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File: 20 KB, 540x361, taolin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7262389 No.7262389 [Reply] [Original]


How did you enjoy Tao Lin's new short story /lit/?

Link: http://www.taolin.info/dmt

Tao Lin confirmed for voice of your generation pretty much.

>> No.7262416
File: 19 KB, 587x127, TAOLINBTFO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do people in that scene even like Tao any more, or are they still just using him to get famous?

>> No.7262422 [DELETED] 
File: 2 KB, 118x125, Bloom Meme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tao Lin more Now Lin... should go away since he is nothing when compared to the cannon.

You have been visited by Cannon Senpai. Good luck and literary prowess will be given to you if you reply "Praise be to thy cannon. And "Thank you Cannon Senpai".

>> No.7262427

>le autistic china man meme

>> No.7262432

Our generation's bukowski tbh

>> No.7262434


I lel'd and jej'd, pretty good.

>> No.7262437

Fuck off Tao Lin

>> No.7262446


This is encouraging to me. I have written better trip reports than this.

>> No.7262452

Anyone else get the impression Tao has burned out?

He seems to not care about literature any more, especially compared to his early days when he seemed obsessed with authors and writing in general. He seems to be enjoying drugs and non-fiction more now. The unfortunate thing is that in the talks and stuff he's given on the internet, drugs and so on he is barely able to articulate anything interesting.

>> No.7263157

Probably because his brain is fucking fried from all the drugs he has been doing.

>> No.7263183

his public readings/talks are comedic gold though

>> No.7263193

No you haven't, all trip reports are the worst trip report

>> No.7263197

They're really not, you're just trying to be a part of the /lit/ community after watching his cooking with books interview. Most of his interviews are just childish garbage.

>> No.7263234
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>> No.7263571

Never read anything by him but enjoyed this story, should i pick up Taipei?

>> No.7263589

I'm not good at endorsing stuff but yes, Taipei was a very enjoyable experience and you should read it.

>> No.7263597

can't trash the stash

>> No.7263606

No one ever liked him. As for the people in the "scene" they're just worthless junkies who see that paying at least a bit of attention to him is profitable so they do it.

>> No.7263609


Taipei is excellent

>> No.7263612

I didn't care much for Ee ee ee ee but I enjoyed Richard Yates and I've heard Taipei was another step up for him (haven't read it yet). So yeah, that looks like the book to try.

I kinda like Tao but the dozens of less careful writers who have tried (and in many cases succeeded!) becoming successful by copying his style are almost all insufferable.

>> No.7263614

Except he's only the voice for a tiny, privileged subset of our generation. His shit doesn't describe me or hardly anyone I know.

>> No.7263622

You have to remember that there's one faggot here (the one who makes all of these threads) who posts VOICE OF UR GENERATION over and over again. No one else takes that shit seriously.

>> No.7263624

Well that shit was pretty retarded. And not a good representation of the DMT experience.

However, as a very very real look at a drug-taking experience: the weird girl, the boredom and paranoia, the lack of Huxley-like stream of concious, he got that pretty spot on.

>> No.7263631
File: 53 KB, 605x500, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mfw when people say anything can represent our retarded generation's 'culture'

>> No.7263637

this is awful

>> No.7263640

I'm looking forward to his next book that describes his life from drug enthusiast to psych ward

>> No.7263644
File: 24 KB, 528x424, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>drug enthusiast...
>I took a hit of the weed which wasn't part of the plan.
>drug enthusiast???
>drug enthusiast.

>> No.7263646

Then he'll call himself the millennial ken kessey or some such horseshit.

>> No.7263650


WHO?? Who copied him? I always hear people say this

>> No.7263654
File: 3 KB, 250x250, 1444122695907.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a weak story. No redeeming qualities.

> First, once everything was ready, I was going to type about how I felt. On my MacBook, on the floor, I typed, among other things: “Typing how I feel now. I feel kind of disoriented and blank. Earlier I thought it would be funny and interesting if I felt blank during this and maybe that is making me feel a little blank.”
and there something sad and banal about that.

>> No.7263660

His entire story is banal. His writing is sad. The guy admits to basically pretending to smoke DMT while burning it up.

Probably shit he didn't pay for.

>> No.7263666

>my internet friend
>my internet friend
>my internet friend

Having an internet friend is just about as exciting as taking drugs. This is just a blog post, right?

>> No.7263679
File: 147 KB, 806x613, GUCCI.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it is sad. This dude either has such an inflated self importance that he's become delusional and believes and piece of shit he churns out is worth reading, or he knows its shit but has become so apathetic towards his own craft that he puts it out there for no other reason than that he knows people with read it. And there something terribly sad and banal about that.

>> No.7263684

I was not saying this as though it were a good thing

>> No.7263685


>> No.7263688

Yeah, I don't understand. What does he get out of writing this?

>> No.7263690

Shut the fuck up Tao, nobody cares

>> No.7263784

Jordan Castro, Tao's ex-wife (forget her name), Marie Calloway, that writer/poet who posted on /lit/ about a week ago (forget her name), Noah Cicero, Mira Gonzales. Basically everybody in the "alt lit" movement is doing a sloppier, less crafted version of Lin, probably because it's not all that hard to ape his style.

>> No.7263811


right. I'll give you Castro since he's just a richboy backpacker, but the rest I disagree. Also Miragonz has no talent so I'll leave her out. Megan Boyle's book is legitimately fascinating, honestly. I think Lin was her biggest influence, but her work is her own. Noah Cicero definitely is not a Lin imitator. He did Lin's affectless minimalism first, actually.

>> No.7263879

This writing style feels very familiar. I had never read any Tao Lin before, but now I feel like if I ever write anything it might look like I am trying copy him, especially since (judging by these responses) that is a fairly common accusation.

>> No.7263885

I don't know who did it first but that stuff all reads the same to me. I don't think there's enough room in my brain to care about more than one person doing that kind of bloodless style pretty well but Godspeed to you if you like that stuff enough to be into a dozen of them.

>> No.7263916

Yeah Noah Cicero was there before Tao actually, and their styles are different. Some other Tao wannabees are Gabby Bess, Ben Brooks, Sarah Jean Alexander, Haiku Julian.

>> No.7263982

The main takeaway is that he had to post this story himself on his own website. That shows he either can't get published by a print publication or a literary website that has an editor/gatekeeper. He doesn't have a contract for his new novel, I've heard. That alone should tell you where his career is. He's mostly talked about on /lit/ tbh.

>> No.7263988

I dont think kafka took drugs

>> No.7264011

I guess that tranny's rape accusations worked.

>> No.7264055

he did do furry porn though

>> No.7264181
File: 229 KB, 900x900, witnessed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My god. Why do people get excited over this? It's just a self-indulgent Erowid trip report.

He even calls weed "pot." I haven't heard that term since fucking high school, but hey, maybe he's too busy pounding out utter shit to learn current drug nomenclature.

I swear, the more I read this autist, the more I hate him.

>> No.7264312

taipei blind-sided me with how not shit it was

because Shoplifting was trash, and so is this DMT story

>> No.7264426

not even, he's just an inactive mind. he's lazy and inexperienced

>> No.7264438

>She held it toward me and I focused on not sneezing or just exhaling onto it.
>I told her I was making sure not to exhale into it, that she shouldn’t move the contact lenses case toward my nose yet.
>When I was ready, she handed me the contact lenses case and I unconsciously somehow exhaled into it, but only a little.

I can't even finish this, is this some kind of joke?

>> No.7264572

This is Terrible

>> No.7264583


The vast majority of Erowid reports are of greater literary merit. Especially the ones written by methheads.

>> No.7264608

No one's excited about it. Not even the people who pretend to like him so he'll publish them.

>> No.7264900


You're right this is story is literally garbage. Do people here really like this guy or is it just an 'in' joke I don't get.

>> No.7265035

sage so this shit dont bump

Nothing of worth.
He only writes about himself and people just like himself, that ain't much talent. Expand your horizon or something.
Tell us about the friend extracting DMT and attending psychedelic conferences....not babby's first trip.)

>> No.7265053

No one actually likes him. A couple of memers just shitpost about him all the time.

>> No.7265379
