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/lit/ - Literature

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7266484 No.7266484 [Reply] [Original]

Can you name any examples of literature that has made you cry?

I can't say I have. The closest I've gotten to crying in a piece of written work was Of Mice and Men.

>> No.7266491

The ending of Ulysses.

>> No.7266497
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>OP picture

Every time.

>> No.7266500

The ending of Finnegan's Wake

>> No.7266507

Fuck you Mr. Rogers. Fundamentalist preacher "just smile through it," mass-pacifying lackey. Way to indoctrinate the children into a toxic idealism that will keep them consuming just as the capitalists see fit for life

>> No.7266519

the end of the amber spyglass (his dark materials) tbh

>> No.7266524

I cried during Freedom and my bitch ass didn't even want to

>> No.7266529


Hmm.. never read that. I guess I'll have to give that one a shot.

>> No.7266534

I'm not a cryer. Im really not. But Flowers For Algernon made me real watery.

I dunno why, that type of shit hits me.

>> No.7266538


I, uh, think you need to redefine the word "fundamentalism". Mr. Roger's was not a fundamentalist.

Infact, your entire statement is just a hamfisted psuedo-political analysis of a man who taught kids to love themselves and to explore good will.

I bet you see marxists in your closet.

>> No.7266544
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I forgot all about this..

>> No.7266549

Being sensitive to the well being of others isn't toxic capitalist ideology, friend.

>> No.7266550

>implying I'm not a Marxist myself
Nice concern troll, you fucking puppet.

>> No.7266556

Ulysses isn't really a book to read just to "give it a shot" or read it for a particular part.

By all means read it if you want, but its an investment.

>> No.7266559


And like clockwork, the political dick-waving contest that is /lit/ has begun.

>> No.7266562

how embarassing

>> No.7266563

Siddhartha by Hesse made me tear up on a plane once. It was a bit awkward.

>> No.7266567
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Why would you even post this..?

>> No.7266571

>waaah being a pessimist misanthrope means I'm above "normal" society!

ugh grow up dude.

>> No.7266578

This is a board about reading books.

>> No.7266583

>Ulysses isn't really a book to read
>This is a board about reading books.

>> No.7266588
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>> No.7266596

i think it's pretty clear we're all a little drunk

>> No.7266598

People who are well read are into politics.
Shocker, right?

>> No.7266601

That's not even mentioning the fact that he was responding to the guy saying he'd give Finnegans Wake a shot.

>> No.7266604
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>People who think they are well read think they are into politics.

>> No.7266655
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when the narrator of The Master of Go is describing the photographs of the dead master i almost started to cry.

>> No.7266691

>short story
>300 pages

>> No.7266719

Do i need to know Go to appreciate it truly?
Also, what are the best translations, asking for this and all the other big japanese authors, in case someone here is well versed in japanese lit.

>> No.7267686


>> No.7268026

Leave, you amoral cretin.

>> No.7268069


Man's Search for Meaning caused a couple of tears. Mice and Men nearly did it. Book of Disquiet came close, on occasion. Same with Catch-22 when Snowden was spilling his guts. No tears, but distinctly similar feel when the following happened in The Overcoat:

But if the joking became wholly unbearable, as when they jogged his hand and prevented his attending to his work, he would exclaim, "Leave me alone! Why do you insult me?" And there was something strange in the words and the voice in which they were uttered. There was in it something which moved to pity; so much that one young man, a new-comer, who, taking pattern by the others, had permitted himself to make sport of Akakiy, suddenly stopped short, as though all about him had undergone a transformation, and presented itself in a different aspect.

>> No.7268080


I'm well-read, and I loathe politics. It's reduced to a shit-flinging competition between people whose personalities are too heavily invested in their respective ideologies for them to ever consider reevaluating their views. Useless, vulgar and obscene.

>> No.7268108

closest I ever came was in IJ when Joelle was talking about the veil and UHID to Gately

I am hideously/improbably deformed

>> No.7268213

I know you made this insincere post to illict a response from me, so here it is. Hope it was worth it

>> No.7268309
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Being honest here...

I cried my eyes out when I read the new testament in lots of different places. The worst was the crucifixion though. Just imagining the depths of human cruelty and sadism and the fact that he did literally nothing to warrant it. I cried a ton during the resurrection, as well.

I also cried on and off in the whole scene in the Illiad when Patrocules died, when Homer describes Hector leaving his baby son to confront Achilles, and the bit with Priam and Achillies at the end. Was a great ending

>> No.7268320

You are deformed? In what way? If it's the "/r9k/ i'm so ugly" exaggeratory shit then fuck off.

>> No.7268332

The end of The Sirens of Titan

>> No.7268345

This board is for people over the age of 18