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/lit/ - Literature

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7264481 No.7264481 [Reply] [Original]

Why does /lit/ hate this guy so much?

>> No.7264488


>> No.7264489

He tries to put his dick in our Cheerios.

In all seriousness, he's just annoying and trite in his writing style, you the series and even, somehow, his face. That he's so popular and that so many don't think he's annoying at all can make one wonder if they're going insane.

>> No.7264497

He's a product of Reddit.

>> No.7264499

Because they think they are supposed to, people usually hate things not because they have ever taken the time to consume a piece of art or entertainment, but because they feel they have to. Since John Green is popular among teenage girls a lot of people (mostly angry dudebros) will dismiss him.

Of course people who have at least tried to read one his books have valid complaints, but the people who have read a couple of quotes online a couple of years are ago are just full of shit.

i mean fuck it, if fanbases determined the quality of an author, then Infinite Jest would be the worst novel of all time

>> No.7264504

mostly /pol/ and /b/ who hate him because he's a self proclaimed feminist?

anyone on here who pays him any attention probably doesn't read literature and is just here for memes

>> No.7264506

Probably reddit incarnate tbh

>> No.7264515

You mean "Tripe"

>> No.7264516

Because some of their peers like him. Like much of 4chan, /lit/ bases many of its opinions on bitterness toward their socially normal peers. The content or style of his writing is practically irrelevant.

>> No.7264518

same shit you dumb nigger

>> No.7264523

Opinion discarded.

>> No.7264524

My history teacher made us fucking watch his crash course videos for HW. They were so trite and not informative, just stupid liberal memes. Paper Towns wasn't that great either.

>> No.7264529

You can be socially normal and enjoy good literature though, I don't know why people think you have to be a fucking weirdo to enjoy anything at all.. and you can enjoy both John Green and other popular lit and the classics. I mean I read both genre novels and the classic lit.

>> No.7264551

Obviously. But bitterness is the main reason people hate him here. It's the same reason /pol/ hates Bernie Sanders, /r9k/ hates women, and /a/ hates Naruto. None of these things are truly that bad, but since their "normal" peers like them, they automatically hate them and bash them online to feel some power.

Usually people grow out of this mindset thankfully.

>> No.7264560

I agree, but this is also a board that hates Kurt Vonnegut too, probably for the same reason

>> No.7264577


Do you also say "normie"?

>> No.7264581


but the thing with Naruto is that it's shit

much like how John Green is shit, unlike Vonnegut who truly gets shat on because he's popular

>> No.7264585

"Dudebro" is tumblr's "Normie"

>> No.7264587

>None of these things are truly that bad
Why not?

Sounds like you're a populist tbh. If most "normal" people like it then it must not be all that bad. :-)

>> No.7264626

Usually if people dislike something, they don't go online and write paragraphs about how bad it and its fans are though. They just don't discuss it. That is the difference and what makes 4chan's hatred so transparent.

>> No.7264628

Naruto is a p good shonen fam

>> No.7264638

Well, they aren't that bad. John Grern is far from the worst writer, Bernie Sanders is far from the worst politician, Naruto is far from the worst anime, and women are...women.

Lots of people dislike all of them, and that's fine. But it takes a special hatred to spend your time shitting on them, a hatred that goes way beyond merely disliking them on a basic level.

>> No.7264647

Tripe is a noun, you niggerfaggot.

>> No.7264656

How do you know some ya book is trash and not worth reading? You get acquainted with such books and don't bother reading other genreficyion or specific author's books because you dislike them. We don't need read John Green, perfectly know Sanders, we can conclude our hate just by seeing its big popularity, take into account that popularity is mainly with women, see couple of his vids to see what youtube celebrity...so many factors by which we see we would most likely hate him, and so we do to push our worldview ever so little more.

>> No.7264659

You seriously think /lit/ is primarily comprised of dudebros?

>> No.7264665

his existence is irrelevant to me outside a couple of chuckles derived from his fuck ups

>> No.7264675

Your "worldview" isn't based on anything but bitterness though. No one is forcing you to read John Green. There is no reason to be upset about John Green beyond hating the people who might like him.

>> No.7264685

/lit/ like Kurt Vonnegut, they just agree that he's more suited for teenagers and young adults.

>> No.7264688

>None of these things are truly that bad
Kill yourself my man.

>> No.7264706

They aren't though. In the grand scheme they are at worst mediocre. Calm down.

>> No.7264717

I enjoy his history series on YT; It was interesting to see threads critical of it here (much of the criticism I saw coming from reactionaries who hate it when someone mentions anything vaguely to the left of Nixon) and while you could of course say that the Crash Course videos give only a surface reading, this criticism doesn't really consider this surface reading as being the point. It's called Crash Course and it's aimed at 15-year-olds and it's not perfect but it's basically harmless. Green himself as an internet celebrity is also basically harmless; he's a sort of vanilla human.

I've never read any of his books.

>> No.7264790

Expressing hate for him is supporting classics, deeper history(though his crash course isn't all that bad), supporting a world without such hacks. It's good to dislike him. There are so many ideas of his to dislike which eventually reflects on to all his doings, you come to hate him, can't stand him and inform others of it so less would read and support such trash.

>> No.7264814

It's called overcompensation in the interests of trying to provide a balance

>> No.7264862

God this some cringeworthy shit

>> No.7264866

The term you are looking for is "embarassing", as you would know if you read books.

>> No.7264929

How so? Doesn't fit your passive attitude on life?

>> No.7264988

talentless as fuck
punchable face

>> No.7265012

/a/ generally considers most shounens to be "bad" even if they're good for a shounen. I think it stems from the fact that a lot of normies like it, and since it's popular, anime gets associated with Naruto and the adults that consider it high-tier anime despite it being intended for 12-year-old boys.

I'm not elitist about books like I am anime, but I can only assume people get upset with John Green because he has a fandom of people who like "books and literature" because they read his novels. People probably don't want what they consider their culture to be associated with something lower than what is typical. /a/ doesn't want anime to be known as Naruto, and I assume /lit/ doesn't want the American novel to be associated with The Fault in our Stars.

At the end of the day it doesn't matter though, so a lot of the hate probably stems from the john green hate meme. Memes control reality.

>> No.7265016

crash course history is full of factual inaccuracies and liberal interpretations

and he's raising another man's child

>> No.7265020

>and he's raising another man's child
Isn't this a good thing?

>> No.7265025


Sanders is a filthy socialist who will run this country into the group inside 4 years

>> No.7265032

You can't be serious, nigger....

>> No.7265034


On reflection, probably yes

>> No.7265042


>having little Johnny Greens running around and spreading white guilt on the playground
>a good thing

>> No.7265049

I mean I don't know about you, but I don't live in a Disney film where all step-parents are evil.

>> No.7265066

>crash course history is full of factual inaccuracies and liberal interpretations
I don't really how these two things are necessarily related. I mean, I'd personally prefer if he explored more radical interpretations of history, but it's not his job to mirror my own political views.

I mean, I don't really understand the point of being a reactionary anyway, but the constant return to whining about 'white guilt' is not only pretty stupid but also outdated. Historical Academia was having this argument in the 70's.

>> No.7265072

I personally hate him because he writes dishonest melodrama and sells it as something more. His books are the equivalent of harlequin romance and porn. Neither is inherently wrong but in most cases people can at least recognize the danger into completely buying into such fantasy. His smugness, his corny dialogue, and his clumsiness at stylizing things like relationships and cancer make him a kind of impostor that I find repulsive. I see him as part of a trend of authors that label themselves as YA to shield their bad writing from criticism. How CAN someone like an author like that?

>> No.7265073

i don't like him cause his put liberal views on historical things. one time he was saying sorry for not having enought woman history in an episode.

i don't know if i hate him cause of my political view's or that he is anoying preacher.

>> No.7265079

because /lit/ has taken the redpill and seen past his jewish lies

>> No.7265093


For some reason they just seem to go hand in hand, almost as though liberal ideology necessitates a faulty and falsified account of history . . .

>> No.7265124
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>> No.7265150




>> No.7265158

He's a whore.

>> No.7265167

his writing is so cringe-worthy
and i actually wasted away time of my life reading 2 of his books, front to back

the difference in intellectual level of theme and sophistication of writing and character building between his books and the twilight series is nil

>> No.7265203

Pretty much this. The man writes for 14 year old girls. Yes, he's not a very good writer, but he's harmless. The hate he gets is just a product of 4chans propensity for wasting their time and energy on things they hate in an effort to look cooler than "le normies."

>> No.7265222

is it bad that I could imagine DFW writing somethin like that?

>> No.7265229
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-Mocks Eurocentrism while also being highly Eurocentric himself
-Believes that liberal capitalism is the end product of historical progress, no sense of cultural relativism
-Criticizes ancient culture for being sexist/racist/ect. (see previous, he hates 'The Odyssey' because bronze age warrior people aren't as enlightened as us superior modern people are)
-Turns history, ideology, ect. into a big joke for us liberals to look upon smugly
TL;DR: Mein Gott, pure ideology!

>> No.7265266

Dear lord. Looking for Alaska is basically his teenage dream written. Can't hate a guy for that, can we?

>> No.7266717

this, this perfectly encapsulates my views. back in middle school, i had an english teacher who, for an assignment, made us read through a chapter and underline every metaphor. and to her, this passed as analysis. it was rote and mechanical and shallow.

when you look back at history, and you analysis amounts to: this is racist, this is sexist, this is homophobic (concepts that may not have even existed), it's just so facile, so inhumanly algorithmic, you could train a computer to do it.

>> No.7266728

i was going to post that people "here" (/pol/) hate him not because he writes artless ya novels but for political reasons... but this post did it for me.

>> No.7266745

I read it trying to stay totally unbiased and to be honest I could have conceivably seen it until that last sentence. That last sentence was just... eeuuuuuggbbhpgh

>> No.7266763
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He is the new man.

The new sort of man. You all know the kind. He's been completely castrated. He's been divorced from anything primal. Completely shorn of any crimethink.

He's like a little, supple, baby-oiled infant. A modern Cupid. A little faggy nothing of a thing who believes in nothing and flaps in the goddamn breeze, whichever way it happens to be flapping.

Tell me, would you ever respect a man who makes a fortune telling 13-year-old girls what they want to hear? Would you ever respect a man who writes fiction for girls whose breasts are still budding?

Look at him and weep. You see a piece of yourself in him, don't you? That piece that you're ashamed of. That cringing little coward in the corner of your soul.

For like him you've never cut down a pine. Never stood on a cliff's edge, bare-chested, roaring into the great wilds. Never killed with your hands.

The fire is gone from his eyes. The fire that the ancients had. The great men of eminence.

And now we have "logic" and "reason" and they're a small consolation to a beastly heart, which still beats, faint as it may be, still beats.

Can you hear it in your chest?

Last Man would probably be a better term but I didn't write this

>> No.7266767


but naruto really is shit

>> No.7266772
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go back to jezebel you cumguzzling waste of breath

>> No.7266796

No, One Piece is a good shonen, Naruto is XXX chapters of nothing, 600 chapters hanging on to its own initial coat tail.

>> No.7266801

>complaining about XXX chapters where nothing happens
>likes One Piece
No. The manga is relatively filler-free and quick paced but it does use sometimes heavy flashbacks, but that's due to the serial format.

>> No.7266809

I hate him because he is a mediocre writer, he plays a dumb character on youtube (the real John Green curses and smokes), and people love him for no purpose outside he captured the zeitgeist of teenage girl sexual fantasy.

I don't post about it though, because time will bury his shite writing in a 20 foot deep grave.

>> No.7266810

I can't tell if this a joke or not

>> No.7266819

This said it better than I could of. Anyone who says the Odyssey is sexist or whatever can go straight to hell.

>> No.7266826

I love it how this guy is basically correct about why adult men get together and hate on shit for other demographics like TFIOS, but all the manchildren on /lit/ are throwing a shitfit because you called them a mildly-insulting-but-not-really word that describes their mentality perfectly.

>Angry dudebros generally hate things popular with teenage girls

>> No.7266827

Wouldn't that be like saying that the KKK was never racist? I mean it a different time after all

>> No.7266831

I'm not complaining that nothing happens, i'm saying that naruto has no plot. It is just a bunch of chapters filled with half-hearted ideas because it prints money. There is no 'goal', things just sort of happen, he wants his friend back, and then stuff sort of happens. And obviously i'm talking about the manga.

Say what you want about one piece, but it is fleshed out.

>> No.7266833

In what world is the Odyssey not sexist? Just because Penelope is used as a virtuous figure, for her being good chaste housewife kept well, while Odysseus fucks around, the female houseservants are all hung just to prove a point and air out the laundry. How could you not expect any sane woman not to be put off by that? Someone needs to read the Penelopiad.

>> No.7266835

Well i guess memebros would be a more fitting term, as you got the same sexist mentality as dudebros, but also unironically turns good literature into memes because you enjoy talking about books more than actually reading them.

>> No.7266838

I don't hate him.

I don't even hate his books, though they're a bit short on quality. But, as far as YA drama go they're about what you'd expect.

All of his stories can be summed up like this:

>some asshole kid who thinks he's smarter than everyone else but still has an inferiority complex meets a girl who teaches him to live a little, though they ultimately don't end up together

>> No.7266846

Fucking was not neccesarily considered an act of love.
Also, he was practically a sex slave for 10 years, he wasn't really fucking around.

>> No.7266850

How to say absolutely nothing of value, the post.

Obviously there is a plot, does there have to be some big end all be all like the treasure in one piece for it to be considered plot? You sound like a fanboy tbh

>> No.7266874

Someone needs to actually study the culture for which the Odyssey is a foundational text. Marriage in Ancient Greece was a business partnership first and foremost, sex had nothing to do with the running of the household.

Also I don't care if your put off by it. It's been written down and its influence will be felt for centuries after your decomposed. Instead of trying to revise it to suit what makes you comfortable. Studying history and literature is not about finding stories that fit into your world view.

I hope the Penelopiad made you feel all warm and comfortable inside, because the only reason Odysseus did not kill her when he strung his bow was because she remained financially loyal to him during his absence.

>> No.7266876

>>In what world is the Odyssey not sexist?
in their society.

>> No.7266885

Sure Odysseus would've been totally cool being cucked by one of those suitors. Might've even wanted a threesome in that special bed.
Forgot about Calypso?

>> No.7266887

So what are you going to go back 2300 years and tell them off. Also when you say a text is sexist you are reducing its historical and literary value immensely. You are advocating that it is better to be ignorant of all the other important facets of a text because one aspect of it disagrees with your politics.

>> No.7266888


>> No.7266895

What a great reductive Marxist reading. You put feminists to shame with that ideology.

>> No.7266903

Something can be sexist but still be significant, right? The Jazz Singer and Birth of a Nation are definitely racist movies, but they are still two of the most important films of all time

>> No.7266912

But it is a text about the economics of a society, its also about guest/host relationships, and the nature of gods/humans/animals.

I don't see where your interpretation comes in, or did you even provide one?

>> No.7266917

he is the ultimate dilettante and of course that makes /lit/ jealous

>> No.7266919

The Jazz Singer is a great example, because while it is racist unquestionably, it hints that at the heart of American art (jazz is unmistakably an American form) there is a jew and a black man, which is profound and worthy of study.

>> No.7266948

Yes, so the symbol of their secret marriage bed, crafted out of a living tree, which is a climax of the story, when they reunite, had nothing to do with symbolizing their union and marriage. The tree is a plant he owns and is green so it represents money, which is all Odysseus cares about.

I can't imagine what soulless bore you must be to strip away all humanity from a work of art and reduce it to simple economic transactions.

>> No.7266986

If you define climax as the turning point of a narrative, it would be when Odysseus strings his bow symbolizing his return as king of Ithaca. Whereupon he proceeds to slaughter his own people who have been depriving him of his resources.

Also I am not saying that there is not significance to their relationship. One oddity with the Odyssey is it presents ideas up front (slaver is good!) but then provides counter examples for them.

The issue here is that instead of attempting to argue these more complex points where I would of likely ceded my point to you, you attacked my person of whom you know nothing. There is an image of Aristotle I see on this board a lot about being able to entertain an idea without committing to it, and just because I argue a position does not mean that I personally agree with Marx.

>> No.7267020

If Penelope is simply Odysseus' property or property manager or beloved wife who is held up to a double standard, it's still sexist.

>> No.7267077


>> No.7267081

not familiar with him, but if he does all of that (which, by the looks of him, I'm sure he would) then absolutely fuck him. 'men' like this are just despicably pathetic.

>> No.7267087

>when you look back at history, and you analysis amounts to: this is racist, this is sexist, this is homophobic (concepts that may not have even existed), it's just so facile, so inhumanly algorithmic, you could train a computer to do it.

it really should partly be every young person's agenda to work to get past this approach, not by being 'reactionary' (you can never 'go back', exactly), but by coming up with a better, smarter argument and approach that just obliterates identity politics' presence from every corner of the arts and humanities

>> No.7267090

I'm sure one day you'll come up with them

>> No.7267099

haha, that image. guys like that are seriously my least-favorite people. 'progressive' pussy critic types. these spineless fuckers exist to be trampled on.

>> No.7267137


liberalism, cuckery, books are trite garbage

>> No.7267140

people on 4chan like to think they are special when in reality they operate exactly the same way as every other community in that there's always a list of things you should like and dislike. basically retards who read the review before consuming the piece of art/entertainment.
4chan tends to be against anything remotely popular because the userbase tends to consist of life's rejects.

>> No.7267156

Yates, atticus or Shakespeare

>> No.7267165

He's a poor writer by literary standards.

>> No.7267255

Of course we hate this guy. It's probably our perfect nemesis, as whether he was created that way. Let 's start:

-Writes Twilight tier novels. Dull themes, manipulative setting, unimaginative and cringeworthy prose, cliche romances and characters, etc. I know that there are a lot of 'bad writers' that are famous among the mainstream, but they not get the same backlash for the ones alike us. Wonder why? We'll gladly tell you.

-Is somehow regarded as some kind of middle brow intellectual by some people. I don't live in the States, but some people in this very thread told you about how they had to watch their lame, biased, uninteresting videos for some courses. Pitifully we live on the age of e-celebs shitheads blossoming, and he happens to be a youtube philistine preacher.

-He's just tumblr (and not reddit as some of you stated) personified, if that could ever happen by their standards in a "white cis male" who, funnily, writes about love stories for young girls.

-He has shown disdain for the classics because "Hey, guess what, kiddo, Odysseus was not really a hero, he goes to war, kills people -even women- and doesn't let his wife to have sex with other men! Disregard storytelling, use of language, literary devices, structure, themes, originality, beauty and core ideas since this texts don't match our narrow set of mind". And I haven't mentioned yet the 'Aristotle meme'. This guy is spreading the bullshit all of the English students at uni posting here constantly complain about.

To sum up:
He's shallow, self entitled, stereotypical, a mere product of the market, a pleb who spreads all what /lit/ despise regarding literature, books, art, history and philosophy.
And you wonder why he is hated in this board of the most nefarious korean moving paintings shitposting hole of the internet?

>> No.7267289

His writing is contrived and overly sentimental.

>> No.7267306

And most of the novels that people on here cream their pants over are classics, and by that incredibly famous and popular.. and they have been read by a lot of people.
On top of that, some here seem to think you can only like one thing, which is absurd. Like it is possible to read both contemporary lit, including genre fiction, and also read classics.

>> No.7267317

no ones forcing you redditors to migrate over. what, you think your being some kind of courageous caustic by saying 4chan is contrarian sometimes?
>On top of that, some here seem to think you can only like one thing, which is absurd. Like it is possible to read both contemporary lit, including genre fiction, and also read classics.
lol im so sorry someone probably BTFO'd you in a thread while you were meming tao lin and the martian

>> No.7267318
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Can anybody elaborate on this "Aristotle meme"? Is it about how people like to disregard all of Aristotles great work because his work in biology was not correct all of the time?

Or is it just the new postmodernistic "everything is relative, truth does not exist" kind of thinkers who hate Aristotle because he did his best to find objective truth?

Pic not related; random Roman sculpture to keep it classic.

>> No.7267324

people apply pc shit and think he's a shitlord because they heard about that passage on slavery from the politics.

>> No.7267328


Get out of /lit/. I don't care even if English isn't your first language

>> No.7267346

I don't know in which video he's says it, but indeed he says this "Aristotle was, basically, wrong about everything."

I think John Green has some key problems with Aristotle that he generalizes to all his work to justify his bad opinion for the guy.

1) Aristotle thinks women should always obey man, this is interpreted as being misogeny. 2) The argument pro-slavery on Politics. 3) The frequent mistakes in his biological studies. 4, 5 and 6) Similar mistakes in Physics, Astronomy, Metereology. And there are probably more mistakes in other empirical fields.

I don't need to say to you that this is really a naive opinion. If you want to be rigorous on this level you might say as well that Newton was wrong about everything. Aristotle founded these fields of research. His mistakes are insignificant in comparison to his contributions,

>> No.7267353

But Aristotle is indeed wrong about everything.

>> No.7267371

No, his Poetics and his Rhetoric are flawless. His Logic is imcomplete, but without flaws up to the point he developed it.

>> No.7267449

It's fucking laughable that partisan politics (and personal bitterness) causes people with a supposed interest in liberal arts to be staunch conservatives and take sides like all of life is a dichotomy of left vs right

>> No.7267458

>He actually believes in the political dichotomy of left vs right

lol American liberals, think they're left when they are radical proponents of Global capitalism

>> No.7267460

You mean tripe

>> No.7267468
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>> No.7267498

That's the point

Nice meme, is it meant to be relevant? The point is people who identify with a side write off their actual opinions in favour of a diehard "anti left" or "anti right" regime. They don't even care about their own politics, just what the other side believes and how they can oppose it.

>> No.7267569

how do any of you actually find this guy interesting enough whether you like him or hate him to have a 100 post thread with 63 unique posters about him

>> No.7267609

History major here.

The reason why I dislike him is because I completely disagree with his take and interpretation of history. The way he intertwined his politics into his presentations are also academically irresponsible. He is a charlitan.

There is a reason why he is funded by the men with fat pockets and ill intentions.

>> No.7267617


>> No.7267618

He has success, while the anons on /lit/ still day-dream of literary success.

>> No.7267623

Of course you don't have to be a socially retarded, self centered, self serving, self pitying, self aggrandizing contarian whose identity soley hinges on his contrasting relationship to his peers.

You just happen to be one and claim to like literature

>> No.7267746

I am not sure what you're trying to get at....

>> No.7267762

I'd argue that a lot of people here don't like literature as much as they like talking about it. I mean there only a handful of books you see frequently discussed here.. because literature is more a meme than anything of actual value to you guys.

The people who read John Green and other YA novels actually do like literature, because they don't spend their time talking about how much they hate certain novelists.

>> No.7267857

His prose is literally fine. I've skimmed through my girlfriend's copy of fault in our stars and its got more or less the same weight as Catcher in the Rye. It's literature for young adults, my girlfriend is 19 and she very much enjoys this type of literature. I personally don't, it is not for me, I recognise that but I don't have an autistic meltdown over it because Greene isn't doesn't write with the same depth of like Camus or Kafka.

So since the book isn't as terribly written as I was initially expecting I am lead to believe that the people who vehemently hate John Greene lie when they say they it's because they think he's a weak writer.

Then they hate it because it is popular among their peers which is pathetic as fuck. It's like those kids going on youtube music videos and saying shit like "I AM SO OLDSCHOOL, I LOVE METALLL UNLIKE KATIE PERRY AND REBECCA BLACK AMIRITE MY BROS? SHOULDA BEEN BORN IN THE 90's"

The only other reason I can think of is, is because he's expressed feminist values and then redditors /v/ and /pol/ immediately jump to their "sjw" strawman shit. From my understanding, the guy is an openly devout christian and votes republican sometimes. There's literally nothing wrong with feminism and if you think so, fuck off back to /r9k/. I have yet to see a reasonable anti-feminist argument that basically didn't amount to cretins being offended (mildly annoyed) that women wanna talk about issues facing women in society

tl;dr fuck off autists

>> No.7267863

>So since the book isn't as terribly written as I was initially expecting I am lead to believe that the people who vehemently hate John Greene lie when they say they it's because they think he's a weak writer.

Maybe according to your piddling standards buddy.

>> No.7267873

But Sanders really is a fucktard.

>> No.7267878
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Just have a glance by yourself:


/lit/ was flooded with this shit some months ago, like four simultaneous thread at times.

>> No.7267907

I read Looking for Alaska when I was a teen. It was stupid and had a hamfisted twist ending

>> No.7267939

Seems you're just generalizing. To consider yourself left/right doesnt mean you are against all of the stereotypically right/left views, especially since the heavy dichotomy only exists in ultra mainstream politics. Individual opinion goes into many topics not having much to do with the core ideologies, like gun control, gay marriage, and whatever else. Yeah sure on tv in America the right was hating on gays and the left is a pussy about guns but if you think intelligent leftists/rightists follow that you're a schmuck.

>> No.7267940

A meaningless response to illicit a negative reaction and response from myself. Is this the part where we desperately try to prove our qualitative authority by going back and forth listing books we've read and calling the ones the other lists as shit?

I stated that book was fine in terms of prose, for the niche it was released to. It's not going to change the face of literature but for YOUNG adults that it is written for, I am sure they will find some entertainment and abilty to relate to its contents. I never said I found it an acheivement. I simply said that it was not a bad book

>> No.7268051
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He is just really dumb and a bad writer. I don't care if he is liberal, so am I. He just says dumb shit all the time. Comes off as a narcissist.

Never cared about him tho outside of /lits/'s jokes about him. Which are funny to me.

>> No.7268055

I don't think voting republican is necessarily all that bad, i suspect him to be a swing voter, he definitely do not agree with conservatives on matters such as gay right and racism

>> No.7268064
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John Green is a sexist.

>> No.7268127

Why is he so anti-western? Is it just to be pc?

>> No.7268130

Still doesn't fit the mold of what one would consider a strawman social justice warrior

The guy is truly innocous

>> No.7268150

>I hate an author because I dislike the personality of a character he wrote

SJW drive.

>> No.7268159

God damn dude

>> No.7268169


>> No.7268215


>> No.7268293

hah. exactly. and nearly every other one ever.

>> No.7268321
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it's not so bad until that last thing of hurricanes and rain comes in......

>> No.7268357

4chan lit isn't that much different from kids on youtube saying "i'm 14 and i listen to <insert remotely obscure artist> LOL".
if you think otherwise you're just suckered into lit ideology which tbh is fucking sad

>> No.7268437

>talentless as fuck
>punchable face
none of these are at all good reasons to really truly hate a person but good job fam

>> No.7268466

mein gott tbh

>> No.7268467

He's literally the nickle back of books. A talent-less hack who who stumbled into success by producing mediocre shit.

>> No.7268481

spotted the jelly faggot

>> No.7268505


>> No.7268527

>When we make fun of Twilight, we're ridiculing the enthusiasm people have for unironic love stories. Have we nothing better to satirize?
how newly sincere

>> No.7268531

I'd say all of his books float around 5-6/10. They have their moments.

>> No.7268555

he's easy sport. green is an extremely visible figure and his writing is sub-par and easy to mock. imo that is the dominant reason posters tend to shit on him around here. another might be the fact that green is the de-facto face of YA, and /lit/ as a whole seems to abhor YA. YA is also easy sport.

>> No.7268620

This word....


>> No.7268630

I love is how you think replying to your own posts will create the illusion that your opinion has support from other people

>> No.7269937

Sure, I don't even believe there is such a thing as a social justice warrior honestly.

>> No.7269955

icycalm pls go

>> No.7269969


Naruto is a gateway anime of the worst kind. It's a bad series, a clusterfuck of story and characterization that isn't very well done by any aspect, but which attempts to compensate for its weaknesses by adding in excessive shipping faggotry and DARKNESS. The normal anon can see this as the shit it is, and may enjoy it, hate it or be indifferent to it, but all the while recognizing that the series itself, regardless of their opinion, is plain bad.

However, these very aspects that try to smear over the shit of its core make it a breeding ground for aspie, unsociable underageb& faggots who engage in every kind of faggotry both online and in the real world. The superpowered characters all trying their hardest to look cool, the jutsus, peculiar, colorful clothes, the whole ninja faggotry and everything about the Naruto world fuels their escapist fantasies, while the pity-party character backgrounds, emphasis on revenge, and overall preachiness of the series make it fit just right with the mary-sueish drives of your average preteen and his sense of unwarranted self-importance towards the world. Exactly the kind of shit that makes little kiddies and underageb& retards eat this shit right the fuck up.

Naruto is basically THE series to attract the most hated anime fanbase known to /a/, which is why, regardless of individual opinions, it is the responsibility of every anon to troll the fuck out of this show and everyone who likes it, and ensure that no Naruto threads ever encourage the newfriends to show their faces here.

>> No.7269973

I don't think you've seen Naruto. It really is that bad. Can't speak for the other two.

>> No.7269979

Bullshit. People love shitting on things they don't like, they revel in it. See: every popular media review site ever.

>> No.7269996

People shit on Shounen because they're long, drawn out piles of shit that lack and thematic depth or character development. Even when they do develop characters in any meaningful way, it's spread so thinly over the massive amount of episodes that it becomes a slog. People don't hate Shounens cause "muh popularity" they hate them because they're bloated piles of garbage.

>> No.7270015

>judging ancient societies by your moral standards

Fucking hell.