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/lit/ - Literature

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[SPOILER] No.7266737[SPOILER]  [Reply] [Original]

Hey, /lit/. Let's play game! Who am I?


>went to boarding school and wrote a successful book that launched my career about my experiences
>we played a huge prank on the entire school
>I've written several books two which have been turned into films
>My movement sells out auditorium after auditorium year after year on our tours
>I am hugely popular among the youth and adults
>I am rudely criticized by people who don't understand me or my books because someone like me (someone some people don't see as a 'real' person capable of such acts) is not someone like them and therefore I should not be a huge influential success
>I laugh at these people
>I am well informed, well balanced, and educated
>I wanted to be a minister before turning to writing

Who am I?

>> No.7266742 [SPOILER] 
File: 662 KB, 1943x2490, 1445493370214.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who am I?
>talent less hack
>terrible with language
>whoreson, senseless villain

>> No.7266744

An Hiro, famous anime director of the classic, "Rooking For Araska."

>> No.7266747

tao lin, duh

>> No.7267060

>I created an entire school of philosophy just to explain why I like getting tied up and pounded in the asshole

>> No.7267065

Too memy, too easy.
