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7264098 No.7264098 [Reply] [Original]

Does /lit/ agree with my stance that culturally significant things like the poem Dante's Inferno deserve a higher level of protection so that things like pic related are never allowed to exist?

>> No.7264099


>> No.7264109

I can't wait for the Finnegans Wake third person shooter tbh, fam.

>> No.7264111

I think they should be sanctioned until re-writen with the characters having the same story but diferent moral perspectives on the subject before a game or movie would come out.

Just to make sure it spawns a little more variety without burning out the plot or theme

>> No.7264116

kill yourself my man


>> No.7264120

>being that pretentious

>> No.7264121

>being protective of art is pretentious

>> No.7264124

If you actively try to "protect" it even more shit like this will be made as a reaction to your "protection".

>> No.7264131

>being protective of art
Being protective of art is making sure that their translations are accurate and uncensored.
Trying to keep people from having fun with a concept and calling it "protection" is called being a pretentious douchenugget.

>> No.7264132

TBH your view is actually pretentious, the other view assumes no pretense and yours does.

>> No.7264137


>> No.7264143

tbh you have no idea what the word means and might genuinely be retarded.

>> No.7264165

that translation is actually pretty good, i hear

>> No.7264174

yeaaaa okay. definite agree

>> No.7264175


>> No.7264188

Damn fam that'd be glam

>> No.7264190

Not even a little.

>> No.7264199


>> No.7264201

Not really, it was a decent hack and slash, plus the way the handled the hell was pretty interesting at times and it all felt very edgy, so 4/5

>> No.7264202

>white male author
>culturally significant

>> No.7264255


>> No.7264259

You are a special kind, aren't you?

>> No.7264270

hmm,what you wish to never exist actually raised awareness of the poem,doesn't surprise me that at the time a rise in the sales happened

>> No.7264285


>> No.7264340


I couldn't give a fuck. With all the god damn Florentine politics in it, they could make it an Assassin's Creed-esque game and stay true to the source material.

>> No.7264342

Ice Cube says it the way it is.

>> No.7264345




>> No.7264391

I'll rephrase:
>old white male author
>culturally significant in an age where no one reads anything except 'ethnic', obtuse or progressively-minded literature

>> No.7264508


Plebs gon pleb, stay true.

>> No.7264746

you didn't even read dantes inferno, faggot

>> No.7265300

tbh I wouldn't even know what DI is if it weren't for the game or the animated film of the same name.
You sound like one of those people who would opposed the internet to protect the importance of libraries.