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/lit/ - Literature

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7264211 No.7264211 [Reply] [Original]

Why is he terrified of Ni*tzsche?

>> No.7264214

Cause he's retarded

>> No.7264220

He is the sort of person who thinks Aristotle was poo but Thomas Aquinas was the man.

>> No.7264233

I need that shirt tbh

>> No.7264236

because betas feel intimidated by alphas

>> No.7264237

Nope, Aquinas is too "eurocentric" for him.

>> No.7264243

who is he?

>> No.7264248

Never watched CrashCourse?

>> No.7264254

kek, seriously?
never really watched this guy but hes abuzz with the youth u feel me

>> No.7264263
File: 33 KB, 496x314, Friedrich-Nietzsche-citazioni.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because he's a pandering weakling

Nietzsche keeps it 100

>> No.7264268

no you dont

>> No.7264310

who is he pandering to?

>> No.7264325
File: 40 KB, 563x406, 08c8964cd4fd63550f52840f7649c5fa240b03b3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Shits on Aristotle whenever he can
>Nothing but praise for Thomas Aquinas


>> No.7264334

Young women and men who think they can achieve lasting satisfaction by earning the approval of young women.

>> No.7264335

Nietzsche went on and on about ubermensches while being a sickly bedridden weakling who was afraid of girls, . Lmao.

>> No.7264338

fuck off john

>> No.7264362

who's this faggot

>> No.7264367

david pynchon

>> No.7264380


Nietzsche would be king of the manosphere if those idiots actually read books.

>> No.7264387

>mfw john green is Jackson Pynchon

>> No.7264419
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>> No.7264421


>> No.7264432

Cormac McCarthy

>> No.7264444

I quite like Crashcoure

>> No.7264449

If he but knew the amount of shit strangers talked about him on a indonesian pictograph forum

>> No.7264451

When did he talk about nietzsche?

>> No.7264456

He is probably more well read than anyone on this board is... and a way better writer too. I mean sure none of his novels are masterpiece, and some of his books are awful, but TFIOS, Looking or Alaska, and Paper Towns are all decent.

>> No.7264458

he hasn't iirc, think thats what ops getting at

>> No.7264467

fucken kek

>> No.7264475

>TFIOS, Looking or Alaska, and Paper Towns are all decent.
What the fuck is wrong with you?
Even if you can look past the fact that they're all exactly the same, the writing is just disgusting. It's like he writes for an hour or two, clocks in, and doesn't ever look back. Makes me want to kill myself thinking that he's a national phenomenon

>> No.7264512

when you stare into the cheerios, be sure the cheerios dont stare back @ you

>> No.7264513

I disagree, there is nothing wrong with me.. I enjoy some of his novels, deal with it. It is not like I think they are amazing, or that I haven't read other stuff.. i just enjoy them.

I wouldn't say they are all the same though, but I suspect that you are not interested in actually discussing John Green so I won't bore you.

>> No.7264536


>Women are cereal

--John Green

>> No.7264544


And those who were seen munching were thought to be insane by those who could not enjoy the whole-grain crunch

>> No.7265309
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Kekked and checked.

>> No.7265320
File: 114 KB, 720x960, download_20151021_164310.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This man is a genius, fuck you all

>> No.7265343

literally the meek TBH

>> No.7265349

>mountain goats
I thought he was supposed to have shit taste?

>> No.7265384

It's an act. In reality, he isn't the manchild that he presents himself to be in front of his young adult audience.

>> No.7265391

He has shit taste because he doesn't have diverse taste.

>> No.7265395

He actually has read some of Nietzsche I'm pretty sure. He has mentioned being part of an edgy group of high schoolers who "read Nietzsche". If I recall correctly, he talks about it like it was an adolescent phase.

>> No.7265397

Nah, you'd think that because he writes books and makes videos for teens, but he's actually a patrician. He decided, rather than writing a literary masterpiece, to write something that would make him a millionaire. Wait a decade or two and we'll see what Green's really made of.

>> No.7265401
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Why does Green like Aquinas, exactly? He said that having safe sex is literally worse than rape.

>> No.7265415

No high-schooler would read more than two books of Nietzsche, let alone a group of them.

>> No.7265431

yes he is

>> No.7265575

wont tackle it in his vids tho

>> No.7265605

He knows well that all his ideology was destroyed by N-man a hundred years before he was born.

He doesn't want to see the truth. He prefers to live surrounded by lies. It is enough for him that he and his peers believe in them.

>> No.7265631

Can someone explain who this cock sucker is?

>> No.7265781

damn tbh

>> No.7266084


>> No.7266105

>cacausian, short brown hair, glasses
Why is it that virtually all cucks fit this description?

>> No.7266129

When does he mention Nietzsche?

>> No.7266979


>> No.7267012

He truthfully does not seem very happy.


>> No.7267035

critics always seem to fit that description too.

>> No.7268325

What is your favorite book? Be honest. TFIOS is honestly terrible writing, it's like Salinger with down syndrome and literal proof that cancer can metabolize through metaphors.

>> No.7268334


you do know he literally got cucked right

>> No.7268341

TFIOS is not terrible writing. Do you have any sense at all? Are you actually autistic? It was Time magazine's best fiction book of 2012. Sure, it may not be a masterpiece, but "honestly terrible writing"? Pull your head out of your ass.

>> No.7268342

because most writers are

>> No.7268349

Late in the winter of my seventeenth year, my mother decided I was depressed, presumably because I rarely left the house, spent quite a lot of time in bed, read the same book over and over, ate infrequently, and devoted quite a bit of my abundant free time to thinking about death.

Whenever you read a cancer booklet or website or whatever, they always list depression among the side effects of cancer. But, in fact, depression is not a side effect of cancer. Depression is a side effect of dying. (Cancer is also a side effect of dying. Almost everything is, really.) But my mom believed I required treatment, so she took me to see my Regular Doctor Jim, who agreed that I was veritably swimming in a paralyzing and totally clinical depression, and that therefore my meds should be adjusted and also I should attend a weekly Support Group.

This Support Group featured a rotating cast of characters in various states of tumor-driven unwellness. Why did the cast rotate? A side effect of dying.

The Support Group, of course, was depressing as hell. It met every Wednesday in the basement of a stone-walled Episcopal church shaped like a cross. We all sat in a circle right in the middle of the cross, where the two boards would have met, where the heart of Jesus would have been.

I noticed this because Patrick, the Support Group Leader and only person over eighteen in the room, talked about the heart of Jesus every freaking meeting, all about how we, as young cancer survivors, were sitting right in Christ’s very sacred heart and whatever.

So here’s how it went in God’s heart: The six or seven or ten of us walked/wheeled in, grazed at a decrepit selection of cookies and lemonade, sat down in the Circle of Trust, and listened to Patrick recount for the thousandth time his depressingly miserable life story—how he had cancer in his balls and they thought he was going to die but he didn’t die and now here he is, a full-grown adult in a church basement in the 137th nicest city in America, divorced, addicted to video games, mostly friendless, eking out a meager living by exploiting his cancertastic past, slowly working his way toward a master’s degree that will not improve his career prospects, waiting, as we all do, for the sword of Damocles to give him the relief that he escaped lo those many years ago when cancer took both of his nuts but spared what only the most generous soul would call his life.



I don't care what a fucking hack at Time magazine thinks, it's puerile bullshit that's just slightly above the level of Twilight. And I notice you haven't told me what your favourite book is.

>> No.7268366

I am not the guy who said they were decent, just defending him. fav book is prolly catch 22, you?

>> No.7268370


Because nietzsche is the most anti egalitarian, anti social justice philosopher in history

>> No.7268377

Damn good book to be honest anon, favourite book is probably Sickness Unto Death.

>> No.7268383

ayy, common ground. the other day i got the combined Fear and Suffering and The Sickness Unto Death, can't wait to dive in.

>> No.7268387


>> No.7268400


>> No.7268403

Start with Fear and Suffering, it's the easier read. Also keep in mind each pseudonym he uses actually represents a slightly different version of his philosophy. Still have the first page and a half of Sickness Unto Death memorized just from trying to make sense of it, it's an obtuse read.

>> No.7268404

I want attention

>> No.7268410

Get on my level, I read most of Nietzsche's bibliography by the time I was 17

>> No.7268413


>> No.7268454
File: 43 KB, 409x600, The_Fault_in_Our_Stars[3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried reading this and couldn't get past 50 pages. It's all so disgustingly inauthentic and adolescent. The characters speak as if they were in some quirky television show about precocious children.

It tries so hard to be authentic that it actually repulses with its inauthenticity. This is what happens when you take New Sincerity too seriously.

>> No.7268583

heres a (You)

>> No.7268637
File: 36 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that picture photoshopped? It's almost looks like someone "squeezed" his head around the area of his temples which makes his head inflated at the top and bottom.

Pic related.

>> No.7268653

I wonder if you went in hoping to hate it

>> No.7268662


Because Nietzsche's philosophy directly undermines the libertarian, SJW mentality that John Green so expressly espouses. N's a natural aristocrat who believes that certain people are innately superior to others, while John Green believes everyone is equal and that everyone deserves the same thing, muh freedom, yadda yadda. It's no wonder that a thinker who rationally explains a concept such as master/slave morality scares someone who goes out of their way to spread feminism and the like. Nietzsche's a threat, yo.

>> No.7268664

I genuinely thought this was an anons story for a second

>Tfw your novel is 4chan post quality

>> No.7268717
File: 417 KB, 500x700, tumblr_m622h8NEJX1qdkam5o1_500[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On the contrary. I was hoping to counter /lit/'s vitriol with some praise of the novel. Not that I expected it to be good, but I thought it might stand up as a passable novel with nothing particularly objectionable. I hoped that at the very worst it might just be "bad" writing in the sense that it was bland.

Instead I found myself cringing at the contrived platitudes masquerading as profundity, (particularly with the putting-a-cigarette-in-your-mouth-but-not-lighting-it metaphor). Unless there is some kind of sharp turn later on whereby what I've already read is retrospectively reduced to a satire of adolescent pretensions, I can't see myself enjoying any more of the novel and can, with some accuracy, summarize what major themes come to light and what the inevitable "moral of the story" will be.

>> No.7268773

good point though tbh. Why hasnt he tackled him? he has what, thousands of videos?

>> No.7268803

>On the contrary. I was hoping to counter /lit/'s vitriol with some praise of the novel.

I have a feeling this is really just counter contrarianism

>> No.7268817

Sure, my opinion dissents from yours so I must have ulterior motives.
Maybe you could tell me why you think the Fault in Stars is a good piece of literature?

>> No.7268928

It's not that bad though. Like, he's got an idea of what it means to stir from the bland, journalism-like style of the ungifted, he just fails at doing it right. I'm not considering the value of themes and morals of course...

>> No.7268962

Exactly, the intent is so trite and basic. It's prosaicly bland, but on top of that, it's just incredibly banal and superficial at any sense of a deeper level, and by the first page any hint of a theme is hamfisted harder than a pig in a furry cartoon.

Perhaps "terrible" is a small bit hyperbolic, but at a surface level his writing is just monotonally average, and then anything deeper is just not there. I called him a downes syndrome Salinger for a reason, I think it fits; it's like a shit version of his prose and ideas with a facelift that appeals to emotional girls and similar morons.

>> No.7268969

his glasses are 8 sizes too small

>> No.7268981

i don't but given your self-professed motives for reading it, it doesn't seem unlikely

>> No.7269716

>there is nothing wrong with me..
You do seem to think that sentences terminate with two full stops, which contradicts something generally taught around age six, so there just might be.

>> No.7269755

>So here’s how it went in God’s heart: The six or seven or ten of us walked/wheeled in, grazed at a decrepit selection of cookies and lemonade, sat down in the Circle of Trust, and listened to Patrick recount for the thousandth time his depressingly miserable life story—how he had cancer in his balls and they thought he was going to die but he didn’t die and now here he is, a full-grown adult in a church basement in the 137th nicest city in America, divorced, addicted to video games, mostly friendless, eking out a meager living by exploiting his cancertastic past, slowly working his way toward a master’s degree that will not improve his career prospects, waiting, as we all do, for the sword of Damocles to give him the relief that he escaped lo those many years ago when cancer took both of his nuts but spared what only the most generous soul would call his life.
And there's something terribly sad and banal about that.

>> No.7269995

Correcting grammar mistakes is different to correct grammar ignorance.

You are unintelligent if you haven't realised that yet.

>> No.7270008
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>> No.7270490

>deal with it

>> No.7270869

Has John Greene ever touched on Nietzsche before?

I can't imagine someone of that guy's disposition liking him.

>> No.7271246

thats the point

>> No.7271339



>> No.7271737

Because they both compete over the hearts of pseudo edgy teens.

>> No.7271744

aw hell I didn't even know the mountain goats had a shirt like that
thanks OP

>> No.7271756

How can you deny that nietzsche is an edgelord when you go around accusing people of being scared of him?

>> No.7271769

Not exactly. He asked Lou to marry him and she said no, and later he asked again and she still denied and then he told her to fuck off.

>> No.7271774
File: 21 KB, 218x265, 1378910324268.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy crap, i thought you people were joking. His wiki page has all the tumblr bells and whistles, including "cis-white-male" mentioned.

You cant make this shit up.

>> No.7271810

Nietzsche is only something to be scared of if you are one of the groups of losers he trashes.

>> No.7271877

you misintrept the op

>> No.7272514

>pissing on Nietzsche for endless teen pussy
>Not keeping it 100

>> No.7272526


>It's all so disgustingly inauthentic and adolescent. The characters speak as if they were in some quirky television show about precocious children.

Of course they do. He has to pander to millennials or else he won't sell a book.

>> No.7272548

slave moralists

>> No.7272552


>> No.7274355


>> No.7274420

Is it true that he's a cuck?

>> No.7274708


>> No.7274806

his kid is black, his wife is wife
the kid's not adopted

>> No.7276192

Can we agree that his brother Hank is a Legend?

>> No.7276195
File: 305 KB, 1000x562, f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He is a Christian

>> No.7276201
File: 70 KB, 587x545, 1422324490571.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Depression is a side effect of dying.
top pleb

>> No.7276857

The cuckold finds solace in the monk, as the monk is bound by a sacred vow to not partake in the spoiled fruit of his "wife", while he knows that Aristotle would run A train on her with his brilliant philosophy

>> No.7276874

I don't think his writing is very good, but honestly, it really doesn't matter what I think, because the book sold millions of copies, and any /lit/erati here would literally do a Faustian bargain in order to get that kind of attention for their own writing.

>> No.7276883

Nietzsche being a misogynist is one of the dumbest memes of all time.

>> No.7276901

I'm an ex smoker and I keep the last cigarette from the last pack I bought in my room. More or less serves as a constant temptation to myself. But I also don't fucking talk about it like a prat to bang frumpy, misanthropic quirky girls. It's just a personal thing I deal with.

>> No.7276906

[citation needed]

>> No.7277568

holy shit, that article shows how disgusting Green really is.

>Many authors do pre-publication publicity, but Green did extra credit: he signed the entire first printing—a hundred and fifty thousand copies—which took ten weeks and necessitated physical therapy for his shoulder.

>> No.7277974

fuggen kekd

>> No.7277998

>Depression is a side effect of dying

>> No.7278450

>tfw literal cuck
>tfw fit description
I don't like it

>> No.7279089

Has he said anything about Bret Easton Ellis?

>> No.7279100


is there? it reads like an edgefag trying to be witty and cool with his "observations"

>> No.7279113

why did i laugh

>> No.7279137

It's a rewrite of the passage David Foster Wallace style you fucking newfag.

>> No.7279166

>A legion of horribles, hundreds in number, half naked or clad in costumes attic or biblical or wardrobed out of a fevered dream with the skins of animals and silk finery and pieces of uniform still tracked with the blood of prior owners, coats of slain dragoons, frogged and braided cavalry jackets, one in a stovepipe hat and one with an umbrella and one in white stockings and a bloodstained wedding veil and some in headgear or cranefeathers or rawhide helmets that bore the horns of bull or buffalo and one in a pigeontailed coat worn backwards and otherwise naked and one in the armor of a Spanish conquistador, the breastplate and pauldrons deeply dented with old blows of mace or sabre done in another country by men whose very bones were dust and many with their braids spliced up with the hair of other beasts until they trailed upon the ground and their horses' ears and tails worked with bits of brightly colored cloth and one whose horse's whole head was painted crimson red and all the horsemen's faces gaudy and grotesque with daubings like a company of mounted clowns, death hilarious, all howling in a barbarous tongue and riding down upon them like a horde from a hell more horrible yet than the brimstone land of Christian reckoning, screeching and yammering and clothed in smoke like those vaporous beings in regions beyond right knowing where the eye wanders and the lip jerks and drools.
Like, get the fuck over yourself, John.

>> No.7279178

>agriculture and women are the ultimate cause for human on human violence

>> No.7279193


>> No.7280173

threads been up for 3 days and we haven't produced an answer. Should someone email him?

>> No.7280671

kekd considerably

>> No.7280915


>It tries so hard to be authentic

It's a thirty-some year old man writing about cancer girl.

What the fuck does authenticity even mean any more?

>> No.7281263

He mentions how Neitzsche is only popular with young /men/ because because we are morelikely to go to war. Fairly sure he has spoken about the philosopher another time.

>> No.7281276

Because he realized that machine that kills fascists doesn't actually kill fascists

>> No.7281284


>> No.7281413

If you actually only listen to one group you're a shithead (unless its whitehouse)

>> No.7281448

>wearing a band t-shirt

he does

>> No.7283018
