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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 197 KB, 914x1500, 81xqqypf-yl-_sl1500_[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7261342 No.7261342 [Reply] [Original]

I fucking love science!

I'm so glad that NdGT recommended this one, and that they made a movie about it that I happened to see, otherwise I wouldn't have heard about it. (The last books I read were ASOIAF .)

"I'm pretty much fucked." haha

Humanity yay!

What did you think?

>> No.7261355

You are worse than the ones you are trying to mock my little friendo. And there's something terribly sad and banal about that.

>> No.7261356

This is poor bait. You have to be more subtle than this OP. Otherwise it's not funny, just shit.

>> No.7261363

No he is not, he is still miles in the red.

>> No.7261365
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Anyone read Andy Weir's previous effort?

>> No.7261376

No one told me there would be Christians on this board. Boo!

>> No.7261531
File: 32 KB, 512x288, images (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The movie was okay. Not good, not great and definitely not better than Nolan's Interstellar. I don't think I need to waste my time reading this novel when I've really rad stuff to read (pic related).

>> No.7261589

Interstellar is just a 2001 ripoff but with a really fucking stupid ending.

>> No.7261672

You're stupid.

>> No.7261734

I really enjoyed the book because I love when the story grinds to a halt and the science of what he is trying to do is explained. It really made every little problem facinating.

the movie skipped most of that including the Pathfinder 'incident' and the entirety of the 'drive' at the end of the book

>> No.7261754

interstellar is pleb shit. Expository dialogue everywhere

>> No.7261781
File: 103 KB, 988x851, IMG_20151021_093737.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I fucking love science!
>I'm so glad that NdGT recommended this
Stopped reading right there.

>> No.7261803
File: 497 KB, 245x200, 1437190164073.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>interstellar is pleb shit

>> No.7261811
File: 46 KB, 404x348, images (3)-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off retard.

See pic

>> No.7261818
File: 46 KB, 404x348, images (3)-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off retard.

See pic

>> No.7261844

>Interstellar is just a 2001 ripoff
I wish some guy stabbed this donkey the head.

>> No.7262015

So you agree that the ending is shit?

>> No.7262020


>> No.7262027

Not a ripoff but it tries too hard to be the next 2001.

>> No.7262044

I don't agree with donkeys.

That's not true Anon, you liar of things.

>> No.7262063

>Expository dialogue
>Impying the Martian doesn't have expository dialogues
Yet still inferior to Interstellar in terms of quality beside being 3D. lol

>> No.7262088

You do realize that Interstellar is a science "FICTION" film, right?

>> No.7262098

Threads about harry potter, john green, and the martian-- they read like 8 year olds ridiculing the thing they just, four hours ago, got too old for. "Haha this shit sucks its for reddit babies right, i read literature." If you were really beyond it you wouldnt concern yourself with it at all unless there were something actually funny about it. But this constant memeing and desperate compulsion to distance yourself is kind of pathetic. Lots of crap out there. Just dont read it.

>> No.7262128

>I fucking love science!
Have you even grown a potato with your own shit?

>> No.7262142

>This enthusiasm and lack of cynicism about pleb-tier STEM fodder.

Please be a shill.

>> No.7262194


He's right though, it really was. There's nothing wrong with that, unless you think it failed.

>> No.7262240

isn't "the martian" a shitty legionnaire book ?
I'm finishing the Martian Chronicles (which I enjoy pretty much) and think of reading Mars trilogy.

What do you think /lit/

>inb4 mars lit

>> No.7262250

Literally fuck off, reddit.

>> No.7262254


>> No.7262262

>think of reading Mars trilogy.


>> No.7262268

Kim Stanley Robinson > Ray Bradbury >>>> Andy Weir or whatever

>> No.7262284


thank you anons


take a deep breath it's just a bad day not a bad life

>> No.7262286 [DELETED] 

First, the argument is all about the Martian and not 2001: S O which happened 47 years ago. Only a stupid person who's hurt for lowering the Martian ITT would bring 2001: S O just to lower Interstellar or any movie related to space travel. I never said Interstellar is better than 2001: S O or The Martian but Interstellar was way superior than the Martian even though it was a rip off. I'd say even Gravity was better than the Martian because these movies are the closest one would compare to the one happening right now. So leave 2001: S O masterpiece where it is and mind fuck yourselves.

>> No.7262322

First, the argument was all about the Martian and not 2001: S O which happened 47 years ago. Only a stupid person who's hurt for lowering the Martian by bringing ITT would bring 2001: S O or a higher tier movie just to lower Interstellar or any movie related to space travel. I never said Interstellar is better than 2001: S O but Interstellar was way superior than the Martian even though it was a rip off. I'll say even Gravity was better than the Martian because these movies are the closest one would compare to the one happening right now. So leave 2001: S O masterpiece where it is and mind fuck yourselves.

>> No.7262335

At the speed of light time stops.
>really fucking stupid ending
Elaborate please.

>> No.7262344

No shame in getting paid.

>but with a really fucking stupid ending.
That was redundant.

>> No.7262368

Nolan hasn't made a decent movies since Memento.

>> No.7262377

Is that so?

>> No.7262393

You're a big critic

>> No.7262395

>Inception, The Dark Knight, The Dark Knight Rises, Interstellar
>Not decent
Please overdose on sleeping pills.

>> No.7262399

If you're a pleb who is impressed by anime-tier writing I'd say that Inception is the greatest movie of all time.

>> No.7262404

The Dark Knight Rises is one of the worst blockbuster movies to come out this decade. Go banepost on reddit, and then come back when you're a big boy who watches real movies and not Hollywood schlock.

>> No.7262414

enough politically correct commonplace.

tell us about your top-tier solar system related books

>> No.7262421

Outside of 2001 and Solaris (Tarkovsky's) there aren't that many I'd say belong in the film canon.

>> No.7262425

Fuck out, 9gag.

>> No.7262429


The Dark Knight Rises is a pretty god-awful fucking conclusion to an otherwise excellent trilogy.

>So, you came back to die with your city?
>No. I came back to stop you.

Jesus Christ man.

>> No.7262430

That says more about the sorry state SciFi movies are in than my taste. It isn't even a great movie but that's the only other movie set in space that has any merit.

>> No.7262447

Hey fucknut, this is 4chan not your ponyfag fuck land where you'll shart whatever shit cooked inside your franky donkey brains. Also, stop telling us to go to Reddit.

>> No.7262460

You're just way too butthurt watching new movies make your movies look like a hollywood trash.

>> No.7262471

>sorry state SciFi movies are
Worry less about SciFi movies being in a sorry state and more about curing your fucked brain with some good meds.

>> No.7262479

>The Dark Knight Rises is one of the worst blockbuster movies
>If it's a blockbuster movie, then how come it's worst?
Verified retard.

>> No.7262481

Did you mean, "Heart of Darkness?"

>> No.7262485

Is someone mad that someone insulted Babby's first director?
Nolan is not taken seriously by anyone in academia. He's very popular with comic book nerds and teenagers who like #deep movies though.

>> No.7262489

Speak English next time.

>> No.7262497

This is the wrongest post on /lit/
>Nolan is not taken seriously by anyone in academia.
Except: http://www.davidbordwell.net/blog/2013/10/30/our-new-e-book-on-christopher-nolan/

Look I get it, Nolan is very flavor of the month and for various reasons very easy to dislike. I personally tend to agree his films are overrated.

BUT, to say he is not taken seriously by academics and serious film critics is straight up wrong

>> No.7262509

Even the synopsis of the e-book says that he isn't a good filmmaker outside of his "innovations".
"So if one of your criteria for a good film is adventurous novelty, then there is a case to be made for Nolan."
Not very strong praise.

>> No.7262516

Yeah, this is a Chinese site, retard.

>> No.7262522

Cry moar faggot because you're not eligible enough to get into that deep stuff.

>> No.7262527

Waito piggu

>> No.7262531

What is so "deep" about Nolan's movies exactly?

>> No.7262533

We aren't mad at you for insulted Nolan, we are mad because you're polluting this board with your frivolous shit.

>> No.7262535


>> No.7262536

What do you think is "deep" about Nolan's movies exactly?

>> No.7262539

Yeah, I'm not gonna defend Nolan. Like I said I'm not his biggest fan.

That being said Shyamalan is way more creative cinematically than Nolan. I would much rather check out whatever gimmick or novelty Nolan has in store over whatever Shyamalan is shilling in his latest movies.

Sometimes being clever is enough, Memento, The Prestige and Inception had a lot going on when it came to these gimmicky plot gymnastics. Though I gotta say Interstellar was completely bland in every way imaginable.

If I had to choose between Nolan and his American contemporaries of the early 2000s. I would go with Aronofsky.

If you want a good barometer of my Film taste, DePalma is my favorite living American director. (Sono in Japan, Assayes and Noe in Europe.) Yeah, I like the visually stunning trashy stuff ;)

>> No.7262540

Absolutely nothing.

>> No.7262547

What do think about the Martian, sir? Is it better than Interstellar?

>> No.7262548

Are you sure?

>> No.7262555

Absolutely nothing

>> No.7262560

Christopher Nolan's movies (Inception, The Dark Knight trilogy, Interstellar) are good, in my opinion.

>> No.7262612

Christopher Nolan's movies (the ones you listed) are bad, in my opinion.

>> No.7262628

The Anon said "book."

>> No.7262633

You're bad lolfag

>> No.7262650

His good movies are Memento, The Prestige and The Dark Knight. That's it.

>> No.7262651

No matter how profound, how much of a connoisseur you are, one statement makes you look like a complete fucking butturt jerk just like this pretentious cuck. >>7262539
>I gotta say Interstellar was completely bland in every way imaginable.
Fuck you soo much.

>> No.7262666

No. His good "films" are The Dark Knight trilogy, Inception, Interstellar, Memento… Haven't seen Prestige, tbh.

>> No.7262679

I can see how it makes me look like a pretentious cuck, ill cop to that cuz i got strong opinions

Why butthurt though? I have no problem with anyone else liking the movie... U mad cause i don't like what you like doggy?

I'd say fuck you too but eh why bother.

>> No.7262726 [DELETED] 

People here complaining about Interstellar this and Interstellar that. The film made $675 million with scored of 8.7 on iMDB, and 71% on RT and fuckload of positive critics from top publishing media and well recognized authors and that explains a lot about how shitty and ludicrous of the users are forr calling it a rip off and completely bland.

>> No.7262736

People here complaining about Interstellar this and Interstellar that. The film made $675 million with scored 8.7 on iMDB, 71% on RT and fuckload of positive critics from top publishing media and well recognized authors and that explains a lot about how shitty and ludicrous of a users ITT are for calling it a rip off and completely bland.

>> No.7262738

>using money and imdb.com as an argument

>> No.7262739

I'm using common sense which you fucknut lack.

>> No.7262748

>Using IMDB as a hallmark of excellence

IMDB is filled to the brim with laymen who give 10/10 to everything from Jurassic World to the next Michael Bay flick. At least have the decency to cite letterboxd, even if that community doesn't have the best taste.

A RT score of 71% is fucking bad too.

>> No.7262749

Avatar is the greatest movie of all time by your logic.

>> No.7262752


/lit/ has shit taste in movies.

>> No.7262754

>ill cop to that cuz i got strong opinions
You do? Posting others' druther doesn't make your opinion strong.

I have no problem with anyone else liking the movie...
Then why the fuck do you care to explain?
>U mad cause i don't like what you like
I'm glad that you don't like what I like because you're at least real here.
>Says "fuck you too" then says why bother?

>> No.7262756
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>Talking shit about Andrei Tarkovsky.

>> No.7262786


At least you admit you like trash. Do you also like Oliver Stone?

>> No.7262801

>IMDB is filled to the brim with laymen who give 10/10 to everything from Jurassic World to the next Michael Bay flick.

OMG really? The brim and laymen filled in iMDB gave 10/10 to Jurassic World and the Michael Bay flick, really? I mean 10/10? Really? Next time think before you post or have your eyes check, fuckwit.

>> No.7262802

Look man, I realize you like Christopher Nolan a lot and that's nice.

But let's be real here, when it comes to pure cinema and not cheesy plottwist gimmicks. Any random 10 minute segment from DePalma's worst film will utterly murder anything made by Nolan.

Yeah I like trash, and if you don't think a lot of Nolan's work falls under that category as I defined it then you are mistaken. Inception and Prestige are glorified pulpy comic books, which is why I kind of liked them.

>> No.7262806

You're worst than my typo's shit, fuck out my face.

>> No.7262813

No, I don't much like Cristopher Nolan either, I also think his work is trash

Difference is he polishes he polishes his turds for easy digests biology, which I personally find a bit distasteful and dishonest of him

>> No.7262814
File: 7 KB, 251x145, 1402770821709.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Say that to my face, fucker, not online and we'll see what happens

>> No.7262819

*he polishes his turds for easy digestability

>Any random 10 minute segment from DePalma's worst film will utterly murder anything made by Nolan.

Yeah, no. Try not confusing hyperboles with regular arguing.

>> No.7262822

Don't even think about that cum eater. I'll literally murder you in the face.

>> No.7262824

Too all the people here who actually think the dark knight rises is a good movie, can I ask what some of your favourite books are, Im genuienly interested

>> No.7262831

>Any random 10 minute segment from DePalma's worst film will utterly murder anything made by Nolan.

Yeah ok maybe I went a little overboard there. If you watch a lot of DePalma the statement is not as hyperbolic as you think though.

My point was Nolan is not known for his cinematic virtuosity, DePalma's movies are packed with it. Even the most inconsequential moment in a DePalma movie has to be loaded with all sorts of clever camera fuckery.

It's overkill I admit, and because of that it's flawed in it's own way but I love that shit all the same.

>> No.7262842

>clever camera fuckery

Which is why I asked if you liked Oliver Stone. Do you?

>> No.7262849

I don't really have strong feelings about him either way. Natural Born Killers was alright I guess.

>> No.7262856
File: 278 KB, 300x470, Batman497.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The obvious answer

>> No.7262895
File: 43 KB, 200x329, The Patricianest Book.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7262903

The Bible, Catch-22, Brave New World, Foundation 1, 2, 3, House of Leaves, Game of Thrones, Harry Potter and the HPatSS, Harry Potter and the Prizoners of Azkaban, HPatGoF, Slaughterhouse-5, F451, Everything written by Hamingway, the Great Gatsby, Lord of the Flies, Perdido Street Station, City and the City the Sandman series (graphic novels), LotR, Hobbit, 2001: Space Odyssy, Never Let Me Go, Dispossessed, Neuromancer, The Man in High Castel, Do Android Dream of Electric Sheep, Ubik, VALIS 1, 2, 3, 1984, Use of Weapons, The Time Machine, Contact, Animal Farm, Spin, Scum Manifesto, Clock Work Orange, Stranger on a Strange Land…

Well played.

>> No.7262947

No, you're just an obtuse asshole.

>> No.7262957

>What did you think?
3/10, work on that some more.

>> No.7262966

>>Inception, The Dark Knight, The Dark Knight Rises, Interstellar
Shit movies, completely forgettable and banal. Even Marvel comicbook adaptaions about men in tights are better.

>> No.7262969
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>> No.7262983

Yes rellay. FYI: anybody who thinks that moves are "art" is an 80-IQ idiot. Movies are entertainment. Michael Bay is a great filmmaker. Capeshit movies are great movies.

Nolan makes shitty movies: they're boring, forgettable and feature convoluted pointless plots. People like them because of the quote-unquote 'badass' aesthetic they feature, which is a retarded reason to like a movie.

>> No.7263001
File: 18 KB, 500x500, 8d0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>quote-unquote 'badass' aesthetic they feature, which is a retarded reason to like a movie.

>> No.7263023
File: 64 KB, 600x573, 1324020781672.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>FYI: anybody who thinks that moves are "art" is an 80-IQ idiot.

>> No.7263024
File: 411 KB, 3840x2160, 1410453553256.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yes rellay.
>Dat denial.
Stay deluded, dumbass.

>> No.7263028

Pure ideology.

>> No.7263031

The "Well played" was for this Anon>>7262856, not for this shit >>7262831

>> No.7263041

>Comparing Marvel comicbook adaptation to the Dark Knight Trilogy
Confirmed, IQ less than 5.

>> No.7263044

Protip, fuckface: anything that is created by a team of over a hundred people and financed by an investment bank is not (and can never be) 'art'.

Movies are not art. The shit filmed by a single dude with a handheld camera can potentially be considered 'art', but that shit certainly can't be called a movie.

>> No.7263049

Let me put it this way: I watched all of the the Dark Knight movies, and I'm still not sure if there were two or three of them. If your movies are that forgettable then you failed.

At least 'Thor' had novel visual aesthetics and good casting. What was I supposed to take away from 'Dark Knight'? That Batman is an edgy badass? Who even gives a fuck!

>> No.7263052

>Muh personal expression

Read Tarkovsky you hack.

>> No.7263057

Retarded definition of art: Must be created by one person.

Evidence that disproves this notion:
The Bible
Any music every created by more than one person
The Odyssey, The Illiad
Many collaborative visual art pieces (for example: Surrealists and Dadaists)

Maybe you should read a book or two or something before coming into /lit/ and babbling dumb ass shit.

>> No.7263059

>appreciates Thor movies
Shit taste confirmed.

>> No.7263064

Funny thing is this Anon posted both of those.

>> No.7263065

>muh bankers

Let me guess, you think "corporate America" and their cronies are to blame for any and all problems the world faces right now?

>> No.7263070

Shit is irrelevant to topic

But you know what is relevant?

Look up the Renaissance Patrons, find out who bankrolled most of the art during imperial Rome or ancient Greece.

Art which is not sponsored by powerful elites is a relatively recent phenomena. Sure, I think we're better off having independent artists, but that don't mean that just because corporations or powerful individuals sponsor someone to produce art that it then cannot be defined as art.

Please, I implore you, don't just say dumb shit that pops up into your head on /lit/. People here will call you on it.

>> No.7263075

It's not funny if I'm correcting my mistake, douchecunt.

>> No.7263081

Lolfag you're a joke bot on Twitter, aren't you?

>> No.7263082


>> No.7263087

It is if you have any sense of wit at all.
Don't be so sensitive lil bieber, it was not an attack.

>> No.7263090

>what is the basic function of patronage in the Roman system

If you step down from your self-imposed, pinprick sized ivory tower, you'd realize that public enjoyment of great works has been the norm, not the exception. Public patronage of great works in Rome wasn't engaged in because of the heightened aesthetic sensibilities of the elite, it was funded as a way to showcase power to a wider populace, as well as a way for the ruling class to "give back" to the peasantry

>> No.7263102

>sense of wit at all.
But the this shit anon" sounded liked bieber. You disgust me Nikki Minaj looking dicksicle.

>> No.7263111

That's fine. Was not making any qualitive statement about public art vs private art. Was just pointing out that art can be funded or sponsored and not lose whatever quality makes it art. Same with the statement about 100s of people working on something disqualifying it somehow.

Movies, anything from Godard to Mike Bay, are an art form I think this is undeniable.

>> No.7263117

>People ITT are actually responding to this troll>>7263044

>> No.7263131

>Yeah, I'm not gonna defend Nolan.
Nolan doesn't need defence from some horrible waste of sentient like you, shitskin.

>> No.7263134

so basically all the books you have read after the age of 10 are you favourites?

>> No.7263140

I'm out.

>> No.7263145

Hahah I finished reading Harry Potter series just two years back and I'm 28 now.

>> No.7263165

>Evidence that disproves this notion:
>The Bible
Not art.
>Any music every created by more than one person
Not art.
>The Odyssey, The Illiad
Created by one person.
>Many collaborative visual art pieces (for example: Surrealists and Dadaists)
Not art.

Care to try again?

>> No.7263174

>Was just pointing out that art can be funded or sponsored and not lose whatever quality makes it art.
Certainly true, but I never claimed that movies aren't art because they're funded by the wrong kinds of people.

Movies aren't art because they are industrially-produced, according to industrial standards of project management.

>Movies, anything from Godard to Mike Bay, are an art form I think this is undeniable.
Movies are not art. Movies are an industry, and anything that is industry is not art.

Art and industry have different (and opposing) goals.

>> No.7263180

Please kill yourself you retarded shit. I'm literally fed up of your douche posts. Artists and architects will laugh at you.

Also, Care to give your ID so we can show that this level of retardation exist and fuck out of 4chan.

>> No.7263184

You seem buttrustled; please make a soothing herbal tea and call your therapist, you're relapsing.

>> No.7263188

If Leonardo Da Vinci was alive, he would've slapped your entire face.

>> No.7263192

Leonardo wasn't familiar with industrial project management and never produced anything industrially, you fucktard.

>> No.7263194

Wasn't he that failed guy that never got an Oscar?

>> No.7263198

2/10, for getting me to reply

>> No.7263209

>You seem buttrustled
You're literally in a false impression to think I'm buttrustled Anon, but what I really want you to do is shut your stupid ass up. You might even think your making touché posts when you are really making fool of yourself. There are places you can take talk this like Orkut, Fb.

>> No.7263227

>You might even think your making touché posts when you are really making fool of yourself.
Ouch, you really burned me here. I guess I'm going to shut up now and think long and hard on how not to disappoint random tards on the Internet in the future.

>> No.7263242

You've already disappointed yourself, silly and I at least tried putting a little sense in your brain. Thank Jesus!

>> No.7263281

Nolan fanboys have never watched a real film, only massproduced Hollywood shit.

>> No.7263284

>Nolan fanboys have never watched a real film
I have it's named "How I fucked your whore mom on the reg" by your dad.

>> No.7263359


I can't tell who's trolling who anymore.

>> No.7263379

It was objectively fun.

>> No.7263471


>> No.7263610

You're sinned.

>> No.7263701

Its literally a pleb rip off of 2001

>> No.7263712

Martian must really blow if its worse than Intersteller

>> No.7263721

Stop trying to force this meme

>> No.7263735

the only redeeming qualities of that movie were the visuals in the water world and in the tesseract. The writing was laughable.
>After a whole sequence of them training and preparing, they're finally in space, flying towards the wormhole, and Maconahey turns to the other scientist and says "So like, how do wormholes work?"

>> No.7263747

>If its popular, it MUST be a well made piece of art, and if you disagree then you are just being contrarian and dont know what you're talking about.
think for yourself, faggot

>> No.7263754

agreed. I expected better.
No, you're just an ass-mad pleb

>> No.7263763

You must not have watched the movie very closely if that's the first invraisemblance that comes to your mind (or even if you consider that a big invraisemblance in the first place).

>> No.7263769

>Film isn't art
you've embarrassed yourself

>> No.7263787

I saw the movie once when it first came out.

Its not even about being believable. Its just shit writing.

>> No.7263793

>muh plen CC trash

>> No.7265506

You're a pleb rip off of your neighbor's cum.

>> No.7265532 [DELETED] 

It's just shit writing
No, you were just raised by uneducated hypocritical assholes.

>> No.7265536

Christopher Nolan is pretty defensible in general even if he has annoying fans, but Interstellar? Probably his second-worst film after Insomnia.

>> No.7265537

>It's just shit writing
No, you were just raised by uneducated hypocritical assholes.

>> No.7265549

God doesn't exist.

>> No.7265553

>You're just an ass-mad pleb
No, you're just a massive cunt.

>> No.7265574

>think for yourself, faggot
Sure, I'm not as ridiculously unique as you are lol

>> No.7265578

You're a shitty critic.

>> No.7265636

The Martian is not a worse movie but it sure is not better than Interstellar.

>> No.7265648

>even about being believable
You believe in fiction? Wow, what a retard.

>> No.7265726 [DELETED] 

You must be the same guy who Slipknot is better than the Beatles.

>> No.7265735

You must be the same guy who thinks Slipknot is better than the Beatles.

>> No.7265740

>164 replies / 13 images

No, OP did pretty well

>> No.7265749

No, it was dead by post 7 or so, I sparked the shitstorm by replying to the anon who mentioned Interstellar.

>> No.7265760

Hmmmm. Fair.

>> No.7265811

>Its literally a pleb
Factually, my brain didn't put too much effort into thinking while watching the Martian or 2001 more than it did while I was watching Primer, Inception, and Interstellar.

>> No.7265835


Oh shit, I'm on /tv/.

>> No.7265915

>not decent

This is /lit/ made into a /tv/ you gustin shit.

>> No.7265941 [DELETED] 

Don't argue with dumbasses, their brain doesn't happen to produce more oxygen while watching films like Intrerstellar.

>> No.7265956

Don't argue with dumasses, their brain isn't wired like us nerds. Also, it's higly likely they've a nerve damage.

>> No.7265969

Fuck off grandma. This is 4chan not your sucky Facebook.

>> No.7265980

God does exist stupid. His name is Christopher Nolan.

>> No.7266121

Watching all the hate for a person ITT restored my faith in Nolan yet again.

/mission accomplished

>> No.7266449

>admitting his idiocy

>> No.7266622

It's not a rip off but answer to 2001.

>> No.7266660 [DELETED] 

Hey look the barometer of my Film taste. I've the superior taste and insight of what is good and what not. Bitch, you're just a random Anon with internet access.

>> No.7266670

>Hey look, the barometer of my Film taste. I've the superior taste and insight of what is good and what not.
Bitch, you're just a random Anon with internet access.

>> No.7266825

muh David Lynch

>> No.7266845

>If I had to choose between Nolan and his American contemporaries of the early 2000s. I would go with Aronofsky.
God, Aronofsky is even worse. Paul Thomas Anderson is the only right answer to this.

>> No.7266851

I was going to say PTA or the Coens

>> No.7266856

Couldn't a quarter of the posts on this board be summed up by "look at my objectively superior judgements of which works in which media must be enjoyed and which must not, and why they are better than your pleb-tier shit taste?"


>> No.7266858

Whoops, didn't mean to quote that.

>> No.7266871

Actually, if you just sum it up as "I would like it to be known that I and/or my opinions are better than [group of people]", I think it's closer to half.

>> No.7266873
File: 19 KB, 929x182, sci discusses literature.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7266901


I puked

>> No.7266920

>Couldn't a quarter of the posts on this board be summed up by "look at my objectively superior judgements of which works in which media must be enjoyed and which must not, and why they are better than your pleb-tier shit taste?"

Your argument's too showy, though. Using science I've determined that people who's defended Interstellar sound rational and less exaggerated (usually happens with smart people when enough stupidity is present) while the people who's spoke against Interstellar sounds more of a meanies, assholes and jerks.

>> No.7266950

This is partially wrong, both Hadrian and Nero (also poets like Catullus and Horace did not always write favorably of their patrons; remember invective was and is an art form) funded the arts because they loved them, but yeah on the whole it was to project power.

>> No.7266951 [DELETED] 

Stop making sense goddammit, it's entirely overatted here.

>> No.7266957

The Odyssey and The Iliad were likely not written by one person, but rather they were stories passed down through generations of oral performers. It is common in oral poetry to ascribe to one almost mystical poet of the past. Usually they have absurd abilities like being able to deflect swords or jump fifteen feet in the air. In this case Homer was likely an amalgamation of several different poets/historical figures.

>> No.7266960

Stop making sense goddammit, it's entirely overrated here.

>> No.7266983

You're right; there's something terribly sad and banal about it.

>> No.7266996

>Scientifically accurate.

They can't even do science correctly.

>> No.7267197

OP here. Why did my post disappear from the front page? Did it get downvoted or something?