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File: 164 KB, 313x282, Red tea.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
725971 No.725971 [Reply] [Original]

Red rooibos tea is the superior tea, prove me wrong

>> No.725975

Well it obviously inhibits reading comprehension, as your posting about tea on /lit/.

>> No.725977

I like chai, personally.

>> No.725979


>Implying everyone who reads is a faggot.

>> No.725978

Implying tea and books are not intimately related.

>> No.725980

implying /lit/ is /ck/

>> No.725981

Implying that I'm implying that

>> No.725985
File: 71 KB, 500x353, what the shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


/lit/ + /ck/ = /lit//ck/

>> No.725989


>> No.725992

OP can't be proven wrong since it's scientific fact.

Also Tea is to books as Jelly is to Peanut Butter.

>> No.726001

like /lit/ is to Rand.

>> No.725999
File: 62 KB, 736x736, happy face.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hello OP, nice of you to pretend to be someone else.

>> No.726005

Rooibos isn't tea.


>implying oolong tea isn't the superior tea

>> No.726007

Rooibos is pretty awesome, I gotta admit.

Definitely need other teas for variety (and caffeine).

>> No.726014

Darjeeling. it is your tea god.

PROTIP: stay away from the shit tiers like "Margret hope". its not tea, its asshole in a cup

>> No.726027

I started drinking Earl Grey because of Captain Picard.

Now I'm addicted.

>> No.726031

Caffeine is the devil. Herbal tea is the only good tea.

>> No.726038
File: 139 KB, 590x450, draft_lens2209648module19537082photo_1236458539captain_picard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because good sir, Captain Picard would never allow it.

>> No.726052

I just recently tried this and I gotta say it's pretty good.

Also Ostfriesentee, though it's a really strong black tea so it's best not to let it steep for more than a couple minutes.

>> No.726057

coffee is only sort of tea I consume.
it basically is tea - roasted palnts, grounded and then poured over with hot water.
kinda like gunpowder.

>> No.726063


Tea =! tisane

Tea = camellia sinensis

>> No.726475

Eventually the bergamot began to taste - banal.

I like Assam tea with milk.

The cup that cheersbut never inebriates!
- Cowper
(to make the thread /l(eg)it/imate.)

>> No.726485

Tea is nasty.

>> No.726508

All about the first flush.

>> No.726542

i like a bunch of different teas, sorry you are all so bitter and marrow minded

>> No.726581

i like tea.
never had rooibos though.

>> No.726589

Rooibos is not a real tea. Like chamomile or herbal "teas" is not a true tea. But it is delicious and contains lots of antioxidants. Unfortunately, it contains no caffeine and it causes drowsiness, which is counterproductive for serious reading. Green tea is preferable for reading as it sharpens the mind and improves reading comprehension.

>> No.726593

The only problem is green tea taste like crap without sugar.

>> No.726601


You must be using some very low quality green tea. Good green tea tastes delicious by itself. The trick is to steep it no longer than two minutes. After two minutes, you release the bitter tannins that ruin the flavor. This is the opposite of Rooibos, which tastes best when steeped for as long as 20 minutes.

>> No.726627

hmm..yeah i buy cheap stuff.
but no less than two mins?
ok ill give it a try again.

>> No.726632

eh em....*more

>> No.726644


I often steep for as little as 60 seconds. It depends on the particular tea blend. It's worth experimenting. The longer you steep, the more bitter the tea will be. I cringe when I see people leave their tea bags soaking while they drink. I can't imagine how bitter that must be.

>> No.727765
File: 4 KB, 128x85, sage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With soy milk and raw sugar

>> No.727772

i prefer my tea strong and bitter, though i dont leave it in, that would make it stronger and stronger as the drinkin goes on.
i just steep for a longass time, then drink
(oh, i dont drink green tea really, this is regarding black)

>> No.727787
File: 100 KB, 350x350, Lapsang Souchong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lapsang Souchong: Classy gentlemen only.

>> No.727800

I love it, it's a liquid pine fire.
I think my favorite tea might be the Oolongs, though I have a soft spot for Masala chais and Irish Breakfast blends.

>> No.727829