greatest good, to hate God is the greatest evil. 8:2 Jesus Christ is the One who loves God; Satan is the only who hates God. 8:3 Jesus Christ is the One who says "he who is not with Me is against Me", i.e. he who does not, like Him, love God, is against Him, hates God. 8:3 Those who are not with Jesus Christ are those who are against the One that loves God, they hate God. 8:4 As Jesus Christ said, "nobody comes to the Father except through Me", this is because Christ is the One who, like a son, is loved by God, and who as a father would tolerate the presence of a man who hated his beloved son — this goes especially for God the Father whose love is absolute.

9:1 All of this does not prove that God exists, but it does prove that if God does not exist then nothing matters. 9:2 Or, if anything does matter, then that by that fact alone God must exist. 9:3 If God does not exist then we are unable to say that anything matters, we are unable to say that life is better than death. 9:4 We are unable to say that pleasure is better than pain, we are unable to say the beauty is better than ugliness. 9:5 Or, rather, we are able to say that life is better than death, but we are not able to say that life matters. 9:6 We are able to say these things, but we are not able to say that our saying these things matters, that they are of any importance, which is tantamount to saying that we are unable to say these things, that one thing is better than another. 10:1 If God does not exist then all is vanity, as the preacher says, "Vanity of vanities, all is vanity". 10:2 Vanity is the opposite of wisdom, and as the preacher also says, "to fear God is the beginning of wisdom". 10:3 This is because to fear God is to live in acknowledgement of His existence, and to acknowledge that God exists is to acknowledge that some things matter and some things do not. 10:4 Which is the eclipse of vanity, because vanity means to love or hate a thing without really nothing whether or not is good or evil or indifferent, without knowing what matters and what is indifferent. 10:5 All of this does not prove that God exists, but it does prove that only those who fear Him can be wise.

>> No.7275795 [DELETED] 
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I regret posting this but I can't stop now

11:1 Who can fear God without first being certain of his existence? To be certain of God's existence is named Faith. 11:2 Only those who first have Faith can fear God, i.e. be wise, and love God, i.e. be good. 11:3 Those faithless ones who do not fear God but fear that He may exist cannot be wise, but they are less vain than those faithless ones that both do not fear God and do not fear that he may exist. 11:4 Because those ones are not only failing to fear God, which is to be wise, but they are also failing to entertain the idea that there is One who in fearing Him they may become wise. 11:5 The first do not have wisdom but they do seek it, the latter neither have nor do they seek wisdom. 11:6 All should seek God, as those who do not seek will certainly not find. 11:7 Those who do not seek God will surely never know if a thing matters or not, and so they will live in vanity with their actions seeming to show that they know of things that matter, when clearly they have no such knowledge. 11:8 Those who seek God, in finding Him — for "those who seek Me find Me" — will know Good from Evil and Truth from Falsehood, and they will not live in the shroud of vanity. 11:9 As the preacher said "the wise man's eyes are in his head, and the fool walketh in darkness", and as the prophet said, "the people living in darkness have seen a great light".

12:1 What goes for the category "Good and Evil" goes for the category "Truth and Falsehood". 12:2 Just as the category "Good and Evil" is what matters and its opposite is the Indifferent, "Truth and Falsehood" is the category of the certain and its opposite is the category of the uncertain. 12:3 Just as there can be nothing that matters without there first being that which matters most — the category of what matters, "Good and Evil", God's Word — so there can be nothing cetain without there first being that which is most certain — the category of the certain, "Truth and Falsehood". 12:4 Just as God is the only One so absolutely good that He is able to separate the good from the evil and create the category "Good and Evil" (i.e. God creates Himself, He creates this set which contains itself), so God is the only One so absolutely wise (i.e. certain) that He is able to separate the True from the False and create the category "Truth and Falsehood" (which is also Himself, just as Christ says, "I am the Truth").

>> No.7275803

that shit was way too long and badly written, I deleted it

>> No.7275817

>A series of unintelligent acts cannot cause the existence of an intelligence.

Evidence Against- thousands of years of observing organisms take in matter and transmute that matter into new organisms

>Our intellect is derived necessarily from the Supreme Intellect that forms all things.

Evidence For- anonymous shitposts

>> No.7275824

>thousands of years of observing organisms take in matter and transmute that matter into new organisms

the only case where this would seem to produce intelligence is in the case of human offspring (humans are the only animals with intellect); but the truth is that the human body is ensouled as a separate act from the conception of the foetus.