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/lit/ - Literature

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7264206 No.7264206 [Reply] [Original]

How can I get past the shittiness of life and continually enjoy the sublime (for lack of a better word)? I want to dive into art and literature and philosophy but I feel like I can't detach myself from my shit job and the crap of everyday life so instead I just watch cartoons and fuck around. Is it just laziness? I read everyday, but I can't make myself write because I know it will suck, can't make myself actually study anything, and I feel like the swirling bullshit of existence keeps my brain in a fog so that I can't sustain any kind of higher thought. I'll have periods where I enter into it, and I can see all of the connections in everything and it's like the idealistic world in my head is real for a time. But then I have to go back to deep frying shrimp and I want to bash my skull in. Is there any hope?

>> No.7264213

Start scheduling your daily activities
Read biographies of those who inspire you
Drink oolong tea and listen to Bjork

>> No.7264215

not literature



>> No.7264217


>Is it just laziness?

Welcome to nihilism.

>Is there any hope?

Yeah, actually. After so long you'll give up on caring about having any control over how your life goes whatsoever, and if you can prevent yourself from falling into drug or alcohol abuse at this point you'll find it quite freeing. After that happens you'll be able to do anything because it doesn't matter if you fail or not.

>> No.7264303

Find the sublime in the shittiness and dive into what you desire to. You're only as confined as you allow yourself to be.

It's a fact of contemporary culture that the present medias and lifestyles are designed by social engineers to keep those vulnerable to ignorance in ignorance. Even when deep frying shrimp you are still a part of the divine nature of life.

>> No.7264526

Scheduling my activities sounds like a good idea. I had previously listed daily goals but never stuck to a hard schedule and fell off doing it. I think I'll start forcing myself to do things for a certain amount of time. Probably need to start taking walks as well. That usually seems to cheer me up.

>> No.7264805

Lead the lit life.

>> No.7264827
File: 345 KB, 599x846, NEET.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Become a NEET and spend all your time on your own goals without having responsibilities to a job.

Basically just distance yourself from the mundane of everyday life as much as possible and escape into art.

>> No.7264839

Learn to love frying the shrimp a la sisyphus

>> No.7264945

What's an ideal lit life?

I have a wife, so kinda impossible. I do plan to do so if she ever makes enough money though.