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/lit/ - Literature

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7255781 No.7255781 [Reply] [Original]

When do you know if you're "well-read"?

>> No.7255785

Meat thermometer. You can probably all figure out where it should be stuck.

>> No.7255794

When you've read ALL the classics. Even the boring shit written for old lesbians like Bronte and Austen.

>> No.7255795

You'll have to ask the International Academy of Literature for a diploma only then you can be a well-read person.

Or you can just show your certificate of book reading to the others, for bronze, silver, gold or platinum books for the millions of words read.

>> No.7255799

You'll know when you have a goodreads account

>> No.7255803

When you stop asking if you are well-read or not.

>> No.7255806
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Here, I made a flow chart. Hope it helps.

>> No.7255813

When you read a book a day and own a Lamborghini

>> No.7255818

is that charlie day

>> No.7255833

You'll look to the sky one night, and you'll see Joyce and Wallace looking down on you, smiling as a father proudly smiles to the son who achieved what he could not. Pynchon then places his hand on your shoulder, you turn and see him salute to Wallace and Joyce. He says "heh, you've done pretty good kid; how 'bout you write my next novel?"

>> No.7255840
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>> No.7255844

*"hey, you're breddy gud kid, how bout you write my next door stopper?"


>> No.7255845

When your library is in your garage next to your rented Lamborghini.

>> No.7255854

Sensibly chuckled.

>> No.7255899

>tfw you've only read 50 /lit/ tier books and feel "well read" because you get all the references here

>> No.7255912 [SPOILER] 
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When you say to the taxi driver:
"The library....and step on it!"

>> No.7255932

Everyone keeps memeing on Jason Segal but that film is doing really well critically and I'd like to see it

>> No.7255944
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You're well-read on a certain subject when you can longer have a conversation with common people regarding this very topic.

If you're slightly well-informed and clued-up in History for example, you're still going to bother explaining people the misconceptions they have regarding the Roman Empire, the Middle Ages, the French Revolution and so on. On the other hand, if you're properly well-read, every word coming out of their mouths will sound as painful as listening to your loved ones getting raped.

>> No.7255981

Is that pic actually true about James Woods?

>> No.7255994


>> No.7256006

>tfw 150 verbal IQ master-race

>> No.7257658

I've read hundreds of books and dozens of literature and yet I still can't stand to call myself well-read. The more I read; the more I realize I don't know.

>> No.7257687 [DELETED] 


>The more I read; the more I realize I don't know.

A ham-fisted cutesy platitude. The question is whether you are well-read, not if you are wise.

>> No.7257711

why people think intelligence can be calculated?

>> No.7257754


Let me guess, you 'don't do well on tests'

>> No.7257767
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>being this much of a smug self-regarding wanker

Pic related is impressed by the level of yuppie faggotry that you have risen to. So is every reader of 'The Guardian' everywhere.

>> No.7257769
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>> No.7257776


the point when the effort required to comprehensively explain to normalfags why they're retards is when you have become an expert on a subject

you no longer want to argue with them, you just smile and nod while internally rolling your eyes

>> No.7257779


>is when you have become an expert

the parade of adolescence on /lit/ never fails to amuse

>> No.7257786

you know I'm right

I'm sorry you're never experienced the feeling

>> No.7257792

No, it just means you are an insufferable faggot.
It if worked like that there would be no teachers to begin with.

>> No.7257798

teachers are paid to swallow their disgust

plebeians will never know what it means to feel earned superiority

>> No.7257799


>I can't be bothered talking to these people about this subject
>I guess that makes me an expert on the subject now

this is literally your position here you desperately posturing clown

>> No.7257803

Hello reddit

>> No.7257806

"The more I learn, the more I realize how much I don't know."

>> No.7257809


we've already had that trite quip itt once already you banal reddit faggot.

>> No.7257812


>> No.7257816


>so triggered over being called reddit he throws board culture memes around to save face


>> No.7257817

I wasn't the guy you were replying to, turbo-virg

>> No.7257821
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I feel carefully measured condescension towards you with a slight tinge of pity and hope you will find happiness, a loving wife and 1.8 kids in your slightly above average lives.

>> No.7257824

Like anyone gives a fuck what you think lmao

>> No.7257830

you obviously do, at least enough to type a reply :^)

>> No.7257839

Haha you got me :DDDDDDD

>> No.7257843
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Level 0

m8 I'm so deep inside your OODA loop that I can skate circles around your puny thought processes

>> No.7257848


>this kid is so deluded in his naive pseudo-intellectualism that he proclaims a reader an "expert" on a subject simply for not having the desire to discuss it with non-readers

>this is how he hilariously tries to save face

i hope this level of naive faggotry is just a phase for you. because lol at everything about your posts itt. seriously.

>> No.7257850

>implying that I wasn't mocking you
Eeeeeeeek, looks like the baby needs his mumma

>> No.7257854

In your garage, preferably

>> No.7257861

m8s, your efforts of desperately trying to claim superior sophistication and ability by presenting my statements as infantile posturing are only mildly entertaining, you need to step up your game if you wish me to keep engaging you

>> No.7257882


>he knows he fucked up with that "expert" line so now he's just going to try and string it along for bait laughs

no dice. i'm too good, son.

>> No.7257886

when you can make all your peers look stupid by referring them to facts and the names of the book they came from, obviously.

this is, after all, the real reason we read, right?

>> No.7257888

not the other guy but jc you suck at argument. Stepping up the verbosity of your replies does not compensate for lack of substance. Go and train your argumentative technique in the youtube comment sections for a couple months and then come back to /lit/ is my advice.

>> No.7257901

I do very well actually most of the times I don't even study and I get A and it bothers me because my other friends actually study. I think they deserve better grades and here I am being lazy as ever I get good grades and I dunno how?

>> No.7257909


>still making humble brags

played out, m8. too corny.

>> No.7257913

only because you feel it is corny it isnt
I never wanted to brag but the poster whom I replied I don't get good grades
so much for IQ150 that he makes assumptions on others
It was not corny just I typed what I felt

>> No.7257931


>It was not corny


>> No.7257941

you know what I am not going to argue
>Arguing with stupid doesn't lead you anywhere

>> No.7257944


hey folks, random spectator here. I gotta jump and laugh at this line too

>It was not corny



>> No.7257946

You know you are well read once you have been visited by Cannon Senpai. Good luck and literary prowess will be given to you if you reply "Praise be to thy cannon. And "Thank you Cannon Senpai"

>> No.7257949
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>> No.7257956

When someone says you are. However genuinely believing it is probably delusional.

>> No.7257968

You don't.

>> No.7257978
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>thinks one can be well read
>has not done the permutation calculations

>> No.7258048